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1、GRE写作用模板如何避免雷同又能提分 GRE写作用模板如何避免雷同又能提分?快来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE写作用模板如何避免雷同又能提分?新GRE写作模板使用策略1拿到新GRE作文的模板以后,要做的第一件事情就是确定*的主体框架结构,第一时间定位引出观点和总结观点的词汇以及句式,从而确定这篇写作模板的水平,进一步评估其参考使用价值。新GRE写作模板使用策略2新GRE写作模板要看的最主要的地方就是它的论证结构,需要做到能够确定论证过程的框架,比如对一篇模板的每个支持段落都有各自的论证模式,举例,因果,对比等方面的分解学习,最好能精确到对于确定到论证的逻辑引导词上。新GRE写作


3、整体论证的完整合理和逻辑通顺。新GRE写作模板使用策略6改写句子过程中需要特别注意不同句式的变换,尽量避免简单句的并列使用,多写一些高质量的句式,为*增光添彩。新GRE写作模板使用策略7尽量减少零碎的句子,多使用比如which、where等连词把句子串联起来。以上就是对于新GRE考试中GRE作文模板正确使用方式进行的详细介绍,对于英语写作水平不高的同学来讲,掌握一些新GRE作文模板的使用策略,可以快速提高自己的GRE考试成绩,希望*的介绍能够帮助到大家。GRE范文:阅读对孩子教育的重要性题目Writes an essay, considering and assessing arguments

4、 for and against the following view: As reading is important for a good education, we should encourage our children to read whatever appeals to them.范文The famous English philosopher Francis Bacon said, Reading makes a full man. Reading books can strongly shape you inclination, mature your thoughts,

5、widen you horizon and enrich your personality. Life is limited, but knowledge is boundless. The more books we read, the more knowledge we get. Hence, We should encourage our children to read more books.However, books can also be harmful, particularly the pornographic books. Bad books contain evil th

6、oughts. In them, there might be much description about violence, superstition, and sex. Lets suppose that you are in the position of a parent. Would you allow your children to read whatever appeals to them? If your answer to the question is yes, you are either extremely permissive or just plain irre

7、sponsible. If children read bad books, the evil thoughts would poison their mind gradually. They will be dispirited and perhaps commit a crime.Good books, on the other hand, teach and help children to do good things. Good books are childrens real companions, and they are both instructive and inspiri

8、ng. Children know past events from history books, study communication by language book, learn space and numbers through mathematics books. In a word, different kinds of good books can give them a large amount of ideas and knowledge.Consequently, those who read good books can be inspired to grow heal

9、thily, while those who read bad ones will lead a wicked life and meet with miserable failure. So before we encourage our children to read books, we should teach and help them to identify good and bad books.GRE优秀作文范例参考Most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously,even when they claim t

10、o admire them.大多数社会都没把最伟大的思想家当回事,虽然有时候这些社会自称是求才若渴的。GRE写作范文:In this busy,packed and dull world,peoples most important concerning is how to make a living. They work assiduously to make money,to support their family,to purchase houses and cars. Hardly one common individual knows who their greatest thin

11、kers are,not mention to take them seriously. Admittedly,in some cases,people claim that they admire the greatest thinkers; however,they actually know little about what the greatest thinkers thoughts are. The fact is,in history of human civilizations,most societies do not take their greatest thinkers

12、 seriously,even when the greatest thinkers are seemed to be respected.Generally,whatever societies the greatest thinkers are in,they have similar characteristics,such as high intelligence,eccentric temperament,wide range of knowledge,and the most essential one: the deeply and often predicted thought

13、s,which is the product of real wisdom. On one hand,it is the thoughts that distinguish the greatest thinkers from the mass. On the other hand,it is also the thoughts,however correct and predicted,which cause these elites out of the mass sights and put them into an embarrassment in which few can unde

14、rstand them and their thoughts. A proper example is the passional German philosopher and poet Nietzche. Nietzche is a pioneer,whose profound exploration in philosophy influenced the descendants deeply. Yet his life is miserable and full of tragedies. Without money and job,Nietzche lived an impoveris

15、hed life, which along with loneliness defeated him at last: he became insane when 45,and died 10 years later. Until that time,almost no one knew him or his thoughts. Even today,many people including some scholars call him mad philosopher.In some worse cases,the greatest thinkers are even persecuted

16、by their societies since the greatest thinkers always tend to have skeptical and critical thoughts,which the manipulators fear mostly and manipulated reluctant to accept. The reason is that once the advanced ideas,which are against the old ones,are accepted by mass,the domination or the present soci

17、al system will in the danger of collapse. And at the same times,most people are reluctant to admit that what they believe in or cherish,however,always prejudice and rigid ideas set in peoples minds beforehand,are not the truth but falsehood or illusions. A case in point is the great astronomer Coper

18、nicus,who developed the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun. Although the theory was the most advanced astronomy theory in that time,it hadnt come out of press until the year before Copernicus death because of mass being strongly against it especially the powerful churches

19、,which were afraid that such a theory would shake authority of theology.In some specific period,for political reasons,thinker and intellectuals as a whole undergo ruthless treatment,such as the Culture Revolution from 1966 to 1976 in China. During those ten years,many great thinkers and intellectual

20、s are forbidden to think and express their thoughts freely. Some of them even encountered physical torture. A crueler example is Qin Dynasty in China 2000 years ago. Yingzheng,the first emperor of China,sentenced the thinkers who held different political or social ideas from him to death. Moreover,h

21、e buried their writings.It is the greatest thinkers tragedy not to be understood or even be persecuted. It is also the fact that human beings are always shortsighted, sometimes even foolish. Nevertheless,what is truth will never change itself or disappear along with the elapsing of time however stro

22、ng the falsehood seems to be. Hence,though almost all the greatest thinkers are hermits,some of them may be even the prisoners in their societies; they would gain their perpetual lives through their glaring新版GRE写作新题库:Argument题目:The following is part of a memorandum from the president of Humana Unive

23、rsity.Last year the number of students who enrolled in online degree programs offered by nearby Omni University increased by 50 percent. During the same year, Omni showed a significant decrease from prior years in expenditures for dormitory and classroom space, most likely because online instruction

24、 takes place via the Internet. In contrast, over the past three years, enrollment at Humana University has failed to grow and the cost of maintaining buildings has increased. Thus, to increase enrollment and solve the problem of budget deficits at Humana University, we should initiate and actively p

25、romote online degree programs like those at Omni.Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.中文翻译:去年报名参加Omni大学远程教学系统的学生人数上升了50%。同年,Omni用于宿舍和教室的开支比前一年显著下降,很可能是因为远程教学通过互动电脑录像授课。比较而言,在过去三年中,Humana学院的报名人数下降了,而且用于房屋维护的费用上升。因此,为增加报名数量并解决Humana学院财政赤字问题,我们也应该开展并积极推广与Omni一样的远程教学系统。写一篇回应,在其中检视*的论证中述及和/或未明确述及的假设,务请解释*的论证是如何依赖于这些假设的,并指出如果这些假设不成立会对*的论证带来何种影响。GRE写作用模板如何避免雷同又能提分(文库搜索)


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