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1、人教七年级英语下册第十一单元检测题及答案人教版七年级英语下册第十一单元检测题及答案 Unit 11 单元检测题 分数:100分 时间:90分钟 一、 单项选择 (15分) ( )1. -What _ he _ the sitcom? - He likes it. A. does, think of B. does, thinks of C. do, thinks of D. do, think of ( )2. Do you like _ TV? A. watches B. watching C. to watch D. B and C ( )3. Thanks for _ us. A. he

2、lping B. to helping C. help D. to help ( )4. Would you mind _ the window? Its too hot in the room. A. to open B. opening C. to close(关) D. closing ( )5. - I think Animals world is the best show. - I dont _ you. A. like it B. mind C. agree with D. agree to ( )6. _ your mother like the watch? A. What

3、do B. What does C. How do D. How does. ( )7. This weekend I asked students _ fashion. A. on B. at C. about D. with ( )8. My sister is _ girl. A. a 11-year-old B. an 11-year-old C. a 11 years old D. an 11 years old ( )9. _ of the _ were interesting. A. Some, student B. One, student C. Some, students

4、D. One, students ( )10. And _ thing was the belt. A. coolest B. the cooler C. the coolest D. cooler ( )11. She _ your books. A. enjoy reading B. enjoy read C. enjoys reading D. enjoys to read ( )12. - What do you think of Sports Report? - I like it very much. - _. A. I like, too B. I do, too C. I do

5、nt, either D. I do, either ( )13. My sister _ reading. She often spends much money on books. A. like B. dont like C. likes D. doesnt like ( )14. Tom _ stand the boring lessons. I cant stand them, _. A. can, too B. cant, either C. doesnt, either D. doesnt, too ( )15. I think my classmate likes the po

6、p music. _ he doesnt. A. In fact B. As well as C. In order to D. As 二、 完形填空 There are nineteen boys and twenty-eight girls in our class. 16 the boys is English. His 17 is Sam. He is thirteen. Two of the 18are American. They are twins. 19 names are Lucy and Jane. They are twelve. They are my 20. All

7、of the other boys and girls are 21. We Chinese 22 all like the English boys and the American girls, 23 they like us, too. We play games together. We help 24 and they help us. Look, there 25 the twins! They are coming this way. Lets say hello to them. 16. A. One of B. Two of C. Three of D. Four of 17

8、. A. school B. sister C. brother D. name 18. A. brothers B. sisters C. girls D. boys 19. A. Your B. Their C. Our D. Her 20. A. teachers B. friends C. brothers D. students 21. A. Chinese B. English C. American D. friends 22. A. teacher B. sisters C. brothers D. students 23. A. but B. or C. and D. so

9、24. her B. them C. him D. you 25.A. is B. come C. go D. work 三、 阅读理解 A Tom likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, Good ! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much.

10、So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, Oh, your cat eats it And she gives Tom some bread for his supper. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, My fish wei

11、ghs one kilo. This cat weighs one, too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat? 26._eats the fish. A. Mr. Tom B. Mrs. Tom C. The cat D. His fiends 27.What does Mrs. Tom do with the fish? A. She eats the fish before Tom comes back B. She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her C. Sh

12、e puts the fish in the fridgeand waits for her husband D. She cooks the fish for Tom 28.Mr Tom weighs _ in the shop with his wife. A. the fish B. the cat C. his wife D. his friend 29.How much fish does Tom often buy? A. one kilo B. two kilo C. three kilo D. four kilo 30.Tom likes _very much. A. cat

13、B. his wife C. fish D. his friends B Tom is a lovely boy. He likes playing football very much. He often comes back between 4p.m and 5p.m.One day he comes back late. His mother says you come back home late today, Tom. Yes, we have a new teacher,. He is a math teacher, Tom answers. How is he? His moth

14、er asks I dont know, I think I cant believe him. How is that his mother says. One moment he says two and three is five and the next moment he says “one and four is five Tom answers . 31.Tom comes home_ today . A. at 4 p. m B . At 4:30 p. m C. At 5p.m D. after 5p.m 32.Tom comes home late because_ A.

15、he plays football B. he plays basketball C. he studies math D. we dont know 33.The sentence How is that means_ A .How can you say that B. Your teacher is right C. Tell me more about that D. How do you feel 34.Who is right? A. Tom B. Teacher C. None D mother 35.Which of the following sentence is righ

16、t? A.The teacher is wrong B. om is right C.Tom is wrong D.Toms mother is wrong C Many boys and girls love to watch TV. They spend many hours a day in front of the TV sets. But many parents let their children watch TV only in special (特定的) time. TV shows are like books or movies. There are many kinds

17、 of TV shows, such as sitcoms, soap operas, sports shows, fashion shows, etc. A child can learn good things and bad things from them. Some shows help children to know the news all over the world. Children dont have to go to the zoo to see animals. Boys and girls can see sitcoms, sports shows and gam

18、e shows at home. Some shows teach children how to cook or how to use tools(工具). Many boys and girls think it is fun to watch TV, but it is also fun to read books, to play games or to visit friends. ( )36. Many boys and girls spend _. A. 4 hours on TV shows on Sunday B. 6 hours on TV shows every day

19、C. many hours a day in front of the TV sets ( )37. Many parents _. A. dont let their children watch TV B. ask their children to watch TV C. let their children watch TV in special time ( )38. From TV, boys and girls can _. A. learn good things and bad things B. learn nothing C. learn good things ( )3

20、9. Kids like to watch TV, because _. A. it is fun B. they have nothing to do C. it is exciting ( )40. How does the writer like the TV shows? A. They are good for children. B. They are bad for children. C. Some of them are good for children. Others are not. D There are 365 days in a year. We sleep 8

21、hours a day, so we have 122 days for sleeping. Then our work time has 243 days left. But there are 52 weekends in a year. Each weekend is two days. We lose another 104 days a year for work. It takes us about one hour to have breakfast and supper. This comes to 15 days over a year. But we cant work a

22、ll that time. We need a holiday. Lets say we have three weeks holiday. We dont work all day. Four free hours each evening takes up 61 days. We have to remember that we get 2 days holiday at Easter, 3 at Christmas and 1 at the New Year. There are also 4 Bank holidays. Take those 10 days away and we h

23、ave 32 days for work. But then we have one and a half hours lunch every day, and half an hours coffee break. That comes to 30 days a year. This means that we have only a few days left for work every year! 注释: 1.243 days left:剩下243天 2. Easter:n.复活节 3.one and a half:一个半 4. half an hour:半小时 41. How man

24、y days do we sleep in a year? _ days. A. 365 B. 122 C. 8 D. 52 42. We spend 15 days on _. A. rest B. coffee break C. lunch D. breakfast and supper 43. Which of the following is true? _ A. Each weekend is one day. B. We have 61 days for free time. C. We get 3 days holiday at Easter. D. Coffee break t

25、akes us one hour. 44. According to the passage, we know that we dont have _ time to work every year. A. much too B. so many C. too much D. too many ( )45. The writer means _. A. we should know the numbers B. time is important and wed better not waste it C. we need more holidays D. a few days for wor

26、k is enough 四、 任务型阅读 It was very cold. It snowed heavily and blew very strongly. It was not a good night to go out. But David had to walk home from work I can be warmer, he thought, I wear my coat backwards.He took off his coat and put it on backwards. Thats much better. He thought and walked on. Ab

27、out ten minutes later a car hit him. The driver stopped his car and got out of it. He ran to help David.dead. The policeman told the driver.Hes dead. The policeman said again.Did you Soon a police car arrived. The policeman ran to look at David. Im afraid hes The driver could not believe it. He cant

28、 be dead. He cried, I did not touch him. Look at my car. There is not a markon it.I dont understand it. The driver said, As soon as I hit him. I ran to help him. He was lying on the road, but he was breathing and there was no blood.touch him? The policeman asked.around the right way.Yes, The driver

29、said, but I only turn his head Notes: 1. backwards adv.反方向地2. mark n.印记3. blood n.血 46. Why was David walking in such bad weather?. 47. How did David make himself warmer?48. Did the driver run to help David?49. What did the policeman say again?50. Who killed David?五、 词汇 单词拼写. _ _ _ _ 51. She _(说) En

30、glish very well. 52.My friend Mary likes _(看) sports shows. 53. Please be _(安静), the child is doing his homework. 54. I like koalas _(因为) they are cute. 55. Koalas like eating _(树叶). 56. Do you like watching _(女子) soccer? 57. The weather is _(阴沉的) today. 58. The kids had great fun _(玩) in the water.

31、 59. She _(学习) at our school last year. 60. The news made us _(感到) very happy. 阅读短文,在空格内填入适当的词 There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter. In spring, the weather is warm. It is a good season for 61 (hike). This is a 62 (hope)season. Summer 63 (come)after spring. It is very hot

32、. The children like to go 64 (swim). It often rains and sometimes it rains 65 (heavy). In fall it is cool. Its a good time 66 (go)hiking. The farmers are busy 67 (harvest). The 68 (leaf)fall from the trees. Winter is a very cold season in the year. The wind blows 69 (strong). Sometimes it snows, and

33、 we can make 70 (snowman).61._ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _ 66. _67. _ 68. _69. _ 70. _ 六、 交际用语 根据对话内容,从方框各选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 A. Thats a good idea B. Im calling to thank you for your present. C. Yes, very much. D. Well, I saw many old things on show. E. I called you yesterday, but you were not in. A:Hello

34、, Jim .This is Ann speaking. B:Hi, Ann. A:71 B:Do you like it? A:72 Its a beautiful sweater. I really like the color. B:I think the blue is just the right color for you . By the way, you looked wonderful at the party. A:Thank you ,I really enjoyed it. 73 B:Oh, Im sorry. I went to the Science Museum.

35、 A:What did you see? B:74 A: Wow! Are there any new things ? B: Yes, many more! Why not go there and have a look? A:Dont worry. Ill go with you. B:75 But I dont know the way to the museum. A:Dont worry. Ill go with you. B:Great! Thanks. 七、书面表达 学校来了一位新老师。请根据下面给的信息,用简洁的语言介绍这位新老师。 Name: Miss Green Age:

36、 30 Job: English teacher Nationality: American Likes: reading, watching TV, playing basketball Joh: teaching English Appearance: medium height, curly hair Personality: friendly _ Unit 11 1-5 ADABC 6-10 DCBCC 11-15 CBCBA 16-20 ADCBB 21-25 ADCBB 26-30 BBBAC 31-35 DDABC 36-40 CCAAC 41-45 BDBCB 46. He h

37、ad to go home from work. 47. He put on his coat backwards. 48. Yes, he did. 49.“He s dead.”/He was dead. 50. The driver did. 51.speaks 52.watching 53.quiet 54.because 55.leaves56.womens 57.cloudy 58.playing 59.studied 60.feel61.hiking 62.hopeful es 64.swimming 65.heavily 66.to go 67.harvesting 68.leaves 69.strongly 70.snowmen 71-75 BCEDA 上海福斯达工艺品有限公司 更多内容访问 _更多内容访问 更多内容访问 _更多内容访问 更多内容访问 _更多内容访问


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