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1、Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon教学设计高中英语教学设计 课题: Module 6 Films and TV Programmes Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Reading) Students Book 2 Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 设计教师:沙俊燕 工作单位:山东省德州市实验中学 联系电话:13793479106 I Analysis of the reading materials 教材分析 本课是外研版高中英语教材第二册第六模块的阅读部分,是一篇影评。具有明显
2、的应用文特点,所以将学会影评写作定为能力目标是教材内容的内在要求。文章总体难度中等偏上。 II Analysis of the students 学情分析 高一学生虽单词量还较有限,但他们对周围的世界和新事物、新话题充满好奇。而电影是学生非常喜欢的题材。所以初步判断学生可以实现本课学习目标。 III Teaching Objectives教学目标 1. To know the main idea, the structure of the passage and achieve a deeper understanding. 2. To learn how to appreciate and
3、write a film review. 3. To experience the pleasure and fulfillment of learning English. IV Important Points To know the main idea, the structure of the passage and achieve a deeper understanding. V Difficult Points To learn how to appreciate and write a film review. VI Teaching Methods 1. Task-based
4、 approach.任务型活动设计,目的是使学生投入学习过程,有效地学习。 2. Cooperative study and group discussion.合作学习,小组讨论 3. A effective combination of multimedia and guided learning plan. 多媒体与导学案相结合 VII Teaching Aids 1. A blackboard 黑板 2. A projector and a computer for multimedia 投影仪及多媒体 3. The Internet 互联网 4.The guided learning
5、plan 导学案 VIII Teaching Procedures Step 1 Lead-in 导入 Introducing the topic with a video: Film review: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. 使用电影卧虎藏龙视频片段导入话题。 Step 2 Deal with Self-study 处理课前案 核对课前案练习答案,指出共性错误。记忆基础单词短语含义,以竞赛的形式进行当堂巩固与检测。为下一步的课堂活动扫除字词障碍。 Step 3 Carry out projects for class开展课中案活动 Part 1自主探究
6、(Individual work) Fast-reading 设计意图:检验学生是否能够通过快速阅读准确获得文章及段落大意。这是英语新课标与高考对学生阅读技能考查的重点。 Task 1 Decide which is the best summary of the film. AIt takes place on Peking rooftops and in the deserts of western China. BIt is a martial arts film that tells the story of a stolen sword,and the fight to get it
7、 back. CIt tells the story of two people who love each other. Task 2 Match each paragraph with its main idea. Paragraph 1 Athe setting and plot of the film Paragraph 2 Bthe writers opinion about the film Paragraph 3 Cthe type of the film Paragraph 4 Dintroduction of the director Paragraph 5 Ethe fea
8、tures of the main characters Part 2 合作探究 (Cooperation) Detailed-reading 设计意图:通过三个不同形式的任务设置旨在实现学生对文章的深层理解。 Read the passage carefully and finish the following tasks. Task 1 Questions 1.What do we know about Ang Lee? _ _ 2.When and where does the story take place? _ 3.What is the main event? _ Task 2
9、Find out how the author describes the three main characters and fill in the table(表格). Xiulian Yu Jiaolong Mubai Task 3 Translate the following sentence into Chinese. The fight scenes between Jiaolong and Xiulian are some of the most exciting moments in modern cinema. _ Part 3课文回顾(Recalling) 设计意图:通过
10、回顾影评主要内容检验学生对文章主要内容的把握,进一步熟悉影评的写作模式,为下一步写作影评做好铺垫。 设计意图:通过用自己的语言写作影评,实现本节阅读课从语言输入到输出的升华,攻克学习目标中的难点。 Rewrite the film review Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in about 80 words. _ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard 板书设计 1. Module 6 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2. Instructions for Task division. IX 教学反思 本节课较成果地完成了三项教学目标,攻克了教学的重难点。学生准确把握了文章及段落大意,通过自主及合作学习、完成课堂任务,获得文章的深层理解。通过回顾文章内容及写作脉络,提炼出影评的写作要素,使学生在动手写作影评之前对于如何写作影评形成清晰的认识。最后一个环节让学生自己重写卧虎藏龙影评,无论上黑板写作的同学,还是其他同学,任务完成得都比较出色。能力目标达成度很高。学生积极参与自主学习及合作探究、展示、点评;影评写作。整节课情绪饱满、快乐主动。在成功完成学习任务的基础上真切地体味到学习的快乐与成就感。 当然,在课堂活动设置及实施过程中还可能存在各种不足,需要进一步完善与提高。