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1、中考英语一般现在时态讲解及练习一般现在时态 一、一般现在时态的用法 1、表示经常、反复发生或者习惯性的动作。 如: We have three meals every day. 我们每天吃三餐饭. 2、表示现在或者经常存在的状态。 如: He is at table. 他在吃饭。 I am usually at home at this time of day. 白天这个时候我通常在家。 3、表示主语具备的性格、能力和本质特性等。如: She likes watching TV. 她喜欢看电视。 We speak Chinese. 我们说汉语。 4、表述客观事实、普遍真理、名言、警句或者谚语等

2、。如: The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。 Every dog has its day. 凡人皆有得意日。 5、表述按时间表已经拟定或者安排好了要发生的动作或事情。此时常见的动词有:arrive, begin, come, go, leave, return, run, start等。句子中一般还有表示将来的时间状语。例如: The plane leaves Nanchang at 3:00 pm. 飞机下午三点离开南昌。 6、在由when,before,after,as soon as, until等连接的时间从句和由if等引导的条件从句中,一般现在

3、时被用来表示将来的动作。如: Come and meet us at the station if you have time this afternoon. 如果你今天下午有空的话,到车站来接我们。 Dont eat anything before you go to bed. 睡觉前别吃东西。 7、在由here或there引导的倒装句中表示此刻正在发生的动作,用一般现在时替代现在进行时。例如: There goes the bell. 响铃了。 Here comes the bus. 公交车来了。 8、用于文章标题、剧情介绍、图片说明、电台评论等情况。例如: Have you ever r

4、ead the book Everything Is Ready? 你看过万事俱备这本书吗? 二、一般现在时态谓语部分的构成 1、be型:即句子中的动词是am,is,或者are。例如: 肯定式:am/is/are + 表语。例如: He is a teacher. 他是一位教师。 否定式:am/is/are + not + 表语。例如: He is not a teacher. 他不是一位教师。 疑问式:将be的具体形式提前至句首。例如: Is he a teacher? 他是位教师吗? 2、情态动词型: 肯定式:情态动词 + 动词原形。例如: Tom can speak Chinese. 汤

5、姆会说汉语。 否定式:情态动词 + not + 动词原形。例如: Tom cant speak Chinese. 汤姆不会说汉语。 疑问式:将情态动词提前到句首。例如: Can Tom speak Chinese? 汤姆会说汉语吗? 3、do型:即句子中的动词是行为动词。 肯定式:动词原形或者动词的现单三形式。例如: We write with our hands. 我们用手写字。 He plays tennis every afternoon. 他每天下午打网球。 否定式:dont/doesnt + 动词原形。例如: My parents dont like to watch movies.

6、 我父母不喜欢看电影。 The dog doesnt know him. 这条狗不认识他。 疑问式:在句首加Do或Does, 注意后面的行为动词必须用原形。例如: I go to school by bike. Do you go to school by bike? He eats an egg at breakfast. Does he eat an egg at breakfast? 三、动词的现单三形式 动词的现单三形式是指在一般现在时态中,主语为单数第三人称时谓语动词的具体形式。动词现单三形式的变化规则如下: 1、一般在词尾加-s。例如:like - likes, play - pl

7、ays, run - runs。 2、以-s, -x, -ch, -sh, -o等结尾的单词加-es。例如:teach - teaches, pass - passes, fix - fixes, wash - washes, go - goes等。 3、以辅音字母加y结尾的单词,先将y改成i,再加-es。例如:study- studies。 注意:be的现单三形式是is,have的现单三形式是has。 四、一般现在时态常见的时间状语 1、频度副词always, usually, often, sometimes等。 2、表示动作发生的频率的时间短语。如:every week (day, ye

8、ar, month), every four days, once a week, three times a month, on Sundays, on weekends等。 五、做题时常见错误 1、缺be动词。例: 汤姆在家里。 误:Tom at home. 正:Tom is at home. 解析:一个句子如果在汉语中缺少谓语动词,英语中须添上对应的be动词。 2、由于人称上的判断错误,用错动词的具体形式。例: 误:Your father are a teacher. 正:Your father is a teacher. 误:My mother go to work by bus. 正

9、:My mother goes to work by bus. 解析:第一人称是I和we,第二人称是you,第三人称是he, she, it, they以及所有可以用he, she, it, they替代的对象。 3、be动词与行为动词同时出现在句子中。例: 误:We are plant (plant) trees in spring. 正:We plant (plant) trees in spring. 解析:学生往往会用汉语的思维方式去翻译,就成了“我们是在春天植树”。这是学习英语最忌讳的,要看语法是不是正确,在英语中,be是表状态,do是表动作,两种动词不能同时出现在句子中,可记住如下

10、口诀:“英汉语言有差异,be 、do不能放一起,仔细琢磨细分析,语法千万要牢记。” 4、动词现单三形式易出错。例: 误:He plaies (play) football very well. 正:He plays (play) football very well. 误:Danny gos (go) to school at 7:10. 正:Danny goes (go) to school at 7:10. 解析:以辅音字母加y结尾的动词变单三人称形式才能把y换成i再加es。 与名词变复数不同,变单三人称形式以o结尾的词要加es. 5、在句式变换时动词的现单三形式未还原。例: 误:Does

11、 Jenny has (has) a good friend? 正:Does Jenny have (has) a good friend? 误:Brian doesnt lives (not live) in China. 正:Brian doesnt live (not live) in China. 解析:主语是单数第三人称的一般现在时,在做句式变化时,可记住如下一句话:“助动词do和does后接行为动词原形”。 6、对do的理解易出错。例: 误:We dont (not do) our homework in the afternoon. 正:We dont do (not do) o

12、ur homework in the afternoon. 解析:do是一个比较难理解的词,它有三个含义: a)是所有行为动词的总称;b)是助动词,无实义;c)是一个具体的行为动词“做,干”。此句中给出的do指“做,干”,not指把此句变为否定句,故须在do前加助动词dont。 7、对主语的数判断有误。例: 误:Li Ming with me are (be) in Beijing. 正:Li Ming with me is (be) in Beijing. 解析:表面一看是“我和李明两个人在北京”,但with在此做伴随状语,不在主语之列,故主语只有Li Ming,用is. 六、巩固练习 单项

13、选择填空 ( ) 1. Jenny _ in an office. Her parents _in a hospital. A. work; works B. works; work C. work; are working D. is working; work ( ) 2. One of the boys_ a black hat. A. have B. there is C. there are D. has ( ) 3. We will go shopping if it_ tomorrow. A. dont rain B. didnt rain C. doesnt rain D. i

14、snt rain ( ) 4. He said the sun _in the east and _in the west. A. rose; set B. rises; sets C. rises, set D. rise; sets ( ) 5. Wang Mei _ music and often _ to music. A. like; listen B. likes; listens C. like; are listening D. liking; listen ( ) 6. Jenny_ English every evening. A. has study B. studies

15、 C. study D. studied 答案:1 B 2D 3C 4B 5B 6B (二) 句型转换 1、He can finish the work by himself. (改成一般疑问句) 2、Do you often go to the movies? (改为陈述句) 3、Tom does his homework after school every day. (改成否定句) 4、I mean to say that this can be done.(对划线部分提问) 5、Mary watches TV every night. (对划线部分提问) 答案:1、Can he finish the work by himself? 2、I often go to the movies. 3、Tom doesnt do his homework after school every day. 4、What do you mean to say? 5、What does Mary do every night?


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