盗梦空间 英文台词剧本解析.docx

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1、盗梦空间 英文台词剧本解析INCEPTION盗梦空间剧本全分析Hey! Come here!嘿!快过来!Im on my way.我这就过去。He was delirious.But he asked for you by name.他神志不清,一直在叫你名字。Show him.快拿上来。He was carrying nothing but this.他身上只带着这个,and this.还有这个。Are you here to kill me?你是来这儿杀我的吗?I know what is this.我知道这是什么。Ive seen one before, many, many years

2、 ago.我以前也见过一个,很多很多年以前。It belonged to a man I met in a half-remembered dream,它属于一个人,我在梦里遇见的,一个依稀记得的梦里,a man possessed of some radical notions.他对一些疯狂的念头着了魔。What is the most resilient parasite?什么是最有韧劲的寄生物?A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm?细菌?病毒?肠虫?Uh. What Mr. Cobb is trying to say.呃<u>考博</

3、u>先生想说的是An idea. Resilient, highly contagious.是意念,非常有韧劲、极具传染性。Once an ideas taken hold in the brain,its almost impossible to eradicate.一旦意念占据了头脑,那就几乎不可能再将它根除,An idea that is fully formed, fully understood,一个完整成形、被彻底理解的意念that sticks right in there somewhere.会牢牢地附着在这儿。For someone like you to steal?以

4、便让你这样的人去盗取?Yes. In the dream state, your conscious defense islowered that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft.是的。在梦里,你的有意识防御就会降低,思想轻而易举地被盗取Its called Extraction.这就是所谓的“盗梦”。Mr. Saito, we can train your subconscious to defend itself.<u>斋藤</u>先生,我们能训练你的潜意识来防御,from even the most skilled extr

5、actor.即便是对于最熟练的盗梦者。How can you do that?为什么你能做到?Cause I am the most skilled extractor.因为我就是最熟练的盗梦者。I know how to search your mind and find your secrets.我知道如何搜索你的头脑,找出你的秘密,I know the tricks.我知道窍门。And I can teach them to you, so that even whenyoure asleep, your defense is never down.我可以教你这些窍门,那样即使你在梦里,

6、防御也不会降低。Look, if you want my help, youre gonna have to be completely open with me.如果你需要我的帮助,你必须对我完全地开诚布公:I need to know my way around your thoughts better than your wife,我需要熟知你的思想,比你的妻子、better than your therapist, better than anyone.比你的私人医生,比任何人都更了解你。If this is a dream,and you have a safe full of se

7、crets,假设这是在你的梦里,你有一个藏满机密的保险柜,I need to know whats in that safe.我需要知道那保险柜里有什么。In order for this all to work, you need to completely let me in.为了取得最好的效果,你必须把我当自己人。Enjoy your evening, gentlemen, as I consider your proposal.好好享受你们的夜晚,先生们,我会考虑你们的建议的。He knows.他识破了。Whats going on up there?上面出什么事了?Saito kno

8、ws us.Hes playing with us.<u>斋藤</u>识破我们了,他在耍我们玩呢。It doesnt matter.I can get it here. Trust me,无所谓了。我可以在这里拿到,相信我,the information is in the safe.He looked right at it when I mentioned secrets.信息就在保险柜里。刚才我一提到秘密,他就往那张望了一下。Whats she doing there?她在那儿干嘛?Head back to the room, alright?Ill take care

9、of this.你先回房间,行吗?我来处理。Okey, make sure you do.Were here to work.是啊,当然是你来处理。别忘了还有活儿要干。If I jump, would I survive?要是我跳下去,有可能活吗?With a clean dive, perhaps.直接入海的话,也许有可能。Mal, whatre you doing here?<u>玛尔</u>,你在这儿干嘛?I thought you might be missing me.我想也许你想我了。You know that I am. But I. I cant trust y

10、ou anymore.你知道我想你,但我我不会再相信你了。So what?那又如何?Looks like Arthurs taste.看上去像是<u>阿瑟</u>的品味。Actually, the subject is partial to postwar British painters.实际上,主人偏爱二战后的<u>英国</u>画家。Please, have a seat.请吧,坐下吧。Tell me, did the children miss me?告诉我,孩子们想我吗?You cant imagine.你无法想象。Whatre you doing?你想

11、干什么?Getting some fresh air.Stay where you are, Mal.透点新鲜空气。坐在那儿别动,<u>玛尔</u>。Come on, damn it!妈的,见鬼!Turn around.转过身来。The gun, Dom.放下枪,<u>多姆</u>。Please.放下。Now the envelope, Mr. Cobb.还有信封,<u>考博</u>先生。Did she tell you, or have you known all along?是她告诉你的?还是你一直就知道?That youre here to

12、 steal from me, or that we are actually asleep?知道你来这里偷我的东西?还是知道我们实际上都在梦里?I want to know the name of your employer.我想知道你雇主的名字。Ah, theres no use in threatening him in a dream, right, Mal?啊,在梦里威胁他没什么用,不是吗,<u>玛尔</u>?That depends on what youre threatening.那要看你威胁什么了。Killing him would just wake him

13、 up.But pain.杀死他只会使他苏醒,但是痛苦Ahh.啊Pain is in the mind.痛苦会留在头脑里。And judging by the decor, were in your mind, arent we, Arthur?从装饰来判断,我们是在你的梦里,对吗,<u>阿瑟</u>?- Why are you doing?! Its too soon.- I know. But the dreams collapsing.- 你怎么回事?提前就醒来了?- 我知道,但梦开始崩溃了。Just try to keep Saito to wander a littl

14、e longer. Were almost there.得让<u>斋藤</u>再逗留一点时间,我们快得手了。He was close, very close.差一点就得手了,差一点点。Ahh. Stop him!啊抓住他!I think that isnt gonna work. Wake him up.我想我做不来了,把他弄醒。He wont wake!他醒不过来!- Give him the kick.- What?- 给他一踢/反冲。- 什么?Drop him.放倒他。Hes up.他醒了。You came prepared, hmm?你是有备而来,嗯?Not even

15、my head of security knows this apartment. How did you find it?就连负责我安全的人都不知道这所公寓,你是怎么发现的?Its very difficult for a man of your positionto keep a love nest like this secret,像你这样位高权重的人物,要保守一个秘密,是很难的,particularly, when theres a married woman involved.特别是当还与一位已婚女人有涉时。- She would never. - Yet, here were, t

16、o the dilemma.- 她不会泄露.- 不过,我们还是来了,陷入了困境。Theyre getting closer.他们越来越近了。You got what you came for.你得到了想要的东西。Well, thats not true. You left out the key piece of information, didnt you?唔,好像不对。你涂抹掉了关键的信息,不是吗?You held something back because you knew what we were up to.你保留了一些东西,因为你知道我们的目的。The question is w

17、hy do you let us in at all.问题是为什么你让我们参与进来。An audition.这是个测试。Audition for what?测试的目的是什么?It dosent matter. You failed.没什么关系了,你们失败了。Weve extracted every bit of information you had in there.我们已经窃取了你在那儿的每一点信息。But your deception was obvious.但是你们的诡计太显而易见了。So, leave me and go.因此,别来烦我赶紧走吧。You dont seem to un

18、derstand, Mr. Saito.The corporation that hired us,你好像不明白,<u>斋藤</u>先生,雇佣我们的公司,they wont accept failure.We wont last two days.他们可不会接受这样的失败,我们撑不过两天。Cobb.<u>考博</u>。So now I have to do this a little more simply.因此我不得不采用更简单点的办法了。Tell us what you know!Tell us what you know, now!告诉我们你知道什么!告诉

19、我们,快!3Ive always hated this carpet.我一直很讨厌这里的地毯,8Its stained andfrayed in such distinctive ways, but very definitely made of wool.它脏不拉叽、破破烂烂,很特别,但那是块羊毛地毯,Right now, Im lying on polyester,现在,我却是躺在聚脂纤维上,5which means Im not lying on my carpet in my apartment.这就是说,我现在不是躺在我公寓里的地毯上。Youve lived up to your r

20、eputation,Mr. Cobb. Im still dreaming.传说你特别喜欢呆在梦里,果然,<u>考博</u>先生。我依然是在做梦。- Howd it go? - Not good.- 进行得怎样?- 不怎么样。A dream within a dream, huh?梦中之梦,哈?Im impressed.But in my dream, you play by my rules.干得不错。不过在我的梦里,得按我的规则玩。- Ah, yes, but you see, Mr. Saito. - Were not in your dream.- 啊,好的,但是<

21、u>斋藤</u>先生,你知道- 我们不是在你的梦里。Were in mine.我们在我的梦里。Asshole! How did you mess up the carpet?混蛋!你怎么把地毯搞砸了?It wasnt my fault.不是我的错。You are the architect!你是设计师啊!I didnt know he was gonna rub his damn cheek on it!我怎么知道他他妈的会把脸他贴在那上面!Thats enough.别吵了。And you, what the hells all that?还有你,你他妈准备怎么办?I have i

22、t under control.我有办法掌控。Id hate to see ye out of control.我倒是觉得你快失控了。We dont have time for this.Im getting off at Kyoto.我们没时间再做了。我要在<u>京都</u>下车。Why? Hes not gonna check every compartment.为什么?他不会检查每节车厢的。I dont like trains.Listen, every man for himself.我不喜欢火车。听着,我们各自奔命吧。- Yes. Hello? - Hi, daddy

23、. - Hi, dad.- 喂,你好?- 嗨,爹地。 - 嗨,爹地。Hey, guys, hey. How are you?How are you doing, huh?嘿,小家伙们,嘿,你们好吗?你们怎么样啊,嗯?- Good. - Okey, I guess. - Okey? Whos just okey? Is that you, James?- 好的。- 我想还行。- 还行?是谁说还行的?是你吗,<u>詹姆士</u>?Yeah. When are you coming home, dad?是的。你什么时候回家啊,爹地?Well, I cant, sweetheart,

24、I cant.Not for a while, remember?噢,我不能,宝贝儿,暂时还回不了,还记得吗?Why?为什么?Okey. I told you Im. Im away because Im working. Right?好吧,我告诉过你,我我不在家。我要工作,不是吗?Grandma says youre never coming back.外婆说你再也不会回来了。Philippa, is that you?<u>菲利帕</u>,那是你吗?Put grandma on the phone for me, will you?让外婆来听电话,行吗?Shes shaki

25、ng her head.她在摇头。Lets just hope shes wrong about that.希望她说得不对。- Daddy? - Yeah, James?- 爹地?- 什么,<u>詹姆士</u>?138Is mommy with you?妈妈和你在一起吗?James, weve talked about this.Mommys not here anymore.<u>詹姆士</u>,我们谈过这个了,妈妈再也不在这里了。Where?那在哪儿?Thats enough, kids. Say bye-bye.行了,孩子们,说掰掰。Listen, Im.

26、 Im gonna send some present with grandpa, alright?听着,我会我会让外公带礼物给你们,知道吗?And youd be good, youd be.你们要乖啊,你们要- Our rides on the roof. - All right.- 我们的运输工具在楼顶了。- 知道了。- Are you okey? - Yeah, yeah, Im fine. Why?- 你没事吧?- 没事,我很好。怎么?- While down in the dream, Mal showing up. - Right, good Mal. Sorry about y

27、our leg.- 在梦里的时候,<u>玛尔</u>又出现了。- 是啊,<u>玛尔</u>。很抱歉你的腿.- It wont happen again. - Its getting worse, isnt it?- 不会再有这样的事了。- 以后会越来越糟,是吗?One apologys all youre getting, alright, Arthur?Wheres Nash?你还想要什么样的道歉呢,<u>阿瑟</u>?<u>纳什</u>在哪儿?He hasnt shown. You wanna wait?没见到他,想等等吗?N

28、o. We were supposed to deliver Saitos expansionplans to Cobol Engineering two hours ago.不。两小时之前我们就应该把斋藤的扩展计划交给“科博尔工程公司”,By now they know we failed.Its time we disappear.现在他们已经知道我们失败了,我们还是马上消失的好。- Where will you go? - Buenos Aires,- 你要去哪儿?- 布宜诺斯艾利斯,I can lie low there, maybe sniff out a job when thin

29、gs quiet down. You?我可以在那儿避避风头,等事情平息下来后,也许再瞅瞅有什么活儿可干。你呢?- Stateside. - Course. Send my regards.- 回美国。- 当然。代我问好。He sold you out.他让你们露的馅。Thought to come to me and bargain for his life.“科博尔”想起来找我,想出钱要他的命。So I offer you the satisfaction.所以我可以让你们得到满足。Its not the way I deal with things.这不是我行事的方式。- What wil

30、l you do with him?- Nothing. But I cant speak for Cobol Engineering.- 你会拿他怎么样?- 不怎么样。但我不能代表“科博尔工程公司”。- What do you want from us? - Inception. Is it possible?- 你究竟想从我们这儿得到什么?- “植入思想”,有可能吗?- Of course not.- If you can steal an idea from someones mind,- 当然不可能。- 既然你们能从别人的头脑里盗取意念,why cant you plant one t

31、here instead?为什么不能相应地在那儿植入某个意念呢?Okey, heres me planting an idea in your head:好吧,现在我要在你头脑里植入一个意念:I say to you, Dont think about elephants.What are you thinking about?我对你说“别去想大象”。你现在在想什么?- Elephants. - Right. But its not your idea,- 大象。- 没错,这并不是你自己的意念,because you know I gave it to you.因为你知道这是我给你的。The

32、subjects mind can always tracethe genesis of the idea.主体的头脑总能够追踪到那个意念的源头,- True inspirations impossible to fake. - Its not true.- 真正的灵感是不可能伪造的。- 你说得不对。- Can you do it? - Are you offering me a choice?- 你能做?- 你这是在让我做选择吗?Because I can find my own way to square things with Cobol.我可以自己想办法摆平与“<u>科博尔&l

33、t/u>公司”的过节。- Then you do have a choice. - And I choose to leave, sir.- 那你就自己选择好了。- 那我就选择离开,先生。Tell the crew where you want to go.告诉机组你们要去哪儿。Hey, Mr. Cobb.? How would you like to go home, to America, to your children?嘿,<u>考博</u>先生!你想不想回家啊?回<u>美国</u>,回到你孩子身边?- You cant fix that. No o

34、ne can.- Just like Inception?- 这你做不到吧,没人能做到。- 就像“植入”?Cobb, come on.<u>考博</u>,走吧。5- How complex is the idea? - Simple enough.- 那个意念有多复杂?- 足够简单。No ideas simple when you need to plant it in somebody elses mind.没有“简单的意念”一说,如果你想把它植入到别人的头脑里。My main competitor is an old man in poor health.我的主要竞争对手是

35、一个老人,现在健康恶化,His son will soon inherit control of the corporation.他的儿子不久将继承掌握他的企业。I need him to decide to break up his fathers empire.我需要他做出决定,拆分他父亲的产业帝国。- Cobb, we should walk away from this. - Hold on.- <u>考博</u>,我们应该躲着点这样的事。- 等等。If I were to do this, if. if I even could do it, I need a gua

36、rantee.如果我愿意做这事,如果我能够做到,我需要你也能保证。- How do I know you can deliver? - You dont, but I can.- 我怎么知道你能做到。- 你是不知道,但是我能。So, do you want to take a leap of faith? Or become an old man,怎么说,你是希望来一个信心上的飞跃呢?还是想以后等你老了,filled with regret, waiting to die alone?心中充满遗憾,在孤独中等待死亡?Assemble your team, Mr. Cobb, and choos

37、e your people more wisely.召集你的人马吧,<u>考博</u>先生,这次你选人时要明智一些。I know how much you want to go home,but this cant be done.我知道你非常希望回家,但这事我们干不了。Yes, it can.You just have to go deep enough.不,可以干,只要你能走得足够深,- You dont know that. - Ive done it before.- 你根本就不知道。- 我以前做过。Who did you do it to?对谁做的?- Why are

38、 we going to Paris? - Were gonna need a new architect.- 我们为什么去<u>巴黎</u>?- 我们需要个新设计师。You never did like your office, did you.你真的是很不喜欢你的办公室,是吗?No space to think in that broom cupboard. Is it safe for you to be here?在那样的扫帚柜里没有空间思考。你来这儿安全吗?Extradition between France and the United States<u>法

39、国</u>和<u>美国</u>之间的引渡is a bureaucratic nightmare. You know that.官僚作风的噩梦,这你知道。I think they might find a way to make it work in your case.我想对于你的案子也许他们会改变作风。Look, I, uh. bought these (*?*).你看,我呃买了点礼物,Give it to the kids when you have the chance.有机会的话你带给孩子们。It will take more than the occasion

40、al stuffed animal.光靠偶尔送些毛绒玩具,你不能to convince those children they still have a father.让孩子们相信他们还有你这个父亲。Im just doing what I know, Im doing what you taught me.我只是在做我熟悉的事情,而且正是你教我的。- I never taught you to be a thief. - No, you taught me to navigate peoples minds.- 我从没教过你去做小偷。- 是的,但你教过我如何驾驭人们的头脑。But after

41、 what happened, there werent a wholelot of legitimate ways for me to use that skill.但是出了那件事,我已经没法再以合法的方式来使用这种技能了。- Whatre you doing here, Dom? - I think I found a way home.- 你来这里究竟做什么,<u>多姆</u>?- 我想我找到了回家之路Its a job for some very, very powerful people,为某位非常、非常有势力的人物完成一项工作,people who I believ

42、e can fix my charges permanently. But I need your help.我相信那人可以一劳永逸地解决对我的指控,但我需要你的帮助Youre here to corrupt one of my brightest and best.你来这里是想带坏我最聪明和最好的学生。You know what Im offering. You have to let them decide for themselves.我知道我可以提供怎样的机会,你得让他们自己来决定。- Money? - Not just money.- 为钱?- 不只是钱。You remember,

43、its. the chance to build cathedrals, entire cities,还记得吗?谁不想有机会来建造大教堂、整座整座的城市,things that never existed, things that couldnt exist in the real world.还有那些不曾的东西、也在现实世界中不可能存在的东西?So you. you want me to let someone else to follow you into your fantasy?所以你你希望我让另一个人来追随你进入你的幻界?They dont actually come into th

44、e dream. They just.他们不必真正进入到梦里,他们只要they just design the levels and teach them to the dreamers. Thats all.他们只要设计好每一层的梦境,并交给造梦者就行了。- Design it yourself? - Mal wont let me.- 你自己设计呢?- <u>玛尔</u>不允许我。- Come back to reality, Dom. Please!- Reality? Those kids, your grandchildren,- 回到现实来吧,<u>多姆&l

45、t/u>!- 现实?我的孩子、你的外孙,theyre waiting for their father to come back home. Thats their reality.他们正等着他们的父亲回家,这就是他们的现实。And this job, this last job, thats how I get there.这项工作、这项最终的工作,会让我如愿以偿。I would not be standing here, if I knew any other way.要是我知道还有别的什么办法,就不会站在这里了I need an architect who is as good as

46、 I was.我需要个设计师,和从前的我一样棒的设计师。Ive got somebody better.我有更好的人选。Ariadne, Id like you to meet Mr. Cobb.<u>阿里阿德涅</u>,我想让你见一下<u>考博</u>先生。- Pleased to meet you. - If you have a few moments,- 很高兴认识你。- 如果你有点时间,Mr. Cobb has a job offer hed like to discuss with you.<u>考博</u>先生有份工作提供,想和你谈谈。- A work placement or.? - Not exactly.-


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