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1、剑桥雅思考官作文范例之影响幸福的因素剑桥雅思考官作文范例之影响幸福的因素 这一节小编给大家带来剑桥雅思考官作文范例:影响幸福的因素,供大家参考借鉴,希望大家通过本章节的学习在原有基础上提高一个档次,提高自己的雅思成绩。 剑桥雅思考官作文范例:影响幸福的因素 剑桥雅思考官作文范例:影响幸福的因素是很好的备考材料。众所周知剑桥雅思系列全部选自雅思考试真题,故而一直被视作雅思备考的圣经,这么好的复习材料,赶快一同分享吧。 Topic:Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What

2、factors are important in achieving happiness? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Happiness is very difficult to define, because it means so many different things to different people. While some people link happiness to wealth and mat

3、erial success, others think it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships. Yet others think that spiritual paths, rather than either the material world or relationships with people, are the only way to true happiness. Because people interpret happiness for themselves in so many diferent ways

4、, it is difficult to give any definition that is true for everyone. however, if there are different kinds of happiness for different individuals then the first step in achieving it would be to have a degree of self-knowledge. A person needs to know who he or she is before being able to know what it

5、is that makes him or her happy. Of course, factors such as loving relationships, good health, the skills to earn a living and a peaceful environment all contribute to our happiness too. But this does not mean that people without these conditions cannot be happy. Overall, I think an ability to keep c

6、lear perspectives in life is a more essential factor in achieving happiness. By that I mean an ability to have a clear sense of what is important in our lives (the welfare of our families, the quality of our relationships, maing other people happy, etc.) and what is not ( a problem at work, getting annoyed about trivial things, etc.). Life self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but I think these arethe two factors that may be most important for achieving happiness.


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