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1、上海牛津英语高一上U12 语言点学生上海牛津英语 高一语言点 S1A U1-U2 S1A U1 Body Language I. Reading 1. well-dressed adj. 穿着讲究的 构词知识:副词+过去分词=形容词 _众所周知的事实 _高薪的工作 _新生的宝宝 2. glance v. & n. 匆匆一看 glance at = cast a glance at He _ his watch to see if he had enough time to catch the flight. I had no time so I just _ the headlines of

2、the newspaper. 3. senior adj. 级别高的;年长的 级别高的军官 _ 老年公民 _ 4. prefer v. 宁可;更喜欢 prefer sth.to sth. 比起喝咖啡我更喜欢喝茶。 _ prefer doing to doing 我更喜欢走路而不是骑车。 _ prefer to do 我们宁可在外吃饭。 _ 1 prefer to do rather than do= would do rather than do= would rather do than do 他宁愿看电视而不愿听音乐。 _ 5. communicate v. 交流,与联系 communic

3、ate with sb.与交流 人们通过各种方式来相互交流。 People _ in various ways. communicatesth. to sb. 肢体语言有助于演讲者将想法清楚地传达给听众。 Body language helps the speaker to _ the listeners clearly. _ n.交流,传达,通信;通讯设施 6. appearance n. 外表;出现 以貌取人是不对的。 Its not good to _. appear v.出现,显得,好像 It appears that= sth./sb. appear to do 似乎 她好像有很多朋

4、友。 _she has many friends. She _ many friends. There appear(s) to be 似乎有(appear单复数看后面的名词) 看来一直就有错. _ have been a mistake. _ there has been a mistake. 7. impression n. 印象 2 leave/ have/ make a impression on sb. 你对北京的第一印象是什么? What were your _ Beijing? 你说话的方式给顾客留下了好印象 The way you speak _ the customers.

5、impress v. 给 . 以深刻印象 impress sb. with sth. 给 . 以深刻印象 她的优雅让我印象深刻。 She _ her elegance. = Her elegance _. sth. deeply impress sb.= sb. be deeply impressed by sth.某事物给某人留下深刻印象 上海近十年的巨变给我留下了深刻的印象。 The great changes in Shanghai in the past decade _. I_ changes in Shanghai in the past decade. impressive ad

6、j. 令人难忘的 令人难忘的仪式 _ 令人难忘的讲话 _ 8. without hesitation 毫不犹豫 他毫不犹豫地接受了我的邀请。 He accepted the invitation _ hesitate v. 犹豫, 迟疑不决 hesitate to do 当你有麻烦的时候就来找我,不要犹豫。 3 by the great _ turn to me when you are in trouble. 9. remark v. / n. 说,评论 remark on / upon 就 发表看法,评论 评论他的外表是不对的。 Its not right to _. _ adj. 显著的

7、,非凡的 10. remind v. 提醒 remind sb. of/ to do/ that 这个故事让我想起我的童年。 This _. 请提醒我明天给我母亲写信。 Please _ my mother tomorrow. 妈妈提醒我上午8点和牙医有约。 My mum _ the dentist at 8 a.m. _ n.提醒记忆之物(便条,信件等) This is just a reminder to let you know that Marys arriving on Saturday. II. More Reading 1. faradj. 远 be far (away) fro

8、m 远离 他们的新房子离学校很远。 Their new house is _ the school. 4 far from远非 他在演讲比赛中的表现远不令人满意。 His performance in the speech competition is _. as/so far as 到程度;就而言 _,(就我而言) it is convenient to do shopping in that small city. _到目前为止 I have read over 20 English novels so far. far adv.很,极;修饰比较级。 结果比我预想的好得多。 It turn

9、ed out _(好得多)than I had expected. faraway adj. 遥远的 遥远的地方_ 遥远的未来_ far-reaching adj.深远的,广泛的 _深远的影响 2. contact n. 接触,联系 vt.与接触,与联系 eye contact 眼神交流 与某人保持联系_ with sb. 与某人取得联系_ with sb. 与某人有联系_ with sb. 与某人失去联系(状态)_ with sb. (动作)_ with sb. contact sb.联络某人=get in contact with sb. 如有疑问,可随时通过电话或电子邮件和我们联系。 I

10、f there is any doubt, you can _ by phone or by email at any time. 5 3. key n. 钥匙,关键 成功的关键是努力而非天赋。 _ is hard work rather than talent. 英语中讲某某的东西一般要用of,而key, entrance, answer, solution则多用to。 4. borevt.使厌烦 bored adj.感到厌烦的 be bored with对感到厌烦 一直要想方设法讨好老板,真让我厌烦。 _ trying every means to please my boss all t

11、he time. _ adj.令人厌烦的 a boring film 5. confusevt.使混淆,使混乱;使困惑,使糊涂 confuse A with B 把A与B混淆 _将数量与质量混为一谈 confused adj.困惑的,糊涂的 _ adj.令人困惑的,令人糊涂的 confusion n.混淆,困惑,糊涂 6. maintainvt. 维持,维修,维护,保养 _保持自然界的平衡 _维持物价稳定 _把他的车保养得很好 7. consider v. 认为;考虑;细想 consider (as/to be) 把看作 Mary被看作办理歌唱的最好的人。 Mary _ the best si

12、nger of the class. 能受邀出席晚宴,我深感荣幸。 I _ to be invited to dinner. 6 Jean感觉自己非常幸运。 Jean _. consider doing考虑做 我们考虑搬家到西雅图。 Were _. _ 综观一切 All things considered, College Entrance Examination can still not be cancelled in China. consideration n.考虑 take into consideration 把考虑在内=take into _ considerable adj.

13、(数量、程度等)相当大的,可观的 一大笔财产_ 8. lack n./vt.缺乏 lack of 缺乏, 缺少 Stress and tiredness often result in _. for lack of因为缺乏 The plant died _. lack (vt.) sth.=be lacking in sth. Though she _(尽管缺钱), she managed to send her son to university. Though she _(尽管缺钱), she managed to send her son to university. 9. avoidv

14、t. 避免 avoidsth./doing 避免做 She braked suddenly and _(避免了事故). She tried to _. 10. authority 权力 He had authority over all the people in the company before he retired. _ 掌权的 The problem was solved because those in authority responded wisely. S1A U2 Care for hair I. Reading 1. care n. 照顾,关心,小心 v.照顾,关心,介意

15、 take care of 照顾 take care (not to do) 小心,注意 Care for 喜欢, 对感兴趣, 照料 Care about 在乎,在意,关心 Exercises: 1) He doesnt care _ his performance. 2)“ How about going for the movies!” “ I dont _ movies.” 3) Her life was devoted to caring _ the sick and needy. 2. suit vt. 合适、适合 1) to be appropriate for sb. or st

16、h. 适合,中意 Note: suit 通常指衣服_等适合某人 fit 指东西的_合适 A size 42 shirt _. 42号的衬衣适合你。 Casual clothes dont _. 休闲装不适合他。 suitable adj.适合的 be suitable for sth. or sb. _ 8 3. guarantee vt. 保证 guarantee(sb.)sth./ to do/ that Driving after drinking wont _(保证安全). Even if you get the master degree, I cant _(保证你有高薪工作). T

17、he police _ only if he tells them the truth. guarantee n.保证,担保 _that they will succeed. 不能保证他们会成功. 4. This will make your hair soft and shiny. make 使役动词,使某人做某事,使某事发生 make+o.+v. 使机器工作_ 使我开心_ make+o.+c.(补语,adj.和n.) 使我生气_ 使厨房变得更大_ 5. balance n.平衡 v.使平衡;权衡;比较 _ 保持/破坏生态平衡 We should _. _ n.不平衡 6. in addit

18、ion此外 介词短语,作副词用,相当于词组as well,一般位于两个句子中间或位于句末。There are many shops around the railway station. _, there are some newly-built hotels there. in addition to除之外,还 9 短语介词,相当于as well as和 besides _, he has to study a second foreign language. They have one hour to read newspapers _. 7. apply v. 1)敷用,涂抹 The n

19、urse has _. 2) 申请 apply to sb. for sth. She has _ as a secretary.(向这家公司社情担任秘书) apply to把应用于 _ 把理论应用于实践 application: n. 申请书 There are more than 300 _ the post of head teacher. 8. loosen v.变松,松开 Its too hot, and he _. 天气太热,他松开了他的领带。 后缀-en加在某些形容词或名词后构成_ widen sharpen shorten strengthen lengthen 前缀en-加在

20、名词或形容词上转变成_ enlarge enable endanger 10 9. set v. (-tt-)放置,设置,日月落下 n.一套 set about doing= set out to do 着手做 You cant _ before you have collected all the data and information.(着手写论文) set aside 留出、拨出 I try to _ every day to do exercise. set off/out 出发 He_ without breakfast.他没吃早饭就出发了。 _建立 _ 一套 _ n.背景 II.

21、 More Reading 1. ensure v. 保证, 确保 ensuresth. 保证某事 ensure sb. sth. 确保某人某事 ensure that 保证 ensure sb. from/against sth. 保证某人不发生某事 We must e_. This medicine will _. Please _ at night. 词义辨析: ensure (确保,保证, make certain) I want to _ (保证没有事情出错) tomorrow assure (确保;向某人保证, make sb. believe sth.) I want to _

22、(向你保证没有事情出错) tomorrow 11 I can _ (向你保证我全力支持) for your plan. Weeks of practice _in the match. insure 为保险; 投保 The owner insured the house for $4,000. She insured her car against theft. guarantee 对事物的品质或人的行为做出“保证” The camera is guaranteed for one year. 2. adequate adj. 足够的 Martin decided that he had no

23、 adequate proof. _ 三个分别表示:足够可能有盈余足够刚刚好 enough: 最普通用词,口语、书面语可用,较侧重分量或数量的足够,多指希望的满足。 sufficient: 正式用词,侧重数目或数量或程度达到某一特定要求或需要。 adequate: 指数量上足够,质量上适当。 3. rob v. 抢劫, 掠夺 rob sb. of sth. 那位富太太被抢去了全部的财务。 _. 多次失败已经使他丧失了自信心。 Many failures _. 4. sure adj.确信的 adv.的确,当然 be sure of/that/wh- 我们确信他是无辜的。 We are sure

24、 _. We are sure _. We are not sure _.12 be sure to do sth (口语)一定要,务必做某事 _ whether you will come to the party tomorrow evening. make sure that/wh- 确保你中午会准时到达。 _. _必定 综合练习 1. 在公众场合,用手机大声打电话被认为是粗鲁的,并且要避免。 2. 事实上,我更喜欢和有礼貌的人交谈。( prefer) 3. 孩子对父母说话的方式应该表现出尊重 (the way). 4.他走进房间时,她朝他看了一眼,又深深地叹了口气。 5.给别人留下好印

25、象的关键就是注意你交流的方式 (key, impression) 6.在西方文化中,交谈时保持眼神交流是必要的。 7.老师常常提醒我们要毫不犹豫地向她寻求帮助,并且她总是使我们感到受欢迎。 8.如果你不知道解决这些问题的关键是什么,请直接问我。 13 9.经理叫他的秘书提醒他下周参加一个重要会议。 10.一定要选择合适你发质的护发用品。 11.由于缺乏有效的教学经验,他没能得到那份工作。 12.多喝水能防止头发变得干燥。 13.除了美丽的容颜,岁月还悄然夺走了她的勇气。 14.河上仅有的一座桥在地震中被毁了。 15.为了保证孩子的健康成长,家长应该注意孩子每晚睡多少时间。 16你穿绿色的很漂亮,看来绿色很适合你呀。 17. 听到她儿子打破世界纪录的消息,她高兴至极。 18. 无法保证这药会立即生效。 14 19. 为保持健康,你必须要有均衡膳食。此外,经常锻炼身体也是很重要的。 15


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