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1、七选五专练七选五专练 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A You just arrived in an English-speaking country. How can you get the most benefit out of your journey? 1 Donts 2 This will lead you nowhere as you wont be able to improve your English or immerse (沉浸) in the new culture. The best way of knowing t

2、he English culture is by living among people who speak this language. If you packed books to read while on the road, make sure the books are in English. 3 This way you know whats happening in the book and you are somehow familiar with the plot so its easier for you to learn a few more words. Dos But

3、 when travelling to an English-speaking country there arent just things that you need to avoid. Here are some things you are advised to do in order to improve your English. Make friends among the locals. 4 Even if you dont speak English very well, you will certainly understand them. Visit their fami

4、lies and enjoy a great meal with them; you certainly wont regret it. Read the local newspapers, read every brochure you get your hands on and try to use the Internet while searching for something locally in English. Go shopping. This is an amazing experience and everybody will be nice to you and lis

5、ten to you even if your English is not that good. 5 Also, you will learn a few more things that will help you perfect your English. So next time you are in an English-speaking country, dont waste time thinking your English is not good enough. Go outside, meet people and speak the language! A. Fortun

6、ately, there is a lot of information on the Internet on all subjects possible. B. Instead, go to the local library and buy the classics in the English language. C. Avoid finding people who speak the same native language as you. D. Well, first you need to make sure that you know what to avoid. E. Thi

7、s way, you will end up with some cool new things. F. Theres nothing better than having fun with the locals. G. Also, buy books that you already read. B Being able to read is an important skill in todays society. It is important because it develops the mind and imagination. A person who knows how to

8、read can educate themselves in any area of life they are interested in. Reading is an active mental process that improves your concentration and focus. Since you must concentrate in order to read, this requires you to focus and think about what you are reading. 1 Studies show if you dont use your me

9、mory, it becomes more and more difficult to remember things. 2 It requires you to remember details, facts and figures, plot lines, themes and characters. The more you read, the more knowledgeable you become and with more knowledge comes more confidence. Reading about the diversity of life and exposi

10、ng yourself to new ideas and more information help to develop the creative side of the brain and bring innovations (创新) into your thinking process. 3 When you are well read, people will look to you for answers. Then your feelings about yourself get better. Even more confidence! When you are reading

11、books, especially challenging ones, you will probably find yourself exposed to many new words. Do you remember when you learned to read, how you learned to figure out the meaning of one word by reading the other words in the sentence? 4 Reading can help you get access to the diversity of ethnicity (

12、民族特点) of people, their customs and their lifestyles. Youll become more aware of different places. 5 Reading really widens your horizon (视野) of information, so youll always have something to talk about. A. So its a chain reaction. B. Reading helps to strengthen your memory muscles. C. If you are feel

13、ing bored, then pick up a book and start reading. D. Reading is one of the most enjoyable hobbies a person can have. E. You will get the same benefit for building your vocabulary from reading books. F. It makes you use your brain, helping you to reason out things which are unfamiliar to you. G. Ever

14、 found yourself in an embarrassing situation where you didnt have anything to talk about? C When I was fourteen years old, my mom and I didnt have money for a Christmas dinner, much less gifts. 1 Homemade gifts are nice, but I wasnt very imaginative and too poor for supplies. I decided to give my mo

15、m something I treasured myself a necklace. I didnt expect to get anything that year. It was about giving. I cleaned the necklace, and wrapped (包裹) it in the prettiest paper I could find. I was so excited; I couldnt wait for her to open it. Single moms have it hard, and I really wanted to see her smi

16、le. 2 I waited anxiously for her to open it but she just sat there with the box in her hands and looked at it. After what seemed a long time, she looked at me and said, “I have something for you, too.” She reached into her pocket, pulled out another small box, placed it in my hands and told me altho

17、ugh it was not much, it was filled with love. 3 I knew money was tight and hoped Mom hadnt spent money on something we couldnt afford. Inside the box, there was a tiny ring with a small diamond in the center. I got a huge lump in my throat (哽咽) and looked at her. She smiled and told me it had been h

18、er wedding ring from my dad. 4 I slipped it on my finger and hugged my mom. She opened my gift and when she saw the necklace, big tears filled her eyes. She asked me to put it on her. 5 I could only nod my head in agreement. A. I handed her the little box, hugged and kissed her and wished her a Merr

19、y Christmas. B. This Christmas, I give thanks for Mom and treasure every memory we two shared. C. I knew she was sad about it, and I was determined we wouldnt let it get us down. D. She held the necklace and told me she thought this was our best Christmas ever. E. We always opened our gifts on Chris

20、tmas Eve night. F. I was quite curious and a little scared. G. It was now mine. D Five Ways to Go Green and Save Green Climate change is in the news. It seems like everyones “going green.” Were glad you want to take action, too. Luckily, many of the steps we can take to stop climate change can make

21、our lives better. Lets start now. Save energy to save money. Set your thermostat (恒温器) a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs. 1 As much as 85 percent of the energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to heat the water. Unplug (拔掉的

22、电源插头) electrical equipment when youre not using it. Save water to save money. Take shorter showers to reduce water use. This will lower your water and heating bills too. Plant drought-tolerant (耐旱的) native plants in your garden. 2 Find out about these plants in your area. Fix a low-flow showerhead.

23、They dont cost much, and the water and energy savings can quickly pay back your money. 3 Walk or bike to work. This saves on gas and parking costs while improving your health and reducing your risk of being fat. Eat smart. If you eat meat, add one meatless meal a week. Meat costs a lot at the store

24、and its even more expensive when you consider the related environmental and health costs. 4 Purchasing from local farmers keeps money in the local economy. Avoid bottled water. 5 Use a water filter (过滤器) to make drinking water instead of buying bottled water. Not only is bottled water expensive, but

25、 it causes large amounts of container waste. A. When speaking of something to eat, try local products whenever you can. B. Our grandchildren and their children will thank us for living green. C. Bring a reusable water bottle with you when traveling or at work. D. Wash clothes in cold water whenever

26、possible. E. Less gas = more money and better health! F. Move a little nearer to your work. G. Many plants need little watering. 答案 A 1-5 DCGFE B 1-5 FBAEG C 1-5 CAFGD D 1-5 DGEAC 解析 A篇 本文是说明文。在英语国家旅行时,怎样做才能在语言和文化方面收获良多? 1. D。根据本空后的Donts及随后的内容可知,下文首先谈论的是要避免做的事情,所以到了一个说英语的国家旅行时,“首先要确保知道避免做哪些事情”。 2. C

27、。根据本段内容可知,了解英语文化最好的方法就是与说英语的人待在一起,那么自然就要“避免找那些和自己说一样母语的人”。 3. G。根据本空后一句中的you know whats happening in the book and you are somehow familiar with the plot可知,本空应该是说“买已经看过的书”。 4. F。本段建议大家和当地人交朋友。F项符合本段语境。 5. E。本段建议大家去购物。既然是购物,那么结果就可能会买到“一些很棒的新东西”。 B篇 本文是议论文。文章议论了读书的重要性。 1. F。本段主要议论了读书对培养专注力的好处。根据本空前一句我们

28、知道,读书需要专心,需要思考所读的东西,这一过程自然需要用到“大脑”,而且思考可以“帮助你弄清楚你不熟悉的东西”。 2. B。本段主要议论了读书对加强记忆力的好处。B项符合此处语境,其中memory muscles是解题的关键。 3. A。本段主要议论了读书可以使人们知识更加渊博,从而帮助人们提升自信。根据本空后的内容可知,当你饱读诗书时,人们会向你寻求很多事情的解决方法,这会使得你自我感觉更良好且更加自信。很明显,这是一个“连锁反应”。 4. E。本段主要议论了读书可以帮助人们学习新的词汇。E项符合此处语境,其中building your vocabulary是解题的关键。 5. G。本段主

29、要议论了读书可以帮助人们开阔视野,了解更多的人和事。根据本空后的youll always have something to talk about可知,读书破解了“无话可说的尴尬局面”。 C篇 本文是记叙文。在作者十四岁的时候,家里经济很困难,买不起圣诞礼物,但是作者和妈妈都送给了对方用心准备的礼物。 1. C。根据本段语境可知,作者家里经济很困难,吃不起圣诞晚餐,买不起圣诞礼物,但是作者还是给妈妈准备了礼物,这是因为作者“知道妈妈为此而难过”,所以“下决心不让自己和妈妈因此而沮丧”。 2. A。根据本空后的I waited anxiously for her to open it可推测,作者

30、把礼物“递给了”妈妈。 3. F。作者知道家里经济困难买不起礼物,所以很“好奇”妈妈会送给自己什么。再根据本空后的句子可知,作者同时又很“害怕”妈妈给自己买了负担不起的礼物。 4. G。既然妈妈把戒指送给了作者,那么“它就是我的了”。 5. D。即使家里经济很困难,但是作者和妈妈都送给了对方用心准备的圣诞礼物,所以对她们俩来说,“这个圣诞节是有史以来最棒的”。 D篇 本文是说明文。怎样才能生活得既环保又省钱呢?本文给出了几点建议。 1. D。本空后一句说“在机洗衣服的过程中,高达85%的能量用于加热水”,所以“在可能的情况下,用冷水洗衣服”就可以了。 2. G。本空前一句建议种植耐旱的植物。既然耐旱,自然“不需要浇多少水”。 3. E。根据接下来一段的内容可知,本条建议人们走路或者骑自行车上班,这样不仅可以省下油钱、停车费,而且有益健康,减少肥胖的风险。由此可知,E项适合作该段小标题。 4. A。本条建议是关于吃方面的。A项中不仅出现了something to eat,而且其中的local也在后一句中有所复现。 5. C。本条建议是关于不买瓶装水的。“旅游或者工作的时候带一个可重复使用的喝水杯”就可以避免买瓶装水。


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