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1、08跨文化交际考试复习题新1. Intercultural communication. 2. Verbal communication Communication done both orally and in written language Easier to use words to represent ones experiences within the same culture because people share many similar experiences. More troublesome in verbal communication across culture

2、s because peoples experiences, beliefs, values, customs, traditions and the like are different. 3. Non-verbal communication It refers to communication through a whole variety of different types of signal come into play, including the way we move, the gestures we employ, the posture we adopt, the fac

3、ial expression we wear, the direction of our gaze, to the extent to which we touch and the distance we stand from each other. 4. Culture shock It is a psychological phenomenon that is experienced most often by those who, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, in the process of adjusting themselves to

4、 a new culture. II. Answer the following questions (简答题) 1.Whats the relationship between language and culture ? Language is a reflection of culture, and culture is a reflection of language. Culture influences language by way of symbols and rules for using those symbols, as well as our perceptions o

5、f the universe (the meaning associated with the symbols). Language, on the other hand, would seem to have a major impact on the way an individual perceives and conceptualizes the world. 2. Describe the different ways in showing hospitality between Chinese culture and western culture Chinese guests a

6、lways refuse offer of drinks or food to demonstrate politeness in seeming not to wish to put their host to any trouble. Sometimes an offer is not a real offer but a polite remark. After we say no, we usually wait for the second and third offer. If the host just brings the food or drink and ignores n

7、o, we ill accept it. Chinese like to press their guests to drink or eat to show their hospitality. While westerners always accept or refuse offer of drinks or food very genuinely. Their refusal is accepted as genuine. Westerners dont press. To press people to have food or drink after they have refus

8、ed is frowned upon and can cause embarrassments. 3. What are the differences on receiving gifts between Chinese and westerner? In the West, it is regarded as polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express appreciation. In China, the situation is quite the reverse. Normally we Chinese feel

9、 that if you open the gift as soon as it is given, you might embarrass the person who gives the gift and you might be thought greedy. Therefore, Chinese people tend to open the gifts after the visitors have left. In China, many people send gifts without wrapping them, and if they wrap them, they usu

10、ally tell the receiver what is inside, and the receiver will thank the sender and put the gift aside without unwrapping them since they already know what is inside. English receivers open the gifts in front of the senders of the gifts. 4. Explain the term “intercultural communication competence” and

11、 its three components. The intercultural competence refers to the ability to understand and adapt the target culture. Intercultural communicative competence involves cognitive, affective and operational aspects, which are inseparable in reality. The interrelatedness of cognitive, affective, and oper

12、ational components is very important in the improvement of the communicators intercultural communication competence. There are also three aspects in terms of affective components: adaptation motivation, Identity flexibility and esthetic co-orientation, the cognitive aspects of intercultural communic

13、ation competence are the mental capacities of comprehension and ability to understand the meanings of various verbal and nonverbal codes. Operational components are that 1 Individuals capacity to express cognitive and affective experiences outwardly is shown through specific behaviors. 5. Why do man

14、y Chinese people tend to ask about age, martial status, and even salary when first meeting one another? To them, these are open conversational topics. Knowing a persons age helps them use appropriate terms of address. And Chinese people pay a lot of attention to family life, so naturally talk of fam

15、ily members features as a common topic. As to salary, since there is a national system of salaries, people usually dont consider it a secret and they talk about it openly. 6. How to address people in both Chinese and English? 7. What are the differences between Chinese and English Kin Terms? In Chin

16、ese culture, people refer to people strictly according to the kin terms. It is completely unacceptable to refer to ones parents by using the names. When children address relatives, Chinese kin terms tell whether they are older or younger than their father or mother. Chinese kin terms tell whether th

17、e relatives are from the mother or fathers side and whether ones brother, sister or cousin is older or younger than he/she. Chinese kin terms are also to other people who are not ones relatives; kin terms are widely used to address known or unknown people While in English culture, in some families i

18、n Western countries, some children address their parents directly by their first names. In Britain, children are expected to address the parents brother and sisters with the title of Uncle or Aunt plus their names and sometimes simply address them by first name without a title. English kin terms don

19、t tell whether the relatives are from the mother or fathers side ,and there are not distinct kin terms for elder brother or younger brother. Kin terms are not as frequently used as in Chinese. In all kinds of social situations, either formally or informally, people wont use kin terms to address each

20、 other if they are not relatives. 8. State six principles for effective cross-gender communication. 8. What is the significance of Nonverbal Communication? Nonverbal behavior is a significant area of communication study for at least three reasons. Nonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning

21、we get from conversations. Nonverbal behavior spontaneously reflects the subconsciousness. We cannot avoid communicating through nonverbal signals. Besides, nonverbal behavior is significant because nonverbal communication can be open to many interpretations. 9. Why do we need to study intercultural

22、 communication? (1). Technological development The development of new transportation and information technologies has connected all nations in ways that were possible before this century only in the imagination. (2). Widespread population Migrations (3). The changes in the international business com

23、munity have compelled China to reexamine her business. (4). Development of Multiculturalism. Cultural diversity or multiculturalism will become the norm; not the exception. The public must acknowledge and adjust to difference but build on commonality. 10. What are meanings in communication? Utterance meaning: what it normally means Speakers meaning: the speaker has intended to convey by way of utterance meaning. Hearers meaning: the hearer has understood on the basis of the utterance meaning 2


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