1、一篇中英对照文章告诉你柠檬的好处The Many Uses of Lemons Lemons are often used to make lemonade in the summer, but there is so much more to these little yellow fruits. They have amazing healing power, and they can also be used to replace some personal care products. Check out these facts, and youll want to go lemon
2、shopping right away. Lemon juice can reduce asthma symptoms and phlegm, and gargling with lemon water helps fight throat infections. You can also apply lemon juice directly to minor cuts to help kill germs and stop bleeding. Drinking a glass of lemon water a day does wonders for your health, as it h
3、elps rid your body of toxins. Lemons also beat out expensive beauty products. Is acne your worst enemy? Use lemon juice as a natural facial rub to fight off acne and brighten up your skin. If no hair products can stop you from scratching your head, again, there is lemon juice. Rub some on your scalp
4、 before washing your hair with lemon water. This makes dandruff go away. Lastly, if you want great-looking nails, put them in warm lemon water and rub them with a lemon peel. Youll be surprised at how clean and shiny theyll look. 檸檬妙用多 夏天時檸檬常用來做成檸檬飲料,但是這些體積小的黃色水果還有很多用途。它們有驚人的療效,也可以被用來取代一些個人護理產品。看看這些實際的資料,你就會馬上想去採買檸檬了。 檸檬汁可以減輕氣喘症狀和減少痰液,而用檸檬水漱口有助於對抗喉嚨感染。你也可以直接把檸檬汁敷在小傷口上來幫助殺菌及止血。每天喝一杯檸檬水對你的健康能發揮神奇功效,因為它可幫助身體排毒。 檸檬也打敗昂貴的美容產品。粉刺是你的頭號敵人嗎?用檸檬汁作為天然臉部磨砂品來消除粉刺並且讓肌膚明亮有光澤。如果沒有美髮產品能讓你頭皮不再搔癢,同樣地,有檸檬汁可用。在洗髮前先用一些檸檬水塗在頭皮上。這樣可以讓頭皮屑消失。最後,如果你想要指甲好看,就把指甲泡在溫檸檬水裡然後用檸檬皮來磨指甲。你會很驚訝它們看起來是多麼乾淨又閃亮。