新PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit6 Shopping A Lets talk Lets learn 整合课教案.docx

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1、新PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit6 Shopping A Lets talk Lets learn 整合课教案PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit6 Shopping A Lets talk Lets learn 整合课 一、教学内容分析: 本节课是Unit 6 Shopping A部分第一课时单词会话课。按照教材设计意图,本课时主要是学习重点单词gloves, scarf, umbrella, sunglasses, 学习句型Can I help you? Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on? Size 6,please.Theyre to

2、o small.并能根据实际情况进行回答。在正确朗读、回答问题、理解会话的基础上提高学生运用知识的能力。 二、学情分析 Talk中的 They are. Can I. ? Here you are. Just .学生在前面接触过。Sunny, love, umbrella, try some,学生之前都学过,教师利用这一点,可以适当降低教学难度。 三、教学目标:教学目标与要求 1.知识与技能: 能听、说、认读单词:gloves, scarf, umbrella, sunglasses 能够听说认读句型:Can I help you? Yes. These shoes are nice. Can

3、 I try them on? Size 6,please. Theyre too small. Theyre just right. 能够在情景中运用句型Can I try it/them on? 能够在情景中运用句型The is/are描述某物品。 2.过程与方法: 通过以旧引新,文本情景帮助学生理解文本信息。 通过自读课文找出答案,培养他们的看图能力和自学能力。 通过模仿跟读课文录音,进一步理解课文,达到训练听说的能力。 通过真实的情境交际训练学生运用重点句型的能力,培养学生小组合作意识。 学生通过运用本课时句型描述衣物,自主学习单词,提高自主探究、合作学习的能力。 3.情感态度和价值观

4、: 了解美码、英码、中码。知道不同的天气穿合适的衣服。 四、教学重难点: 句型Can I help you? Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on? Size 6,please.Theyre too small.的理解及运用。 学生运用本课知识询问并回答衣物,并能在实际情境中灵活运用。 五、教具准备 PPT课件,词卡 六、教学步骤: Step 1热身(Warm-up) Sharp eyes. T: Hi, boys and girls. Im your new English teacher Miss Zhou. Nice to meet y

5、ou. Whats the weather like today? First, lets Play a game: Who has sharp eyes?复习单词 skirt dress pants jacket coat. T: Theyre all clothes. We can find them in the shop. Today well learn Unit6 shopping together. (设计意图:通过主情境图导入课题,让学生在真实的语境中感知学习内容。) Step 2. Presentation. (一)Lets talk (1)利用文本图片引导学生回答Who a

6、re they? Where are they?. 教学Can I help you?Yes. T: Look. Who is this women? Assistant. What does she say to them? 学习Can I help you?注意连读。板书 Can I help you? 承接话轮 So John says: Yes. 板书 (3)教学These shoes are nice. T:Look, John wants to buy these shoes. 圈出图片鞋子,Does John like these shoes? Yes. So John says

7、: These shoes are nice. 板书These shoes are nice. How do you read nice? (设计意图:通过图片,回答问题,初步感知文本,通过单词学习复习发音规律。) 教学Size 7.Theyre just right. T: These shoes are nice. What do you want to know? Watch and choose. What size of shoes does John buy? A:Size6.B:Size 7 (设计意图:发散学生思维,让学生对文本进行了解猜测,产生信息差。). T:How do

8、you know ? 学习Theyre just right. 教学They are too small. T: Size 7 are just right. What about size 6?. Listen and find.并板书Theyre too small. T:Now its time to” Listen and imitate.”注意模仿语音语调。带着情感朗读。 小组角色表演 情景再现.利用板书,引导学生复述一下课文。 (11)文本再建构:. A: Put them in right order. B:图文匹配 (二)Lets learn. T:We know, John

9、buys a pair of shoes. What else does John want to buy? Watch and find. (1)学习Gloves.引导学生自主学习gloves. 教学The gloves are nice. Can I try them on? T: John buys a pair of gloves. How do you know? 学习:The gloves are nice. Can I try them on? (3)Group work. 小组合作尝试用以旧引新,拆音拼音等方法学习单词,描述衣物。 T: The clothes are all

10、nice. Do you want to buy?If you want to buy in the shop. What should you say? 语言支架:The _is/are nice. Can I try it/them on? (5)Lets chant it. The _ is nice. Can I try it on? Yes.Yes.Yes. The_ is nice. Can I try it on? Sure.Sure.Sure. The_ are nice. Can I try them on?OK.OK.OK. The _are nice. Can I try

11、 them on? Of course. Here you are. (6)Wear right clothes in different weather. Its_ , So I put on my_. 情感渗透。 Step 3 巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension ) T: Childrens day is coming. The clothes are on sale. What do you want to buy? Step 4 总结Summary Now please think over: What have you got in this clas

12、s?引导学生从知识、语用、情感等方面进行总结。What do you want to learn next class? Step 6作业 Homework store. 1. Read the dialogue and words to your parents. 2. Make a new dialogue about shopping. 六、板书设计 Unit 6 Shopping A Lets talk and Lets learn Can I help you? Yes. These shoes are nice. Of course. Here you are. Can I try them on? Size 6. Size 7. Theyre too small. Theyre just right. scarf umbrella gloves sunglasses


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