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1、三年级英语活页作业听力材料三年级英语活页作业听力材料 Unit 1 : Hello 一、选出你所听到的单词,将序号填在括号内。 1.pencil 2.book 3.eraser 4.goodbye 5.sharpener 二、听录音,判断对错。 1. goodbye 2. Show me your ruler. 3.go to school. 4.Im mike. 5.I have a book. 三、听音排序。 1. Hello! 2. Hi! 3. This is John. 4. Nice to meet you. 5. Lets go to school! 6. OK. Unit 2:

2、Look at Me. 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词或句子,将其编号写在括号里。 1.ear 2.arm 3.head 4. See you! 5.Where is your mouth? 二、听录音,做判断。与录音相符画,不符画。 1.Hello! Im Mike.This is my nose. 2.Hello! Im Wu Yifan.This is my arm. 3.Hello! My name is John.Look at my ear. 4.Hi! My names Sarah.Look at my head. 5.Touch your eye,please! Bai Ling

3、. 6.Chen Jie,touch your face,please! 三、听音选择。 1. This is my face.2 Touch your eye 3. Look at my finger. 4. I have 2 fingers5.Where is your foot 6.Nice to meet you. Unit 3:Lets Paint! 一、听录音,选单词。 1. .brown.2. orange3. pencil4. red 5. where 二、听录音,标序号。 1.My flag is red, white and blue. 2.How are you ? 3.

4、Lets paint! 4.This is Miss White. 5.I can see a rainbow. 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子的应答语. 1.Good afternoon. 2. How are you? 3. Nice to meet you. 4.Lets go to school . 5. Bye! 期中练习题 一、听一听,选一选。 1 1. green2. book 3. leg4. black 5. mouth 二、听一听,圈一圈。 ruler book pen bag crayon 三、听录音,选择正确的图片。 1.Lets go to school. OK! 2

5、.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too. 3.Hello! Im Mike. 4.Clap your hands. 5.Touch your face. 四、听录音,选择正确的应答语。 1.How are you? 2. Nice to meet you. 3. Good morning. 4. I like yellow. 5. Lets paint. Unit 4:We Love Animals! 一、听录音,画哭脸和笑脸。 1.A.Look,I have a cat. B.May I have a look ? 2.A.Look !John,I h

6、ave a dog. B.Super ! 3.A.Sarah,I have a Teddy Bear. B.Really ? 4.Hello! Chenjie. Here is a monkey . B. Oh !No ! 5.Hi,Bailing! Here is a duck. B.Wow ! 二、听音,圈出你听到的小动物的图片。 1.duck 2.panda 3.squirrel 4.mouse 三、听录音,标序号。 1.Look at the monkey.It is funny. 2.Look at the cat.It is fat. 3.Look at the dog.It is

7、 dancing. 4.Look at the panda.It is lovely. 5.This is the rabbit.It is looking for a carrot. 6.This is the mother duck.It is very funny. Unit 5:Lets Eat! 一、听一听 编序号 1. A: Good morning .Miss White! B :Good morning, children! 2. A: Have some cakes. B: Great! 3. Hello ! I am Zoom. This is my friend Sara

8、h. 4. A: I have a cat. B: Really? May I have a look? A: Sure, Here you are. 5 A: This is for you. B: Thank you. 2 二、听录音,排序号。 1.Cut the bread. 2. Pour the water. 3. Make the cake. 4.Smell the chicken. 5.Show me the hamburgers. 6. Drink the milk. 7. have some coffee. 8.Taste the tea. 三听一听 判断正误 1. Boy:

9、 Hi, Sarah. I have a bear. Girl: Oh, Really? May I have a look? Boy: Sure. Girl: Cool ! I like it. 2. Girl: Have some coke. Boy : Thanks. 3. Boy: lets go to school. Girl: Ok! 4. A: This is my friend, Sarah. B: Nice to meet you. 5. Boy: Have some chicken. Girl: No, thanks. I like French fries. 6. Boy

10、: Good bye ! Girl: See you! Unit 6:Happy Birthday! 一听一听,算一算:请将你在录音中听到的两个数字的和用阿拉伯数字填在下面相应的括号里。 1. one and seven 2.three and two 3.six and four 4. eight and one 5.five and four 二、听音,判断听到的内容与图片是否一致。 1.eight rulers 2.five birds 3.two cars 4.ten balloons 三、听一听,选一选:根据你在录音中听到的话,将下面每组中合适的答话选出来,并将其标号填在前面的括号里

11、。 1.hello, John. This is my friend, Sarah. 2.Tom, this plane is for you. 3.How old are you, Lily? 4.Happy birthday, Li Hua. 5.How many cakes? 期末练习题 一、听音标号:听录音,按所听单词的顺序标号。 1.nine 2. plane 3. rabbit 4. monkey 5. hamburger 二、听音,选择你所听到的内容。 1. milk2. bear.3.elephant. 4.eight.5.body6.pink.7.red.8.coke.9.f

12、ace.10.pig. 三、听录音,选择正确的应答语。给正确的选项打“”。 1.I have a book. 2.Lets go to school. 3.Have some coke. 4.How are you? 5.How many cakes? 四、听录音,选择正确的图片。并将序号填在图下的括号内。 3 1.I have a Teddy bear. Oh,really? 2.Make the cake. 3.Lets eat the birthday cake. Great! 4.This is for you. Thank you. 5.Where are they? Oh,no! 4


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