Lesson3 Summer is coming!教学设计.docx

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1、Lesson3 Summer is coming!教学设计冀教版六年级下册 Lesson 13 Summer Is Coming!教学设计 望都县北关小学 李妍蓉 教学分析 1. 学情分析 在进行本节课学习之前,学生已经掌握了现在进行时、一般过去时、一般现在时等基本英语时态,并且具备了一定的听说读写能力。在五年级下学期学习的季节知识基础上,能够熟练运用英语对四个季节以及每个季节的气候特点进行描述与表达;能够简单描述个人以及家人的喜好。课堂上,他们能够根据教师的指令完成学习任务,并丰富自己已有的知识体系。 2. 教材内容 在本单元学习内容中,Li Ming、Jenny和Danny将讨论他们的暑假

2、计划,尽情享受夏季的各种活动。本课为本单元的第一课,课题为“Summer Is Coming!”。本课将教授描述自然四季变化和夏季活动的词汇及句型。 教学目标 1、学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写单词: fan 2、学生能够认读、理解并运用下列句子:In summer, I like to 3、培养学生善于运用所学表达对自然界的所见所闻的能力。 4、激发学生对四季的喜爱之情,培养学生关注周围环境的意识,使学生乐于享受生活中美好的事物。 教学重难点 1. 教学重点:学生能够运用本课句型描述自然和自己喜爱的夏季活动,在生活情境中灵活运用并进行表达。 2. 教学难点:学生通过本课的学习能描述四季的天气

3、、景色及乐趣。 教学准备 教学光盘,多媒体,PPT课件,四季树木变化头饰 评价方式 全班分为春夏秋冬四个小组,每组一副装饰底图,课堂中得分即可以装点一片树叶或雪花等装饰物,课堂结束评选装点的最美季节发放奖励。 教学过程 Step1:Class Opening 1.Greeting and warm up T : Hello Kids! Im Miss Li.Im very happy to be your new teacher. May I have your names? Whats your name ? Nice to meet you! Ss: Hello Miss Li! Nice

4、 to meet you,too! T : I have a song for you. Lets sing ! ( 播放歌曲) 2.Brainstorming T : Good job! After that ,can you introduce the seasons in this song? Ss: There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. ( T : Draw the mind map.) T: Wonderful! Lets try to chant! Chant: S

5、pring ,spring, warm and rainy. Summer, summer, hot and sunny. Autumn,autumn, cool and windy. Winter, winter,cold and snowy. T : Okay! Great! Can you talk about the weather in different seasons now? Ss:In spring, its warm and rainy. In summer,its hot and sunny.In autumn, its cool and windy. In winter

6、,its cold and snowy. Step2:New Concepts Part1.What season is it? Demonstrate-听读课文part1 (1)Guessing game - leaf leaves T : Well done! I have a gift for you ! Lets play a game. (分别出示被遮挡的单数树叶和多个树叶图片,让学生猜词-“leaf”or “leaves” 区别单复数变化同时,让学生以身边的所见简单说一两个句子进行练习) T :Yes. The leaves are the clothes of the trees

7、.The trees has different “clothes ” in different seasons.Do you want to know what happens to trees in different seasons? Ss: Yes. T: Lets watch ,listen and repeat . 出示PPT 展示树叶在冬天的样子,播放课文录音跟读,点拨any:T: In winter, its cold and snowy. I dont have any leaves. any-任一;一些 用于否定句和疑问句。 出示PPT 展示树叶在春天的样子,播放课文录音跟

8、读。 出示PPT 展示树叶在夏天的样子,播放课文录音跟读。 出示PPT 展示树叶在秋天的样子,播放课文录音跟读,点拨lose失去;输掉. T: The seasons are colourful. Next, please read by yourselves and enjoy the seasons. Practice- Use the pictures of trees in the four seasons to describe the tree. T: Okay. Can you describe the trees in different seasons ? (为学生演示两种展

9、示形式: 扮演树,介绍自己在某个季节的样子。 In winter,its cold and snowy.I dont have any leaves. 二人合作,一人扮演树,一人介绍。为学生随机出示季节图片。 In winter,its cold and snowy.Many trees dont have any leaves.) Ss:学生准备后选择适当的头饰并选择一种形式进行展示。 T: Draw the mind map,及时进行评价。 Part2. Summer fun (1)Free talk.(师生谈论夏天喜欢做的事情) T : Good job ! After that ,I

10、fell a little hot. Do you fell hot? The weather is hotter and hotter . Why ? Ss: Because summer is coming . T : Yes ,the summer is coming ! (板书课题) Do you like summer? S1:No ,I dont like summer.Because it is hot in summer. T: Me,too! I also dont like the hot weather.But we have the fan.Its cool.(PPT出

11、示 fan 图片及单词,教师领读,学生机械操练) S2:I like summer. Because I can eat ice-cream/swim. T: Yes ,these are summer fun.( 引出fun,fan /fn/ -fun /fn/ 将单词fun 和fan 进行发音、拼写及含义的对比讲解, 学生机械操练。) (2) Demonstrate-听读课文part2 T: Does Jenny like summer? Does Li Ming like to swim in summer? What does Li Ming like to do in summer?

12、 Lets look Jenny and Li Mings summer fun. Okay? We can ask them on Wechat (微信).(运用手机界面展示课文内容) Ss:Listen and think about the questions. (3) Check for understanding. Ss: Answer the questions: Does Jenny like summer? Does Li Ming like to swim in summer? What does Li Ming like to do in summer? (4)Readin

13、g practice -Read and fill in the blanks. Hello,everyone! Im Jenny. In the four seasons,I like best. Because its hot. I can in the water. I like to in the sun. I like the . It makes me cool. But my friend Li Ming is different. Let me tell you Li Mings summer fun. Sometimes he sports with his friends.

14、 Sometimes he a kite . He also likes to the clouds. T: 订正答案。点拨 plays flies 三单形式。 Step3:拓展提升-Part 3 Lets do it! (1) Chant T: Okay, next lets relax and talk about the things we like to do. Look !Lets chant! Chant: Spring ,spring, warm and rainy.Plant trees,plant trees,I like to plant trees. Summer, su

15、mmer, hot and sunny. Swim, swim, I like to swim. Autumn,autumn, cool and windy. Fly kites, fly kites,I like to fly kites. Winter, winter,cold and snowy. Skate, skate, I like to skate. (2) Guessing game - What season is it? T: Are you happy? Now this time, Please guess what season is it? The trees ha

16、ve green leaves. I wear my dresses.I like to sit in the sun. I like to swim in the sea. Ss: Its summer. (3) Pair work. (学生和同伴练习介绍季节特点让对方猜) T: Okay!Great!Next, you can play this game with your partner. Step4:Show Time-学生依托思维导图展示自己的季节乐趣或同伴的季节乐趣 Task A:Talk about your summer fun. Task B:Talk about your

17、 friends season fun . T:及时让学生点拨出现的错误并进行评价。 Step5:Class closing 班级内评选最美季节小组发放最终奖励。 * Homework : 1.Please talk about your season fun with your teacher on Wechat. 2. Write a composition with “Season fun”. Infiltration of moral education(德育渗透): The seasons are colourful. Our life is the same. Enjoy the seasons,enjoy our life.四季是多彩的,我们的生活同样如此。享受四季,享受生活。 Blackboard Design板书设计 Blackboard Design板书设计 Lesson 13 Summer Is Coming fan In ,I like to . Sometimes,I .


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