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1、初一英语下册第十单元重点复习与检测初一英语下册重点复习与检测 Unit 10 Id like some noodles. 单元大归纳 1. would like 想要 2. take ones order 点菜 3. beef soup 牛肉汤 4. one bowl of 一碗 5. what size 什么尺寸 6. mapo tofu with rice带米饭的麻婆豆腐 7. what kind 什么种类 8. small / medium / large bowl 小/ 中/大碗 9. green tea 绿茶 10. orange juice 橘汁 11. around the wo

2、rld 世界各地 12. birthday cake 生日蛋糕 13. the number of 的数量 14. make a wish 许个愿望 15. blow out 吹灭 16. in one go 一口气 17. come true 实现 18. cut up 切碎 1. would like + sth. 想要某物 2. would like + to do sth. 想要做某事 3. Why dont you + do sth.? 何不做某事? 4. the number of + 名词复数的数量 1. What kind of noodles would you like?

3、你想要哪种面条? 2. Id like beef noodles, please. 我想要牛肉面。 3. What size would you like? 你想要多大的? 4. Id like a medium bowl, please. 我想要一个中碗的。 5. Would you like a large bowl? 你想要一个大碗的吗? 6. Yes, please. 好吧。 7. If he or she blows out all the candles in one to, the wish will come true. 假如他或她一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛,愿望将实现。 My Fa

4、vorite Food Im a middle school student. I like to eat healthy food. I have milk, eggs and bread for breakfast. For lunch I would like rice, fish and vegetables. I like chicken, juice, rice and hamburgers for supper. Of all the food, my favorite food is chicken and apple juice. 一、选择填空题 在下面每小题所给的四个答案中

5、有一个能够完成本题的正确答案,请把其代号填入左边括号内: ( )1. It _ sunny today, but it _ cloudy yesterday. A. is, is B. was, was C. is, was D. was, is ( )2. I _ at school now, but I _ at home an hour ago. A. am, am B. was, was C. am, were D. am, was ( )3. - _ there any students in the classroom? - No, there arent. But there _

6、 some half an hour ago. ( ( A. Are, were B. were, are C. are, are D. were, were )4. - Where _ you last night? - I _ at home. A. are, am B. am, am C. were, was D. were, were )5. _ Nancy at home last weekend? No, she _. She was in the library with her friends. A. Is, isnt B. Was, wasnt C. Did, didnt D

7、. Was, isnt ( )6.That made me very happy. A.felt B.feels C.feel D.felling ( )7. _ you often go to the beach? No, but I _ last Sunday. A. Do, go B. Did, went C. Do, did D. Did, do ( )8.At first she like math., but now she . A.didnt ; did B.doesnt ; does C. didnt ; does D. doesnt ; did ( )9. What _ Ke

8、vin _ on weekends? A. is, doing B. does, do C. did, do D. is, do ( )10. What _ Cathy and Glora _ now? A. are, doing B. do, do C. did, do D. are, do ( )11. What _ Dean _ last Saturday night? A. is, doing B. does, do C. did, do D. was, do ( )12. I watched Wang Wang _ with a friendly white cat ten minu

9、tes ago. A. played B. to play C. plays D. play ( )13.What did you decide after lunch? A.did B. to do C. doing D.does ( )14.I dont have money a computer . A.any; for B.some; for C.little; with D.some; with ( )15. Last weekend we had great fun _ on the beach. A. played B. to play C .playing D. play 二、

10、完形填空: Some years ago there was an old woman. She had no children because she did not like children at all. But she loved cats. She had mother cats and baby cats. She had black cats and white cats. The children in the neighborhood came to her house to play with the cats. More and more cats came to th

11、e old womans house. There were too many cats. The old woman couldnt (不能) feed them all. Then she had an idea (主意). “The children love my cats,” she thought (想). So she gave each child a cat. Then she was very happy. And the children were very happy, too. And the cats were pleased, too, because they

12、each had a room. ( )26. The old woman didnt like . A. old cats B. baby cats C. old people D. children ( )27. Why did the children come to the womans house? A. To look at her house B. To help the old woman C. To play with the cats D. To buy young cats ( )28. The word “feed” in the passage means . A.

13、give food to B. look after C. live with D. play games ( )29. The woman gave each child a cat because . A. the children liked the cats B. she couldnt feed so many cats C. more cats came to her house D. children came to her house very day ( )30. Finally (最后) the woman . A. began to love children B. so

14、ld (卖掉) all her cats to children C. bought enough food for the childrens cats D. could get enough (足够的) food for the cats in her house Bill and Sue were brother and sister. They studied in the same school. One day, on the way home they saw some nice birds. But they had no money to buy them. Sue had

15、a good idea. On Saturday and Sunday they went to their farm and help their father pick apples. So their father gave them twenty dollars. Sue and Bill went to Mr. Kings shop after school, Every one of them bought a bird. One is yellow, the other is green. The yellow one is smaller than green one. The

16、y liked them very much. ( )31. Bill was Sues _ . A. father B. mother C. brother D. sister ( )32. _ they went to work for money. A. Every day B. After school C. at night D.On Saturday & Sunday ( )33. They helped their father _ on the farm. A. clean the room B. pick apples C. water the trees D. cook s

17、upper ( )34. Bill and sue bought _ in Mr. Kings shop. A. two dogs B. two apple C. two birds D. apples ( )35. The green bird was _ than that yellow one. A. bigger B. cheaper C. better D. smaller The police in the big city were looking for a thief. At last they caught (捉住catch的过去式) him. When they were

18、 taking photos of him from the front, from the left, from the right, with a hat, without (不戴) a hat, he suddenly attacked (袭击) the police and ran off. The police tried to catch (捉住) him, but he got away. A week later the telephone rang in the police station, and somebody said, “You are looking for B

19、ill Cross, arent you? Well, he went to Waterbridge an hour ago.” Waterbridge was a small town 150 kms away from the city. Four photos of the thief were sent (送到) to the police in Waterbridge at once by (由) the city police. Not more than 12 hours later they got a call from the police station in Water

20、bridge, “We caught 3 of the man,” they said happily, “and we will catch the 4th this evening, we think.” ( )36. In the passage, “somebody” may (可能) be _ . A. the police in Waterbridge B. someone in the city C. the man taking photos D. the thief himself ( )37. The police in Waterbridge caught three o

21、f men according to (根据) _ . A. the facts (事实) B. the phone C. the photos D. the news ( )38. In fact (实际上) the police the thief. A. caught B. did not catch C. were sure (确信) to catch D. were not sure to catch ( )39. The story happened (发生) in . A. a city B. a town C. the country D. A and B ( )40. Who

22、 made a ridiculous mistake (可笑的错误) in the passage? A. the police in the city B. the thief C. the police in Waterbridge D. the police in the city 四、任务型阅读 Dear Julia , Last weekend was a busy time for me . (A) It was a mixture of work and fun . On Sturday morning . My parents went shopping for clothes

23、 . My brother Henry played basketball with his friends . (B) I studied for the math test at home .In the afternoon , I went to the beach . On Saturday night my family had dinner together .Then we went to the movies. On Sunday morning , my brother and I cleaned our rooms . In the afternoo , my grandp

24、arents visited us . We were happy to see them . They had dinner with us . After dinner , we watched TV . I was tired on Sunday night . I went to bed early . David 1. How was Davids last weekend ? 2. What did Davids parents do on Saturday morning ? 3. Who came to Davids house on Sunday afternoo ? 4.

25、将句译成汉语 5. 将句译成汉语 五单词拼写( 10分) 1. The watch is too e and I want to buy the cheap one . 2. The food is very d . I like it very much . 3. I found a girl _(哭) in the corner on my way home yesterday. 4. There are many old things on show in the m . 5. Where did you go on your _(假期)? 6. Her sweater was not

26、cheap, it was _(昂贵的). 7. She _(学习) for exams last week. 8. Cathy _(听) to popular music last night. 9. Jim _(去) to movies with his friends last weekend. 10. She _(看) an interesting talk show yesterday. 句子转换(10分) 1. I cleaned my room yesterday.(就划线部分提问) _ _ you _ yesterday? 2. Her vacation was great.

27、(就划线部分提问) _ _ her vacation? 3. Jim went to the library last night.(改为一般疑问句) _ Jim _ to the library last night? 4. They went back to the hotel on foot last night. They _ back _ the hotel last night. 5. She did her homework last night.(改为否定句) She _ _ her homework last night. 6. 你们假期去了哪里? _ _ you _ _ y

28、our vacation? 7. 昨晚她做什么? 去买东西。 _ _ you do last night? I _ _. 8. 上星期天气怎么样?又闷又热。 _ _ the weather last week? It was hot and humid. 9. 兆康商场昨晚人头拥拥。 The Zhao Kang Shop _ very _ last night. 10. 孩子们在水中玩得很开心。 The kids _. 七、补全对话(5分) A:_? B: It was great. I enjoyed it. A: _? B: My family went to the Great Wall

29、. We visited my uncle in Beijing. A: _? B: No, I stayed at home and studied for the math exam, _.Did you go? A: Yes, I did. I saw the Rush Hour last night. B: _? A: It was really exciting. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ A. Was it exciting B. How was your vacation C. How was the movie D. Frank helped me st

30、udy it E. Where did you go on vacation F. What did you do last night G. Did you go to a movie last night 八、书面表达(10分) 以 “My Busy Day”为题描述你昨天的活动情况。 _ _ 参考答案 一、15 CDACB 610 DCDBA 1115 CDBCC 二、1620 BCDCA 2125 BCDBC 三、2630 DCABD 3135 CDBCA 3640 DCBDC 四、41. rainy 42. feel 43. crying 44. delicious 45. vaca

31、tion 46. expensive 47. studied 48. listened 49. went 50. saw 五、51. What did do 52. How was 53. Did go 54. walked to 55. didnt do 六、56. Where did go on 57. What did, went shopping 58. How was 59. was crowed 60. had great fun playing in the water 七、6165 BEGDC 八、参考文章: My Busy Day It was Sunday yesterda

32、y and I was very busy. I got up at 6:10. I did sports and then had breakfast. After breakfast, I cleaned my room. Then I played the guitar for two hours. I cooked lunch for my family because my parents were at work. In the afternoon, I played soccer with my friends in the park. I was really tired and came back home at 6:20 pm. Then I ate dinner, after dinner I took a shower and watched TV for about an hour. I did my homework at 8:30 at night. I went to bed at 10:30.


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