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1、大英帝国 The Rise of the British Empire Devil Dervish 大英帝国崛起之魔鬼托钵僧 From BBC, March, 2012 导语: XX年x月x日,托钵僧离开埃及前往喀土穆,建成了铁路通道且在尼罗河边组装成巡河水军。托钵僧在反殖民的这场竞技中,同样自强、坚韧、奋斗不屈,可是战术思想僵化老旧;英帝国崛起之路上的国战中,在科学工程、工业技术方面的发明创新,使得英军的杀戮效率更高。 插图: 原文: On 1st January 1897, a meticulously organized force left Egypt for Khartoum, ov

2、er 600 miles to the south. The British force advanced steadily across the desert laying a railing line behind it at the amazing rate of a mile and a half a day. On the train which followed came guns, troops and supplies and three gunboats which had been built on the Thames disassembled and shipped u

3、p here to be put back together on the banks of the Nile. Waiting in Khartoum were the Sudanese warriors, the Dervishes sometimes known as whirling Dervishes after their ecstatic religious dance. Dervishes still gather on holy days in Khartoum to pray, celebrate and dance. The great poet of empire, R

4、udyard Kipling wrote about them in the imagined words of an ordinary British soldier who recognized that, in some strange foreign way the Dervishes too played up, played up and played the game. Kiplings soldier raises an imaginary glass to his fearless foe. “So heres to you, Fuzzy Wuzzy, at your hom

5、e in the Sudan, youre a poor benighted heathen but a first-class fighting man.” The Dervishes might play the game in the old fashioned way but the empire had moved on. Kitchener would rely on rather more than fighting spirit to win in battle. The British like to think of their military history in ev

6、ents like the Spanish Armada or the Battle of Britain, when outnumbered and outnumbered, Britain survived by virtue of guts and ingenuity. But the truth is, in most of Britains empire wars Britains inventiveness in science and industry had simply given it much better ways of killing people. 注释: meti

7、culously adv. 无微不至 gunboats n. 炮舰 ecstatic adj. 狂喜的 military adj. 军事的 outnumbered v. 数量多于 ingenuity n. 足智多谋 empire n. 帝权 听力点拨: 1. 在英国标准音中,字母r在元音前才发音,如本片第一句话中的organized,force等等。而在辅音前或词尾时是不发音的,如,for。但在美语中,r在辅音前发明显的卷舌音,在词尾时亦发音,如:farm /fa:rm/ ,car /ka:r/。 2.听力中要注意几个名词并列在一起的情况,这是听力考试的考点之一。遇到这种情况,则需运用一定的听

8、力技巧,即速记笔记,记下每个词的两个字母,以备做题时回忆使用。如本片中On the train which followed came guns, troops and supplies and three gunboats which had been built on the Thames disassembled and shipped up here to be put back together on the banks of the Nile.可记为gu + tr + su + 3 gb。这样的速记技巧需在平时多联系便可形成习惯。 3.play up 意为“努力、提起干劲”。例如:

9、I expect them to play up this afternoon.我希望他们下午比赛时拿出劲来。在本片中,叙述者刻意重复这个短语,目的是要强调托钵僧自强、坚韧、奋斗不屈的精神。 4.Heres to意为“敬祝”,常用于干杯、敬酒时。例如:Thats wonderful news! Well, heres to both of you!这消息太棒了!祝贺你们,我敬你们二位一杯。再如:Heres to doing this till we are old and gray.我们会在这里一直下去直到我们老去。在本片中,英国士兵以挑衅的语气来向苏丹士兵致敬。 5.在句子So heres

10、to you, Fuzzy Wuzzy, at your home in the Sudan, youre a poor benighted heathen but a first-class fighting man.中,your home连读,此规则为:以辅音结尾的单词 + h开头的单词,h不发音,与前面的辅音直接连读。例如:For him 连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似。 参考译文: XX年x月x日,一直精悍的部队离开埃及前往喀土穆,他们需要向南行军约600英里。英军稳步推进,穿越沙漠的同时,也建成了铁路通道。施工速度达到惊人的两天三英里。随后通过铁路送来了军械、部队以及给养泰晤


12、变。其奇纳在战斗中所依靠绝不会是作战意志。英国民众通常认为,在对战西班牙无敌舰队或是不列颠之战中,当英军人数、武器装备并不存在优势的时候,或得最终的胜利全靠,顽强的战斗意志和独出心裁的指导战术。但是真正的原因在于,英帝国崛起之路上的国战中,在科学工程、工业技术方面的发明创新,使得英俊的杀戮效率更高。 练习: 1.On 1st January 1897, a _(无微不至) organized force left Egypt for Khartoum. 2.The British like to think of their _(军事的) history in events like the Spanish Armada or the Battle of Britain. 3.When,_(数量多于) and outnumbered, Britain survived by virtue of guts and _(足智多谋). 参考答案: 1. meticulously 2. military 3. outnumbered, ingenuity


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