六下,新人教,第三单元教案,Unit3 , Where did you go.docx

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《六下,新人教,第三单元教案,Unit3 , Where did you go.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六下,新人教,第三单元教案,Unit3 , Where did you go.docx(20页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、六下,新人教,第三单元教案,Unit3 , Where did you goUnit3 Where did you go? 单元教学目标: 知识目标: 1、掌握一般动词过去式的变化规则以及部分不规则的过去式形式,并得出相关规律。 2、掌握四会单词和重点句子。 3、能运用所学句型来询问他人在过去的时间里所做的事情并作答,以及描述自己在过去的时间里所做的事情。 4、会唱歌曲Tell me about your holiday。 5、能独立完成Lets try, Read and write, Lets check, Lets wrap it up中练习 6、能理解story time部分的故事内容

2、并进行故事表演。 能力目标: 1、培养学生听说读写等综合运用知识的能力。 2、培养学生的阅读理解能力 情感目标: 教育学生要合理安排时间,使自己假期的活动丰富多彩起来。 教学重难点: 一般过去时的构成结构极不规则动词的过去式。 课时分配(六课时) 第一课时 A.Lets learn A.Listen,answer and write 第二课时 A.Let try A.Lets talk 第三课时 B.lets learn B.Look and say 第四课时 B.Let try B.Lets talk 第五课时 B.Read and write 第六课时 B lets check B.Let

3、s wrap it up C.story time 1 The first period 教学内容:Lets learn Listen, answer and write 教学目标: 1.能听说读写单词及词组: rode, rode a horse, rode a bike, went ,went camping, hurt, hurt my foot and went fishing. 2.能听说认读句子:Where did you go last Saturday? I went to a forest park. What did you do there? I rode a bike.

4、 3.会唱歌曲Tell me about your holiday 教学重点: 1.学习五个短语,注意ride, go, hurt的过去式。 2.学生能用句型进行简单的对话。 教学重点: 学生能用句型进行简单的对话 教学准备:PPT, CD, word Cards 教学过程: 一、Warming up 1.、Greeting T:Good morningafternoon, boys and girls. S:Good morningafternoon, Miss Chen. T: Welcome back to our class. Glad to see you again. S: Gla

5、d to see you, too. T: How are you today? S: Fine, thanks. . 2、Show the pictures and Go over the phrases of Unit 2 S1: watched TV. S2: I wathched TV S3: I wathced TV last weekend. (同样的方法复习cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, read a book, saw a film, had a cold and slept. ) 3、 Free talk

6、. - What did you do last weekend? - I watched TV./ . (用句式来进行提问,帮助孩子们尽快的进入学习状态) 二、Presentation 1、Lets learn 1) 教学短语:出示本部分的教学挂图, T:Where did John go last Tuesday and Saturday?引导学生先说出已经认识的词组:went fishing 然后出示新单词rode a horse, went camping, rode a bike, hurt my foot, 依次认读学习新单词。学习过去式:roderide; went-go; hu

7、rthurt(并在黑板上板书) 2 2) 操练单词 四人一小组,组内认读单词,教师巡视,帮助个别发音困难的学生 播放录音,学生跟读单词,教师在旁注意纠正发音 出示单词卡片学生快速认读单词 ask and answer(if you are John) T: What did you do last SaturddayTuesday? 鼓励学生用I rode a horse, went camping, rode a bike, hurt my foot, went fishing来回答,既可以巩固句式,又可以加强单词的运用。 3) 教师领读板书的短语,然后带领学生做动词原形和动词过去式的交换练

8、习,如:T: rode a horse. S: ride a horse(可以师生交换着来念) 4) 教师播放lets learn中的录音,学生一边跟读一边用手指出所读的句子。然后让学生同桌合作进行对话。如: S1: Where did you go last Saturday? S2: I went to a forest park. S1: What did you do there? S2: I rode a bike. 2、Listen, answer and write 教师播放此部分录音,学生完成相关的练习,然后教师问学生答得形式核对答案,并再次总结一下本课时所学的新词组。 三、C

9、onsolidation& Extension 1、学生两人一组,每人在纸条上写两个用过去时态的句子,然后把句子沿着单词间隙处剪开并打乱顺序。学生交换剪下来的单词,看谁能最先把同伴的两个句子排列好。教师请先排列好句子的几位学生上台读出句子。 2、have some test 选一选,连连看 1) What size are your shoes? A. I wnet to the bookstore. 2) Where did you go yesterday? B. I am 45 kg. 3) How heavy are you? C. Size 7. 4) What did you do

10、 last night? D. It was fine. 5) How was you weekend? E. I watched TV. 连一连,读一读。 1) 他上周六去钓鱼。 A. I hurt my foot last Tuesday. 2) 我妈妈上周末去野营。 B. She rode a bike last Monday. 3) 约翰昨天去骑马。 C. He went finshing last Saturday. 4) 她上周一骑自行车。 D. My mum went camping last weekened. 5) 我上周二伤了脚。 E. John rode a horse

11、yesterday. 四、Summing up 1、师生共同总结本课时的重点句子和新词组 2、Homework: 1) 抄写并背诵四会短语 2) 用本课时句型写一个对话。 了 3 The second period 教学内容:Lets try Lets talk 教学目标: 1.能听懂Lets try并完成Tick and cross. 2.能理解Lets talk并能听说认读下列句子: What happend? Are you all right? Im OK now. Where did you go? It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan

12、? Yes, we did. 3.能听说认读单词 fell off, mule,could, till, Labour Day, Turpan 教学重点: 1.能理解Lets talk并能听说认读下列句子: What happend? Are you all right? Im OK now. Where did you go? It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did. 2.能听说认读单词 fell off, mule,could, till, Labour Day, Turpan 教学重点: 学生能理解并朗读对话 教学准

13、备:PPT, CD, word Cards 教学过程: 一、Warming up 1.、Greeting T:Good morningafternoon, boys and girls. S:Good morningafternoon, Miss Chen. T: Welcome back to our class.Nice to see you again. S: Nice to see you, too. T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its 2、Review the words 1) 出示单词卡片认读单词词组 2) 根据发音或是图片,快速做出相应

14、的应答 3) 跟教师齐念单词词组,巩固发音 3、Free talk -Where did you go last Sunday/ Saturday? - I went to a forest park. - What did you do there? - I rode a bike. / . 二、Presentation 1、Ask and answer T: How was your weekend, S1? S1: It was. T: Where did you go? S1: I went to 4 T: What did you do? S1: I. (通过句式的问答帮助学生回忆巩

15、固相关的句型,也重温了一下相关的单词和词组,也方便了lets learn 的导入) 2、Lets talk 1) 出示本部分的挂图,引出John所去的地方:Tianshan, Xinjiang, Turpan 2) 学习lets talk部分的句子 第一遍听录音,学生静听,然后说说你听到了什么? 出示lets talk 部分,学生小组内合作,画出不理解的句子 师生一起理解重点单词和句型fell off, mule,could, till, Labour Day, Turpan What happend? Are you all right? Im OK now. Where did you g

16、o? It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did. I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot. 3) 学生听录音,老师教读对话。 4) 学生小组阅读对话并回答问题。 (1). What happened to John? (2). Where did John go overhis holiday? (3). What did he do? 三、Consolidation& Extension 1、lets try 1) 看题目,猜一猜 2) 听录音,完成任务,再师生核

17、对 2、.Role play. 学生灵活运用本课时句型和所学词组扮演John和Amy打电话。 3、Have a test填一填,译一译,读一读 1) r_ de a ho_se ( ) 2) rode a b_ke ( ) 3) w_nt c_mping ( ) 4) h_ _t my f_ _t ( ) 5)went f_shing ( ) 6) till ( ) 7.f_ll off ( ) 四、Summing up 1、师生共同总结本课时的重点句子和新词组 2、Homework: 1) 熟读Lets talk. 2) 背会并书写教学目标中的句子。 板书设计: Unit 3 Where d

18、id you go? fell off, mule,could, till, Labour Day, Turpan -What happened? -I hurt my foot. -Are you all right? -Im OK now. -Did you go to Turpan? -Yes, we did. / No, we didnt. 5 The third period 教学内容:lets learn .Look and say 教学目标: 1.听说读写单词和词组: ate, took, bought, gift, took pictures. 2.听说认读句子:How was

19、 your summer holiday? It was good. I went fishing every weekend and took lots of pictures. 教学重点: 1.听说读写单词和词组: ate, took, bought, gift, took pictures. 2.听说认读句子:How was your summer holiday? It was good. I went fishing every weekend and took lots of pictures. 教学重点: 1.听说读写单词和词组: ate, took, bought, gift,

20、 took pictures. 2.掌握不规则动词的过去式。 教学准备:PPT, CD, word Cards 教学过程: 一、Warming up 1、Greeting with each other T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Chen. T: Welcome to come back English class. Are you happy now? S: Yes. Im happy to see you again. . 2、review the words and sentences about las

21、t lesson 1) show the word cards and read the words “应答”训练,师说中文,生答英文;师说英文,生答中文 现在时和过去式的单词说说,巩固不规则动词的变形 Translate the following sentences: What happend? Are you all right?Im OK now.It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan?Yes, we did. 2) read the content about lets talk 请个别学生演绎对话 男女生分角色朗读 全班齐读对话 二、P

22、resentation 1、lets learn 1) 教学短语 出示本部分的教学挂图,说说图片的意思:eat fresh food, take pictures, buy gifts, go swimming. (学习巩固图片所表示的意思) 6 教师用“What do you often do on the weekend?”来询问学生,鼓励学生用刚接触的短语来回答,并尽量使用句型:I often来回答 2) 过去式单词认读 引用What did you do last Saturday? 来引出单词的变化:ate fresh food,went swimming, took picture

23、s, bought gifts 3) 单词操练 学生两人小组读短语:一人做动作,一人用动词的过去式说短语。 出示单词卡片,学生认读,教师领读 4) 句型问答 T: What did you do last Sunday? Ss: I ate fresh food . (替换相关的词组和时间,师生和生生进行分别的练习) T:How was your summer holiday? Ss: It was good. I went fishing every weekend and took lots of pictures. 师生互答。 5) Play the tape of Lets learn

24、. 学生跟读。 2、Finish Look and say and read these sentences. 三、Consolidation& Extension 1填一填,译一译,读一读。 A. lots of B. How C. How much D. went 1. _was your summer holiday? 2. I took_(许多) pictures. 3. _多少钱)is this? 4. I _(去) swimming last Sunday. 2、写出下列动词的过去式。 eat- take- buy - read - see - 3连词成句。 3. youdidwh

25、eregoSundaylast (?)4. Ilotstookofpictures (.) 5. allarerightyou (?) 1. did what do youlastMonday(?) 2.ate he fresh foodyesterday (.) 四、Summing up 1、师生共同总结本课时的重点句子和新词组 2、Homework: 抄写并背诵本课时四个四会短语 板书设计: Unit 3 Where did you go? ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts. eatate taketook

26、 buy bought - How was your summer holiday? - It was good. I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures. 7 The fourth period 教学内容:lets try .Lets talk 教学目标: 1.听说读写句子:How did you go there? We went there by plane. Sound greats. 2、能独立完成lets try 中的听力练习。 3、能听说认读单词beach. Important &difficult poin

27、ts 教学重点: 1.理解Lets talk部分的内容并能听说认读学习目标中的句子。 2.用所学句型简单介绍自己的winter holiday. 教学重点: 1、能听说认读单词beach. Important &difficult points 教学准备:PPT, CD, word Cards 教学过程: 一、Warming up 1、Greeting with each other T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Chen. T: Welcome to come back English class. Are yo

28、u happy now? S: Yes. Im happy to see you again. T: 2、Show pictures and go over the phrases 1) 出示图片,说说相关的词组并进行过去式的变动 2) 出示单词卡片,认读单词,学生巩固发音 3、Free talk: T: How was your holiday? Ss: It was good. T: What did you do? Ss: I went swimming. (先师生进行对话,然后学生两两一对,进行互问互答) 二、Presentation 1、lets talk 1) 教师让学生尝试用句子

29、How do you go to school?改为过去形式,同时进行适当引导,使学生得出句子:How did you go to school? 教师用更多的地点来进行替换操练:How did you go to?教师板书并教读句型。 2) ask and answer T: Where did you go on the holiday? Ss: I went to . T: How did you go there? Ss: I went there by plane./ . 教师板书并教读句型:: How did you go there? I went there by plane.

30、/ .并对交通工具进行替换,在复习了交通工具的单词上(train, subway, walk, bus, car, ferry, ship, boat, bike, on foot)又操练了句型。 3)出示lets talk部分的教学挂图让学生讨论P26的五张图片。 4) 学生听录音,老师教读对话,大致了解对话内容。 5) Read and answer the questions: 8 Where did Amy go last winter holiday? How did she go there? What did she do there? How was the beach? 师生

31、再听录音,核对答案,并学习sound great词组的运用。 6) 跟录音朗读,教师帮助学生纠正发音 2、lets try 1) 教师讲解题目 2) 学生听录音,完成听力练习 3) 播放第二次录音,师生核对答案 三、Consolidation& Extension 1、Role play 同桌合作,分角色朗读对话 2、四人一小组,改编对话,并由两人表演出来. S1: Where did you go last winter holiday? S2: I went to . S1: How did you go there? S2: We went there by . S1: What did

32、 you do there? S2: I . S1: Sounds great! 3、have a rest 1) 补全下列单词并翻译 _te fresh food w_nt swi_ming t_ok pict_res b_ _ght g_fts be_ch g_od gre_t 2、单项选择 _did you go to Shanghai? - By plane. A. What B. How C. When John took _pictures last weekened. A. lots B. lot of C. lots of _did you go last Monday? I

33、went to the gym. A. Where B. What C. How - How was your winter holiday? - _ . A. It is good. B. I went swimming. C. It was good. 四、Summing up 1、师生共同总结本课时的单词和句子 2、Homework: 1) 熟读Lets talk. 2) 正确书写第三单元的句子。 板书设计: Unit 3 Where did you go? Where did you go last winter holiday? I went to . How did you go

34、there? We went there by . What did you do there? I . Sounds great! 9 The Fifth period 教学内容:Read and write 教学目标:1.理解Read and write的内容并完成后面的练习。 2.能听说认读单词basket, part, licked, laughed 3.能听懂,会说句子Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressd up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a

35、 good day! 教学重点: 1.能听懂会说学习目标中的句子。 2. 理解It was a bad day but also a good day!的意思。 教学重点: 理解短文中出现的新单词、短语以及句子 教学准备:PPT, CD, word Cards 教学过程: 一、Warming up 1.、Greeting T:Good morningafternoon, boys and girls. S:Good morningafternoon, Miss Chen. T: Welcome back to our class.Nice to see you again. S: Nice t

36、o see you, too. T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its 2、Go over phrases: rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing, ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts 出示单词卡片,认读单词,注意过去式的不规则变法。 3、. Free talk T: How was your last Sunday? Ss: It was fine. T: Where did

37、 you go? Ss: I went to . T: What did you do there? Ss: I rode a bike./ . 二、Presentation Read and write 1、Ask and answer T: Something may happen everyday. Something is good and something is bad. Can you tell me about your day?(教师就这一天中的好事和坏事让学生来说一说,活跃课堂氛围,也为教学内容埋下伏笔) 2、Work in four ,read the content a

38、nd finish the question 1) 四人一小组,进行阅读并讨论短文内容。要求每个小组选出一名小组长,对组内人员进行分工,然后组内按顺序汇报阅读的讨论结果,理顺短文内容,并10 画出不理解的单词或句子,如:thought, cheetah, trip, woke等。组长做好相应记录,教师鼓励学生用简短的句子概括段落大意。 You can discuss with your partner. 教师板书讲解单词及句子:basket, part, licked, laughed. Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dres

39、sd up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day! 学生小组阅读并讲解课文,教师答疑,完成练习on page 29 2) Play the tape to listen to the passage. 完成Number the pictures部分的练习 3) 领读Read and write 中的句子并纠正读音 4) Now write about your bad but good day 让学生根据提示,完成课本上的填写,并请个别学生来说说自己所写的内容,并放在投影下展示,对书写端正句式完整的学生给予一定的

40、奖励。并学习句子:“Bad luck often brings good luck.塞翁失马,焉知非福 三、Consolidation& Extension 根据Read and write选择正确的短语完成下面的空格。 It was a sunny day. Wu Yifan and his family_a bike for three people. They _, _, and ate_. However, his mum_bad fruit and she didnt feel well. To make his mum happy, Wu Yifan and his dad _an

41、d made afunny play. 四、Summing up 1、师生共同总结本课时的单词和句子 2、Homework: 1) 师生共同总结本单元的重难点 2) 跟读录音,念read and write部分的内容五遍 3) 完成活动手册上的配套练习 板书设计: Unit 3 Where did you go? basket part licked laughed Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressd up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good

42、day! 11 The Six period 教学内容: B lets check B.Lets wrap it up C.story time 教学目标:1.复习本单元三会,四会单词和词组,四会句型。 2、能够理解story time 的故事,并能分角色表演出故事 3、能完成Lets check, lets wrap it up两部分的内容 教学重点:1.复习并掌握本单元的单词和句子 2. 借助图片理解Story time中的故事。 3、能完成Lets check, lets wrap it up两部分的内容 教学重点:复习并掌握本单元的单词和句子 教学准备:PPT, CD, word Ca

43、rds 教学过程: 一、Warming up 1、greeting T: Good afternoon, children. How are you? S: Hello, Miss Chen. Im fine. How about you? T: Fine, too. Thank you. Whats the weather like today? S: Its. 2、 Review the words 出示短语图片,学生说单词(原形) 让学生根据短语,说出词组的过去式 师生一同复习过去式的规则变法和不规则的单词 3、Ask and answer(复习本单元的句子) .T: How was your winter holiday? Ss: It was fine. T: Where did you go? Ss: I went to . T: How did you go there? Ss: By . T: What did you do there? Ss: I . (就着句子的问答,帮助孩子们融会贯通句式的使用,并熟悉其问答,先师生问答,然后进行生生问答,鼓励学生开口说英语) 4、Enjoy the song: Tell me about your holiday. 二、Presentati


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