Maheegun My Brother.docx

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1、Maheegun My BrotherMaheegun My Brother Eric Acland The year I found Maheegun, spring was late in coming. That day, I was spearing fish with my grandfather when I heard the faint crying and found the shivering wolf cub. As I bent down, he moved weakly toward me. I picked him up and put him inside my

2、jacket. Little Maheegun gained strength after I got the first few drops of warm milk in him. He wiggled and soon he was full and warm. My grandfather finally agreed to let me keep him. That year, which was my 14th, was the happiest of my life. Not that we didnt have our troubles. Maheegun was the mo

3、st mischievous wolf cub ever. He was curious too. Like looking into Grandmas sewing basket which he upset, scattering thread and buttons all over the floor. At such times, she would chase him out with a broom and Maheegun would poke his head around the corner, waiting for things to quiet down. That

4、summer Maheegun and I became hunting partners. We hunted the grasshoppers that leaped about like little rockets. And in the fall, after the first snow our games took us to the nearest meadows in search of field mice. By then, Maheegun was half grown. Gone was the puppy-wool coat. In its place was a

5、handsome black mantle. The winter months that came soon after were the happiest I could remember. They belonged only to Maheegun and myself. Often we would make a fire in the bushes. Maheegun would lay his head between his front paws, with his eyes on me as I told him stories. It all served to fog m

6、y mind with pleasure so that I forgot my Grandpas repeated warnings, and one night left Maheegun unchained. The following morning in sailed Mrs. Yesno, wild with anger, who demanded Maheegun be shot because he had killed her rooster. The next morning, my grandpa announced that we were going to take

7、Maheegun to the north shack. By the time we reached the lake where the trappers shack stood, Maheegun seemed to have become restless. Often he would sit with his nose to the sky, turning his head this way and that as if to check the wind. The warmth of the stove soon brought sleep to me. But somethi

8、ng caused me to wake up with a start. I sat up, and in the moon-flooded cabin was my grandfather standing beside me. Come and see, son, whispered my grandfather. Outside the moon was full and the world looked all white with snow. He pointed to a rock that stood high at the edge of the lake. On the t

9、op was the clear outline of a great wolf sitting still, ears pointed, alert, listening. Maheegun, whispered my grandfather. Slowly the wolf raised his muzzle. Oooo-oo-wow-wowoo-oooo! The whole white world thrilled to that wild cry. Then after a while, from the distance came a softer call in reply. M

10、aheegun stirred, with the deep rumble of pleasure in his throat. He slipped down the rock and headed out across the ice. Hes gone, I said. Yes, hes gone to that young she-wolf. My grandfather slowly filled his pipe. He will take her for life, hunt for her, protect her. This is the way the Creator pl

11、anned life. No man can change it. I tried to tell myself it was all for the best, but it was hard to lose my brother. For the next two years I was as busy as a squirrel storing nuts for the winter. But once or twice when I heard wolf cries from distant hills, I would still wonder if Maheegun, in his

12、 battle for life, found time to remember me. It was not long after that I found the answer. Easter came early that year and during the holidays I went to visit my cousins. My uncle was to bring me home in his truck. But he was detained by some urgent business. So I decided to come back home on my ow

13、n. A mile down the road I slipped into my snowshoes and turned into the bush. The strong sunshine had dimmed. I had not gone far before big flakes of snow began drifting down. The snow thickened fast. I could not locate the tall pine that stood on the north slope of Little Mountain. I circled to my

14、right and stumbled into a snow-filled creek bed. By then the snow had made a blanket of white darkness, but I knew only too well there should have been no creek there. I tried to travel west but only to hit the creek again. I knew I had gone in a great circle and I was lost. There was only one thing

15、 to do. Camp for the night and hope that by morning the storm would have blown itself out. I quickly made a bed of boughs and started a fire with the bark of an old dead birch. The first night I was comfortable enough. But when the first gray light came I realized that I was in deep trouble. The sto

16、rm was even worse. Everything had been smothered by the fierce whiteness. The light of another day still saw no end to the storm. I began to get confused. I couldnt recall whether it had been storming for three or four days. Then came the clear dawn. A great white stillness had taken over and with i

17、t, biting cold. My supply of wood was almost gone. There must be more. Slashing off green branches with my knife, I cut my hand and blood spurted freely from my wound. It was some time before the bleeding stopped. I wrapped my hand with a piece of cloth I tore off from my shirt. After some time, my

18、fingers grew cold and numb, so I took the bandage off and threw it away. How long I squatted over my dying fire I dont know. But then I saw the gray shadow between the trees. It was a timber wolf. He had followed the blood spots on the snow to the blood-soaked bandage. Yap. yap. yap. yoooo! The howl

19、 seemed to freeze the world with fear. It was the food cry. He was calling, Come, brothers, I have found meat. And I was the meat! Soon his hunting partner came to join him. Any time now, I thought, their teeth would pierce my bones. Suddenly the world exploded in snarls. I was thrown against the br

20、anches of the shelter. But I felt no pain. And a great silence had come. Slowly I worked my way out of the snow and raised my head. There, about 50 feet away, crouched my two attackers with their tails between their legs. Then I heard a noise to my side and turned my head. There stood a giant black

21、wolf. It was Maheegun, and he had driven off the others. Maheegun. Maheegun., I sobbed, as I moved through the snow toward him. My brother, my brother, I said, giving him my hand. He reached out and licked at the dried blood. I got my little fire going again, and as I squatted by it, I started to cr

22、y. Maybe it was relief or weakness or both I dont know. Maheegun whimpered too. Maheegun stayed with me through the long night, watching me with those big eyes. The cold and loss of blood were taking their toll. The sun was midway across the sky when I noticed how restless Maheegun had become. He wo

23、uld run away a few paces head up, listening then run back to me. Then I heard. It was dogs. It was the searching party! I put the last of my birch bark on the fire and fanned it into life. The sound of the dogs grew louder. Then the voices of men. Suddenly, as if by magic, the police dog team came u

24、p out of the creek bed, and a man came running toward my fire. It was my grandfather. The old hunter stopped suddenly when he saw the wolf. He raised his rifle. Dont shoot! I screamed and ran toward him, falling through the snow. Its Maheegun. Dont shoot! He lowered his rifle. Then I fell forward on

25、 my face, into the snow. I woke up in my bedroom. It was quite some time before my eyes came into focus enough to see my grandfather sitting by my bed. You have slept three days, he said softly. The doc says you will be all right in a week or two. And Maheegun? I asked weakly. He should be fine. He is with his own kind.


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