1、外教社大学英语精读第2册第1单元参考答案外教社大学英语精读第2册第1单元参考答案 Comprehension of the Text 2 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.d 6.b 7.a 8.c Vocabulary 4 1.extremely 2.hazard 3.pollute 4.originally 5.indicate 6.survive 7.atmosphere 8.conclusion 9.proceed 10.conference 5 1.had paid attention to 2.notice 3.had noticed 4.Pay attention to 5.n
2、oticed 6.attention has been paid to 6 1.cost 2.spend 3.cost 4.spend 5.paid 6.had been paid 7.pay 8.pay 9.cost 10.has spent 7. 1. polluted 2.indicated 3.conclusion, hazard 4.known as 5.giving off 6.type 7.based on 8.crashing into 9.deadly 10.originally 11.stick up 12.proceeded 13.as to 14.smashed(was
3、/got smashed) 8 1.The earths surface is mostly composed of water. 2.Ice and snow on the roads both create hazards for drivers during the Christmas season. 3.The youngest child survived the earthquake, but the rest of the family died. 4.Crime has made some streets in many American cities unfit to liv
4、e. 5.Several cars crashed into each other on the highway due to the fog. 6.The rider of the motorbike made a signal with his arm for a left turn. Word Building 9 acceptance guide appearance performance arrive proposal depend refuse difference remove disturb signal exist survive conference insist 10
5、1.dressmaker 2.troublemaker 3.weedkiller 4.recordholder 5.timekeeper 6.a person who owns land 7.a person who sells books 8.a person whose work is building ships 9.a person whose job is to drive a taxicab 10.an instrument for opening cans 11 1.Henry couldnt take part in the sports meet because of his
6、 broken leg. 2.We were sorry to hear that Mr. Davidson had to retire at the age of fifty because of his poor health.3.They didnt go to the concert because of the heavy snow. 4.It was because of the noise that I couldnt fall asleep. 12 1.It is rather difficult to pronounce. 2.It is easy to explain as
7、 far as I know. 3.It is as difficult to manage as Henrys. 4.It will be fit to wear if you shorten the sleeves. 5.To tell the truth, it is impossible to answer. 6.It is not possible to see in advance. 13 1.as far as I am concerned. 2.As far as we students are concerned. 3.As far as the method itself
8、is concerned. 4.As far as ability is concerned. 5.as far as the acting and music are concerned. 6.As far as the stucture is concerned. Cloze 14 (A) 1.feasibility 2.based on 3.conclusions 4.unfit 5.polluted 6.deadly 7.atmosphere 8.extremely 9.For another 10.survive 11.set back 12.proceed (B) 1.he 2.i
9、t 3.danger 4.problem 5.different 6.but 7.others 8.changing 9.that 10.continue 11.ourselves 12.future 13.ask 14.people 15.world 16.today 17.necessary 18.environment 19.world 20.in 21.around 22.prevent 23.at 24.protect 25.everyone 26.save Translation 15 1.Gases such as carbon monoxide, emitted by fact
10、ories and automobiles/cars, have seriously polluted the atmosphere. 2.The industrial engineers letter indicates that he doubts the feasibility of the plan. 3.Many parents in the United States set aside a fund for their childrens education before they are born. 4.I have made sure that her conclusion
11、is based on facts. 5.The medical team, composed of three doctors and two nurses, set off for the mountain(ous) area a few days ago. 6.The village is named after the high mountain that stands in front of it. 7.He was ill for about a week, which has really set him back in his studies. 8.The war that b
12、roke out between the North and the South in 1861 is known in history as the American Civil War. 7 Reading Activity Exercise A 1.smoke and fog 2.that attracts 3.suspicion 4.from the senses 5.not comfortable 6.endure hardship or pain 7.surgery 8.being polluted Exercise B 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T Exercise C 1.烟雾曾是洛杉矶的一大景观,如今却在全国各地从蒙大拿州的比尤特到纽约市随处可见;人们越来越习惯于受污染的天气,现在要他们呼吸点别的什么玩意儿,反而十分困难了。 2.“请不要为此担心。试验已经证明,你尽可日夜呼吸新鲜空气,而不会对身体造成任何伤害。” 3.如果早知道我来的地方只有新鲜空气,我就会带一只口罩来了。 4.我们找到一位卡车司机,塞给他一张五美元钞票,于是他便让我把头贴近卡车排气管吸了半小时。 5.我下一站是洛杉矶;我一下飞机,便深深地吸了一大口满是烟雾的空气,我的双眼开始流眼泪,我开始打喷嚏,于是我觉得自己脱胎换骨变了个人似的。