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1、1BusinessandYourLifeBusiness and Your Life You Depend on Business Modern business is well organized and operates smoothly. We often accept business services, therefore, without much thought of their importance to us. Have you ever considered the many ways in which you depend on business? Business su

2、pplies the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the home you live in, and the many other goods and services used in satisfying your wants. Many times a week most of us are affected by business. During a certain week, for example, you may make telephone calls, have your eyeglasses repaired, ride in a

3、taxi, consult your doctor, deposit money in your savings account, buy a new bicycle tire, or advertise for your lost dog. Your home, too, depends on business in obtaining the goods and services your family needs. One family reported these business 1 activities for a certain day: issued checks to pay

4、 automobile insurance and electric bill; bought a rug and chairs; mailed a letter to order some books; paid the newsboy; hired a carpenter to repair a window frame; bought a United States savings bond at the bank; left a roll of film at the camera shop; had dinner at a restaurant. What Is Business?

5、You frequently hear the word business in everyday conversations. Here are some expressions using the word: “How is business this month?” “What line of business is he in?” “Our firm does a cash business.” “Business hours are 9 to 5.” “John is taking a business course.” Although you may have a general

6、 understanding of the meaning of each statement, at this time you probably would have difficulty in giving a clear-cut explanation of business. Business means different things to different 2 people. To one person it means producing goods through farming, manufacturing, or some other industry. To ano

7、ther it means buying and selling merchandise. To a third person it means providing services. To a fourth it means engaging in an occupation to earn a living. Each of these instances-making goods, buying and selling goods, providing services, engaging in an occupation-illustrates the meaning of busin

8、ess. In this article, business means the work or activities by which goods and services are provided and obtained for money payment. Some Activities Are Not Business Enterprises such as the grocery store, the bus line, the newspaper, the electric company, and the bank are readily identified as being

9、 in business. They supply goods and services for payment. What about the laundry, the television repairman, the plumber? They, too, work for payment and are therefore engaged in 3 business. Not all activities in which work is involved are classed as business. If you help a friend repair a car or pai

10、nt his house, you would be working. Unless you receive payment, however, you are not taking part in business in the true sense of the word. Here is the test of whether or not an activity can be classed as business: Is payment made for the goods supplied or service performed? If money payment is requ

11、ired, the activity is business. Business Transactions Producer and consumer To carry on business, whether it consists of producing goods, distributing goods, or providing services, three factors-people, goods, and money-are necessary. People refers to both producers and consumers. Producers are the

12、firms and workers who produce and distribute goods or services. Consumers are those who buy and 4 use goods or services. Individual wants and community wants Goods means the products that persons or communities buy to satisfy their wants. Individual wants consist of the necessities, comforts, and lu

13、xuries of life. Goods that everyone must have, such as food, clothes, and shelter, are called necessities. Goods and services, such as books, telephones, electricity, and gas, which make life easier and more enjoyable, are called comforts. Nonessential high quality goods, such as expensive jewelry,

14、yachts, and customer-built cars, are called luxuries. The needs that arise when people live in groups are referred to as community wants. Communities must have police and fire protection, water system, highways, stores, schools, and banks. Money is exchanged for goods and services. Many years ago tr

15、ade was carried on by barter, which is exchanging one article for 5 another-for example, trading a knife for a pair of shoes. Today we usually pay money for what we want. The exchange of money for goods or services is a business transaction. We need business Business provides us with the things we u

16、se-food, clothes, and many other products and services. Any interruption of essential activities in your community would create much hardship. Few families keep on hand enough food and other essentials for more than a brief period, and any stoppage in the flow of products would result in considerabl

17、e suffering. Imagine the situation if no railroads or trucks were operating; if there were no deliveries of bread, milk, or other goods; no electricity and gas; no store, bank, factory, or restaurant open! If just one phase of business, such as transportation, were to suspend operations, factories c

18、ould not ship their products. Soon workers would be laid off because of shutdowns; and with the loss in wages, 6 families would have to curtail their buying. The resulting chain of events could easily bring on a condition of business paralysis. Only when the business activities of the community, the

19、 state, and the nation are functioning smoothly can there be prosperity for everyone. For the consumer, business supplies the goods and services he must have to live and take care of his affairs properly. For the worker business provides employment and therefore a means of earning a living. For the

20、business owner business activities offer the opportunity to render a service and to make a profit. For the investor business provides ways to put his funds to work. Because it furnishes the things we use, gives us useful work to do, offers opportunities for saving and investing,and aids the national

21、 defense, business is truly the backbone of modern life. In fact, business is the foundation on which the existence and welfare of our 7 people depend. Choose the best answer. 1. Which of the following is the best definition of “business” according to this text? A. Business is something that can bri

22、ng you money. B. Business refers to something you can buy with money. C. Business means the work or activities by which goods and services are provided and obtained for money payment. D. Business means buying and selling goods. 2. Which of the following activities cant be regarded as business? A. Di

23、ning at a restaurant. B. Telephoning a friend. C. Attending a concert. D. Offering to carry a bag upstairs for a neighbor. 8 3. The three essentials necessary to do business are _. A. producer, shop assistant, and consumer B. goods, money, and people C. capital, machines, and stores D. goods, wants,

24、 and money 4. Which of the following is a necessity for life? A.Coca-Cola B. Mineral water C. Bike D. Grain 5. Community wants include _. A. banks and schools B. electricity and gas C. highways and police force D. Both A and C 6. Barter is different from modern business transaction in that _. A. goo

25、ds are exchanged for services B. money is exchanged for goods and services 9 C. one thing is exchanged for another without the involvement of money D. under the system of barter, money has more value 7. According to the passage, if modern business fails to function smoothly, _. A. our life will hard

26、ly be affected B. our life will be greatly affected C. we can still live as comfortably as before D. we can not manage even for a short time 8. What would happen if one phase of business, such as transportation, were to suspend operations? A. Factories wouldnt be able to send their products by ships

27、. B. Factories wouldnt be able to manufacture their products. C. Factories wouldnt be able to transport their products. D. Factories wouldnt be able to sell their 10 products. 9. In the authors opinion, _. A. prosperity for the nation is based on the prosperity of individuals B. if a nations busines

28、s activities operate smoothly, individuals can expect to be prosperous C. prosperity for the people can be achieved before the nation has smooth business activities D. a nations smooth business activities and prosperity for its people can be achieved at the same time 10. We say business is truly the backbone of our modern life because _. A. many times a day, people engage in business in one way or another B. business provides people with jobs C. our existence and welfare depend on business 11 D. business supplies goods and services, which satisfy our wants 12


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