降世神通 第1季 动画 台词 剧本.docx

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1、降世神通 第1季 动画 台词 剧本The Boy In The Iceberg Katara (voice over): Water earth fire air My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the Fire Nation at

2、tacked. Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless firebenders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years have passed and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe journeyed to the Earth Kin

3、gdom to help fight against the Fire Nation, leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe. Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads and that the cycle is broken, but I havent lost hope. I still believe that somehow the Avatar will return to save the world. Sokka:

4、Its not getting away from me this time. Watch and learn, Katara. This is how you catch a fish. Katara: Sokka, look! Sokka: (whispers) Shhh. Katara, youre gonna scare it away. Mmmm I can already smell it cookin! Katara (trying to retain control of the globe of water): But Sokka! I caught one! Katara:

5、 Hey! Sokka (very exasperated): Ugh! Why is it that every time you play with magic water I get soaked? Katara: Its not magic. Its waterbending, and its Sokka: Yeah, yeah, an ancient art unique to our culture, blah blah blah. Look, Im just saying that if I had weird powers, Id keep my weirdness to my

6、self. Katara: Youre calling me weird? Im not the one who makes muscles at myself every time I see my reflection in the water. Katara and Sokka: Ahhh! Katara: Watch out! Go left! Go left! Katara: You call that left? Sokka: You dont like my steering. Well, maybe you should have waterbended us out of t

7、he ice. Katara: So its my fault? Sokka: I knew I should have left you home. Leave it to a girl to screw things up. Katara: You are the most sexist, immature, nut brainedKatara: ugh, Im embarrassed to be related to you! Ever since Mom died Ive been doing all the work around camp while youve been off

8、playing soldier! Sokka (noticing the cracking iceberg): Uh Katara? Katara: I even wash all the clothes! Have you ever smelled your dirty socks? Let me tell you, NOT PLEASANT! Sokka: Katara! Settle down! Katara: No, thats it. Im done helping you. From now on, youre on your own! Sokka: Okay, youve gon

9、e from weird to freakish, Katara. Katara: You mean I did that? Sokka: Yup. Congratulations. Katara: Hes alive! We have to help. Sokka: Katara! Get back here! We dont know what that thing is! Zuko: Finally. (He turns to address someone o.c.) Uncle, do you realize what this means? Iroh: I wont get to

10、finish my game? Zuko: It means my search - its about to come to an end. Zuko: That light came from an incredibly powerful source. It has to be him! Iroh: Or its just the celestial lights. Weve been down this road before, Prince Zuko. I dont want you to get too excited over nothing. Please, sit. Why

11、dont you enjoy a cup of calming jasmine tea? Zuko (exploding in anger): I dont need any calming tea! I need to capture the Avatar. Helmsman, head a course for the light! Sokka (raising his spear at the boy): Stop! Katara: Stop it! Aang I need to ask you something. Katara: What? Aang (still whisperin

12、g): Please come closer. Katara: What is it? Aang: Will you go penguin sledding with me? Katara: Uh. sure. I guess. Sokka: Ahh! Aang: Whats going on here? Sokka: You tell us! Howd you get in the ice? (Poking Aang with his spear) And why arent you frozen? Aang (batting the spear anway, absently): Im n

13、ot sure. Aang: Appa! Are you all right? Wake up, buddy. Aang: Haha! Youre okay! Sokka: What is that thing? Aang: This is Appa, my flying bison. Sokka: Right. And this is Katara, my flying sister. Sokka: Ewww! Aahh! Aang: Dont worry. Itll wash out. Sokka: Ugh! Aang: So, do you guys live around here?

14、Sokka: Dont answer that! Did you see that crazy bolt of light? He was probably trying to signal the Fire Navy. Katara: Oh, yeah, Im sure hes a spy for the Fire Navy. You can tell by that evil look in his eye. Katara: The paranoid one is my brother, Sokka. You never told us your name. Aang: Im A. aaa

15、ahhhh. ahhhhhh. aaah aaah aaah AAAAAAACHOOOO! Aang: Im Aang. Sokka: You just sneezed. and flew ten feet in the air. Aang: Really? It felt higher that that. Katara (gasping): Youre an airbender! Aang: Sure am. Sokka: Giant light beams. flying bison. airbenders. I think Ive got Midnight Sun Madness. I

16、m going home to where stuff makes sense. Aang: Well, if you guys are stuck Appa and I can give you a lift. Katara: Wed love a ride! Thanks! (She gets on Appa.) Sokka: Oh, no. I am not getting on that fluffy snot monster. Katara: Are you hoping some other kind of monster will come along and give you

17、a ride home? You know. before you freeze to death? Aang: Okay. First time flyers, hold on tight! Appa, yip yip! Aang Come on, Appa. Yip yip. Sokka: Wow. That was truly amazing. Aang: Appas just tired. A little rest and hell be soaring through the sky. Youll see. Katara: Why are you smiling at me lik

18、e that? Aang: Oh. I was smiling? Sokka (disgusted): Uuuuugh. Iroh: Im going to bed now. (He makes an exaggerated yawn) Yep. A man needs his rest. Prince Zuko, you need some sleep. Even if youre right and the Avatar is alive, you wont find him. Your father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all trie

19、d and failed. Zuko: Because their honor didnt hinge on the Avatars capture. Mine does. This cowards hundred years in hiding are over. Katara: Hey. Aang: Hey. Whatcha thinkin about? Katara: I guess I was wondering your being an airbender and all if you had any idea what happened to the Avatar. Aang (

20、looking disconcerted): Uhh. no. I didnt know him. I mean, I knew people that knew him, but I didnt. Sorry. Katara: Okay. Just curious. Goodnight. Aang: Sleep tight. Aang: Aaahhh! Katara (voice over): Aang! Aang, wake up! (He wakes up, gasping) Its okay. Were in the village now. Come on, get ready. E

21、veryones waiting to meet you. Aang: Whaaaa! Katara: Aang, this is the entire village. Entire village, Aang. Aang: Uh. why are they all looking at me like that? Did Appa sneeze on me? Gran Gran: Well, no one has seen an airbender in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct until my granddaughter

22、 and grandson found you. Aang: Extinct? Katara: Aang, this is my grandmother. Gran Gran: Call me Gran Gran. Sokka (grabbing Aangs staff): What is this, a weapon? You cant stab anything with this. Aang: Its not for stabbing. (He creates a jet of air that sucks the staff back into his hand.) Its for a

23、irbending. Little Girl: Magic trick! Do it again! Aang: Not magic, airbending. It lets me control the air currents around my glider and fly. Sokka: You know, last time I checked, humans cant fly. Aang: Check again! Villagers: Whoa. its flying. its amazing! Aang (as he crashes): Oof! Sokka (gasping):

24、 My watchtower! Katara: That was amazing. Sokka: Great. Youre an airbender, Kataras a waterbender, together you can just waste time all day long. Aang: Youre a waterbender! Katara: Well. sort of. Not yet. Gran Gran: All right. No more playing. Come on, Katara, you have chores. Katara: I told you! He

25、s the real thing, Gran Gran! I finally found a bender to teach me. Gran Gran: Katara, try not to put all your hopes in this boy. Katara: But hes special. I can tell. I sense hes filled with much wisdom. Aang: (slurring) Sthee? Now my tongue ith thuck to my staff. Children (clapping): Tee hee! Iroh:

26、Again. Zuko: Ha! Heeya! Iroh: No! Power in firebending comes from the breath. Not the muscles. The breath becomes energy in the body. The energy extends past your limbs and becomes fire. (Iroh demonstrates, releasing a controlling plume of flame that bursts in front of Zuko, but does not hit him) Ge

27、t it right this time. Zuko: Enough. Ive been drilling this sequence all day. Teach me the next set. Im more than ready. Iroh: No, you are impatient. You have yet to master your basics. (More forcefully) Drill it again! Zuko: Grrrr. huh! (He blasts one of the guards backwards with a gout of fire.) Th

28、e sages tell us that the Avatar is the last airbender. He must be over a hundred years old by now. Hes had a century to master the four elements. Ill need more than basic firebending to defeat him. You WILL teach me the advanced set! Iroh: Very well. But first I must finish my roast duck. (Begins ea

29、ting) Num num. num. Sokka: Now men, its important that you show no fear when you face a firebender. In the Water Tribe, we fight to the last man standing. For without courage, how can we call ourselves men? Little Boy (raising his hand): I gotta pee! Sokka: Listen! Until your fathers return from the

30、 war, theyre counting on you to be the men of this tribe. And that means no potty breaks. Little Boy: But I really gotta go. Sokka (sighing): Okay. who else has to go? Katara: Have you seen Aang? Gran Gran said he disappeared over an hour ago. Aang (gesturing over his shoulder at the toilet): Wow! E

31、verything freezes in there! Children: Hahaha! Sokka: Ugh! Katara, get him out of here. This lesson is for warriors only. Kid (voice over): Wheeee! Sokka: Stop! Stop it right now! (To Aang) Whats wrong with you? We dont have time for fun and games with a war going on. Aang: What war? (He hops down of

32、f of Appa) What are you talking about? Sokka: Youre kidding, right? Aang: PENGUIN! Sokka: Hes kidding, right? Katara: Aang? Aang: Haha! Hey, come on little guy. Wanna go sledding? Aang: Oof! Heh heh, I have a way with animals. (He puts his arms out and waddles in imitation of the four flippered peng

33、uins) Yarp! Yarp yarp! Yarp! Yarp yarp! Yarp! Katara: (giggles) Hahaha. Aang, Ill help you catch a penguin if you teach me waterbending. Aang: You got a deal! Just one little problem. Im an airbender, not a waterbender. Isnt there someone in your tribe who can teach you? Katara (looking away in sadn

34、ess): No. Youre looking at the only waterbender on the whole South Pole. Aang: This isnt right. A waterbender needs to master water. What about the North Pole? Theres another Water Tribe up there, right? Maybe they have waterbenders who could teach you. Katara: Maybe. But we havent had contact with

35、our sister tribe in a long time. Its not exactly turn right at the second glacier. Its on the other side of the world. Aang: But you forget: I have a flying bison. Appa and I can personally fly you to the North Pole. Katara, were gonna find you a master! Katara (happily): Thats. (then uncertain) I m

36、ean, I dont know. Ive never left home before. Aang: Well, you think about it. But in the meantime, can you teach me to catch one of these penguins? Katara (mock teacherly tone): Okay, listen closely my young pupil. Catching penguins is an ancient and sacred art. Observe. Katara: I havent done this s

37、ince I was a kid! Aang: You still are a kid! Aang: Whoa. what is that? Katara (deathly serious): A Fire Navy ship, and a very bad memory for my people. Katara: Aang, stop! Were not allowed to go near it. The ship could be booby trapped. Aang: If you wanna be a bender, you have to let go of fear. Kat

38、ara: This ship has haunted my tribe since Gran Gran was a little girl. It was part of the Fire Nations first attacks. Aang: Okay, back up. I have friends all over the world, even in the Fire Nation. Ive never seen any war. Katara: Aang, how long were you in that iceberg? Aang: I dont know. a few day

39、s, maybe? Katara: I think it was more like a hundred years! Aang: What? Thats impossible. Do I look like a hundred-twelve year old man to you? Katara: Think about it. The war is a century old. You dont know about it because, somehow, you were in there that whole time. Its the only explanation. Aang:

40、 A hundred years! I cant believe it. Katara (kneeling next to him): Im sorry, Aang. Maybe somehow theres a bright side to all this. Aang: I did get to meet you. Katara (smiles): Come on. Lets get out of here. Katara: Aang? Lets head back. This place is creepy. Aang: Huh? Aang: Whats that you said about booby traps? Aang: Uh oh. Aang: Hold on tight! Zuko (voice over): The last airbender. (Cut to a profile view of Zuko looking through his telescope) Quite agile for his old age. Wake my uncle! Tell him I found the Avatar. Zuko: .as well as his hiding place.


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