牛津小学英语5B 期末复习资料.docx

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1、牛津小学英语5B 期末复习资料Unit 1 知识要点 要求掌握的单词: 星期日Sunday 星期四Thursday 数学Maths 艺术Art 星期一Monday 星期五Friday 英语English 体育PE 星期二Tuesday 星期六Saturday 星期三Wednesday 语文Chinese 科学Science 社会Social Science 微机Computer Studies 星期week 有趣的interesting 要求掌握的词组: 一个新学期a new term 八门课程eight subjects 立刻,马上at once 上一堂课have a lesson 这学期t

2、his term 在星期一on Monday 新学期的第一节课the first lesson of the new term 在一周内in a week 一本有趣的书an interesting book 要求掌握的句型: 1. I hope we have more. 我希望我们有更多的。 2. What day is it today? 今天星期几?Its ( Thursday) . 今天。 3. What lessons do you have in the morning / afternoon? 你们在早上/ 下午有什么课? We have and 我们有和。 4.What sub

3、ject do you like? 你喜欢什么课程?I like 我喜欢。 How about you? 你呢?I like 我喜欢。 句型转换: 1. Its Tuesday. ( 对划线部分提问) What day is it today? 2. I like English and Maths. ( 对划线部分提问)What subject do you like? 3. We have eight subjects this term. ( 对划线部分提问) How many subjects do you have this term? 4. We have Chinese, Mat

4、hs and English in the morning. ( 对划线部分提问) What lessons do you have in the morning? 5. Nice to see you. (同义句) Nice to meet you./Glad to see you./Glad to meet you. Unit 2 知识要点 要求掌握的单词: 牙痛toothache 胃痛stomach ache 午饭lunch 感觉feel 要求掌握的词组: 一个电话a telephone call 给某人打电话call sb. 一次严重的咳嗽a bad cough 卧病在床stay in

5、 bed 多休息have a lot of rest 看医生see a doctor 要求掌握的句型: 1. Why are you absent today? 你今天为什么缺席? 2. See you soon. 一会见。 3. I hope you get better soon. 我希望你尽快好起来。 4. How do you feel now? 你现在觉得怎么样啊? I feel( tired, hot, thirsty, ill) 我觉得。 I can get a / some for you. 我能给你一/ 一些。 5. Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?(相

6、当于Whats the matter with you?) Ive got a ( fever, toothache, cold, cough) 我得了。Im sorry to hear that. 听到这我感到很抱歉。 打电话的常识: 如你致电某人,电话接通后,你应对接电话的人说May I speak to , please? 如果你接听电话,而你正是对方想找的人,应说Yes, speaking. 如果来电的人找的人不在,你应说Sorry, is not here. 如果对方要找的人就在你附近,你可以说Hold on, please. 然后找那人来听电话。 在学校at school 午饭后a

7、fter lunch 跟说话speak to 吃一些药take some medicine 高烧 a high fever 错误的号码wrong number 生病be ill 缺席be absent 一些水果some fruit 张开你的嘴open your mouth 感觉好点了feel better 耳痛earache 发烧fever 说speak 背痛backache 感冒cold 坏的bad 头痛headache 咳嗽cough 得到get 无论是你致电他人或他人致电给你,若你想问是谁在接听电话,应说Whos that, please? Is that(speaking)? 如果你想

8、告诉对方你是谁,应说This is .(speaking). 如果有人打错电话,你应说Sorry, wrong Unit 3 知识要点 要求掌握的单词: 漂亮的beautiful 收集collect 要求掌握的词组: 拍照take photos 集硬币collect coins 制作模型船make model ships 他的同班同学们his classmates 去购物go shopping 种花grow flowers 做衣服make clothes 集中国邮票collect Chinese stamps 集邮collect stamps 养金鱼keep goldfish 许多漂亮的邮票m

9、any beautiful stamps 煮可口的食物cook nice food 做一件T恤衫make a T-shirt 浇树和花water the trees and flowers 动物(an) animal 邮票stamp 同班同学classmate 爱好hobby 船ship 硬币coin 种漂亮的花grow beautiful flowers 做漂亮的连衣裙make pretty dresses 她的家人her family 照看,照顾look after 每天every day 同样的爱好the same hobby 要求掌握的句型: Do you have any hobbi

10、es? 你有些爱好吗? Yes, I do. I like (taking photos)/No, I dont是的,我有。我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。He / She likes ( going shopping ).他 / 她喜欢。 He / She doesnt like ( growing flowers ).他 / 她不喜欢。 Bens hobby is collecting stamps.本的爱好是集邮。 句型转换: He likes going shopping. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)Does he like going shopping? No, he doesnt.

11、 Ben likes collecting stamps. Ben doesnt like collecting stamps. Helen and I like making pretty dresses. (对划线部分提问)What do Helen and you like? My fathers hobby is keeping goldfish. Is your fathers hobby keeping goldfish? Unit 4 知识要点 要求掌握的单词: 忙的busy 通常usually 英语English 要求掌握的词组: 大声地说话speak loudly 跑得快ru

12、n fast 一位英国朋友an English friend 同龄the same age 他的英国朋友his English friend 从星期一到星期五from Monday to Friday 想要want to 舞跳得漂亮dance beautifully 静静地坐着sit quietly 发一封电子邮件write an e-mail 一个小镇a small town 踢得好play well 做运动do exercise 和打乒乓play table tennis with 跳得高jump high 小心地走walk carefully 住在伦敦live in London 上网浏

13、览surf the Internet 泳游得好swim well 一封给我的信a letter for me 学汉语study Chinese 高地,高的high 好地well 年龄age 镇town 电子邮件e-mail 要求掌握的句型: Im busy. 我忙的。 Were the same age. 我们是同龄人。 A: Does he / she jump high? 他 / 她跳得高吗? B: Yes, he / she does. 是的,他 / 她是。No, he / she doesnt. 不,他 / 她不是。 A: What does he / she usually do o

14、n Sundays? 他通常在星期日做什么? B: He / She usually takes photos. 他通常拍照。 A: What subjects does he study at school? 在学校他学什么课程? B: He studies English, Maths, Science and Art. 他学英语、数学、科学和艺术。 句型转换: 1. Helen usually goes shopping on Saturdays. What does Helen usually do on Saturdays? 2. Does he jump high? He jump

15、s high. 3. He runs fast. He doesnt run fast. 人称代词: 主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词 I me my you you your he she it him her it his her its we they us them our their 名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours theirs 一般现在时的动词形式: 一般现在时主要由动词原形表示,但第三人称单数后的动词词尾有所变化。第三人称单数动词词尾的变化有几种形式: 变化 例词 reads, says, takes teaches, washes, goe

16、s, misses, mixes studies, cries, carries 一般情况 加-s 以ch, sh, s, x, 或o结尾的加-es 词 以辅音字母加y结尾的词 变y为i再加-es 例: I read English every day. You read English every day. We read English every day. They read English every day. Helen and Mike read English every day. My friends read English every day. He reads Engli

17、sh every day. She reads English every day. Wang Bing reads English every day. His sister reads English Unit 6 知识要点 要求掌握的单词: 1. 肩膀 shoulder shoulders 3. 手 hand hands 5. 脚 foot feet 7. 脚趾 toe toes 9. 脖子 neck 11.左,左边的 left 13. 停,停止 stop 15. 人人,每人 everybody everyone 要求掌握的词组: 2. 手臂 arm arms 4. 腿 leg legs

18、 6. 手指 finger fingers 8. 膝盖 knee knees 10. 次数,时间 time 12. 右,右边的 right 14. 触摸,接触 touch 1. 上一堂体育课 have a PE 2. 发命令 give orders lesson 3. 跟着命令 follow the 4. 试着 try to orders 5. 做一些运动 do some exercise 6. 把放一起 put together 7. 上下跳 jump up and down 8. 仔细地听 listen carefully 9. 向左转 turn left 10. 向右转 turn rig

19、ht 11. 向左右转 turn left and right 12. 十次 ten times 13. 仰卧 lie on ones back 14. 弯膝盖 bend ones knees 15. 抬起 lift up 16. 感觉累 feel tired 17. 每天 every day 18. 把你的膝盖移到左边 move your legs to the left 19. 用触摸 touch with. 要求掌握的句型: 1.站成一排。 Stand in a line. 2.让我们做一些运动。 Lets do some exercise. 3.现在请仔细地听。 Now, listen

20、 carefully. 4.上下跳。 Jump up and down. 5.做这个次。 Do this times. Do this ten times. 6.把放在上面。 Put on Put the pineapple on your head. 7.用触摸 多少次 touchwith times Touch your left leg with your right hand three times. Unit 7 知识要点 要求掌握的单词: 1.脸 face 5. 过 past 2. 游戏 game 3. 半 half_ 6. 准备ready 7. 真正地,确实 really 4.

21、夜晚 night 8. 快地,快的 quick 要求掌握的词组: 1. 十二点四十 twenty to one 3. 十二点五十 ten to 2. 十二点四十五 a quarter to one 4. 一点十分 ten past one one 5. 一点十五分 a quarter past one 7. 一点半 half past one 9. 迟到 be late 11. 一场足球赛 a football game 13. 快一点 be quick 15.步行on foot_ 要求掌握的句型: 6. 一点二十分 twenty past one 8. 没时间休息 no time for r

22、est 10. 值日 on duty 12. 想要 want to 14. 随身带一些面包 take some bread with me 16. 回家 come home_ 1. 几点了? Whats the time? = What time is it? Its 2. .的时间到了。/ 该了。 Its time to(动词词组) Its time to have breakfast. Its time for Its time for breakfast. 3. 你想和我一起吗? Do you want to join me? Yes. / No, Im . 4. 他没时间吃早饭。 He

23、 has no time for breakfast. (同意句) He doesnt have any time for breakfast. 5. 她在十点睡觉。He goes to bed at ten oclock. Unit 8 知识要点 要求掌握的单词: 蚂蚁ant 萤火虫firefly 蜜蜂bee 周末weekend 经常often(同义词)usually 打架fight 要求掌握的词组: 星期五下午Friday afternoon 度周末spend ones weekend 谈论他们的周末talk about their weekends 每个星期六和星期日every Satu

24、rday and Sunday 蝴蝶butterfly 蟋蟀cricket 蝉cicada 很,非常very 抓住,捉住catch 发光glow 蜻蜓dragonfly 蚱蜢grasshopper 谈论,讲话talk 体育运动sport 勇敢的brave 在周末at the weekend 捉昆虫catch insects 我们的好朋友our good friends 在夜晚at night 去爬山go climbing 在秋千上玩play on the swings 要求掌握的句型: 看动画片watch cartoons 当然of course 搬大的东西carry big things 在

25、大热天on hot days 去游泳go swimming 打扫房间clean the rooms 1.下课了。Class is over. / Classes are over. 2.放学了。School is over. 3.课后 after class 放学后 after school 4.I can learn a lot from it. 我可以从中学到好多。 5.How do you spend your weekends? I often./ Sometimes I 你怎样度你的周末呢?我经常/有时我 6.How does .spend his / her weekends? H

26、e/ She often / Sometimes he/ she 怎样度他/她的周末呢? 他/她经常 / 有时他/他 例:How do you spend your weekends? I often watch cartoons. / Sometimes I watch cartoons. How does David spend his weekends? He often watches cartoons. / Sometimes he watches cartoons. How does Nancy spend her weekends? She often watches carto

27、ons. / Sometimes she watches cartoons. I study at Yu Cai School. 我在育才学校学习。 Sometimes I listen to music or go to the cinema. 有时我听音乐或去电影院。 Unit 9 知识要点 要求掌握的单词: 中国China 英国人British 美国人American 日本Japan 中国人,汉语Chinese 英语English 澳大利亚Australia 日本人,日语Japanese 英国UK 美国USA 澳大利亚人Australian 法国France 法国人,法语French 国

28、家country 要求掌握的词组: 参观,来访visit 家庭主妇housewife 参观者,来访者visitor 英语俱乐部the English Club 不同的国家different countries 长城the Great Wall 一起回家go home together 要求掌握的句型: 跟谈话talk to 环游中国go around China 在一所小学in a primary school 我的同班同学my classmate 1. Id like to go around China. 我想要环游中国。 Id = I would 2. Are you from diff

29、erent countries? 你们来自不同的国家吗? 3. Where are you from? I am from./ We are from 你/你们来自哪里?我来自/ 我们来自 Where is he / she from? He / She is from Where are they from? They are from Where is it from? It is from 4. Do you speak? Yes, I do. I speak ,too.你讲吗?是的,我是。我也讲 Do you speak English?Yes, I do. I speak Chinese, too.你讲英语吗?是的,我是。我也讲汉语。 5. I speak 我说 I speak Chinese. 我说汉语。 6. Do you speak ? No, I dont. I speak 你说?不,我不是。我说 Do you speak French? No, I dont . I speak English. 你说法语吗?不,我不是。我说英语。


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