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1、24天速记1500词单词记忆第六天中考1500词汇24天速记 单词记忆第六天 分类快速记忆 日常动作 1.接受v. 2.达到,取得v. 3.醒着的adj. 4.让v. 5.增加 v. 6. 成功v. 7.避免v. 8.触摸,碰v. 9.吹v. 10.借v 11.打破v.;打碎;休息n. 12.建造v. 13.燃烧,烧焦v. 14.打电话,命名为v. 15.睡着的adj. 16.改变,变化v. 17.收集v. 18.事实v. 19.比较v. 20.完成v. 21.尝试v. 22.连接v. 23.考虑v. 24.继续v. 25.控制v. 26.封面n.覆盖v. 27.剪,切v. 28.包括v 29

2、.依靠v. 30.发展v. 31.发现v. 32.讨论,谈论v. 33.谈论 n. 34. 划分v. 35.做v. 36.做梦,梦想v. 37. 烹饪v.厨师n. 38.穿,戴v. 39. 结尾n.结束v. 40.喜爱,享受v. 41.下落,跌倒v. 42. 装满,填v. 43.最后地,最终adv. 44.完成,结束v. 45.修理v. 46.增长v. 47.敲v. 48.猜v. 49.吊,绞死v. 51.发生v. 52.打,击,撞v. 53.家务v. 54.伤害v. 55.家务v. 56.放置v. 57.借出v. 58.机会n. 59.睡觉v. 60.吸烟v. 烟,烟雾n. 61.说v. 6

3、2.速度n.加速v. 63.传播,延伸v. 64. 站v. 65.创办,开始,发动v. 66. 醒来,叫醒v. 67.警告,预先通知v. 68.洗,冲洗v. 69.浪费v. 70.扔,抛掉v. 71. 动作,行动n. 72.原因,起因n.引起v. 73.喂养,为.提供食物v. 74.发展,发达,进步,培养v 重点词汇突破 1.Tomorrow is Sunday. Dont _(叫醒)me up too early. 2.He _(接受)my gift for his 20th birthday yesterday. 3.This railway _(连接)London and Edinbur

4、gh . 4.You should not only _(控制) your action,but also your thoughts. 5.To improve your writing skills,youd better _(培养)a habit of reading. 6.Good sleep helps the body and brain grow and _(发展)well. 7.Please come over to my office tomorrow morning to_(谈论)our new plan. 8.My _ (梦想)is to be a reporter. 9

5、._(填)in the blanks with the correct words.Then listen again and check your answers. 10.-What _(发生)?- Kate hurt her leg last night. 11.I have to do _(家务) after school because my mother is very busy. 12.The thief _(打)the old man in the back. 13.You have to grasp every _ (机会)to achieve success. 14.The

6、young man wants to practice_(speak) English with a foreigner. 15.The bird _(spread) its wings and flew away. 16.The boy felt sorry because he didnt tell his mother the _(true) . 17. _(compare) with other peoples problems,mine seem insignificant(无关紧要的). 18.The young should be allowed _(achieve) their

7、 dream on their own. 19.The World Chocolate Park showed a _(collect) of much chocolate of kids . 20.The rain _(continue) to fall all afternoon. 21.Why not _(consider) asking someone for help? 22.When you go on a trip,you should get everything_(include) . 23.We arrived at the top of the mountain_(fin

8、al) . 24.I had my bicycle_ (fix) up in order to give it away to charity. 25.Bruce often _ (lend ) his dictionary to me. 26. 你最好别高速开车。Youd better not drive at a high _. 27.你应该把这些新鲜的肉给那只小狗吃。You should _these fresh meat to the little dog. 28.I这个项目似乎难以成功。The project seemed unlikely to_ . 29.他总是小心谨慎地避免尴尬

9、。He was always careful to _embarrassment. 30.他打破了100米的世界纪录。He _ broke the record of the 100 meters. 31.与朋友保持联系很重要。Its very important to _in touch with your friends. 32.为了做到这一点,你一定要建立起自信。In order to dp this ,you have to _up confidence. 33.在班长的帮助下,我把全班分成了八组。With the help of the monitor,I _ the whole class into eight groups. 34.他们去泰山的路上玩的很愉快。They_ themselves on the way to Mount Tai. 35.这部电影太乏味了,以至于我只看到一半就睡着了。The movie was so boring that I _asleep half way through it. 36.你不应当在教室里吸烟。You should not _in the classroom .


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