歌舞青春3 英文剧本台词.docx

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1、歌舞青春3 英文剧本台词看电影学英语 High School Musical 3 歌舞青春3-Troy: Lets go!我们上!-Player A: Im open, Im open.我这儿没人,我这儿没人! -Player B: I dont see it!我看不见!-Coach: Take your time!take ones time: 从容不迫慢慢来!-Player C: Run! Run!快跑!跑! -Player D: Go, go!快,快!-Troy: Lets go!我们走!- Audience: Defense! Defense!defense: 防卫回防! 回防!-Tr

2、oy: Come on, man!加油,伙计!-Coach: Hustle, hustle! Control that ball!hustle:急速行进动起来,动起来! 控好球!-Player E: Bolton! Im open!Bolton! 我这儿没人! -Coach: Set it up! Lets go! All right, lets go! Lets move! Lets move! Watch the run in.快! 加油!加油! 动起来! 动起来!注意那插进来的!Watch the back door!注意家门口!-Player F: Get it!拿到了!-Announ

3、cer: That concludes the first half of play in our final game,conclude: 结束 final game: 决胜比赛决赛的前半场比赛结束。with the West High Knights leading defending champion East High Wildcats 47 - 26.defend: 防卫 champion: 冠军西部爵士队领先,卫冕冠军东部野猫队,比分为47比26。Sixteen minutes remain in the game.remain: 剩余比赛还剩下16分钟。-Coach: All r

4、ight! No more Xs and Os. OK?Xs and Os: 攻防好了! 先别管什么战术,好吧?Forget about the scoreboard because heres a number that matters.别管比分了,因为只有一个数字是重要的。Sixteen. Theres 16 minutes left in this game, guys.scoreboard: 记分板16 比赛还剩下16分钟。伙计们!Theres only 16 minutes left in the season. And for the seniors on this squad.s

5、eason: 赛季 senior: 毕业班学生 squad: 小队这个赛季也只剩16分钟。对于本队的毕业生来说,Guys, youve only got 16 minutes left in a Wildcat uniform.uniform: 制服你们也只能再穿 16分钟的野猫队球服了。So make them count. Sixteen minutes to be a team. Captains!make count: 尽力拼搏 captain: 队长好好把握吧!16分钟团结一致!队长们!-Troy: All right. Hey, guys. Now, you heard Coach

6、.好了!兄弟们!你们听到教练讲的了,Were all gonna remember the next 16 minutes for a long time after we leave East High. 离开东部高中后我们都会铭记。接下来的16分钟很久。So its now or never. Chad.时不我待!Chad!-Team: What team?什么队?-Team: Wildcats!野猫队!- Chad: What team?什么队? -Team: Wildcats!野猫队!- Chad: What team?什么队?-Team: Wildcats!野猫队!“Sixteen,

7、 16, 16 minutes left. Better get it done!“剩下,剩下16分钟,最好赢回来!Sixteen, 16, 16 more minutes Get ready, game on!get ready: 准备好还有,还有16分钟,准备决胜负!Sixteen, 16, 16 minutes left running out of timerun out of time: 没有时间剩下,剩下16分钟,时间剩不多。Sixteen, 16, 16 more minutes And its on the lineon the line: 战斗准备状态还有,还有16分钟,时间

8、很紧迫。Sixteen, 16, 16 minutes left Got to get it done剩下,剩下16分钟。我们扳回来。Sixteen, 16, 16 more minutes till we re number one!还有,还有16分钟最后拿冠军!W-I-L-D Wildcats!”野-猫-球-队野猫球队!”-Coach: Huddle up! Lets go!huddle up: 聚集集合了! 快过来!“W-I-L-D Wildcats! Come on, come on”“野-猫-球-队野猫球队! 加油加油”-Coach: Ready?准备好了吗?-Team: Break

9、!解散!“W-I-L-D Wildcats! Nows the time“野-猫-球-队野猫球队! 拿第一Got to get it inside Down low, in the paint, now shootin the paint: 内线 shoot: 投篮俯身切入内线,钻空,快投Score!得分!Gotta work together. Defense!gotta=have got to: 必须得齐心协力。回防!Give me the ball把球传我,传我Fast break, keep the ball in control, let it fly from downtownin

10、 control: 控制快速抢断,控球,三分线飞起Three more再三分!Show them we can do better. No way!”让他们瞧瞧厉害。没门!”-Coach: Come on, boys!各位加油!“The way we play tonight is what we leave behindleave behind: 留下“今晚的比赛留下的精彩It all comes down to right now, its up to uscome down to: 可归结为 right now: 马上 up to: 该由决定凝聚在此刻,胜负手中拽Lets go! So

11、what are we gonna be加油! 我们要怎样?T-E-A-M Team!团-结-队-伍团队!Gotta work it out .Turn it onwork out: 解决 turn on: 反攻得快赶上去,加把劲This is the last time to get it right最后的一次上演精彩This is the last chance to make it our night最后的机会赢得比赛We got to show what were all about得展示出来所有实力Work together”齐心协力。”-Coach: Time out!时间到!“T

12、his is the last chance to make our mark, history will know who we aremark: 痕迹“最后的一次留下足迹,历史的脚印我们来踩This is the last game so make it count, its now or never.”make count: 使有价值 now or never: 立刻,机不可失,机会难得最后的比赛,不要辜负。时不我待。”-Audience: Hey! Thats a foul! Oh, dear.foul: 犯规嘿! 犯规了! 噢!天啊!-Chad: You OK?你还好吧?-Coach

13、: Come on, Troy!加油 Troy!-Team: Lets go, buddy!buddy: 兄弟我们走,伙计!-Gabriella: “Troy”Troy-Troy: “Right now I can hardly breathe”breathe: 呼吸此刻我快窒息。-Gabriella: “Oh, you can do it Just know that I believe”你能做到。我相信你!-Troy: “And thats all I really need.”这才是我要的。-Gabriella:“Then come on.”加油!-Troy: “Make me stro

14、ng. Its time to turn it up Game on!”turn up:好转给我力量。是时候加把劲,决胜负!“Wildcats gonna tear it up Go, Wildcats, yeah, were number one.”tear up: 毁坏“野猫队,击败对手!加油!野猫队!我们是第一!”-Judge: Foul!犯规!-Troy: Yeah!耶!-Coach: All right!好的!-Chad: What?怎么样? -Troy: Yeah!好样的!“Let me hear you say Hey, hey, hey, yeah”“让我听你喊:嘿!嘿!嘿!耶

15、!”-Troy: Im tripled-teamed. I cant get a shot off.triple: 三倍的 team: 协同合作 shot: 射击 我会被三人包夹,没法投篮-Coach: What do you want to do?你想怎么做,队长?-Troy: Lets put in Rocket Man.让火箭男上场-Coach: Rocket Man? Troy, youre two points away from.point: 点 away from: 离火箭男? Troy 你就差两分.-Troy: I know. Just get me the ball.我知道。

16、把球给我就行。-Coach: OK. Rocket Man! Come on! Come on, Rocket Man! Youre in! Get in here! Go!rocket: 火箭 -Rocket Man: Lets go!我们走!-Coach: Move! Go, go, go! Move!动起来!走走! 动起来!-Rocket Man: Yeah! Oh, yeah!耶! 欧!耶!-Troy: Calm down, OK? All right, keep your eyes on me.calm down: 冷静 keep ones eyes on: 注视冷静点,好吗?好了,

17、你看我动作。“Game on!“决胜负!“This is the last time to get it right最后的一次,上演精彩This is the last chance to make it our night最后的机会赢得比赛We gotta show what were all about, team! Work together得展示出来所有实力。团队! 齐心协力This is the last chance to make our mark最后的一次留下足迹History will know who we are历史的脚印我们来踩This is the last game

18、 so make it count Its now or never”最后的比赛不要辜负。时不我待!”-Coach: Come on!加油!-Troy: Shoot it!投吧!-Coach: Yes!耶!-Boy A: We won, dude! We won! You OK?dude: 兄弟我们赢了老兄! 赢了! 你没事吧?-Troy: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!耶!耶!-Chad: Thats what Im talking about. Yeah! Im pushing.这才是好样的!我推着呢。-Troy: You better be.你最好是。-Chad: Im pushin

19、g!推着呢!-Troy: Push harder! Chad, tree! Home, sweet home. Im saving for a new fuel pump.hard: 努力地 fuel: 燃油 pump: 泵用力推! Chad 小心树!家,甜蜜的家。我在攒钱买新油泵。-Chad: Mm-hm. Save faster.恩,快点攒吧!-Troy: Hey, turn it up, Kels. How you doing, girl?turn up: 调大大点声 Kels。你好吗,女孩?-Gird: Im good! Great comeback! Teback: 卷土重来我很好!

20、 回马枪杀的漂亮!谢谢!-Troy: Watch that tail. Its dangerous.tail: 尾巴小心尾巴,太危险了。-Ryan: You know it!你知道啊!-Gabriella: Amazing! We won! I didnt think theyd come back.amazing: 令人惊讶的太棒了! 我们赢了!我以为他们追不回来呢。-Troy: Hey!嘿!-Gabriella: Congratulations!恭喜你啊!-Troy: Thanks!Can I fix you a plate?fix: 准备 plate: 盘谢谢!能给你拿盘吃的吗?-Gab

21、riella: I want one of everything!我什么都想吃!-Troy: Are we celebrating?celebrate: 庆祝我们在庆祝什么?-Boy B: Whats up, Hoops? Back-to-back champions!back-to-back: 紧接的 champion: 冠军你好哇,硬汉!蝉联冠军!-Troy: Yeah, Thanks.是啊,谢谢。-Coach: Coach, got a couple of empty lockers at U of A?a couple of: 几个 locker: 衣帽柜教练,阿尔伯克基大学有空的储物

22、柜吧?-Coach B: Hopefully not for long.for long: 长久但愿不会空太久。-Coach: Charlie Danforth will suit up next season.suit up: 穿上特种用途的全套服装 Charlie Danforth 正适合打下个赛季。-Man: Front row seat will be fine.front: 前面的 row: 排坐在前排就可以。-Coach B: That teamwork I saw tonight, that assist where you gave up the final shot, tea

23、mwork: 合作 assist: 协助 give up: 放弃我今晚看到了团队精神。你最后的助攻放弃了投球,thats the kind of players Im looking for. Were going to see you in Redhawk uniforms? uniform: 制服 look for: 寻找这就是我要找的队员。我们再见是你们就穿上红鹰队球服了吧?-Troy: Done deal.done deal: 一言为定一言为定!-Coach: Amen to that.感谢上帝!-Coach B: Go have some fun.have fun: 玩得开心去好好玩

24、吧!-Troy: OK.好-Girl: Congratulations, Troy!祝贺你,Troy! -Troy: Hey! Thanks. Yo!嘿!谢谢!你好!- Boy C: Hey, dude!你好,老兄!- Boy D: Sweet game!比赛真精彩!- Rocket Man: Hey, Troy. Great house, bro. Your room is way cool.bro: 兄弟 way cool: 很酷Troy 你家真不错,你的房间真酷!-Troy: Thanks, man. You were in my room?谢谢!你去过我房间了?- Rocket Man

25、: Well, yeah. I just took a picture. Look. Im doing mine the same way.take a picture: 照相是啊!我还照了张相。看!我房间也得这么布置。-Troy: Great.真好。- Rocket Man: We should hang out tonight. Get to know each other or something.hang out: 出外 tonight: 今晚我们今晚该好好聚聚,彼此了解一下。-Troy: I just gotta grab the championship trophy I left

26、 it in my truck.gotta: <美俚> (=have got to) 必须 grab: 抓住 trophy: 奖品 truck: 卡车我得去先拿冠军奖杯。把它落在车里了。- Rocket Man: Dont sweat it! Im on it!sweat:干活干得汗流浃背别累着! 我去拿! -Troy: OK.好的-Girl B: Hi!嗨!-Gabriella:So, another top-secret hiding place?top-secret: 机密的 hide: 藏这又是一个机密的躲藏地?-Troy: Youre the second girl Ive

27、had up here. The first was my mom.你是上来的第二位女士。第一位是我妈,She only climbed up here to get me down.climb up: 爬上 get down: 从下来她上来是要把我拽下去。-Gabriella: Well, Im honored. This place is so cool.honored: 荣幸的我很荣幸,这里真酷!-Troy: Me and my dad built it.我和我爸一起建的。-Gabriella: That the coach from U of A down there?阿尔伯克基大学的

28、教练来了?-Troy: Yeah. Hes at my house. Yeah. Crazy.是啊。他来我家了。是啊!真疯狂。-Gabriella: I bet hes already got your name on a locker.bet: 打赌 locker: 衣帽柜我打赌他已经在储物柜上贴上你名字了。-Troy: Its always been my dads dream. Now Im going to end up at his alma mater. Did I just say that?alma mater: 母校这一直是我爸的梦想。我要去他母校就读了。-Gabriella

29、: My mom and I have been talking about Stanford pretty much since I was born.pretty: 相当地 since: 自以来我真说出来了?我妈和我从我出生就在聊斯坦福大学了。-Troy: And youre already in. Thats so cool.你已经被录取了,太酷了。-Gabriella:Except she wont stop talking about it. Its embarrassing.embarrassing: 令人为难的不过她一直炫耀这事,太难为情了。-Troy:Come on. Shes

30、 proud of you. Im proud of you.be proud of: 为骄傲得了。她在为你骄傲。我也为你骄傲。-Gabriella:The thing about Stanford is its a thousand and fifty斯坦福离这可有一千五百-Troy: fifty-three miles from here. I know. It suddenly seems like the rest of the school year is coming so fast.suddenly: 突然地 seem like: 好像 rest: 剩余的五十三英里。我知道。突然

31、觉得剩下的高中时光来得太快了。-Gabriella: Yeah. I wish it would all just stop. At least just slow down.slow down: 减慢是啊!我希望可以停止,至少慢一点。“Can you imagine what would happen If we could have any dream?imagine: 想象,“如果梦想都能成真,那将会是怎样?Id wish this moment was ours to own it. And that it would never leave希望我们拥有此刻,它不会再离去Then I

32、would thank that star. That made our wish come truecome true: 变成现实我要感谢那颗星星,让这愿望成真Oh, yeah because he knows that where you are is where I should be too噢,耶它知道无论你在哪,我就也该在那。Right here. Right now此地此刻Right now Im looking at you. And my heart loves the viewview: 风景此刻我凝望着你。我心爱此景。Cause you mean everything. E

33、verything因你是我唯一,唯一。Right here I promise you somehow I promise you somehow, Somehow were gonna.promise: 承诺 somehow: 无论如何答应你无论如何,无论如何会做到。Tomorrow can wait for some other day to be未来可以让明天等待。To be, but right now theres you and me等待,但是此刻只有我和你。Oh, we know its coming. And its coming fast明天会到来,会来得飞快。Its alw

34、ays you and me. So lets make every second lastlast: 持续永远是我和你,让我们留住每一刻。Make it last. Cause right here. Right now永永远远!因为此地此刻Yeah, Im looking at you我凝望着你And my heart loves the view我心爱此景Cause you mean everything因你是我唯一Right here I promise you somehow在此地答应你无论如何That tomorrow can wait让未来可以For some other day

35、 to be让明天等待To be, but right now theres you and me等待,但是此刻只有我和你You and me. You and me. You and me我和你,我和你,我和你But right now theres you and me” 但是此刻只有我和你。”-Gabriella: Is this a pirates wheel?pirate: 海盗船 wheel: 舵轮这是海盗船舵吗?-Troy:No.不是。-Gabriella: Very cute.真可爱。-Troy: I havent played with Robo-Rob since thir

36、d grade.我从三年级就不玩机器人了。-Gabriella: Im Robo-Rob. I am.我是机器人,机器人-Troy: Dont break him. Dont break him. Thats Chads.别弄坏了,别那是Chad的。-Gabriella: Sure it is. Now its just like kindergarten.just like: 正如 kindergarten: 幼儿园是啊!现在就像幼儿园似的。-Mother: Troy? You have guests. Dont make me come up there and get you again

37、. Hi, Gabriella.Troy? 客人们在等呢!别逼我再上去拽你!你好,Gabriella!-Troy: Well be right down, Mom. She really will come up here if we dont go down.go down: 下降,下去我们马上到,老妈。如果我们不下去,她真会上来的。-Gabriella: Oh, OK.好吧!-Traffic Guider: Right there, right there. OK, come on through. Come on. There you e on through: 快点有车,有车。好了,开

38、进来吧!来吧!好的。-Boy F: Wow.哇!-Sharpay: Hey, Troy. So, whens the big game?big: 重要的你好,Troy。决赛什么时候开始?-Troy: Uh, yesterday.呃,昨天-Sharpay: Oh, well. Good luck.好吧!祝你好运!-Chad: Wow.哇!-Boy G: Shes so sweet.她真体贴。-Sharpay: What are you? I mean, who are you?你是什么东西?我是说,你是谁?-Gold: Good morning, Ms. Evans. Im Tiara Gold

39、.早上好,Evans小姐。我是Tiara Gold。I transferred to East High from London and I noticed on the board youre in need of a personal assistant.transfer: 迁移 notice: 注意 board: 看板 in need of: 需要 personal: 私人的 assistant: 助理刚从伦敦转学到东部高中。我在公告栏看到你需要个私人助理。-Sharpay: Yeah, with finals, prom, graduation,finals: 期末考 prom: 舞会

40、 graduation: 毕业是啊!期末考试,毕业舞会,毕业典礼。I need someone tracking my appointments and assignments.track:掌控 appointment: 约会 assignment: 作业我需要有个人来管理我的约会和作业。Most important, I need someone to run lines for the musical. Thats a theater term for.run lines: 对台词 musical: 音乐剧 term: 术语最重要的是需要有人来为音乐剧对词。那是歌剧里的专业用词.-Gold

41、: Learning your role. I understand. Its best to keep science and math bookstogether,role: 角色是练习角色。我知道。最好把科学和数学课本放一起,since those are first lessons of the day.since: 因为因为这些是今天的头两节课。-Sharpay: How do you know my schedule?schedule: 时间表你怎么知道我的课程表?-Gold: I took the liberty of checking, simply to make certa

42、in.take the liberty of: 擅自 simply: 仅仅 make certain: 弄清楚我去查过了,只是为了以防万一。Id have your nonfat, nofoam, soy latte ready for free period.nonfat: 无脂的 foam: 泡沫 soy: 大豆 latte: 拿铁咖啡 ready for: 为准备还给你拿了休息时喝的无脂,无沫的豆汁拿铁。-Sharpay: one packet of sweetener?packet: 小包 sweetener: 甜味剂有甜味剂吗?-Gold: Organic.organic: 有机的当

43、然是有机的。-Sharpay: Ill e-mail you my wardrobe choices each morning so that our outfits wont clash.wardrobe: 服装 outfit:全套服装 clash: 冲突早上我会发电邮告诉你我的穿戴,这样我们就不会撞衫了。If you own any orange, get rid of it. By the way, like the accent. Its. sweet.get rid of: 摆脱 by the way: 顺便说一下 accent: 口音 如果你有橙色的衣服,扔了吧!顺便说一下,喜欢你

44、口音,很.可爱。- Rocket Man: Troy, my brother. Can I have your gym locker?gym: 体育馆Troy 我的兄弟你体育馆的储物柜给我好吗?-Troy: What?什么?- Rocket Man: Like starting next week. Ill be running the team next season and itll help me out with the guys.help out: 帮助解决难题下周就开始啦!下赛季我可能就是队长了,这能帮我壮壮声威的。-Troy: Yeah, why didnt I think of

45、 that?think of: 想到我怎么没想到? - Rocket Man: I dont know. Tardy again. Later, bro!tardy: 迟到 later=see you later: 回头见我不知道。又迟到了。回见!兄弟!-Teacher A: Are you serious?serious: 认真的你开玩笑吧?- Rocket Man: What about her. Hey.那她怎么不嘿-Darbus: All right, everyone. Settle down. We are all excited about our Wildcats top-to-bottom championships.settle down: 安下心来 top-to-bottom: 全面的 championship: 冠军好了,各位。坐好了。我们还对野猫队的大满贯很兴奋。That would be back-to-back. Whatever the case, it was a grand slam. Well done!back-to-back: 紧接的 whatever: 不管怎样 grand: 重大的 slam:全胜应该是蝉联冠军。不管怎么说都是件大喜事。做得


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