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1、法律英语名言法律英语名言 英文 中文 a sage punishes not because a crime has been committed, but rather to prevent its being committed;because the past cannot be revoked, but the future is being forestalled. (Lat. nemo prudens punit quia peccatum est, sed ne peccetur;reuocari enim praeterita non possunt, futura prohi

2、bentur) .Plato 智者非因犯罪已然发生才去惩罚,实乃为了防止犯罪而施刑责;其原因在于,过去无法逆转,而未来则可以预防。 柏拉图 The law is the last result of human wisdom acting upon human experience for the benefit of the public. .Samuel Johnson 法律是人类为公众利益所作实践中探索出的人类智慧最终结晶。 塞缪尔约翰逊 In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics. .Earl Warren 在文明的生活中,法律漂浮

3、在道德的海洋上。 厄尔沃伦 The law seems like a sort of maze through which a client must be led to safety, a collection of reefs, rocks and underwater hazards through which he or she must be piloted. .John Mortimer 法律看起来就象某种迷宫委托人要想通过,肯定需要他人引导其通过种种暗礁。 约翰莫蒂默 The verdict acquits the raven, but condemns the dove. La

4、t., Dat veniam corvis, vexat censura columbas. .Juvenal 裁决认定掠夺者无罪,而给主张和平的人判刑。 尤维纳利斯 The law often allows what honor forbids. Fr., La loi permet souvent ce que defend lhonneur. .Bernard Joseph Saurin 法律允许的而道义上常常禁止。 伯纳德约瑟莎伦 Unnecessary laws are but traps for money. .Hobbes 无用的法律不过是捞钱的陷阱。 霍布斯 Arms and

5、laws do not flourish together. .Julius Caesar 武力与法律不能同时兴盛。 尤利乌斯凯撒 It is safer that a bad man should not be accused, than that he should be acquitted. Lat., Hominem improbum non accusari tutius est quam absolvi. .Titus Livy 不指控坏人较宣告他无罪更稳妥。 泰特斯李维 The prince is not above the laws, but the laws above th

6、e prince. Lat., Non est priceps super leges, sed leges supra principem. .Pliny the Younger 不是君主高于法律,而是法律高于君主。 小普林尼 The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice. Lat., Jus summum saepe summa est malitia. .Terence 最严厉的法律有时会变成最大的不公平。 泰伦斯 The judge is condemned when the guilty is acquitted

7、. Lat., Judex damnatur cum nocens absolvitur. .Publilius Syrus 如果犯罪之人被判无罪,法官应该判刑。 普布里利亚斯西拉斯 He who decides a case without hearing the other side, though he decide justly, cannot be considered just. Lat., Qui statuit aliquid, parte inaudita altera, Aequum licet statuerit, haud aequus fuerit. .Lucius

8、Annaeus Seneca 偏听一方而对案件作出判决不可能公正,虽然他自认为很公正。 卢西乌斯阿纽斯塞内加 I do not know the method of drawing up an indictment against an whole people. .Edmund Burke 我不知道如何起草控告所有人的方法。 埃德蒙伯克 No written law has been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion. .Carrie Chapman Catt 由民众意见支持的不成文习惯法比成文法更

9、具约束力。 卡丽查普曼凯特 Law is mind without reason. .Aristotle 法律是无由的理念。 亚里斯多德 Necessity has no law. .William Langland “必要”不受制于法。 威廉朗格兰 Let us consider the reason of the case. For nothing is law that is not reason. .Sir John Powell 让我们来搜寻本案的理由,因为没有理由不成其为法律。 约翰鲍威尔爵士 I know of no method to secure the repeal of

10、bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution. .Ulysses S. Grant 我知道取缔有害或讨厌的法律最有效的方法是严厉地去执行它。 尤利塞斯S格兰特 At least in the law of the jungle, youve survival of the fittest. In Congress, youve just got survival. .Robert W. Packwood 至少在法律丛林中,适者生存。在国会中,你得生存。 罗伯特W帕克伍德 He found law dear and

11、 left it cheap. .Ulysses S. Grant 他对法律一见钟情,随即又见异思迁。 尤利西斯辛格兰特 There is a point beyond which even justice becomes unjust. .Sophocles 公平与不公平仅一线之隔。 萨福克里斯 The law exists to protect us all, whether we are union members, union leaders, employers or merely long-suffering members of the public. We cannot do

12、without it. But the law is not a one-way street. Part goes our way, part goes against us. We have either to accept it all or else to opt bor anarchy. .Sir John Donaldson 法律保护我们所有人,不管你是工会成员、工会领导人、职员还是长期受苦的公众成员。没有法律我们一事无成。但是法律不是一条单行道,有些是我们的方向,而有些与我们反向。我们要么全部接受,要么选择无*状态。 约翰唐纳森爵士 There is nothing more d

13、ifficult to arrange, more doubtful of success, and more dangerous to carry through than initiating change in a States constitution. The innovator makes enemies of all those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support is forthcoming from those who could prosper under the new. Their s

14、upport is lukewarm partly from fear of their adversaries, who have the existing law on their side, and partly because men are generally incredulous, never really trusting n 没有比开始改革一个国家的宪法在安排上更困难,在成功方面更不确定,在实施方面更危险。改革者要得罪所有在旧规则下获益的人;而只是冷淡的支持者是那些从即将实施的新规则下获益的人。 这些人不热心支持一方面是因为出于对那些站在现行法律一边的敌手的畏惧;另一方面因为

15、通常不轻信新事物,除非它们已经过实践检验。结果,改革随时遭反对变革者剧烈地攻击,而其他支持者又只是冷淡的。因此,改革者及友人都濒临灭绝。 马基雅弗利 The question is, not what may be supposed to have been intended, but what has been said. .Lord Halsbury 问题不是推定的意图,而是曾经说过什么。 赫斯布里勋爵 It is found by experience that admirable laws and right precedents among the good have their o

16、rigin in the misdeeds of others. .Cornelius Tacitus 经验告诉我们绝妙的法律及正确的先例来源于他人的犯罪基础上的。 科尼利厄斯塔西佗 People say Ive had brushes with the law. Thats not true. Ive had brushes with overzealous prosecutors. .Mark Duffy 人们说我与法律有过冲突,其实是不准确的。我只是同那些过分热心的检举人有过冲突。 马克达菲 ?There can be no really pervasive system of oppr

17、ession . . . without the consent of the oppressed. .Florynce R. Kennedy) 没有被压迫者的同意,就不会有真正的压迫制度。 弗洛里恩斯R肯尼迪 The strongest bulwark of authority is uniformity; the least divergence from it is the greatest crime. .Emma Goldman 权力最有力的保障是一致性;最小的分歧就是最大的犯罪。 爱玛戈德曼 The grandest of all laws is the law of progre

18、ssive development. .John Christian Bovee 法律最重要的是法律随着时代不断改革发展。 John Christian Bove There are so many lawyers with their hands in the till there isnt room for money. .Howard Engel 抽屉内到处都是律师的手,以致没有放钱的空间。 霍华德恩格 It is often thought that the police represent the law. It would be more accurate to say that

19、they represent the force behind the law. .J. Ricker and J. Saywell 经常有人认为警察代表法律。更准确来讲,他们代表法律背后的强制力。 J. Ricker和J. Saywell Senility has its privileges. .Edward Farrer 老人应享有特别待遇。 爱德华法拉 Plant a kernel of wheat and you reap a pint; plant a pint and you reap a bushel. Always the law works to give you back

20、 more than you give. .Anthony Norvell 种下一粒麦种你可以收获一品脱;种下一品脱你可以蒲式尔。通常法律回报你的总比你给予的多。 安东尼诺维尔 Laws were made to be broken. .Christopher North 制定法律用于被人破坏。 克里斯托弗诺斯 HOMICIDE, n. The slaying of one human being by another. There are four kinds of homocide: felonious, excusable, justifiable, and praiseworthy,

21、but it makes no great difference to the person slain whether he fell by one kind or another - the classification is for advantage of the lawyers. .Ambrose Bierce 杀人:名词,一个人被另一个人杀死。一般分为四种情况:重罪的、可免除的、有理由的及值得称颂的,但是对于被杀者没有任何区别。而这种分级只对于律师有用。 安布罗斯比尔斯 Reason is the life of the law; nay, the common law itsel

22、f is nothing else but reason. .Coke 法律的生命是推理,不仅如此,而且普通法本身除了推理外别无他物。 科克 Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough. .Abraham Lincoln 阻止诉讼。随时说服你的邻居采取折衷措施去避免诉

23、讼,律师作为调节人,不但有很好的机会成为一个好人,而且总是有许多生意上门。 亚伯拉罕林肯 The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer. .Henry Kissinger 违法一瞬间即可完成,但违宪则需更长一点时间。 亨利基辛格 With every civil right there has to be a corresponding civil obligation. .Edson Haines 每一个民事权利必须有对应的民事义务。 Edson Haines We are creating

24、 the kind of society where the criminal is out of jail before his victim is out of hospital .Richard J. Needham 我们正在建设一种受害者尚未出院而罪犯却已出狱的社会。 理查德J尼达姆 The law gives a dog more rights than the person he bites . J. C. McRuer 法律给予狗的权利比被它咬的人多。 J. C. McRuer It may be true that the law cannot make a man love

25、me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I think thats pretty important. .Martin Luther King 事实上,法律不能让一个人爱上我,但可以阻止他对我动私刑。我认为这是最重要的。 马丁路德金 Lawyers are operators of the toll bridge across which anyone in search of justice has to pass. .Jane Bryant Quinn 律师就像收费桥的工作人员,任何搜寻公平的人都必须由此经过。 简布莱恩特奎因 There

26、 are not enough jails, not enough policeman, not enough courts to enforce a law not supported by the people. .Hubert Humphrey 就是再多的监狱、再多的警察及法庭也无法实施民众不支持的法律。 休伯特汉弗莱 Lawyers are men whom we hire to protect us from lawyers. .Elbert Hubbard 律师是我们聘来用以应付其他律师的。 埃尔伯特哈伯德 It is the spirit and not the form of

27、law that keeps justice alive. .Earl Warren 法律的本质就是保持正义不灭。 沃伦伯爵 A lawyer cannot be made honest by an act of the Legislature. Youve got to work on his conscience, and his lack of conscience is what made him a lawyer. .Will Rogers 立法机关的法令不可能使律师变得诚实。你必须凭良心作事,而正是缺乏良心才使他成为律师。 威廉罗杰斯 A law-suit is like an i

28、ll-managed dispute, in which the first object is soon out of sight, and the parties end upon a matter wholly foreign to that on which they began. .Edmund Burke 诉讼就象失控的争斗,开始争夺的目标很快淡出视野,而双方结束时的目标已与之毫无关联。 埃德蒙伯克 As soon as laws are necessary for men, they are no longer fit for freedom. .Pythagorus 一旦法律成

29、为人们的必需品,自由就不再适合他们。 毕达哥拉斯 As soon as laws are necessary for men, they are no longer fit for freedom. .Pythagorus 人们一旦必需法律时,就意味着不再需要自由。 皮西亚斯 You have to lead people gently toward what they already know is right. .Philip Crosby 你必须带领人民慢慢地向他们认为正确的方向发展。 菲力普克罗斯比 What power has law where only money rules.

30、.Gaius Petronius 金钱统治的地方权力就是法律。 盖厄斯 佩特罗尼乌斯 Our defense is not in our armaments, nor in science, nor in going underground. Our defense is in law and order. .Albert Einstein 我们的防御不在于我们的军备,不在于科技,也不在于地下活动,而就是法律和秩序。 阿尔伯特爱因斯坦 The head never rules the heart, but just becomes its partner in crime. .Mignon M

31、cLaughlin 头脑永远不会支配心灵,只是在犯罪时才会成为它的伙伴。 Mignon McLaughlin Good laws have their origins in bad morals. .Ambrosius Macrobius 好的法律来源于道德的沦丧。 安波罗休玛克罗比乌斯 The body of the law is no less incumbered with superfluous members, that are like Virgils army, which he tells us was so crowded, many of them had not room

32、 to use their weapons. .Joseph Addison 法律的躯体因为过量的成员而妨碍其正常运作,就如维吉尔的军队,他告诉我们,他们因为拥挤而没有空间使用武器。 约瑟夫阿狄森 The laws do not undertake to punish anything other than overt acts. .Charles de Secondat 法律除了公然的犯罪行为外不会同意惩办任何事情。 Charles de Secondat A law is something which must have a moral basis, so that there is a

33、n inner compelling force for every citizen to obey. .Chaim Weizmann 法律必须有一个道德基础,所以需要一个内部强制力让每一个公民去遵守。 杰姆魏茨曼 Pity is the virtue of the law, and none but tyrants use it cruelly. .William Shakespeare 怜悯是法律的美德,只有暴君残酷地使用它。 威廉莎士比亚 To see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or of principle.

34、 .Lisa Alther 知道是对的但不去做,不是缺乏勇气就是丧失原则。 Lisa Alther To see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or of principle. .Lisa Alther 知道是对的但不去做,不是缺乏勇气就是丧失原则。 Lisa Alther Truth is the summit of being; justice is the application of it to affairs. .Ralph Waldo Emerson 真理是生命的至高点,正义是其实践者。 拉尔夫沃尔朵爱默生

35、A multitude of laws in a country is like a great number of physicians, a sign of weakness and malady. .Voltaire 在一个国家里,众多的法律就如众多的医生,虚弱和疾病的标志。 伏尔泰 There is no such thing as justice-in or out of court. .Clarence Seward Darrow 无论法庭内外都没有公正这类东西存在。 克拉伦斯苏厄德达罗 Organized crime constitutes nothing less than a

36、 guerilla war against society. .Lyndon Baines Johnson 有组织犯罪不亚于组织反社会的游击战争. 林顿贝恩斯约翰逊 Pray: To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessed unworthy. - Ambrose 祈祷:请求废除世界法则以利于个别无疑不足道的请求者。 安布罗斯 Tolerance implies a respect for another person, not because he is w

37、rong or even because he is right, but because he is human. .John Cogley Commonweal 宽容意味着对别人的尊重,不是因为他的对错,而是仅仅因为他是一个人。 John Cogley Commonweal Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondarily on institutions such as courts of justice and police. .Albe

38、rt Einstein 人们之间的每种和平协作首先是建立在相互信任的基础之上,其次才是公共机构比如法庭、警署。 阿尔贝特爱因斯坦 Laws are like sausages. Its better not to see them being made. .Bismarck 法律如香肠,大家最好不要看它的制作过程。 陴斯麦 Banning gun shows to reduce violent crime will work about as well as banning auto shows to reduce drunken driving. .Bill McIntire 禁止枪支以减少

39、暴力犯罪就如禁止汽车以减少酒后驾驶一样可笑。 Bill McIntire To live outside the law you must be honest. .Bob Dylan 生活在法律范围之外,你必须诚实。 鲍勃迪伦 As with forms of government, so with forms of law; it is the national character which decides. .Herbert Spencer 有什么样的*就有什么样的法律;这是由国家的性质决定的。 赫伯特斯宾塞 Even a clock that does not work is righ

40、t twice a day. .Polish Proverb 即使是坏了的钟一天也能对两次。 波兰谚语 The strictest law often causes the most serious wrong. .Cicero 最严苛的法律经常导致最严重的冤屈. 西塞罗 The strictest law often causes the most serious wrong. .Cicero 最严苛的法律经常导致最严重的冤屈. 西塞罗 The problem with any unwritten law is that you dont know where to go to erase

41、it. .Glaser and Way 不成文法的问题是你不知到哪去取消它。 Glaser and Way The welfare of the people is the ultimate law. .Cicero 人民的幸福是法律的根本。 西塞罗 When men are pure, laws are useless; when men are corrupt, laws are broken. .Benjamin Disraeli 当人类思想纯洁时,法律显得无用;当人类思想腐败时,法律则不被遵守。 本杰明 迪斯雷利 Even when laws have been written dow

42、n, they ought not always to remain unaltered. .Aristotle 即使法律已经写下,它们也不必须保持一成不变。 亚里斯多德 Persecution is the first law of society because it is always easier to suppress criticism than to meet it. .Howard Mumford Jones 迫害是社会的第一部法,因为抑止批评问题比迎合批评要容易。 霍华德芒福德琼斯 Too much sensibility creates unhappiness; too m

43、uch insensibility leads to crime. .Talleyrand 过于关注易产生不快;过于漠视易导致犯罪。 塔列朗 How many crimes are committed simply because their authors could not endure being wrong. .Albert Camus 许多人犯罪仅仅是因为不能忍受不公正。 阿尔贝特卡缪 Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. .Martin Luther King 无论何处的不公平都是对公平的威胁。 马丁路德金 Th

44、e successful revolutionary is a statesman, the unsuccessful one a criminal. .Erich Fromm 成功的革命者是政治家,而失败的则为罪犯。 艾里克弗洛姆 Time is the great legalizer, even in the field of morals. .Henry Louis Mencken 时间是伟大的法律判定者,即使在道德领域。 亨利路易斯孟肯 War does not determine who is right - only who is left. .Bertrand Russel 战争

45、不能决定谁是正确的,只能决定谁离去。 伯特兰罗素 There can be no justice so long as rules are absolute. .Patrick Stewart 只要有专制的规章就没有公平可言。 帕特里克斯图尔特 For most men the love of justice is only the fear of suffering injustice. .Fran?ois Duc de la Rochefoucauld 对大多数人来说,对公平的热爱只仅仅因为对遭受不公平的恐惧。 佛朗克斯德拉罗希夫格 Next in importance to Freedo

46、m and Justice is popular education, without which neither Freedom nor Justice can be permanently maintained. .James Abram Garfield 全民教育的重要性仅次于自由与公平,没有它自由与公平就得不到永久地维持。 詹姆斯亚伯拉罕加菲尔德 Behind every great fortune there is a crime. .Honor de Balzac 每个巨额财富背后都包含着犯罪。 奥诺德 巴尔扎克 The triumph of justice is the only peace. .Robert Green Ingersoll 公正的胜利才是唯一的和平。 罗伯特格林英格索尔 Without justice courage is weak. .Benjamin Franklin 缺乏公平的勇气是虚弱的。 本杰明富兰克林 That you may retain your sel


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