1、中文摘要编写要求摘要编写要求一、中文摘要编写要求 摘要要尽量简短,尽可能删掉课题研究的背景信息,排除本学科领域的常识性内容,不要与引言重复; 摘要中的内容应在正文中出现,不得简单重复题名中已有的信息,不得对原文进行补充和修改;不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价); 用第三人称,不使用“本文”、“作者”、“我们”、“笔者”等字样; 摘要中的缩略语、缩称,除了相邻专业读者也清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时要有全称; 摘要的句子应力求简单,慎用长句,主谓语要搭配; 摘要中不能出现图表参数据,不用引文。 例子 基于GA和模型仿真的调度规则决策方法 为了完成特定生产环境下的调度规则选择问题,提出了一
2、种将遗传算法(GA)和过程仿真相结合的调度规则求解方式。在该求解方式中,遗传算法采用分段整数编码,每个染色体都代表一组可用于描述具体调度方案的规则组合;遗传操作包括选择、交叉、变异三种类型;为了获得适应度函数值,利用基于某扩展petri网的生产过程模型进行仿真,以在每一代种群中,得到与每个染色体相对应的各项性能指标值,进而以一种集成层次分析法和方案模糊评判的决策优化方法求取相应的适应度函数值。另外,为了改善串行遗传算法(SGA)不切实际的解答时间,用主从式并行遗传算法(PGA)代替传统遗传算法,保证了解在时间上和质量上的可行性。 二、英文摘要编写要求 题名一般为名词短语,注意修饰词的顺序,一般
3、不用冠词。文题首字母大写,其余单词一律小写,众所周知的缩略语可用于题名,如CAD、ERP等; 英文摘要长度一般以150180 words为宜。取消不必要的字句,如“It is reported”,“The author discusses”,以及摘要开头的“In this paper”; 提炼出观点,一定要将创新性内容和技术要点翻译出来,采用专业的国际通用术语进行表达,切不可因为某些内容不好翻译就弃掉要点;取消或减少Background Information,只包含新情况,新内容; 尽量简化一些措辞和重复的单元,如:“at a temperature of 250 to 300”应改为“at
4、 250 -300”,“discussed and studied in detail”应改为“discussed”即可; 尽量被动语态行文,一个句子中不能出现两种语态; 用过去时态叙述作者的工作,用现在时态叙述作者的研究目的、结果和结论(如:This study is to, The result shows)。避免用完成时和将来时; 尽量使用短句,但要避免单调重复;避免使用长串形容词或名词来修饰名词,可将这些词分成几个前置短语,用连字符连接名词组,作为单位形容词。如“The chlorine containing high melt index propylene based polyme
5、r”应改为“The chlorine-containing propylene-based polymer of high melt index”; 采用简洁的被动语态或动词不定式开头。如:To solve;To study; is developed based on等等; 注意冠词用法,不要随便省略冠词,尤其是定冠词“the”; 尽量少用特殊字符以及由特殊字符组成的数学表达式。所有缩略语首次出现必须给出全称,如:Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT)。 例子 Transformation technology from compon
6、ents design model to blank model Abstract: Components design model transforming to blank model is the first step during transforming to manufacturing model. The components design modeling is to get rid of characteristics from blank model, while blank modeling is to add characteristics to components
7、design model and compensate for the surplus of processing. The blank modeling built geometric model according to the information from part drawing or CAD(computer aided design) system. On the other hand, the information was also obtained from geometric model database by using characteristic-recognit
8、ion technology. Then, some segment of geometric model was compared with the predefined characteristic model from database, and the matching characteristic case was recognized. After abstracting the recognized characteristics, the characteristics parameters were confirmed and the characteristics geom
9、etric model was completed. The high-level characteristics were acquired by combining various characteristics. Furthermore, the information of blank was derived and the blank model was outputted. This kind of blank model is still related to the original components design model and keeps data consistency when the original design model is modified.