when the moon follows me.docx

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《when the moon follows me.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《when the moon follows me.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、when the moon follows meWhen the Moon Follows Me Mary E. Potter Each of my sons made the discovery early. We would be riding in the car at night, and a little voice would call out from the back seat, “Hey, the moon is following us!” I would explain that the moon was not actually gliding along with o

2、ur car. There would be another period of critical observation and the final verdict, delivered more quietly this time: “But it really is moving. I can see it.” I thought of that one evening as I was driving. The moon, one day short of fullness, rode with me, first gliding smoothly, then bouncing ove

3、r the bumpy stretches, now on my right, then straight ahead, the silver light washing over dry grasses in open fields, streaking along through black branches, finally disappearing as the road wound its way through the hills. When I crested the hill in the village, there it was again grown suddenly i

4、mmense, ripe, flooding the town with a sprawling light so magical I began to understand why it is said to inspire “looniness.” I could hardly wait to get back home to show the boys. Robert was in the bathtub, so I grabbed John. “ Close your eyes and come see what followed me home,” I said, hoping to

5、 increase the dramatic impact. I led him out into the night. “Okay. Open! Isnt it beautiful?” John blinked a few times and looked at me as if I might, indeed, be loony. “Mom, its just the moon. Is this the surprise?” I suppose he was hoping for a puppy. I should have realized that, being only ten, h

6、e was probably too young to know how much we sometimes need the magic and romance of moonlighta light that is nothing like the harsh glare of the sun that it reflects. Moonlight softens our faults; all shabbiness dissolves into shadow. It erases the myriad details that crowd and rush us in the sunli

7、ght, leaving only sharp outlines and highlights and broad brushstrokesthe fundamental shape of things. Often in the soothing, restorative glow we stare transfixed, bouncing our ambitions and hopes and plans off this great reflector. We dream our dreams; we examine the structure of our lives; we make

8、 considered decisions. In a hectic, confusing world, it helps to step out into a quiet, clear swath of moonlight, to seek out the fundamentals and eschew the incidentals. The night after I showed John the moon, he burst breathlessly through the door, calling, “Mom, come out for a minute!” This time,

9、 he led me, coatless and shivering. The driveway gravel crunched underneath our sneakers. From somewhere in the woods beyond the pond, the plaintive calls of geese honked and died away. Past the row of pine trees that line the road, the sky opened up with the full moon on it, suspended so precarious

10、ly close that it might come hurtling toward us incandescent, even larger and more breathtaking than the night before, climbing its motionless climb over the molten silver of our pond. Even a ten-year-old could see this wasnt just the moon. This was The Moon. When I turned around, John was grinning,

11、expectant, studying my face intently to see if he had pleased me. He had. I knew that now the moon was following him too. 参考译文; 明月随行 我的两个儿子很早就发现了”明月随行”这一现象。每逢我们驱车夜行,从后座传来一个小小的稚嫩惊呼声,“快看啊,月亮正跟着我们走呢!”每次我都会耐心解释道月亮事实上不是随着我们的汽车在滑行的。孩子不以为然,再仔仔细细观察上一段时间,最后笃定说道:“但它真的是在走呢。人家明明看到的啊!” 一天晚上,在驱车回家的途中,我想起了这件事儿。那天的

12、月亮差一天就满了,它跟着我。开始很轻盈滑行,接着跳过一片崎岖不平的小坡。忽右忽前,最后随着道路延伸至小山而消失不见。 我到达乡村山顶上时,它又“腾”的出现了突然变得极其硕大,极其饱满,月华如水倾泻向整个小镇。如此神奇以致我开始明白为什么人们说“我为月狂”。我等不及了,我也要让孩子欣赏下这神奇的月亮。 回到家时,罗伯特在洗澡,所以我抓来了约翰。“宝贝,先闭上眼睛,然后再瞧瞧什么跟着我回家了。”我说道,希望营造神秘的气氛。我领他至夜色中,“好了。可以睁眼了!美不?” 约翰眨了眨眼,接着看我,好像我可能,确实是个疯子。“妈妈,只是月亮啊。这就是惊喜吗?”我猜他期待的是小狗。 我本该意识到的。他只有十

13、岁,太年幼而不能理解有时我们多么需要月亮的魔力和浪漫。经常为了得到心灵的平静,我们痴痴地凝视着能滋润我们的月亮,寄予所有的雄心抱负,热切渴望和美好蓝图在这玉镜上。我们做着五彩斑斓的梦;我们认真审视着生活;我们深思熟虑做决定。 就在我让约翰看月亮后的第二天晚上,他大叫着上气不接下气闯到我房间,“妈妈,出来一会儿!”这次,他引导着我。我没穿外套,冻得浑身发抖。 穿过矗立在路边的那排笔直松树,天空豁然开朗。一轮圆润的满月高悬空中,遥遥欲似将向我们一头栽下来耀眼的,甚至比昨晚更硕大,美丽的更令人窒息。它从波澜不起的熔银般的池塘上空悄悄爬到夜幕上。甚至一个十岁的孩子都明白,这不是月亮,这是千里共享的婵娟。 我转过头看见约翰正咧着嘴笑,一脸期待。他认真打量我看我是否得到了慰藉。他确实做到了。我知道月亮也在随着他走。


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