1、泛读教程第3册参考答案Unit 6 Section A Word Pretest C ACBABACABAB Reading Skill CAACACCA Vocabulary Building Availability avail available availably Conquest conquer conquering conqueringly Luxury luxuriate luxurious luxuriously Orgin orginate original originally Occurrence occur occurrent System systematize sy
2、stematical systematically Phonology phonological phonologically Decision decide decided decidedly Variety vary various variously Superiority superior superiorly Peculiar particular particular Assess access access Resources source sources Cloze Sex men differs compliment complimenting causes makes la
3、nguages have outside understood have use circle Section B CBBBACBCCCCBACCBA Section C BBCABBACCB Unit 7 Section A Word Pretest ABABCBAC Reading Skill BBBCCBCB Vocabulary Building Deduced behavior adhere replacement option delicacy enormous pursuit Inquired required inquire required Compatible compar
4、able compatible comparable Cloze Satellite some space asked life sort orbiting have living were believe own solar where likely living through Section B FTFFTTTTTFFFBBCACC Section C BCBCCAEDEBAFDC Unit 8 Section A Word Pretest BCABCBBCCA Reading Skill CBABCBCCCC Vocabulary Building Occupation occupy
5、occupational occupationally Segregation segregate segregated Discrimination discriminate discriminating discriminatingly Enforcement enforce enforceable enforceably Exclusion exclude exclusive exclusively Perseverance persevere persevering perseveringly Conviction convict convictive convectively Ame
6、ndment amend amendable Superficiality superficialize superficial superficially Spectator spectate spectatorial Job career jobs career Principal principles principal principle Feminine female feminine Cloze Acceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legal suit permitted make excluded l
7、acked belonged determined Section B BACCCCACCCAABBACTTF Section C CCAACB Unit 9 Section A Word Pretest BAABCACBBABC Reading Skill CACCBBBBBACB Vocabulary Building Typifies dominant familial competitive vibrate descended departure boom countless symbolizes Recreation recreates recreation Rhythm rhyme
8、 rhymes rhythm Cloze Sea within of divides built celebrated inside attract together when Section B FTFTTCCBBCBAACCAC Section C BAACABCCCC Unit 10 Section A Word Pretest CABCBBBBAB Reading Skill CBCACCCABB Vocabulary Building Consequenceconsequent consequently Sophistication sophisticate sophisticate
9、d sophisticatedly Reference refer referable referably Conversation converse conversational conversationally Space space spatial spatially Detachment detach detachable detachably Intervention intervene intervening Type typify typical typically Assure ensure assured ensure Arises raised rise raised arisen Clue cues clue cue Cloze Well separating is own close need look order respect follow prior sign help was else Section B BBCTTFBCACACTFF Section C TFFTFFFF