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1、餐饮中常用服务用语餐饮英语 一、服务用语 、预定 Always confrim facts-the number of persons,the time ,the date ,special requirement ect. Good morning /afternoon/evening .(The name of the restaurant and your name)May I help you ? 早上好,我能为您做些什么? How many persons are there in your party ,sir/madam? 请问共有多少人用餐,先生/女士? How many gu

2、ests are coming? 请问共有多少人用餐? What time would you like to arrive? 请问你们几点钟到? May I have your name ,please? 请问您的姓名? Could you spell that for me ,please ? 请您拼读一下您的姓名好吗? May I take your telephone number, please ? 可以留下您的电话号码吗? Is there anything special you would like us to prepare,sir/madam? 请问您有什么特殊要求需要我们

3、做准备的,先生/女士? I am afraid that we only can guarantee the table before 8:00 in the evening . 恐怕我们餐厅只能为您留桌到晚上8:00 I am afraid we only serve lunch until 2:00 in the afternoon. 恐怕我们餐厅午餐时间到下午两点。 If you have any further requirements,please let us know. 如果您有什么要求,请通知我们。 问候客人 To show the guests hw please you a

4、re to see them . Use guests name if you know,to personalize the contact. Good morning /afternoon/evening .Welcom to our restaurant. 早上好,欢迎光临。 May I help you ,sir/madam? 我能为您做什么? Do you have a reservation,sir/madam? 请问您有预定吗?先生/女士 Please follow me,sir/madam. 请跟我来,先生/女士 This way please,sir/madam 请这边走,先

5、生/女士 Please mind your step,sir/madam. 请留意脚下,先生/女士 请客人等候 Show the guests that you are concerned. It is important that they do not feel ignored. Iam sorry, sir/madam.We do not have a table free now .Would you like to have a drink in the bar(lounge)?We shall call you as soon as possible. 对不起,先生/女士。我们现在

6、没有空餐桌,请您在酒吧稍等一下,好吗?一有空桌,我们酒会立即通知您。 We are rather full this evening .Would you care to wait for a while? 我们今晚客满了,您不介意稍等片刻吗? I am sorry to keep you waiting ,sir/madam. 对不起,先生/女士,让您久等了。 I do apologize for the delay。 对不起耽搁了这么久。 对餐桌不满意 I am sorry, sir/madam.Would you care to follow me to another table? 对

7、不起,先生/女士,请随我去另一张餐桌。 Which would you prefer, here by the window or near the door? 您是愿意靠窗坐呢,还是靠门坐? Iam sorry, sir/madam. All the tables by the window are occupied. 对不起,先生/女士,所有靠窗的餐桌都满了。 Is this table fine with you ,sir/madam? 请问您对这张餐桌满意吗?先生/女士? 、预定的餐桌被客人占了 向预定的客人道歉并且通知他餐桌一般为客人留座15分钟,并在客人预定时告知 We will

8、have another table ready immediately. 我们立刻会准备好另一张餐桌。 Sorry for the inconvenience.Would you care for a drink at the bar? 很抱歉给您带来了不便,请您在酒吧喝一杯好吗? Would you like to sit here ,sir/madam? 您介意坐在这儿吗?先生/女士? Excuse me ,sir/madam.there has been a mistake ,please wait a moment and I will check. 对不起,先生/女士,一定是哪儿出

9、了问题,请稍等一会儿,我这就查一下。 、展示菜单 再次向客人表示感谢并立刻呈递菜单,协助客人看菜单,并推销厨师长特选 Here is the meue for you ,sir/madam. 这是您的菜单,先生/女士。 We have an excellent black pepper steak today 我们今天有上好的黑椒牛排。 May I suggest you try the king prawn,the chef recommends it. 我能向您推荐厨师特选扒大虾? If you need any help ,please call me. 如果您在用餐时有什么问题,请告诉

10、我。 、点菜服务 时刻关注客人,请不要将菜单给客人后不管,过30分钟后才点菜,注意客人的身体语言,他们可能在暗示需要您的服务,尽力向客人推销菜品。 Are you ready to order now? 请问可以为您点菜了吗? May I take your order now? 请问可以为您点菜了吗? Are you being helped ,sir/madam? 请问有服务员为您服务吗? What would you like to start? 请问先给您上些什么? What would you like to order? 请问您想吃些什么? Yes,sir/madam.We do

11、have a selection of vegetable dishes. 是的,先生/女士,我们有很好的蔬菜精选。 How would you like your steak cooked(done)?(rare/medium rare/medium/medium well /well done) 请问您的牛排需要几成熟? Would you like your eggs sunny side up ? 请问您的鸡蛋是单面煎吗? Would you like your bacon crisp? 请问您的熏肉需要煎一下吗? Would you like toast,croissants or

12、rolls? 请问您是要烤土司呢,牛角包好是小圆面包? Would you like tea or coffee? 请问您是要咖啡或是茶? Would youlike Chinese or English tea ? 请问您是要中国绿茶还是英国茶? What kind of fruit would you like? 请问您是用哪种水果? What sort of appetizer would you like? 请问您是需要哪种头盆? Would you like some hors doeuvres? 请问您需要头盆吗? Would you like to have soup first

13、? 请问年年 是先用汤吗? Would you like to have the Table Dhotel or A La Carte menu? 请问您是用套餐呢还是零点? Would you like some cakes? 请问您用点甜点吗? Would you like your coffee with or without cream? 请问您的咖啡要不要加奶? Would you like some more ? 请问您还需要点别的吗? What sort of side-dish would you like ? 请问您想配什么吃? May I suggset our Parma

14、 ham? Its very nice. 我能向您推荐派玛火腿?吗味道好极了。 The chefs special today is vegetable with green peas? 今天厨师长特选是青豆蔬菜。 May I recommend the shrimps sauted with green peas? 我们向您推荐虾仁炒青豆吗? If you dont mind ,may I recommend the vegetable with crab meat? 如果您不介意,我向您推荐蟹肉蔬菜吗? If possible ,we ll be pleased to meet your

15、wish .Ill check with the supervisor and the chef. 如果可能,我们十分高兴能满足您的需求,我将和主管和厨师长联络 Im afraid we do not have the dish now .May I suggest something else? 。对不起,恐怕我们没有这个菜,我可以向您推荐别的吗? Im terribly sorry ,sir/madam.This dish has been sold out .May I offer you the Steak Diane instead? 我十分抱歉,先生/女士。这道菜已经卖完。我能向您

16、推荐戴安娜牛排吗? Im afraid its not on the meue this evening . 恐怕这道菜今晚售缺。 Im terribly sorry ,sir/madam. We dont have any now. 对不起,先生/女士。这道菜已经卖完了。 I am afraid we do not have time to prepare the dish unfortunately. May I suggest something else? 对不起,恐怕我们没有这个菜,我可以向您推荐别的吗? 、推荐饮料 Offering guests drink before thei

17、r meal will show attentiveness and increase sales. Extra sales mean extra profit. Would you care for somethng to drink before your meal? 您在用餐前需要用些饮料吗? Would you like to see the drink/wine list? 您是否要看饮料/佐餐酒单? May I suggest Tsingtao Beer with your meal? It does well with it. 我可以向您推荐青岛啤酒配餐吗?它非常合适。 I su

18、ggest Chinese mineral water if you would like something refreshing . 如果您需要一些清新的饮料,我向您推销中国矿泉水? Would you care for a liqueur or brandy? 您喝一些利口酒或白兰地吗? Would you care for an aperitif? 您介意喝一些开胃酒吗? What kind of wine do you prefer ?May I recommend Chinese Mao Tai? 请问您是喝哪种葡萄酒?我能腿中国的茅台吗? We have a special dr

19、ink promotion this evening,may I suggest the Five Star Beer? 今晚我们有一种特别推荐饮料,五星啤酒怎么样? We have excellent Chinese red wine which I can recommend. 我们可以向您推荐口感幼稚的中国红葡萄酒。 I am afraid we do not have this brand,But I recommend the Five Star Beer. 恐怕我们没有这个牌子,但我可以向您推荐五星啤酒 、时刻关注客人 Check that the guests have ever

20、ything they need i. e. ashtry, salt, pepper, sugar, toothpick. Is everything to your satisfaction? 请问您对一切还满意吗? Is everything all right with your meal? 请问您对用餐还满意吗? Would you care for another drink? 请问您还需要一杯饮料吗? Would you like any more water? 请问您还需要加些冰水吗? Can I bring you anything else? 请问您还需要我为您提供些什么吗

21、? Is there anything that I can do for you ? 我还能为您做些什么吗? Is there anything else I can do? 我能为您做些什么呢? May I take up a few moments of your time? 请问我能占用您一些时间吗? May I speak to you for a moment,sir/madam. 对不起先生/女士,我能和您谈一会吗? May I take the glasses away? 我可以撤下杯子吗? May I clean your table now? 请问我能清理餐桌吗? Woul

22、d you like me to clear your table? 请问您需要我帮您收拾一下餐桌吗? 、处理投诉 The guests must be satisfied at all times. If the complaints is justified , then take the dish off the bill altogether. Do not necessarily insist on a compensation,as this may appear acheap way of dismissing the matter. . We want to stand for

23、 quality,so we are glad to receive criticism. All complaints should be dealt with internally whenever possible. Iam sorry, sir/madam. I ll change it right away. 对不起先生/女士,我马上给您换掉。 Thank you for bring this matter to our attention. 感谢您让这件事引起我们的注意 Iam sorry. The dish shall be replace immediately. 对不起,这道

24、菜将立即被换掉 Iam sorry, but we are glad you pointed this out to us. 对不起,但我们很高兴您向我们指正出来 Please accept our apologizes. 请接受我们的道歉 I am terribly sorry,sir/madam. I must apologize. 实在对不起,先生/女士,我很抱歉。 I am terribly sorry for such a mistake. 我为这样的鲁莽向您道歉。 I m terrible sorry. This is not our usual standard. 我很抱歉,这不

25、是我们通常的水准 I would like to apologize once again 我再次向您郑重道歉。 I am sorry ,sir/madam. I did not notice. 对不起,先生/女士,我没有注意。 、甜品服务 Would you like dessert now? 请问您现在需要甜点吗? Would you like to see the dessert menu,sir/madam? 先生,请问您需要看看甜点单吗? Which would you like prefer,sir/madam. The dessert or the cheese? 请问您是需要甜

26、品还是奶酪? 、呈递帐单 Never give the bill to the guests by telling them loudly how much the expense is. Otherwise you may put the guests into an embarrassment situation. Excuse me ,sir/madam .Here is your bill. 对不起,先生/女士,这是您的帐单 Would you like to have the bill now? 请问您是现在结帐吗? Would you like to pay in cash or

27、by credit card? 请问您是付先进还是用信用卡? Shall I charge this to your room? 我能将餐费记入房费吗? I am sorry. I shall add it up again,sir/madam. 对不起,我将再算一遍,先生/女士。 I am sorry. Would you show me what is wrong? 对不起,您能告诉我哪儿错了吗? Would you like the amount on the same bill or separately? 请问您们是分帐单还是合在一起? Excuse me ,sir/madam. M

28、ay I have your room key and room card? 对不起,您能告诉我您的房号并出示您的房卡吗? Excuse me ,sir/madam. Would you please sign your name here? 对不起先生/女士,请您在这儿签名。 I am sorry , sir/madam. Would you please sign your name again? 对不起,先生女士。请您再签一次名好吗? 送客 Thank you ,sir.madam.We hope to see you again. 感谢光临,先生/女士,希望再次为您服务。 Glad y

29、ou enjoyed your meal. Good-bye. 很高兴您用餐愉快,再见。 Thank you very much . Have a nice day/evening. 十分感谢,祝您有个愉快的夜晚。 We hope to serve you again ,sir/madam. Good night. 希望再次为您服务,晚安。 二、常用词汇 、西餐餐具用品 主菜刀 Dinner Knife 咖啡杯 Coffee cup 主菜叉 Dinner Fork 咖啡勺 Coffee spoon 汤勺 Soup Spoon 银餐具 Silver ware 头盆刀 Starter Knife

30、玻璃器皿 Glass ware 头盆叉 Starter Fork 冰水壶 Pitcher 甜品叉 Dessert Fork 葡萄酒篮 Wine basket 甜品勺 Dessert Spoon 垫布Silent Cloth、 Table Cloth Mat 黄油刀 Butter Knife 装饰台布 Top Cloth 蜗牛夹 Snail Tongs 围嘴 Apron 蜗牛叉 Snail Fork 桌裙Table Skirt 海鲜叉 Cocktail Fork “十”字形台布 Table Runner 龙虾签 Lobster Stick 托盘垫巾Service Mat 龙虾钳 Lobster

31、Tong 服务布巾 Waiter Cleaning Cloth 鱼刀 Fish knife 套椅Chair Cover 鱼叉 fish fork 盐和胡椒粉Salt and Pepper Shaker 服务叉 service fork 冰水杯 Ice water glass 服务勺 service spoon 白葡萄酒杯White wine glass 蛋糕叉 cake fork 红葡萄酒杯 Red wine glass 牛排刀 steak knife 香槟杯 Champagne glass 切肉刀 carving knife 烛台 Candle stick 糖夹 sugar tong 席次卡

32、Place card 冰夹 ice tong 收据Recipet 开瓶器 bottle opener 餐具柜Sideboard 开塞器 corkscrew 抹布Pantry cloth 主菜盆 Main Course Plate 托盘 Tray 汤盆 Soup Plate 自助餐保温锅Buffet Warmer 汤盅 Tureen 早餐蛋盅Boiled Stander 汤杯 Soup Cup 服务手推车Service Trolley 开胃品盘 Starter Plate 色拉车Salad Trolley 甜点盘 Dessert Plate 甜品车Dessert Trolley 面包盘 Brea

33、d Plate 奶酪车Cheese Trolley 黄油碟 Butter Dish 餐后酒车Liqueur Trolley 装饰盘 Service Plate 燃焰车Oven Trolley 咖啡具 coffee set 送餐车Transfer Trolley 、西餐常见的原料 牛肉 Beef 牡牛 Bull 水牛 Buffalo 小牛Calf 鹿Deer 母牛Cow 山羊Goat 野兔Hare 阉牛OX 胸肉Breast 腹部肉、牛腩Brisket 臀上肉Buttock 近颈脊骨肉Chuck 肉片Cutlet 油脂Fat 骨下肉、柳肉Fillet 牛柳扒Fillet Shank 羊排Lamb

34、 Chop 瘦肉Lean 前腿Fore Leg 腹下部的肉Flank 后腿的下胫节Hind Shank 前腿的下胫节Fore Shank 肝Liver 腰肉Loin 羊肉Mutton 猪排Pork Chop 腰、肋骨Rib 臀肉Rump 臀上部的肉Round 牛脊肉Sirloin 牛扒Steak 小牛Veal 尾Tail 牛腩Soft Plat 火鸡Turkey 雄火鸡Cock Turkey 雌火鸡Hen Turkey 凤尾鱼Anchovy 鲈鱼Bass 鳊鱼Bream 青鱼Herring 比目鱼Flounder 大比目鱼Halibut 龙虾Lobster 耗Oyster 大虾Prawns 小

35、虾Shrimp 海螺Sea Wheck 蟹Crab 蜗牛Snail 墨鱼Cuttle Fish 金枪鱼Tunny 鳕鱼Haddock 三文鱼Salmon 沙丁鱼Sardine 鳟鱼Trout 龙鱼Sole 芦笋Asparagus 青芦笋Green A sparagus 朝鲜 Artichoke Globe 红菜头Beet root 黑扁豆Black Lentil 芥兰花Broccoli 椰菜花Brussels Sprouts 牛油豆Butter Bean 胡萝卜Carrot 生菜Lettuce 白菌、蘑菇Mushroom 洋葱Onion 菠菜Spinach 小青豆Sugar Peas 南瓜Pu

36、mpikin 青瓜、黄瓜Cucumber 白色的地下菌White Truffles 番莞荽Parsley 、西式烹饪常用的配料 甜胡椒Allspice 八角Anise 玉挂Cinnamon 丁香Clove 桂皮Cassia 薄荷Peppermint 小豆蔻Cardamon 胡荽Cardamon 咖啡酱Curry Paste 姜粉Ginger Power 小茴香Cumin 月桂叶Bay Leaf 豆蔻花Mace 玻璃苣Borage 芥末Mustard 红花粉Saffron 牛膝草Marjoram 黄姜粉Tumeric 白胡椒White Pepper 黑胡椒Black Pepper 粗胡椒Coar

37、se Pepper 花胡椒Cayenne Pepper 鱼椒粉Isinglass 橄榄油 Olive Oil 椰油Coconut Oil 人造黄油Margarine 麦片Rolled Oats 谷类Cereal 粟米片Corn Flakes 提子核麦片Grapenuts 麦粥Porridge 泡米Puffed Wheat 全麦粉Graham Flour 、西餐常用的水果 苹果 Apple 杏、黄梅Apricot 鳕梨Avocado 香蕉Banada 面包果Bread Fruit 杨桃Carambola 乌梅Damson 葡萄Grape 榴莲Durin 番石榴Guava 青梅Greengage

38、蜜瓜 Honey dew Melon 荔枝Lychee 柠檬Lemon 芒果Mango 西瓜Water-melon 橄榄Olive 木瓜Papaya 西柚Grapefruit 菠萝Pineapple 梅子Plum 桃Peach 橙Orange 三、专业术语及解释 Banque宴会 Chain连锁 Franchise特许经营 Table Service餐桌服务 Counter Service柜台服务 Self-service自助服务 Waiter / waitress男服务员/女服务员 Cuisine菜系 Headwaiter服务领班 Captain餐厅领班 Front waiter前台服务人员

39、 Apprentice实习工 Hostess领座员 Menu菜单 Chef厨师长 Fried Eggs Over Easy双面煎嫩鸡蛋 Fried Eggs Over Hard双面煎老鸡蛋 Fried Eggs Sunny Side Up单面煎鸡蛋 Omelet西餐早餐蛋卷 Poached Egg将生鸡蛋打开防如开水中白灼成熟 Scrambled Egg将鸡蛋打碎后,用黄油或色拉油炒的嫩蛋 Entre主菜 Appetizer头盆。具有开胃作用,一般不会是汤类,长在主菜前食用。 Dessert甜品。食中尾声的菜肴,大多数为甜食。 Table dhote套菜。一套编排好且包括主菜、价格固定的一类完

40、整套餐。 A La Carte点菜 Tip小费 Service Charge服务费。在一些国家中,帐单中的一个百分比的费用被打如帐单中,作为员工的小费 Discount折扣 Portion份 Bar酒吧 Pub酒吧 Cocktail Lounge鸡尾酒廊,一种为客人提供酒精饮料,且环境比一般酒吧更舒适 Night Club夜总会 Aperitif开胃酒 Wine葡萄酒 Beer啤酒 Wine List葡萄酒单 Wine Steward餐厅酒吧员 Liqueur利口酒,一种酒精含量高、口感较甜的且长在餐后服务的一类酒 Fortified Wine加强葡萄酒,一种在完成酒精发酵的基础上参对了另一种酒精饮料的饮品 Spirits烈性酒 House Wine零杯卖葡萄酒,有管理人员选定提供给客人 Bartender调酒员 Service Bar服务性烈酒,在餐厅中设立的,有服务员为客人提供点酒和服务的酒吧,它是附属餐厅的酒吧 Outside Catering外卖服务 Room Service客房送餐 Mini Bar迷你酒吧,设在客房内的小冰箱,提供冰块、饮品和干货食品,根据其实际消费情况而计费。 On the rock加冰块


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