Would you mind doing英语教学设计.docx

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1、Would you mind doing 英语教学设计Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music 课型:新授课 主备课人:aaa 授课时间: Section A 教学目标:学会动词mind 后接动名词的用法 教学重点:1. 单词:not at all, turn down , yard , right away 2重点 :Would you mind doing? 的用法 教学难点 :Would you mind doing? 的用法 教学流程: 一、情感启动,导入新课 1进一步明确本节课学习目标2学生跟录音机读本页单词 二、新知探究 根据图片完成

2、1a, 推出重点句式Would you mind doing?重点内容讲解如下: 1. Would you mind doing sth ? 或Do you mind doing sth ? 用来客气地提出请求,意思是“你/你们好吗”, Would you mind not doing sth ? 或Do you mind not doing sth ? 意思是“请你/你们不要 好吗”, 回答这种问句要注意,不论用yes 还是 no , 都是针对mind的,表示介意不 能满足对方的请求时 ,用 Yes;表示不介意可以满足对方的请求时,用No; Not at all 或 All right;OK

3、,Ill/Well Would you mind my putting my bag beside you? 你介意我把包裹放在你旁边吗? Not at all一点也不。 Would you mind cleaning the desk ? 请你擦擦着桌子好吗? All right;OK,Ill do it right now. 好的,我马上擦。 Would you mind not turning off the light? 请你别关灯好吗? Sorry,Ill turn it on for you .对不起,我给你打开。 Do you mind he closing the door?

4、你介意关上门吗? 2. right away 立刻;马上, 相当于 right now / at once / in a minute 我立刻去那。 Ill go there . 3. turn down 反义词 turn up Turn down the radio. . 三、巩固练习 1.根据图片完成1a 2听录音完成1b (听原文跟读并翻译) 3.利用所学内容,练习句型Would you mind doing? 4.写作练习,听写句子或汉译英。 四、反馈联动 ,释疑解难, ( 5) 五、当堂检测 练习册 页 第 六巩固作业 一按要求完成句子 1. Would you mind _ the

5、 door for me? A. open B. opening C. opened D. to open 2. Can you help me _ the light? A. turn on B. turning on C. turned on D. turns on 3. Look at the sign “Save Water”! Remember to _the water when you are washing your clothes . All right .I will . A turn up B turn down C turn on D turn off 4.Would

6、you mind ? 5.Ill do my homework(立刻). 6. Would you mind open the door? 二完成对话: A: Would you mind _watching TV this evening ? You have to help me . B: OK, aunt .Ill_the TV _. What can I do for you ? A: Could you _ your little cousin ? I have to get some milk for her . B: Surw ._my listening to muaic wi

7、th my cousin ? A: No ,_. Ill be back _. 三用括号中所给词适当形式填空 1. Would you mind _(wash) the dishes ? 2. Could you please _(feed) the animals ? 3. You have to _(finish) your homework first . 4. Can you hlpe me _(make) dinner ? 5. He says he _(get) up in a minute. 教学后记: Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the

8、 music 课型:新授课 主备课人:bb 授课时间: Section A 教学目标:学会动词mind 后接动名词的用法 教学重点:1. 单词:task , poster 2重点 :Would you mind doing? 的用法 教学难点 :Would you mind doing? 和 Could you please do 的用法 教学流程: 一、情感启动,导入新课 1进一步明确本节课学习目标 2学生跟录音机读本页单词 二、新知探究 1听录音完成2a,2b 2根据2a和2b推出重点词汇及句型,并讲解如下 精讲词汇: Could you please do? 也常用来礼貌地提出请求,意思

9、是“你能吗 ?/ 请你好吗?” 肯定回答常用Certainly; Sure; OK; No,problem. 等。否定回答常用Sorry . -Could you please washes the dishes ? 你能洗盘子? -OK. Ill do them in a minute. 好的。我马上就洗它们。 - Could you please carry the heavy bag for me ? 你能帮我提这个很重的包吗? -No problem. 没问题。 3.task, work和job三者都可以译为“工作” tasks意为“工作;任务” ,没有“职业”的意思,为可数名词.I

10、didnt finish those tasks until it was very late. 直到很晚,我才完成那些任务。 work泛指工作,为不可数名词。 由它组合而成的homework , housework等也不可数。It is hard work. 那是一项艰苦的工作。 job指具体工作,职业等,是可数名. He found a job as a doctor. 他找到一份当医生的工作。 三、巩固练习 1谈论 3a和3b的对话及图片并自编对话。 2写作练习:听写句子或汉译英 四、反馈联动 ,释疑解难、 五、当堂检测 练习册 第 页 六 巩固练习 一单项选择 1.Could you

11、please_ask me such kind of question? A. not B. no C. dont D . doesnt 2.“_playing football here?” “Sorry, well leave right now.” A. Would you mind not B.Would you no mind C.Would you dont mind D. Would you mind no 3.-So hot in the classroom. Would you mind _the window? A .not closing B. not opening C

12、. closing D. opening 4. Would you mind _ me how _ English words? A.tell; to remember B. telling ; remember C. telling; to remember D. tell ; remember 5._ is _hard work. A. Study ; a B. Studies ; a C, Studying ; a D. Studying; x 6.Hell go home_. A. for a minute B. just a minute C. in a minute D. a mi

13、nute ago 二翻译下列句子 1.你是否介意将你的自行车移一下?不,一点也不 。 Would you mind _your bike ? No,_ _ _. 2.你能帮我做作业吗? Could you _me_my homework ? 3.两天候他回来。 Hell come back _ _ _. 4.你愿意这个周末和我们一起去游泳吗? _ _ _ _ go swimming with us this weekend? 5.她不介意照顾这些孩子。 She wouldnt _ _ these children . 教学后记: Unit 7 Would you mind turning do

14、wn the music 课型:新授课 主备课人:cc 授课时间: 第三课时Section B 教学目标:学会动词mind 后接动名词的用法 教学重点: 1. 单词:waitress , brought solution line, wait in line, annoy, 2.句型:通过听力练习,进一步巩固Would you mind doing? 的用法。 教学流程: 一、情感启动,导入新课 1、进一步明确本节课学习目标. 2、学生跟录音机读本页单词。 二、新知探究 1.根据1a 图片推出句型Do you like lettuce in sandwiches ? 2根据句型推出重点单词的讲

15、解: 生词讲解 1)waitress , 女服务生 玛丽在一家餐馆当服务员。Mary works as_ in a restaurant. 2.)annoy 使烦恼;使生气 My little dog annoys me because it often makes my room dirty . 我的小狗真烦人 ,因为它经常把我的房间弄脏。 打扰;骚扰 Dont annoy your classmates by making noise in class. 不要在课堂上制造噪音打扰你的同学们。 be annoyed with sb.对某人生气 be annoyed at/about sth.

16、由于某事生气 I am not annoyed at such a thing ! 我决不为这样的事情生气。 3) wait in line排队等候 You should wait in line at the bus stop . 4) cut in line 插队 Its not polite to cut in line .插队是不礼貌的。 随手练:1.Its good manners to _(排队等候) 2. He was begnning to _ _ _ (生气)with me about my carelessness. 3.When we wait for the bus ,

17、dont _ _ _ And please _ _ _. 我们等公共汽车时,请排队,不要插队 。 三、巩固练习 1.根据图片完成1a 2听录音完成2a和2b 3写作练习:听写句子或汉译英 四、反馈联动 ,释疑解难、 五、当堂检测 练习册 第 页 六巩固练习 一.选择填空 1.Would you mind washing the dishes? _ .I.ll do it at once. A . Yes B . Yes, I do. C. Not at all D. Sure 2_ those dirty socks? They smell terrible. A. Could you wea

18、r B. Could you wearing C. Would you mind not wear D. Would you mind not wearing 3. Could you please not_ here? A. waiting B. wait C. to wait D. to waiting 4. Would you mind doing the washing ? _ .I.m busy with my housework. A. Yes, I do B. Sorry, I wont. C. OK.I will do it in a minute. D. Please don

19、t. 5.Its too hot. Would you mind _ the door? _ . Please do it now. A. to open; OK B. my opening; Certainly not C. my opening; Of course D. to open; Good idea. 6. Would you mind _ a minute ? A. waiting B. wait C. to wait D. to waiting 二用 所给单词的正确形式填空 7Would you mind _ here? 8. Could you please_( not m

20、ake) so much noise? 教学后记: Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music 课型:新授课 主备课人:aa 授课时间: 第四课时 Section B 教学目标:学会动词mind 后接动名词的用法 教学重点: 1. 单词: line, wait in line, annoy, annoyed, polite, perhaps, door, cut in line 2. 句型:通过听力练习,进一步巩固Would you mind doing?和 Could you please do 的用法。 重点句型:Super Chicken S

21、andwich 教学流程: 一、情感启动,导入新课 1、进一步明确本节课学习目标. 2、学生跟录音机读本页单词。 二、新知探究 根据3a和3b推出重点句型及词汇,并讲解如下 重点句子分析 1. allow 允许,许可,后面常跟名词、代词、动名词或从句做宾语 The old man wouldt allow the noise .这位老人不会允许噪音 1) allow sb. to sth. 允许某人做某事 Our teacher allows us to walk outside .我们的老师允许我们在外面走。 2) allow doing sth.允许做某事 Does he allow sm

22、oking here ? 他允许在这儿吸烟吗? 3) be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事 Students are not allowed to laugh or talk in class . 学生们不被允许在课堂上谈笑 2.polite adj. 有礼貌的;客气的, 反义词 impolite 他对每个人总是彬彬有礼的。 He _ everyone. 3.perhaps adv. “或许;大概” 同义词 “maybe; possible” 4.work 可以表示机器、工具等发挥其功能,意为“工作;运转” Sth doesnt work. 表示“某物出了毛病/坏了” ,相

23、当于 There is something wrong with / Something is wrong with 我的自行车坏了。 My bike doesnt work. = There is something wrong with my bike. = Something is wrong with my bike. 5.stand “忍受;容忍”多与can/could连用,通常用于否定句和疑问句中。 I cant stand it. 我忍受不了了。 三、巩固练习、 1谈论3b并填空 2 写出吃北京烤鸭的正确顺序 3写作练习:听写句子或汉译英 四、反馈联动 ,释疑解难、学后反思 五、

24、当堂检测 练习册第 页 六巩固练习 一用 所给单词的正确形式填空 1 The little girl is very _ and she always talks to others _.(polite) 2 Tom got _when he saw the _ book. (annoy) 3 He said the watch _ (not work) 4 Would you mind _ the window? 5.Could you please _ (not talk) here? 二句型转换 1.The shirt cost me forty yuan . _ _ _ the shi

25、rt cost you ? 2. Could you please turn on the TV ? Could you please _ _ _ the TV ? 3. Could you please show me your ticket ? _you _ _ me your ticket ? 4.He seems very polite . _ _ _he _very polite . 5. Can you help me learn English ? Can you help me _ _ Enhlish ? 三翻译 1.在阅览室里大声说话是不允许的。 _in the reading room _. 2.如果我们看到有人违反礼仪规则,我们可以礼貌的给他们一些建议。 If we see someone _etiquette,we may _. 教学后记:


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