Unit Astronomy the science of the stars 语言点教师.docx

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1、Unit Astronomy the science of the stars 语言点教师Book3 Unit 4学案 Warming up Language points In our solar _ eight planets circle around the sun. 在我们的太阳系中有八颗行星围绕着太阳转。 1). _ n.c 系统;体系;制度;方法 _ adj 有系统的; 有条理的 Eg: He introduced us a well-designed railway system. The economic system affects the whole countries.

2、 Under the new system, people love our country. (1) The _ _ (教育系统) operates very differently in the US and China. (2)太阳系包括太阳和它的八颗行星。 _ (3) 在新制度下,农民工(migrant workers)将受益很多。_ systematic educational system The solar system includes the sun and its eight planets. Under the new system, migrant workers wi

3、ll benefit a lot. Reading 一语法填空 No one knows how the earth began, as it happened so long ago. However, according to a 1._(wide) accepted theory, the universe began 2. _ a Big Bang that threw matter in all directions. After that, atoms began to form and combine to create stars and other bodies. For s

4、everal years after the Big Bang, the earth was still just a cloud of dust. What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe. The earth became so violent 3. _it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. It exploded loudl

5、y with fire and rock. They were in time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases, 4._ were to make the earths atmosphere. 5._ is even more important is that as the earth cooled low, water began 6._ (appear) on its surface. Water had also appeared on other planets like Mars but, 7._

6、the earth, it had disappeared later. It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the 8._(develop) of life. What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. This produced 9._ cha

7、in reaction, which made 10._ possible for life to develop. widely, with, that, which, What, to appear, unlike, development,a, it 二Language points: However, according to a widely accepted theory, the universe _ a Big Bang that threw matter in all directions. 然而,一种普遍为人们所接受的理论是:宇宙起源于一次大爆炸,这次大爆炸将物质投射到四面

8、八方。 1). _ 从/以开始 Eg:The party began/started with a song. He began/started the party with a 1 song. To begin/start with, we must apologize to our teacher for being late. 搭配归纳:_从/以开始 _以/从开始 _ 首先,第一点 (1) _, pets are good friends of many lonely people, especially the old. (2)His speech _ a poem. 他以一首诗开始他

9、的演讲。(句型转换) = _ begin/start with begin/start sth with to begin/start with To begin with began/started with He began/started his speech with a poem. The earth became so _ that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. 2). _ 猛烈的,激烈的,暴力的 _ n. 暴力行为,暴行 _ adv. 强烈地,激烈地 Eg:There was a violent win

10、d. Students were involved in violent clashes with the police. Whatever happens, we will never use violence. (1) The robbers bit them_, and they couldnt bear it any more so they decided to answer _ with _ and began their _ fight back. (2) 孩子不被允许看暴力电影。_ violent violence violently violently violence vi

11、olence violent Children are not permitted to watch violent movies. They were in time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases, which were to make the earth s atmosphere.它(地球)巨大的爆炸喷出了烈火与岩石。最终产生了水蒸气、二氧化碳、氧、氮和其他多种气体,从而形成了地球的大气层。 3). _ 及时;最终;迟早 _ 按时,准时 Eg: He will come on time even thou

12、gh it rains. The naughty boy play tricks on the old man all the time. We are glad that we can finish the task ahead of time. He tells lies at times. 归纳搭配: _ 一直;始终;老是 _提前 _ 有时 (1) I have kept on thinking about that _. (2) The bus is usually_, but it was late this morning. (3) We were just _ for the b

13、us. (4) _ I make mistakes when I speak English. (5) According to the rule, you cant leave school _ on time all the time, ahead of time, at times, all the time ,on time, in time, At times, ahead of time Water had also appeared on other planets like Mars but, _ the earth, it had disappeared later. 水也出

14、现在像火星那样的其他行星上,但和地球不同,其他行星上的水后来都消失了。 4). _ prep./adj.不像,与不同 adj._不太可能的,未必发生的 Eg: Unlike her sister, she is lazy. Its unlikely that it will rain tomorrow. She dislikes dogs, so she has a violent dislike for dogs. 搭配归纳:_ vt./n. 不喜欢,讨厌 2 (1) They are so _ that nobody believes they are sisters. (2) We _

15、being talked about. (3) 和他哥哥不一样,他不喜欢冒险。_ unlike unlike dislike unlike dislike Unlike his brother, he dislikes taking a chance. This produced a chain reaction, which _ for life to develop. 这就产生了一系列的反应,使得生命有可能开始发展了。 5)Eg: We made/consider/believe it our duty to support good leaders. 我们觉得支持好的领导是我们的职责。

16、I find/feel/think/ it difficult to solve the problem. 归纳: find/consider/believe/find/feel/think + _(形式宾语) +_/_(宾语补足语)+ 动词不定式, 真正的宾语是后面的_。 (1)My father _ (发现很奇怪)to dress up as a clown. (2)I _ (认为好)to keep a balanced diet. (3)We _ (规定)to get up at 6 oclock every morning. (4)我觉得和他友好相处是一个大问题. _ made it

17、possible it n./adj. it 不定式 found it strange feel/think/find/consider it good make it a rule I feel/think/consider/find it a big problem to get along well with him. They laid eggs too and _ on the earth for more than 140 million years.它们也生蛋,在地球上生存了1.4亿年。 6). _ vi. 存在;有 _ n. Eg: Its impossible for the

18、m to exist on such a small income. The earth exists in the universe. Do you know when the earth come into existence? 归纳搭配:_ 靠某物生存 _ 存在于某地方 _ 出现,产生, 开始存在 (1)They cant _ the money hes earning. (2)This hole _ since ancient times. (3)这个问题也存在农业里。_ exist existence exist on exist + prep. come into existenc

19、e exist on has come into existence This problem exists in agriculture as well. Thus they have, in their turn, become the most important animals on the planet.于是 他们接着成为这个行 星上最重要的动物。 7 ). _ 轮到某人;接着 Eg: We clean the classroom in turn. = We take turns to clean the classroom. It is my turn to clean the c

20、lassroom. The little boy laughed and cried by turns. 搭配归纳:_轮流;一个接着一个 _轮流 _轮到某人做某事了 _轮流;一阵一阵 (1)My mother went hot and cold _ _. (2)我们轮流着开车。_ (3)今天轮到谁发了?_ 3 in turn take turns (to do sth.) Its ones turn to do sth. by turns by turns We drove the car by turns / in turn. = We took turns to drive the car

21、. Whose turn is it to give a speech today? How life began on earth is one of the biggest puzzles that scientists found hard to solve. 地球上的生命是如何起源的,这是科学家们觉得最难解决的一个谜团。 8). _ n.谜;难题 vt.&vi. (使)迷惑;(使)苦思 _adj.感到困惑的(心理变化) _adj.令人费解的 Eg: The question puzzles us. They try their best to solve a puzzle. He is

22、 puzzling about/over a math problem. 归纳搭配:_ 某事使某人迷惑/为难 _解决一个难题 _对某事感到迷惑或苦苦思索 (1)She listened with a _ (puzzle) expression on her face. (2)He felt _ because of the _the situation. (3)I spent hours _ the theme of the poem . (4) 她的回答把我弄糊涂了。_ puzzle puzzled puzzling sth. puzzles sb. solve a puzzle puzzl

23、e about/over sth. puzzled puzzled puzzling puzzling over Her reply puzzled me. Using language As the rocket rose into the air, we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the_ of the earths gravity. 1). _ vt. 拉;拖;n. 牵引力,拉力 Eg: Horses were used to pull the plough(拉犁)in this vi

24、llage. A pull on the rope will make the bell ring. (1)I cant have him _ my hair all the time. (2)The tides depend on _(月亮引力作用). pulling the pull of the moon I_ immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin watching the earth become smaller and the moon larger. 我立刻感到很高兴,由于失重我在太空舱

25、里飘来飘去,我望着地球越来越小,而月球越来越大。 2). _ (使)高兴起来,感到高兴 Eg: Your visit has greatly cheered him up. (1) When I promised to help him, _(他立即高兴起来)。 (2) 这个消息使他的父母感到高兴。_ he cheered up at once. The news made his parents cheer up. /the news cheered his parents up./ his parents cheered up at the news. But when I tried t

26、o step forward, I found I was carried _ far _ on the earth and fell over.而当我试着向前迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是地球上的两倍,因而 3). _ 是的两倍 Eg: My swimming pool is twice as large as his. 我的游泳池是他的两倍。 My swimming pool is twice larger than his. 我的游泳池比他的大两倍。 My swimming pool is twice the size of his. 我的游泳池的规模是他的两倍。 归纳

27、:英语常见倍数的表示句型:倍数+ _ + _+ as 是的几倍 4 倍数+ _+ than 比(多/大)几倍 倍数+ _ +表示长度/高度/宽度等的名词+ _ 是的长度/高度/宽度几倍 注意:此结构中常用的名词有:size, height, weight, length, width depth等。 其中“两倍”用_, 三倍或三倍以上用_ 词+ times表达。 (1) The library is so big that it contains _(两倍的书)as that one. (2) The room is _ (比宽四倍)than theirs. (3) 这把尺子是那把的三倍长。(

28、一句多译)_ =_ =_ twice as.as. twice 倍数+ as + adj./adv. /n + as 2)倍数+ adj./adv.比较级+ than 3)倍数+ the +表示长度/高度/宽度等的名词+ of twice 基数 twice as many books four times wider 2). This ruler is three times as long as that one. = This ruler is twice longer than that one. = This ruler is three times the length of tha

29、t one. “Oh dear,” I cried, “ walking does need a bit of practice _ gravity has changed. “天哪,”我大声说,“既然重力改变了,看来走路也的确需要练一练了。” 4). _ 既然 (引导原因状语从句) Eg: Now that the weather is fine, lets go for a picnic. (1) _ you have finished your work, you can have a rest. 既然你已是大学生了,你应该学习独立。 _ Now that Now that you are a college student, you should learn to be independent. Watch out for. 密切注意;当心,提防 5)Eg: Watch out! There is a car coming. You should watch out for the strange woman. (1) You will be cheated if you dont _. (2) I think you should _ who is sitting there. watch out watch out for 5


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