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1、新概念英语第一册91课102课练习题单词完型: 1 It rained hard but he s_ worked in the field. 2.We all m_ parents working in another city. 3. The warm-hearted man over there is our n_. 4. He is the first p_ to come in the hal. 5. We Chinese p_ are very hard-working and brave. 6. The p_ child is begging door to door. 7.My

2、 uncle is a famous _(飞行员) 8. Yesterday we _(飞往) to Beijing for a holiday. 9. Mr. Smith will _(返回) hometown this afternoon. 10. I think Im a _(幸运的) person. 11. My_(隔壁) neighbor is a friendly man. 12. _(此时此刻), he is in Tokyo, studying Japanese. 13.They hurried and at last they c_ the first bus. 14.M_t

3、he plane means waiting for another 3 hours. 15. P_ of books have been given to the poor children. 16. I want to buy one r_ ticket to Shanghai. 17. They bought some food in the shop near the _(火车站) 18. The Whites go to Hangzhou for a holiday by _(火车) 19. I _(遗留) my schoolbag on the bus in the morning

4、. 20. Can you _(描绘) the beauty of your hometown clearly? 21. He wore his new clothes with the _(标签) on. 21.Please tell me your name and _(地址) 22. Some middle school students ride their bikes without catching the _ (把手) 23. He has only 50 _(便士) on him. 24. I went to see my teachers in junior middle s

5、chool _(几天前) 25. Is this your _(箱子). 26. His jacket has no_(拉链) 27. This exercise-book is not _(她的). 28.He fell off the bike and _(伤了) his leg. 29. The road was too smooth so that I _(滑到) 30. We should form the habit of _(帮助) others. 31. Im _(确信) that I will pass the Maths exam. 32. You are seriousl

6、y ill and need an _(X光透视). 33. There are a few minutes left. Lets start_(立刻)/ 34. My uncle has passed the driving test and he will get the driving _(驾照) next month. 35. My little brother likes sweet so that he often gets a _(牙痛) 36.On Teachers Day, we often send many _(明信片) of thanks to our teachers

7、. 37. This is a five-star _(旅馆) in our city. 38.Yesterday, I _(写) a letter to my sister. 39. Last month, an English _(协会) was formed in our school. 40. A 23-year-old _(年轻人) won the first prize in this Maths contest. 41. We are all _(成员) of the English Corner. 42. He has got an _(耳朵疼) 43. Our teacher asked us to _(大声说)in class 44. The weather is cold. Please _(穿上) your coat. 45. I have read some _(杂志) today.


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