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1、托福写作范文附思路最新解析 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理一些托福写作范文附思路解析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作范文附思路解析116. What method of learning is best for you? People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of thes

2、e methods of learning is best for you? Use specific examples to support your choice. 参见:4范文 There are many different methods that people use for learning. Some people learn with hands-on experience, others learn by reading, and still others learn by listening to discussion of other people. It is gen

3、erally believed that learning is a subjective process, and it is important to discover the ways in which one learns best. I find that personally, learning by doing things is the best way. First, I find that the hands-on method is right for me because I am a very visual learner. If I can see what is

4、happening, I have a much easier time understanding it. Reading a book does not give me this ease. When I read a book in order to gain knowledge, particularly technical one, I sometimes have trouble visualizing exactly what is being explained. However, when I actually see the process happening, it is

5、 much easier for me to understand. I also use a visual method when I am studying English. For example, if I am working on new vocabulary, I will write the words down, and then draw pictures of the words to remind myself of the meaning. Going through the process of drawing the pictures greatly increa

6、ses my ability to memorize any type of information. When a picture is too simple to be enough or is hard to draw, I will close my eye and draw a mental picture that serves more helpful. It seems as though most businesses prefer people to have this hands-on experience as well. It is rare to find a go

7、od job that does not require applicants to have spent a certain amount of time doing a similar type of work in the past. By having this past experience, it shows that they have learnt to do a particular task well, and that they have practical knowledge of the job. In conclusion, I think that hands-o

8、n learning is best for me, and beneficial for my future. As stated above, however, everyone learns in a different style, and it is important to find the most efficient method for themselves.117. Choose friends who are different from you or similar to you? Some people choose friends who are different

9、 from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?分析与志同道合(cherish the same ideals and follow the

10、 same path; share the same views; have a common goal; have similar ideals and beliefs;)的朋友交往的好处;但是人与人之间毕竟存在着不同。与性格不同,兴趣不同的人交往的好处。选择立场,可以自由一些。比如,可以选择这样的立场:我认为,选择朋友不一定要选择相同的或者是不同的。因为人们之间总是有一些相同点的同时有一些不同点。关键在于,一个人是不是诚实、睿智、幽默?参见:15范文 In general, my friends are quite similar to me. There are a number of

11、reasons as to why this is the case. When two people are similar to each other, they have a wide basis of topics available to them for conversation, and are also able to bond over many types of experiences. For example, one of my major interests is music. I frequently enjoy going to see musical acts

12、perform. If a potential friend is not interested in the same type of music as me, we will not be able to share these experiences together. Without being able to have these bonding experiences, it is difficult for an acquaintanceship to evolve into a friendship. Another reason why we usually choose f

13、riends who are quite similar to us is because having similar friends who have common interests can help us come up with new ideas regarding things we are interested in. If I am particularly interested in a project, but cannot seem to advance the thought to my satisfaction, it is quite likely that on

14、e of my friends will be able to offer insight on the subject that I hadnt previously thought of. Nonetheless, it is important to consider exactly how similar one must be to me for me to form a friendship with them. I have many friends who, on the surface, are quite different from me. However, we sha

15、re one or two common interests that allow us to communicate on a clear, meaningful level. To explain, I will give an example of a particular friend who fits into this category. I met this friend at the opening of a new Italian restaurant in town. We have very different interests, and very different

16、occupations. However, we are both connoisseurs of fine cuisine. Based on this one small connection, we formed a very good friendship. In conclusion, I find that it is possible to have friends who appear similar to or different from myself. The key to a strong, lasting friendship is finding one or tw

17、o areas that both parties find interesting.118. Which approach to life do you prefer, life with change or without? Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences. Others like their lives to stay the same, and they do not change their usual habits. Compare these two approaches to

18、life. Which approach do you prefer? Explain why.范文 Some people enjoy change, and look forward to new experiences while others enjoy a steady paced, habitual existence. Both of these life styles have their own merits, but one thing is for certain: change is unavoidable, and we had best be prepared fo

19、r all situations that come our way. For my day-to-day activities, I enjoy a comparatively stable lifestyle. I get up in the morning, shower, eat breakfast and get ready for work. I have a stable, somewhat long-term job, which I enjoy. After work, I come home, eat dinner, and relax before going to be

20、d. I take pleasure in all of these activities, and appreciate the stability. However, sometimes change happens, and I look forward to that as well. For example, a few months ago, I held a position in a company that did not treat its employees very well. The job was monotonous, and I did not enjoy it

21、 very much. The work was not difficult, but I felt that something was lacking. Out of the blue, I received a job offer that was much more in tune with my current interests from another company. I jumped at the opportunity to try something new. The idea of change was very exciting, and I welcomed it.

22、 Change can also be negative, however. Sometimes, terrible things happen unexpectedly and leave you feeling lost. For example, one could lose his/her job, or much worse, a family member or a friend could die. This type of change, of course, is unwelcome. We all must do our best to deal with these ad

23、justments, and make the best of any situation that comes our way. In conclusion, for the most part, I enjoy a stable, routine life. At the same time, however, I am always ready to change if it is advantageous to my position in life. I believe it is important to always be ready for change, because it

24、 is unavoidable.119. Does different clothes influence the way people behave? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People behave differently when they wear different clothes. Do you agree that different clothes influence the way people behave? Use specific examples to support your a

25、nswer.分析不能同意。 ? 确实,有些时候人们在穿着不同的情况下会有不同的行为。(举例) ? 然而,决定行为因素还有很多,服装仅仅是其中的一个因素。(罗列几个其他的因素)范文 It seems that people do sometimes behave differently when they wear different clothes. For example, a well-dressed man seldom spits at random, a woman in glorious dresses is more likely to talk in a gentle tone

26、, and a clean dressed child seems quiet than others. It might be explained that different dresses give people different self-images, and most people subconsciously behave according to their own self-images. Equally sensible is another factor, that is, all too often people regard a person differently

27、 according to his/her dresses. Therefore, people might behave differently when they wear different clothes because they are treated differently. Also, appropriate dresses do help a lot in certain circumstances. It is not difficult to imagine that a doctor with a casual suit instead of his/her formal

28、 one will certainly make his/her patients nervous, for doctors in working hours are always supposed to be in white suits. An applicant in his/her first interview will be naturally accompanied with great mental tension. If he/she was well-dressed, by well we do not mean expensively or gloriously, we

29、mean neatly, he/she would appear more self-confident and or even be self-confident in deed. However, merely a suit in itself can contribute little. In fact, peoples behaviors inevitably reflect their very nature. A poor gentleman dressed in rags is still a gentleman. He knows the essential principle

30、s that a civilized individual must observe, he knows fundamental moral disciplines which an educated individual must follow. A parvenu on the other hand, will finally find out the fact that his exorbitantly dear dresses is of no use to make himself a gentleman, and he even eventually fail to make hi

31、m look like a gentleman. Maybe those are right who said it takes at least three generations to cultivate a gentleman. In a word, I do not believe that clothes can essentially make people different, even though they might sometimes seemingly do.120. Are decisions that people make quickly always wrong

32、? Decisions can be made quickly, or they can be made after careful thought. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The decisions that people make quickly are always wrong. Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.分析不能同意。确实,有些时候快速做出的决定可能是错的。(举例) 然而,决定是否正确还有很多其他影响因素,并且

33、,快不等于not careful。极端的例子是战场上的指挥官,必须要快速做出正确决定。罗列几个影响“决定正确与否”的其他因素。参见:55 相关题目:55、61范文 If the question asked was whether or not a decision that is quickly made is always wrong, and required an absolute yes-no answer, I think the answer had to be a resounding no. While carefully thinking out decisions can

34、 be important, there are many decisions that are best suited to impulsive, spontaneous outcomes. Consider I am sitting home alone one morning, contemplating what to do with my day. There are a number of things I should get done during the day: I have to clean my apartment, as well as do some grocery

35、 shopping. A friend calls, and invites me to see an art exhibition that sounds very interesting. This situation does not require a carefully thought out decision. I can easily put off my small errands for later in the day, or even until the next day. The decision was made very quickly, and, in my op

36、inion, was definitely not wrong. A second example can be seen at the workplace. I am employed at a busy real estate office. I have a number of responsibilities that I have to contend with during the day. If I took the time to carefully think out each decision I made during the day, my company would

37、quickly lose many important deals. In some situations, one must act on instinct in order to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible. With that said, there are, of course, situations which do require careful thought and consideration before reaching a decision. For example, buying an

38、apartment or a house is a very big decision to make. In this circumstance, I would not make a choice without careful evaluation of all of the information available. While some decisions require very careful thought, others can easily be made quickly and still be correct. If I had to carefully consid

39、er all of the decisions I have to make in a day, I would never get anything accomplished.托福写作范文附思路解析121. Judge people by first impressions: right or wrong? Some people trust their first impressions about a persons character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do

40、not judge a persons character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with? Support your choice with specific examples. 参见:54范文 Some people judge a persons character by first impressions simply because they believe thes

41、e judgments are, for the most part, correct. Other people are warier about making judgments quickly because they believe their original impressions could be faulty. However, its a common pattern: if someone makes a good first impression, people will be inclined to believe it, and make a judgment bas

42、ed on that; if the person makes a poor first impression, people will usually hold off judgment until a second or third meeting, to ensure that the original assessment was correct. My personal philosophy for meeting new people is to give them the benefit of the doubt. If someone makes a very good fir

43、st impression, I am likely to believe that that is his/her character unless, on future encounters, he/she proves it to be otherwise. I believe that this is a fair, beneficial way of making judgments. I do not think there is any reason to be suspicious of someones character unless he/she has given me

44、 a reason to think so. It is even possible that I will make a bad first impression on someone if I am too suspicious of his/her character. However, I also believe it is important to hold off judgment if someone makes a bad first impression. There are a multitude of reasons why someone might be in a

45、bad mood, and therefore make a poor impression. For example, perhaps I am meeting a man who just had something bad happen to him. Perhaps his bag was stolen, and it had some important documents in it. If this happened to me, I would surely be in a bad mood, and not make a good impression on any new

46、people I met. Therefore, I think it is important to wait until a second, or even third meeting before passing judgment.122. Are people never satisfied with what they have? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want somethin

47、g more or something different. Use specific reasons to support your answer.分析不能同意。never/always都是绝对修饰词。所以,不能一概而论。确实有这种情况。可以举很多例子。比如,人们对速度的要求;女人对衣服的要求然而很多的时候人们并不总是这样的。比如,尽管有人不满意婚姻制度,不可否认相当数量的人们并不想要更多的妻子或者丈夫。范文 It is said that people are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something m

48、ore or something different. Unfortunately, this statement has quite a bit of truth to it in todays society. Individuals today are constantly driven to have the best, the brightest, and the newest. With the increase of westernization, almost every country has become a consumer culture, including Chin

49、a. There is not a street you can walk down in Downtown Beijing that does not have an advertisement, trying to sell you something. Wherever you go, there is a new product calling to you. Individuals in society today believe that others will not appreciate them if they do not spend exorbitant amounts of money on all types of luxuries, from cars, to fancy mobile telephones, to expensive, name brand clothing. This idea does not only relate to consumer goods, however. I fi


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