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1、Module 2 My New Teachers,optimistic,pessimistic,friendly,outgoing,brave,mean,generous,kind-hearted,smart,Use some of the words to describe people you know,My father is lively and energetic,but he is not very patient.,What kind of teachers would you like to have?Tick the statements about good teacher

2、s that you agree with on page 11,What impressions do they give you?(use some adjs.),Scanning:Find out what aspects(方面)the passage describe when the authors introduce the 3 teachers.appearance,personality,teaching style,English,physics,Chinese,nervous,shy kind,patientsmiles a lot,strict,serious,doesn

3、t smile,got so much energy,humorous,explains gram clearlyencourage a lot,so well organized and clear,talks loudly and fast,tell jokes,wave a lot,fast ss:a bit slowly for me:wonderful,making progress,some dont like her most appreciate herI will do well with her,everyone loves himI respect him,Careful

4、-reading:,1.impression n.印象,感想,the impression of sb./sth.对某人或某物的印象the impression of 怎样的印象(of 后跟印象具体内容)make/have/leave a strong/deep/big impression on sb.给某人留下深刻印象,What were your first impressions of No.2 Senior High?,你对二中的第一印象是什么?,She gives the impression of being very busy.,她给人的印象总是非常忙。,His trip to

5、 Russia made a strong impression on him.,他的俄罗斯之行对他的触动很大。,我的话对他丝毫没有作用。,My words made no impression on him.,2.avoid vt.避免,防止,avoid doing sth./n.避免干某事,避免某物,I cant avoid seeing her.,我总免不了要见她。,尽力避免危险。,Try to avoid danger.,他总是躲避我的目光。,He kept avoiding my eyes.,He kept avoiding looking at me.,3.She goes a b

6、it too slowly,go 走,进行,在这特指“讲课”。,4.Id guess that Mrs.Chen is almost sixty.,I would imagine,say,think,guess that(used to give opinions that you are not sure about.),e.g I would imagine the job will take about 2 days.,我猜这工作大概需要两天左右时间吧!,我猜她五十岁上下。,Id say he was about 50.,5.keep doing sth.一直不断做某事 keep sb.

7、doing sth.让某人一直不断做某事 keep on doing sth.接连反复继续 keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事,He kept standing there for 2 hours without moving.Dont keep the boy standing outside.He kept on standing in the meeting.We keep the students from smoking.,注:keep doing 表示状态、动作的持续;keep on doing 表示动作的反复。,6.appreciate vt.,感激:a

8、ppreciate sb/sth/doing,I really appreciate Mr Wu.I really appreciate Mr Wus help.I really appreciate being treated as a son of Mr Wu.,sb.will appreciate it if 如果的话,某人会很感激。,I will appreciate it if you can give me a hand.,欣赏,鉴赏,赏识:appreciate sb./sth,appreciate good wine 品尝美酒,appreciate the moon 赏月,7.a

9、dmit vt.,承认:,admit sth.(n.),admit doing sth.,admit that,He admitted all his mistakes.,He admitted stealing my bike.,We have to admit that he is an honest person.,准许进入(某处):admit sp.,Every ticket admits one adult and one child.,每张票可供一个成人和一个小孩入内。,你不允许进入剧场。,You will not be admitted into the t

10、heatre.,准许加入(俱乐部、组织);接收(入学):admit,He was admitted into Sichuan university.,他被四川大学录取了。,Women were admitted into the club last year.,这家俱乐部去年接纳女会员。,8.Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.,with 的复合结构,即 with的复合宾语。(宾语+宾语补足语),with+Mrs Chen+teaching me,介词,宾语,宾语补足语,逻辑关系,逻辑关系,主动,宾补用 v-

11、ing,被动,宾补用 v-ed.,With the work done,he went home.We found the house,with the boy leading us.That boy,with a cat sitting on his shoulder,is my brother.The girl,with a red ribbon tied in her hair,is my sister.,结论:with 的复合结构在句子中可以做状语,表示时间、条件、原因、伴随等;在句子中,with的复合宾语还可以做定语,用来修饰它前面的名词、代词。,Because he had fin

12、ished his homework,he went home.,With the work done,he went home.,(高级),A red ribbon is tied in the girls hair,and she is my sister.,The girl,with a red ribbon tied in her hair,is my sister.,(高级),9.Mr Wus only been teaching us for two weeks and hes already very popular.,have/has+been+doing(公式),现在完成时,

13、进行时,+,=,现在完成进行时,用法:表示从过去某个时候开始的动作或状态从过去一直延续到现在,这个动作可能刚刚结束,可能一直进行下去。强调持续性。,I have been learning English for more than five years.,Where have you been?He has been waiting for you all this morning.,动作一直持续,还会继续下去,动作刚刚停止,tell a joke/jokes 讲笑话 have a joke with sb.和某人说笑话 play a joke on sb.取笑某人 make jokes a

14、bout sb.开某人的玩笑,取笑某人 make fun of sb./sth.嘲弄,捉弄,拿某人开玩笑 laugh at sb.取笑某人,10.joke n.&v.玩笑;开玩笑,joke with sb.与某人开玩笑Youre joking!=You must be joking!你一定在开玩笑!You must be kidding!,11.I respect him a lot.,respect n.&vt.尊敬,尊重;敬意,respect ones respect(to sb)对某人表示尊重,尊敬get/gain ones respect 赢得某人的尊重give one

15、s respects to sb.向某人致意,We should respect others,especially we should respect ourselves.,我们应当尊重他人,尤其应当自重。,Please give my respects to your parents.,请代我向你的父母致意。,Bye-bye,Module 2 My New Teachers Period 4 Grammar 动名词做宾语,一.动名词作动词的宾语,英语中有相当一部分动词之后,只能用动名词作宾语。,But now,after two weeks,the class really likes w

16、orking with her.Ive always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly.There are a few students who keep coming to class late.I think this is because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature.She avoids making you feel stupid.And a few students even admit liking her.,下列动词之后的动词宾语,只能用动名

17、词形式,admit 承认 advise 建议 appreciate 感激 avoid 避免consider 考虑 deny 否认 dislike 不喜欢 enjoy 喜欢escape 逃避 excuse 原谅 finish 完成 imagine 想象keep 保持 mind 介意 miss 错过 pardon 原谅practice 练习 risk 冒险 resist 抵制 suggest 建议stand 忍受 understand 理解,有些动词之后,既可接动名词,又可接动词不定式,可把这类动词分成三类:,两种形式意义基本相同;两种形式在意义上有所变化;两种形式所表达的含义完全不同。,1.两种

18、形式所表达的含义基本相同,可以互换。,这类动词有:,1)start,begin,continue(继续),intend(打算)2)need,want,require(需要),She started to cry/crying.她哭泣起来。Prices will continue to rise/rising.物价将继续上扬。What do you intend to do/doing next?你下一步打算干什么?,注意:,1)以上第一类动词的进行时之后通常不用动名词,以避免两个-ing 形式重复。,It was beginning to snow.开始下起雪来了。,这一原则不适用于那些只能用

19、动名词做宾语的动词。,2)上述词与know,understand,believe等状态的动词或与feel等知觉动词连用时,通常只用不定式形式:,She began to feel hungry.她开始感到饥饿。She continued to believe his story.她继续相信他所说的事情。,need,require,want 等动词在表示 某物“需要被时”,其后可接不定式或者动名词,但是,必须接不定式的被动式,或者动名词的主动形式,意义不变。,The house needs painting/to be painted.房子需要刷了。,2.不定式和动名词所表达的含义略有变化。,I

20、 like playing football.I like to play football.,我喜欢踢足球。(这项运动),我想踢足球。(我此次的选择),I hate troubling people.I hate to trouble you.,我讨厌麻烦别人。(这是我一贯的态度),我很不愿麻烦你。(一次性的行为),结论:用不定式作宾语时,表示特定的一次性的未来动作;用动名词则表示一般的一贯的行为,或者是目前正在进行的行为。常这样用的动词有:hate,like,love,prefer等。,3.有些动词后面接不定式和接动名词,所表示的含义截然不同。,remember/forget/regret

21、+不定式:remember/forget/regret+动名词:,Remember to mail this letter tomorrow.(记得去做)I remember mailing/having mailed it yesterday.(记得做过),表示不定式动作发生在谓语动词之后,表示动名词动作发生在谓语动词之前,其它类似动词:,The boy is trying to do the job well.The boy is trying walking by himself.,He felt rather tired,and stopped to drink something.I

22、t has stopped raining.,She means to succeed.她立意求成。Fighting means killing.战斗意味着杀戮。,二.动名词作介词宾语,be interested in doingas a result of doingbecause of doingstop sb.from doingpay attention to doinglook forward to doingbe used to doing.,一般说来,介词后面都是用名词,动名词充当宾语。,Bye-bye,Module 2 My New Teachers Period 5 List

23、ening,Mr.Stanton:Okay,kids,as you know,the exams are coming up soon,so we need to start work on revision.This afternoon Im going to give you a choice.We can either do some revision or we can do some translation.Its up to you.Student:Id rather do translation than revision,Mr.Stanton.Mr.Stanton:How ma

24、ny people would like to do translation?Chorus:I would./Me./Id like to do translation.Mr.Stanton:Thats eight of you.So the rest of you would prefer to do revision,is that right?Chorus:Yes.Mr.Stanton:Thats sixteen of you.So thats settled.Well do revision.Im going to give you a choice of topic,too.Do y

25、ou want to revise Life in the Future or Travel?Student:Id rather do Life in the Future.Student:Id prefer to do Travel.,Tape script:,Mr.Stanton:Hands up for Life in the Future.(Students raise their hands.)Eighteen of you.The choice is made.But before we start,there are a couple of things I need to sa

26、y to you.Firstly,have you all got your new timetables?Chorus:Yes.Mr.Stanton:Good.Can you take a look at them?OK.Now,at present you have a free period on Tuesday afternoons.Well,thats been changed and youve got French instead.Have you got that?Chorus:Yes.Mr.Stanton:Excellent.And theres one other thin

27、g.The headmaster wants to see everyone in the library at three this afternoon.OK?Chorus:Yes.Mr.Stanton:Right.Lets begin our revision of Life in the Future.,as you know 正如你们所知Its up to you.这由你决定。Id rather do than do 我宁愿干而不是I would prefer to do 我宁愿干So thats settled.这个问题解决了。give a choice 提供一个选择make a c

28、hoice 做出一个决定a couple of 一些,两三个take a look at 看Have you got that?明白了吗?one other thing 另外一件事,Useful expressions&sentences:,Module 2 My New Teachers Period 6 Cultural Corner,What do you think of the relationship between teachers and students in China?,Formal,not very relaxed and friendly,?,Tend to be m

29、ore relaxed and friendier,How do you find the relationship in European countries or in the US?,?,Watch 1 video,Informal,more relaxed and friendlier,Different Countries,Different Schools,1.Scanning:,Main idea:The passage is about _ between _ in different _.,The first difference is _ _.The second diff

30、erence is _ _.,the differences,schools,countries,the relationship,between teachers and students,whether schools,are state schools or private schools,(para 1),(para 2),2.Careful-reading for detailed information,What is the relationship between teachers and students in some countries like France and B

31、ritain?What is the main difference between state schools and private schools?,What is the relationship between teachers and students in some countries like France and Britain?,France:quite formal;Britain:quite relaxed.,What is the main difference between state schools and private schools?,State scho

32、ols:Government pays for the education;Private schools:Parents pay for the education.,3.Language points:,formal true of 3.consider relaxed with5.have problems v.,informal,adj.,(某种情况)适应;合乎的事实。,认为;视某人/某物为,sb/sth as,sb/sth(to be).,that,和在一起感到放松,在方面存在问题,sth,in doing,干 有问题,difficult

33、y,trouble,付钱,为付钱,Make sentences:,我认为他是热情的/一个热情的人。,这儿的食物不错,服务也不错。,和李老师在一起,我们很轻松。,你学英语有问题吗?,他为这顿饭付了钱。,Bye-bye,Dictation,有趣的;可笑的 adj.2.精力充沛的 adj.3.聪明的 adj.4.紧张的;焦虑的 adj.5.有组织的 adj.6.耐心的 adj.7.严肃的 adj.8.害羞的 adj.9.严格的;严厉的 adj.10.印象 n.11.(故意)避开 vt.12.讨厌;不喜欢 vt.13.不正确地 adv.14.完全地 adv.15.立即,即刻 adv.16.感激 vt.

34、17.承认 vt.18.科学的 adj.19.文学 n.20.大声地 adv.21.挥(手)v.22.笑话,玩笑 n.23.总结n.24.尊敬;尊重 vt.&n.25.成绩;分数 n.26.校长 n.27.女校长 n.28.一段时间 n.29.复习 n.30.翻译 n.31.时间表 n.32.话题,题目 n.33.假期 n.34.温习 vt35.纪律 n.36.关系 n.37.正式的 adj.38.否认 vt.39.同样地,类似的 adv.40.建议 vt.,一,1.取得进步 2.上课迟到 3.科学实验 4.结果 5.中国文学 6.讲笑话 7.四处挥手 8.第一印象 9.自由时间段 10.做出

35、选择 11.看 12.两三件事情 13.私立学校 14.公立学校 15.你们明白了吗?16.那个解决了。17.向某人致意 18.干某事有问题 19.正如你们所知 20.mean to do,这部电影给我留下了很深刻的印象。人固有一死。(人免不了一死。)我猜你是新来的吧。别让那女孩一直在外面等。他被四川大学录取了。作业做完了,他回了家。(with 复合结构)我的自行车需要修了。(need/want/require),二,三,8.这个小男孩试着自己做作业。9.我宁愿做翻译而不是复习。10.这儿食物不错,服务也不错。11.如果你能帮我的话,我会非常感激。12.除非他让我们说,不然我们一句话也不敢说。13.他讲课既条理又清晰。14.在北欧一些国家,师生关系更友好更轻松。15.我认为Mike是个诚实的人。,


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