Unit1 How was your school trip.docx

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1、Unit1 How was your school tripUnit 11 How was your school trip? Learning Objectives 一、Topics: School trips 二、Functions (功能) Talk about past events 三、Structures (结构) 1. Simple past tense (I) 2. How questions 3. Yes/No questions and short answers 4. Adjectives of description 四、Target Language (目标语言) H

2、ow was your school trip? It was great. Did you go to the zoo? No, I didnt. I went to the farm. Were the strawberries good? Yes, they were. 五、Vocabulary countryside, cow, horse, farm, farmer, flower, sun, museum, fire, robot, guide, gift, feed, grow, pick, excellent, lovely, slow, fast, expensive, ch

3、eap, dark, exciting, interested, anything, everything go for a walk, milk a cow, ride a horse, feed chickens, take some photos, talk with a farmer, grow apples, be interested in 六、Skills (技能) Listening for key information Scanning in reading 七、Recycling great, terrible, interesting, boring, large, c

4、ool, hot, lucky, delicious 八、教材分析 本单元的话题是谈论学校郊游,要求学生学会使用一般过去式讲述过去发生的事情,学会用一般过去时写日记。由于本单元介入了新的语法项目即一般过去时,因此整个单元所有的设置内容都要求学生使用一般过去时进行操练。本单元要求学生学会使用一般过去时的陈述句,一般疑问句及答语。应重点强调动词过去式的变化规则。 Section A 了解一般过去时的定义,学会使用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。 1a, 1b, 1c主要是学习一般过去时的定义,能用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情,学会使用一般过去时的陈述句,及一般疑问句和答语,知道go, milk, r

5、ide, feed, talk, take 的过去式。 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d通过听力使学生巩固1a所学短语,能够理解一般过去时的对话,能准确抓住听力材料中的细节问题。能用一般过去时与他人谈论过去的事情。 Grammar Focus, 3a, 3b,主要帮助学生总结一般过去时一般疑问句及答语的用法,重点帮助学生理解并记忆动词过去式的规则变化及不规则变化。通过填写短文及编故事的活动使学生掌握动词过去式的变化规则。 Section B 学习有关假日活动的短语,能够使用how was 去询问假期状况,能够使用争取的形容词去评价自己的假期。要求学生通过阅读短文了解日记的写法,重点关注评价性语言的

6、使用。要求学生能够是用一般过去时写日记记述过去发生的事并能恰当的使用评价性语言。 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 学习有关假日短语,及简单评价性语言。 2a, 2b, 2c通过阅读短文使学生了解了解日记的写法,学会使用评价性语言。 3a, 3b,3c学习如何用一般过去时写日记。 Self Check 对本单元知识进行检测和总结。 九、教学目标 1. 通过本单元的学习,学生能用够了解一般过去时,能够使用一般过去时的陈述句式,一般疑问句及how was与他人谈论过去发生的事,并能用日记记述过去的事情。 2. 通过本单元形容词的归纳,使学生能够使用恰当的形容词及评价性语言表达自己的观点。 十、教学重

7、难点: 1. 一般过去时的用法及动词过去式的变化规则。 2. 如何使用评价性语言。 十一、课时安排 第一课时:完成Section A 1a2c 第二课时:完成Section A 2d3b 第三课时:完成Section B 1a1d 第四课时:完成Section B 2aSelf Check The First Period (Section A, 1a2c) Teaching aims 1. 主要是学习一般过去时的定义,能用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情,学会使用一般过去时的陈述句,及一般疑问句和答语。 2. 学会使用知道go, milk, ride, feed, talk, take 的过去式

8、。 3. 能够理解一般过去时的对话,能准确抓住听力材料中的细节问题 Language points (语言点) 1. 词汇:1)名词n. cow, horse, farmer, farm, farming, countryside 2)形容词adj. excellent, clean 3)动词 v. milk, feed, grow, pick 4) 副词 adv. quite 5) 代词 pron. anything 2. 句型:Did you see any cows? Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot. Did you ride a horse? No, I d

9、idnt. But I milked a cow. Were they good? What did Carol do? Difficulties 1. 一般过去时的一般疑问句式。 2. 一般过去时的陈述句句式。 Teaching steps 1. Warm-up and revision Daily greetings to the Ss (2) Revision :T: What do you usually do on weekends? S1:I usually play computer games. T: What about you? S2: I usually watch TV

10、. Ask as many as Ss about what they do on weekends. Help Ss to review some phrases and make sure the Ss understand simple present tense. 热身与复习实际上也是个导入的过程,通过谈论周末通常做的活动,一方面使学生复习活动短语,一方面使学生进一步明白一般现在时的含义。为区别新课中的一般过去时做了铺垫。 2. Presentation (1) Present the new phrases: go for a walk, milk a cow, ride a hor

11、se, feed chickens, talk with a farmer, take some photos. T: I have a friend, Carol. Lets look at what she usually does on weekends. Show the pictures and help Ss understand the new phrases. (2) Present the simple past tense and show some simple past verbs. T: I usually play computer games with my so

12、n on weekends, but last weekend I worked all the time. You see, if we want to talk about something we usually do, we should use the simple present tense. But if we want to talk about something that happened in the past, we should use the simple past tense. For example, I played computer games with m

13、y son yesterday. We should use played not play. T: Please read after me. go for a walk - went for a walk milk a cow - milked a cow ride a horse - rode a horse feed chickens - fed chickens talk with a farmer - talked with a farmer take some photos - took some photos Make sure that Ss understand how t

14、o use these simple past verbs. (3) Show the pictures ask: What did Carol do on her school trip? Help Ss to say she went for a walk, etc. Work on 1a. Match the phrases with the pictures. 由于本环节呈现的一般过去时态是新的语法内容,因此应该讲清,练明。所以本环节我从一般现在时态入手,通过对比两种时态使学生自然而然的明白一般过去时是描述过去发生的事情。通过二次展示图片,训练学生学会使用一般过去时态,并对几个简单的动

15、词过去式有所掌握。 3. Work on 1b (1) Listen and circle the three things Carol did on her school trip in 1a. (2) Check Ss answers. 通过1b的练习,训练学生听懂新短语。 4. Pair work Work on 1c. Ask and answer the questions about Carols school trip. Help Ss make conversations like the example provided: “Did she ” . “Yes, she did

16、./No, she didnt.” (第一轮应提问成绩较好的学生,第二轮提问成绩较差的学生) 此环节为机械操练,旨在让学生学会使用一般过去时的一般疑问句及其答语。 5. Work on 2a & 2b (完成2a和2b) T: Please turn to page 62. Look at the questions in 2a. Lets read them aloud together as a class. T: Now listen carefully and check the questions you hear. T: Please check your answers. T:

17、Please look at 2b. Listen again and circle T for true or F for false. Check Ss answers. 此环节进一步巩固了本堂课所学的短语和句型。通过反复听读,可以让学生尽快熟悉生词。理解一般过去时的用法。 6. Pairwork Ask and answer questions about Carols visit to the farm. A: What did Carol do? B: She picked some strawberries. 此环节既能充分练习学生的目标语言,使学生学会一般过去时态的特殊疑问句的使

18、用及答语。 10. Homework Oral: 朗读并熟记第61页的短语,及本节课所学到的动词过去式。 Written: 1.抄写第61页的短语;原型+过去式。 2. 挑选20个学过的动词,写在笔记本上,预习书后关于动词过去式变化的讲解,试着将自己找的20个动词变成过去式。 The Second Period (Section A, 2d3d) Teaching aims 1. 能熟练的和他人使用一般过去时谈论过去发生的事。 2. 动词过去式的规则变化与不规则动词的变化。 Language points (语言点) 1. 词汇:1)名词n. flower, worry, sun 2) 副词

19、adv. yesterday, luckily 3)动词 v. worry 2. 句型:How was your school trip? It was great. Difficulties 1. 动词过去式的规则变化与不规则动词的的变化。 Teaching steps 1. Warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习) Show the picture from 2d, and ask Ss to discuss about the picture.T: Look at the picture. How many people are there? Where are th

20、ey? What are they doing? 通过谈论图片,既能复习之前单元所学内容,又可以自然过渡到下一个环节,并能帮助学生理解对话内容。 2. Work on 2d The boy in the picture is Eric. He visited his grandparents in the countryside. He went fishing with his grandpa. Do you want to know more about his trip? Please open your books to page 62 and read the conversatio

21、n. (2) Role-play the conversation in 2d. (3) Follow the example in 2d and make up a conversation about the trip. (4) Then answer these questions: Q1. How was Erics trip last week? It was excellent. Q2.What did he do? He went fishing and fed the chickens with his grandpa. Q3. How was the weather ther

22、e? It was great and the air was so clean. Q4. Did Eric watch the stars at night? Yes, he did. Q5. What did Eric say about the stars? They were beautiful. 学生通过回答问题能理解对话的内容,通过角色扮演能在情境中学会运用,通过自编对话能更好的让学生学以致用。 3. Grammar Focus (1) Read through the sentences. (2) ExplainS the simple past of some regular

23、and irregular verbs to Ss. 本部分为本单元的内容核心,不仅概括了本单元的重点,动词过去式进行的规则变化与不规则变化进行了总结。本环节可借助书后一般过去时的讲解,帮助学生正好的理解与运用一般过去时。 4. Work on 3a (1) Complete Jims letter on the left and Bills reply on the right. (2) Check Ss answers. (3) Explain the simple past verbs and make sure that Ss understand how to use them. 本

24、部分旨在强化练习动词过去式的变化。因此在完成3a任务后最好将本部分新出现的动词过去式总结出来,帮助学生记忆。 5. Work on 3b (1) Make up a story. Each student adds a sentence. 引导学生以郊游,游览某地开展故事情节,应将学生的关注点放到动词过去式的使用上,而不是单纯 7. Homework Oral: 朗读并熟记Grammar Focus中的句子 。 朗读Grammar Focus 中出现的动词原形与过去式。 熟记动词规则变化的规则。 Written: 1.将书后一般过去时态的讲解抄写到笔记本上。 The Third Period

25、(Section B, 1a1d) Teaching aims 1. 继续学习有活动的短语。 2. 能熟练谈论过去发生的事情。 3. 能熟练掌握动词过去式的规则变化,以及学过的不规则变化的过去式。 4. 能够使用形容词对事件进行评价。 Language points (语言点) 1. 词汇:1)名词n. museum, fire, fire station, painting 2. 句型: How was Janes trip? That sounds What did you do ? Did you ? Difficulties 1. 准去使用动词过去式。 2. 熟练使用一般过去时谈论过去

26、的事情。 Teaching steps 1. Warm-up and revision (1) Daily greetings to the Ss (2) Review the simple past tense of some regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs play - played visit - visited climb - climbed study - studied worry - worried stop - stopped Irregular verbs do - did is was are - were have -

27、 had eat - ate buy - bought 通过对动词过去式的复习使学生熟记动词过去式的规则及不规则变化。 2. Presentation (1) T: Look at the pictures and answer the questions. (Show some pictures of new phrases.) T: What does the girl usually do? Ss: She usually goes to the zoo. T: What did she do on her school trip? Ss: She went to the zoo. go

28、es to the zoo - went to the zoo visit museums - visited a museum rides a horse - rode a horse climbs mountains - climbed a mountain visits fire stations - visited a fire station goes fishing - went fishing (2) Work on 1a. Match the activities with the pictures. 通过一般现在时和一般过去时的问句对比,巩固学习一般现在时和一般过去时的区别。

29、同时复习动词的过去式。 3. Pairwork (1) Ask Ss to make short conversations like this: A: What did you do last week? B: I went to the zoo. C: What did she do last week? D: She went to the zoo. 本环节要求四人为一组,使用一般过去时进行第一人称和第三人称的问答。不同组的学生要求使用不同的表示过去的时间状语,以及不同活动短语。 4. Work on 1b and 1c Listen and answer the questions.

30、1. How was Janes trip? 2. How was Tonys trip? Listen again. What did Jane and Tony do on their last school trip? Check Tony or Jane. 本环节要求学生能够听懂一般过去时的对话,并能抓住细节信息。 5. Pairwork (1) Read the conversation in 1c. (2) Have Ss get into pairs and role-play the conversation and change some of the words used.

31、 Ask some pairs to present their conversation to the class. 听力材料是最好的交际对话,因此可作为学生模仿的例文。此环节帮助学生更好的理解听力内容,记住关键句型。 6. Homework 1. 背诵1a短语,家长听写。 2. 抄写并背诵听力材料。 The Fourth Period (Section B, 2aSelf Check) Teaching aims 1. 复习并学习形容词,能区分褒义词和贬义词。 2. 能够理解阅读文章。 3. 能够通过阅读短文使学生学会如何使用形容词进行评论,怎样发表自己感想。 4. 学会使用一般过去时态写

32、日记。 Language points (语言点) 1. 词汇:1) 名词n. robot, guide, gift 2) 形容词adj. lovely, expensive, exciting, cheap, slow, fast, interested, dark 3) 动词 v. hear 4)代词 pron. everything 5)短语 be interested in 2. 句型:It was a great day. I didnt because Difficulties 1. 理解较长文章的大意,学会回答问题。 2. 用所学知识写出完整的文章,并学会使用相当的形容词表达自己

33、观点。 Teaching steps 1. Warm-up and revision (1) Discuss: T: How was your weekend? S: It was good. T: What did you do? S: I (Ask different Ss the same question. Help them say as many phrases as possible . Encourage them to use adjectives to describe their weekends too.) (2) Work on 2a Do the following

34、 words describe good things or bad things? Put afor good and an for bad. Leave a blank if they can mean both. _interesting _difficult _lovely _ slow _exciting _ boring _ cool _ hot _ lucky _ large _ expensive _ terrible _ delicious _ great _ cheap _ fast 通过和学生谈论上周末过得怎么样,一方面帮助学生复习所学过的表示活动的短语,比方面让学生学会

35、用简单的形容词描述自己的周末。 2. Presentation Work on 2b (1) Read Helens and Jims diary entries. Underline the positive adjectives and circle the negative adjectives. Then, answer the questions. 本环节要求学生具有快速阅读能力,即跳读,寻找有关问题的阅读部分。 Work on 2c Complete the chart. How do Helen and Jim describe these things? 本环节要求学生能够充分

36、理解文章内容,并理解个别形容词的含义。 4. Work on 3a & 3b & 3c Look at the picture of Bobs school trip. Complete his diary entry. Linda is Bobs classmate. Complete her diary entry. Write a diary entry for your own school trip. Explain if you liked it or didnt like it and why. These questions may help you. 1. How was your day? 2. How was he weather that day? 3. What did you do? 4. Did you like doing that? Why? 5. What else did you do? 本部分旨在帮助学生学会用正确的语言进行写作,并帮助学生积累语言。在进行写作之前应帮助学生学会构思文章。 4. Homework (1) Write a diary entry about today. (2) Complete Self Check.


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