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1、大专商务函电英语资料Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1. We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state corporation specializing in the export business of canned goods, and express our desire to enter into business relations you. 我们很乐意向你自我介绍, 我们是一家国营公司专门经营罐头食品出口业务,我们渴望和你们建立业务关系 2

2、. Our company is one of the import and export corporations in Shanghai commercial circle authorized by the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We have enjoyed a good reputation in the world market for a long time. 我们是国家对外贸易经济合作部批准成立的上海商业系统的进出口公司。我们在世界上一直享有很高的声誉。 3. We are one of the

3、 leading exporters of first class cotton and rayon goods and are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years business experience. 我们是一流棉布与人造丝业务的主要出口商之一,由于有五十年的业务经验使我们享有极佳的声誉 4. Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, we have learned that you have been supplying the best qu

4、ality foods all over the worl .d 承蒙东京商会介绍,我们了解贵公司在世界各地供应高品质的食品 5. We are desirous of enlarging our trade in various agricultural products, but unfortunately have had no good connections in the southern part of Russia. Therefore we shall be obliged if you kindly introduce us to some of the most capab

5、le and reliable importers. 我们渴望扩大各种各样的农产品范围,但遗憾的是我们在俄罗斯南部没有顾客,因此若能介绍该地区的一些最可靠的进口商将不胜感激 6. We wish to have your prices for 100 sets of your products for August shipment. 本公司希望得知贵公司产品100 套的价格及八月船期。 7. Please send us full details of your goods and give your earliest delivery date. 请惠寄贵公司产品的完整目录,并告知最早的交

6、货期 8. We have made an enquiry for your goods and should be glad if you would send us the samples you have in stock. 本公司已询价贵公司产品,若能寄送库存样品,不胜感激 9. Your advertisement on “Commercial Weekly” of March 8 interests us and please let us have information as to the price, quality and full details of the goods

7、. 我们对你们在x月x日“商业周报”上所刊登的广告很感兴趣,现请告知该商品的价格、质量以及其他详细情况。 10. We are one of the largest department stores here and believe there is a good market in our area for moderately priced goods of hand-made artificial leather bags. 我公司是本地最大的百货公司之一,深信价格适中的人造革手提包在本地会有良好的销路。 11. While appreciating the good quality

8、and fine style of your bicycles, we find the prices of your goods, especially the womens bicycles, are too high to be competitive in our markets. 我们非常欣赏你们自行车的质量和漂亮款式,但是我们认为你方自行车尤其是女式自行车价格太高,在我地市场缺乏竞争力。 12. We are making you, subject to your acceptance reaching us not later than September 15, the fol

9、lowing offer. 现报盘如下,以贵方接受复函于x月x日前抵达我处有效 13. Our prices are quoted on CIF Lagos basis. If you would prefer the goods to be sent by airfreight, this will be an extra charge. 我们的报价为成本加运保费拉各斯价。如果你方愿意我方邮寄该产品,我们将收取额外差价。 14. We are sending you separately a copy of our latest price list giving CIF Amsterdam

10、 price together with an illustrated catalogue for your reference. 我们另邮寄出标有CIF阿姆斯特丹的最新价目表,以及一份插图目录供你方参考 15. We like the quality of your goods and also the way in which you have handled our inquiry, and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you. 我们欣赏你方货物的质量以及你方对我方询盘的处理方式,并欢迎能有机会与你方做生意 16.

11、We are in urgent need of the goods to meet our immediate requirements and shall be pleased to have your lowest price CIF Jilong for 5,000 dozen of your fountain pen subject to your fax offer here by August 10. 本公司迫切需要该物品,以应付紧急需求。烦请告知贵公司钢笔5,000 打, CIF基隆的最低价格,但请贵公司在x月x日前以传真报价为限 17. That price you have

12、 quoted is in excess of the market price here. Some reasonable discount is essential for sale in this market. 贵公司开出的报价高于本地市场价格,若想在本市场销售,合理的降价是必要的 18. We believe that you have offered us your best prices acceptable to our market if we consider the present firm market. However our customers insist on

13、some further reduction in prices and we request you to reconsider a further discount of 3% to conclude the business. 若以目前市场的稳定性而言,本公司相信,贵公司已经提供了我方市场所能接受的最优惠的报价。然而,我方客户坚持进一步降价。请求贵公司考虑再降3,以便达成交易 19. We have learned about your ideas on our prices. Weve heard that our quotation is not low enough to meet

14、 your needs. However, our prices have been shaved as far as possible and further reduction may not be possible without sacrificing quality. In view of our long business relations with you, we have made up our mind to concede a further 1% discount. 本公司已获悉贵公司的理想价格,我方开价并未符合您的要求。然而,我方的价格已尽可能地压低,除非牺牲品质,否

15、则进一步减价决不可能。但鉴于双方长久的贸易关系,我方决定进一步降价1。 20. We would like you to note that there is every possibility that some price cut will justify itself for an increase in business. 我公司希望贵公司明白,减价所造成的价格损失,将可由增加交易来弥补 Translate the following sentences into English 1.承蒙外国商会介绍得知你公司的名称地址。 We owe your name and address to

16、 the chambers of commerce abroa .d 2.我们将会航空邮寄样品一份。 We will send you a copy of sample book by airmail. 3.我们对你方样本里的彩笔很感兴趣,请寄报价单来 We are interested in the colorful pens in your sample. Please kindly send your quotations to us. 4.现借此机会向贵公司介绍,我们是国营公司,专门经营工艺品。 We avail ourselves of this opportunity to int

17、roduce you as a state-operated corporation specializing in arts and crafts. 5.我们是中国轻工产品的主要出口商之一,愿与你公司建立业务关系。 We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese industrial products and are desirous of entering into business relations you. 6.我们的产品质优价廉,在市场上很受欢迎。 As our goods are both excellent in quality a

18、nd very reasonable in price, they meet a warm reception in the world market. 7.你方x月x日致我总公司的信已转交我公司办理答复,因你所要的货属于我们经营范围. Your letter of October 5 addressed to our head office has been passed on to us for attention and reply as the article you need is within our business scope. 8.至于我们的信用情况,请向中国银行上海分行咨询

19、。 As regards our financial standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. 9. 我们是为了出口化工产品的事与你方联系的 We approach you for the export of Chemicals. 10. 请告知你们目前对什么商品最感兴趣 Please inform us in which line you are most interested in 11. 本地区对高质量的手套有着稳定的需求 There is a steady demand for gloves of hig

20、h quality in this district. 12. 应贵方要求,兹另邮寄我公司最近的出口商品目录本及价目表 As requested, we are sending you under separate cover our latest catalogues and pricelist covering our exports. 13. 从纽约A. .B .C公司获悉,你公司出口尼龙床单和枕套。对上述品质优良价格公道的商品,本地区常有需求 We learn from A. .B .C Co. of New York that you are exporting Nylon bed-

21、sheets and pillow-cases. There is a steady demand here for the above-mentioned commodities of high quality at moderate prices. 14. 所附价格单和图解目录将给你提供有关你方最感兴趣的型号的具体情况 .The enclosed price list and illustrated catalogue will give you details of the model in which you are especially intereste .d 15. 1.我们对蝴

22、蝶牌缝纫机有兴趣,请报五十台实盘。 As we are interested in “Butterfly” Brand Sewing Machines, please make us a firm offer for 50 sets. 16按照请求,现电传报盘三百辆飞鸽牌自行车如下,以你方十日内复到有效。 As requested, we make you a fax offer for 300 “Flying Pigeon” Brand Bicycles as follows,subject to your reply reaching us within ten days. 17.一俟收到

23、你方订单,我们就将对此货报盘,以未出售为有效。 Upon receipt of your order, we will offer these goods subject to being unsol .d 18.由于此货需求量很大,我们建议你方从速接受我方报盘。 As the goods are in heavy demand, we would advise you to accept our offer without delay. 19. 敬启者: 你方x月x日有关激光打印机的报盘已收悉。 我们很抱歉地告知我们的客户认为你方的价格偏高,现在订购有些犹豫。虽然我们欣赏你方激光打印机的设计

24、和款式以及你们处理我们询盘的方式,但由于竞争者正报给更低价,所以我们无法接受你方报价。 若贵方价格能降低10,我们会向你方大量订购。 盼佳音。 Dear Sirs, Thank you very much for your offer of May 4 for our Laser Printer. We regret to inform you that our clients find your price on the high side and hesitate to place orders. Although we enjoy the design and style of your

25、 Laser Printer and the way you have handled our inquiry, we are not in a position to accept your offer at the price quoted, since the competitors are quoting a lower price. If your price were reduced by 10%, we would place a substantial order with you. We are looking forward to your favorable reply.

26、 Yours faithfully, 20. 如果你没有“蝴蝶”牌缝纫机的现货,请告知其它牌子可供现货的规格及详细情况。 In case you have no more “Butterfly” Brand Sewing Machines in stock, please advise us with all particulars the specifications of any other brand which can be available from stock. 21.经过长时间友好的讨论,现达成一笔50000 条床单的交易。 After long and friendly di

27、scussions we have now concluded a transaction of 50,000 pieces of Bed Sheets. 22.请放心,一旦新货源到来,我们立刻再重提此事。 Please rest assured that we shall revert to the matter with you as soon as the supply position improves. 23. 如果你们认为没问题,我们希望你们签回销售合同的副本一份备查 If you find everything proper, please sign and return the

28、 duplicate of the Sales Contract for our file soon. 24. 按你们的要求,我们随函寄去第 456 号销售确认书一式三份请查收。 We are sending herewith our Sales Confirmation NO.DY1211 in triplicate at your request. 25. 我们已于十五日通过东京的中国银行给你方开出1758 号信用证 We opened Letter of Credit No. 1758 through the Bank of China, Tokyo, on the 15th. 26.

29、我们所要求的支付方式是十分正常的,我们抱歉对此不能通融 The mode of payment we require is normal. We regret we cannot accommodate you in this respect 27考虑到我们之间长达十五年令人愉快的业务关系,我们同意做出让步,相信这将满足你方的要求。 In consideration of the pleasant business relations we have had with you for 15 years, we agree to make the concession and trust it

30、will suit your requirements 28. 按照你方的要求,我们将对我们的惯例破一次例,接受以三十天期信用证办理交货,但不能作为先例 As requested, we well make an exception to our rules and accept delivery against 30 days L/C, but this should not be regarded as a precedent. 29你方最好尽早开出信用证以便我方能及时安排装运 It would be advisable for you to establish the covering

31、L/C as early as possible so as to enable us to arrange shipment in due time. 30. 关于你方订单567号,请即电开信用证,以便我方安排装运 Regarding your Order No. 567, please telex you L/C immediately so as to enable us to arrange shipment. 31. 我方付款条件是保兑的、不可撤销的、即期汇票的信用证 Our terms of payment are by irrevocable, confirmed letter

32、of credit available by draft at sight. 32. 按照我方第321号合同的规定,相关信用证应在x月x日前到达我方 In compliance with the stipulations of our S/C No. 321, the relative L/C should reach us before November 15 33. 请注意信用证规定应与合同条款完全一致 Please note that the stipulations of the L/C should be in exact accordance with the terms of o

33、ur S/ .C 34. 由于港口拥挤,请将341号信用证的装运期和议付期展至x月x日和x月x日。 Owing to the congestion of the port, please extend the date of shipment and the validity in L/C No. 341 to June 1 and June 15 respectively. 35. 我们遗憾地发现有些条款与合同中的条款不符 We regret to find that some stipulations in the L/C are not in accordance with those

34、of the S/C 36. 由于往你港的直达轮很少且间隔时间很长,我们只好经香港转船 We will have to transship via Hong Kong as the direct steamers to your port are far and few between. 37. 装运方面的任何延误都会给我们带来不便 Any delay in shipment will cause us inconvenience 38. 由于我方客户要求立即装运,务请你方遵守诺言 As our clients are in fact asking for prompt shipment, w

35、e must call on you to carry out promises 39. 一俟货物装船,请即传真装运通知 Please fax us your shipping advice as soon as the goods are shipped on boar .d. 40. 我们借此通知你方我们已经把上述货物装到维多利亚轮上,该船于明天驶往你港 We take this opportunity to inform you that we have loaded the above goods on board S/S Victoria, which is due to sail

36、for your port tomorrow. 41. 我们强调货物会在规定时间内装运,进一步的迟延是不可能的 It has to be stressed that the shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit, as a further extension will not be considere .d 42. 请务必使包装适合海运 Please see to it that the packing is suitable for a long sea voyage. 43. 根据合同的要求货物装运后,我们立即向你方寄

37、出一份全套的不可撤销的单据 In compliance with the terms of contract, we forwarded you a full set of non-negotiabledocuments immediately after the goods were shippe .d 44. 由于停靠在我港的直达轮一个月只有一趟,货物只能在下个月发运 As the only direct steamer which calls at our port once a month has just departed, goods can only be shipped nex

38、t month 45. .随附我们关于此货的全套海运提单 Enclosed is our set of the shipping documents covering this consignment 46. 请用纸盒包装男式衬衫,每件装一盒,内套一个塑料袋。一百盒装一纸箱,箱外打两道塑料带 Please pack the Mens Shirts each inside a polythene bag, with a paper box outside, 100 boxes to a carton, bound with two plastic straps. 47. 双方都应对不良的包装负责

39、 Either side should be responsible for the improper packing 48. 此外,改进的包装分量轻且容易搬运 Besides, the improved packing is light in weight and easy to handle. 49. 包装必须牢固,易于搬运,且适合远洋运输 Your packing must be strong, easy to handle and seaworthy. 50. 1 We are informed that you are a state-owned corporation dealin

40、g in chemicals (你公司是经营化工产品的国营公司). 2 We shall let you know our comments upon receipt of your quotation (一俟收到你方的报价). 3 We are specializing in arts and crafts. (专门从事中国工艺品出口). 4 We hope to establish business relations with you (与你们建立贸易关系). 5 We are airmailing you _(兹航寄) three sample books. 6 We have est

41、ablished business relations with the firms of more than 100 countries in the world (我们已经和世界上一百多个国家的商号建立了关系) on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. 1. We are interested in various kinds of Chinese bicycles (各种中国自行车). Please send us your pricelist for the goods. 2.We ar

42、e enclosing our export list (现随函寄去关于的出口清单)of our chemicals. 3.We welcome your enquiries(欢迎你方对的询盘) for cotton piece goods. Your letter may addressed to our liaison office in Alexander 4.has been passed on to us for attention and reply (已转交我们办复). To acquaint you with the sewing machines we export now

43、5.We are sending two catalogues (我们寄两本目录册). Choose the best answer: (A) 1. We shall be glad to send you our lowest quotation _ receipt of your detailed requirements. a. on .b with .c in .d as soon as (D) 2. We are a corporation,_ both the import and export of textiles. a. handling in .b trading c sp

44、ecializing .d dealing in (A) 3. If your price is reasonable, we shall _ an order _ you. a. place/with .b make/from .c have/with .d take/for (C) 4. Your letter of September10_ to Fujian foreign trade corp. has been passed on to us for attention and reply. a. addresses .b addressing .c addressed .d be

45、ing addressed (B) 5. We have been importers _ foodstuffs for many years. a. to .b of .c for .d on (C) 6. One of our clients _ Chinese black tea. a. in the market for .b are in the market for .c is in the market for .d be in the market for (A) 7. Please refer_ the pricelist enclose .d a. to .b with .

46、c for .d on (B) 8. Please let us have a copy of your pricelist so that we may acquaint ourselves _ your products. a. to .b with .c for .d in (C)1.We were satisfied with the products _S/S Wanjie when your shipment reached us. A. per .B onto .C exD nearby (B)2.We would be _ if you would send the goods

47、 as soon as possible. A. appreciate you .B grateful .C thank youD pleasing (A)3. As the captioned shipment is satisfactory to us, we wish to _ with you. Which of the following expressions is false? A. place orders .B book further ordersC have repeatsD repeat orders (B)4. “Agreeing on your offer, we have sent to you our purchase confirmation” means “we_ your offer”. Which of the following expressions is false? A. accept .B are accepting/ will accept .C have acceptedD accept/ have accepted (D)5. Thank you for countersigning the sales contract. We are pleased to inform you that we have _.


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