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1、一代骄马台词赏析,中英对照Secretariat More than three thousand years ago, a man named Job complained to God about all his troubles, and the Bible tells us that God answered, “Do you give the horse his strength? Or clothe his neck with a flowing mane? Do you make him leap like a locust, striking terror with his p

2、roud snorting? He paws fiercely, rejoicing in his strength, and charges into the fray. He laughs at fear, afraid of nothing. He does not shy away from the sword. The quiver rattles against his side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement he eats up the ground. He cannot stan

3、d still when the trumpet sounds.” 3000多年前,一个名叫乔布的人向上帝抱怨自己的问题,圣经上记载上帝是这样回答的:“是你赐予马以力量吗?是你为马项披戴顺滑的鬃毛吗?是你让它像蝗虫般跳跃,打出骄傲的鼻响传出阵阵威严吗?它铁蹄蹴地,铿锵有力,冲锋陷阵。它笑看风云,勇者无惧。它毫不畏惧刀光剑影。它奔跑在枪林弹雨中,任一边的箭筒嘎吱作响。它一腔热血,征服大地。号角一起,它便无法按捺自己。 Dont let them fool you, darling. Its not whether they think we won. Its whether we think w

4、e won. You run your race. 亲爱的,不要让别人把你当傻瓜。他们认为我们能不能赢不重要,重要的是我们认为自己能不能赢。你的比赛是你在跑。 Your father almost never won our coin tosses. And I do hope youve inherited his luck. 你父亲掷硬币几乎从没赢过,我真希望你继承了他的运气。 When I went off to college, felt like that colt. Full of promise. Full of adventure, like I could make some

5、thing work. I gave up a career to have our family, and this colt is part of our family now. I just want to see him run. 当年我离开家去上大学的时候,感觉就像那匹小马,满载希望,无所畏惧,仿佛我能成就一番事业。我为了家庭放弃了事业,而这匹小马现在是我们家庭的一份子,我只想看到它奔跑。 Miss Chenery, I risk my life every time I climb on a horse. Im not afraid. Neither are they. I wan

6、t to win, just like they do. Its true. The last horse I rode ran so hard his heart burst. But its who they are. And its who I am. 切纳利小姐,每次我一上马就是在拿我的生命冒险。我不怕,它们也不怕。我想赢,它们也想赢。确实,我骑的上一匹马跑得太猛,心脏迸裂了,但这就是赛马,这就是我。 Everything living lives from its heart. 每一个生命的力量都来自其内心。 The clouds and stuff, they dont mean

7、nothing to a horse. Lights, sounds, flashes. Intentions! Thats what a horse notices. 对马来说,一切都是浮云。灯光,喝彩,闪光灯目标!那是马在乎的东西。 There are words of wisdom that have sustained me throughout my darkest times. If you dont mind, Id like to share them with you. They are: Good evening, Kmart shoppers. 有句至理名言帮我挺过了最难

8、捱的时光。如果你不介意,我想跟你分享一下。它是:“晚上好,欢迎来凯马特购物。” Someday Id like to be able to do for that horse half of what you do for its owner. 我希望,有朝一日,我能为这匹马所做的事赶得上你为你主人所做的一半。 Panchos starting to brag like a boxer. Maybe he plans on taking up prizefighting after he finishes horseracing. Sham has about as much chance o

9、f beating Secretariat as Pancho has of beating Muhammad Ali. 潘乔开始像拳击手一样自吹自擂了,也许他正琢磨着赛马会结束之后参加职业拳击赛。Sham击败Secretariat的可能性就跟潘乔击败拳王阿里的可能性一样大。 I was taller when I stood on my wallet. 我站在钱包上高多了。 Ive trained horses my whole life. I still dont have the slightest idea what they know and what they dont know.

10、 Three years ago I wouldve said that a racehorse didnt care who his owner was. But then hes not a racehorse. Hes Secretariat. And I think tomorrow hell be wearing wings. 我一辈子都在训马,但我仍丝毫不懂他们知道什么不知道什么。若是三年前,我会说,赛马才不在乎谁是它的主人。但它不是一匹赛马,他是Secretariat。我觉得明天它就要展翅飞奔了。 I want you to win. And win or lose, youve

11、 taught our children what a real woman is. What it is to believe in yourself, and I never could have taught those things. And youve taught me something, too. 我希望你获胜。但无论获胜与否,你已经教会了孩子们什么样的女人才是真正的女人,还有什么叫坚信自我,这都是我没能够教给他们的,而且你也教会了我一些东西。 I realized something. Ive already won. I made it here. I didnt quit. Ive run my race. Now you run yours. 我明白了一点。我已经赢了。我走到了今天这一步,没有放弃。我跑完了自己的比赛,现在该你了。


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