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1、七年级英语第五课七年级英语第五课 Unite: Why do you like pandas? 一、詹妮:你的狗真可爱,彼得! 彼得:他是我的新宠物,丁丁。他很伶俐。 詹妮:真的吗?他能做什么? 彼得:他能用两条腿走路。他也能跳舞。 詹妮:哇! 彼得:你家有一个宠物吗? 詹妮:我妈妈有一只大猫,但是我不喜欢她。 彼得:你为什么不喜欢那只猫? 詹妮:嗯,因为他有点讨厌。他整天睡觉,并且他的名字叫懒惰。 彼得:哈哈,那么对他来说那是个好名字! Jenny: Your dog is really cute, Peter! Peter: Hes my new pet, Dingding. Hes ve

2、ry smart. Jenny: Really? What can he do? Peter: He can walk on two legs. He can dance, too. Jenny: Wow! Peter: Does you family have a pet? Jenny: My mom has a big cat, but I dont like her. Peter: Why dont you like the cat? Jenny: Well, because shes kind of boring. She sleeps all day, 1 and her name

3、is Lazy. Peter: Haha, then thats a good name for her! 二、你好,我们是来自泰国的学生,并且我们想拯救大象。大象是泰国的象征之一。我们的第一面国旗上有一头白色的大象。这是一个好运的象征。 大象是聪明的动物。他们能踢足球或弹奏音乐。他们画画也能画的很好。人们说“大象从不遗忘东西”。大象能走很长时间且从不迷路。他们也能记住有食物和水的地方。这帮助它们得以生存。 但是大象处于极大的危险当中。人们砍到了许多树,因此,大象渐渐失去了它们的家园。人们为了他们的象牙也杀死大象。现在仅有大约3000头大象。我们必须拯救树木并且不要买由象牙制成的东西。记住x月

4、x日是泰国的大象日。 Hello.We are students from Thailand. And wu wand to save the elephants. The elephand is one of Thailands symbols. Oue first flag had a white elephand on it. This is a symbol of good luck. Elephand are smart animals. They can also draw very well. People say that “an elephant never forgets”

5、. elephant can walk for a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places with food and water. This helps them to live. But elephants are in great danger. People cut down 2 many trees so elephants are losing their homes. Today there are only about 3,000 elephant(over 1000,000 before). We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. Remember that. March 13th Is thai Elephant Day. 3


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