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1、仁爱年级英语unit6topic3导学案Unit 6 Topic 3 Section A 课时 备课 上课 班级 人数 学习目标: 1. 学生能正确拼读并运用黑体单词。 2. 学生能简单地用英语表达骑自行车的优点。 3. 学生能简单地掌握条件状语从句的用法。 重点: 1. 谈论骑自行车的优点。 2. 初步掌握条件状语从句的用法。 难点: 写出关于交通事故的短文。 课前预习 1.把下列词汇译成中文,然后朗读并默写。 passenger_ crazy_ anywhere_ pollution_ bicycle rider_ disagree with sb._ 2.阅读1b的句子,判断这些句子的正

2、误。然后听1a的录音,核对自己的判断。 3.大声朗读1a,根据上下文猜测对话中生词的中文意思。 4.观察1a中的句子结构:If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. 总结:该句由两不妨构成,前面一部分是由_引导的从句,后一部分是主句, 这种句子就是条件状语从句。 5.预习指导 1)disagree with sb.“不同意某人”是agree with sb的反义词。 2)If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. If 引导

3、的是条件状语从句, 如果主句是一般将来时或具有将来的意思,从句要用一般现在时。 Teaching procedure: .预习展示: 1.Check if the students have read and recited the new words and phrases and translate the phrases: 一起交通事故_ 受伤_遵守交通规则_ 节约能源_ 造成空气污染_ 2.Listen to 1a and finish 1b and 1c. 1 .合作学习展示: 1.Part 2. Listen to the passage and fill in the blank

4、s. 2.Finish 3a. Talk about the following pictures in groups and complete the sentences. 3.Finish 1d. Work in groups and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of riding bikes. The following expressions may help you. .巩固落实: Finish 3b.Share the whole story in class with the help of the information i

5、n 3a. Pay attention to the adverbial clauses of time. .当堂检测: 一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成下列各题。 1.S kids are c_ about computer games. 2.-Did you see my MP4? I cant find it a_.-Maybe its in your bag. 3.P_ shouldnt put your hands or heads out of the window when the train is moving. 4.Air p_ does great harm to peopl

6、es health. 5.Everyone should obey the traffic r_. 二、根据中文意思完成句子,每空一词。 1.你认为自行车会引起空气污染吗? Do you think bikes will_ _ _? 2.那个学生似乎不同意老师的意见。 That student seemed to_ _his teacher. 3.如果人人遵守交通规则,那么道路就会更安全。 _everyone _the traffic rules, the roads will be much safer. 4.如果你们不马上走,你们会迟到的。 _it_ go at once, you wil

7、l be late. 5.如果你房间太热,你最好打开窗户。 _it _too hot in your room, youd better open the window。 V.课堂评价 教学反思: 2 Unit 6 Topic 3 Section B 课时 备课 上课 班级 人数 学习目标: 1. 学生能用英语简单地表述交通规则。 2. 学生能掌握条件状语从句的用法。 3. 学生能通过单词的重读判断句子表意的重点。 重点: 1. 谈论交通规则。 2. 进一步掌握条件状语从句的用法。 难点:掌握条件状语从句的用法。 课前预习 1.写出下列词语的中文意思,试着用这些词语造句。 careless_

8、get a fine_ be in danger_ break the rules_ cause trouble_ 2.听 1a 的录音,完成 1b 的句子。 3.根据 2a 中的图片提示,仿照所给例句口头描述每幅图片的内容。 4.预习指导 1)get a fine“被罚款” 2)Be in danger“有危险, 处于危险之中”Look! The little boy in the water is in danger. 3)We should wear bicycle helmets when riding.我们骑自行车时应该戴头盔。 句中 when riding=when we are

9、riding.当主句和从句的主语相同时,从句的主语和 be 动词可省去。 如:When walking along the street, I found a purse lying on the ground. 当我在街上散步时,发现地上有个钱包。 Teaching procedure: .预习展示 1. Check if the students have read and recited the new words and phrases. 2. .Read 1a in groups and answer : 1). Where did the accident happen? 2).

10、What was the reason? 3). What will Kangkang and Michael do next? 3 3. Read 1a ,finish 1b . .合作学习展示: 1.Ask some students to make sentences with the new words and phrases. 2.Finish 1b. Listen to 1a and complete the sentences .3.Finish 2a. Look at the pictures. Discuss the results of breaking the traff

11、ic rules with if. The expressions under each picture may help you. 4.Finish 2b. Match the two parts of the sentences to make traffic rules. .巩固落实: Finish 3a. Listen and read these sentences. Pay attention to the stress and understand the focus of each sentences. .当堂检测: 一、根据句意及中文提示完成下列各题。每空词数不限。 1、If

12、 you park you car in the wrong place, you?ll_ (被罚款). 2、Don?t walk on the left side of the street, or you will _ (处于危险中)。 3、If you _ (违反交通规则), you?ll cause traffic accidents. 二:translate the sentences. 1.如果我们违反交通规则,我们将会受罚甚至会有危险。 _ 2.如果在大街上骑车,你必须要小心。 _ 3.如果你骑车不小心,可能会出事故。 _ 4.如果发生事故,你可能会受伤。 _ 三complete

13、 the sentences. 1. If it _ (not rain) tomorrow, we _ (go) hiking. 2. He _ (pass) the exam if he _ (work) harder at it. 3. If everyone _ (obey) the traffic rules, the roads _ (be) safer. 4. Its important for us _ (know) about traffic rules. 5. Its good exercise _ (ride) a bike to school. V.课堂评价 教学反思:

14、 4 Unit 6 Topic 3 Section C 课时 备课 上课 班级 人数 学习目标: 1 学生能掌握条件状语从句的用法。 2 通过对话题重点知识学习,进一步理解相关短文的意思。 重点: 1. 学习骑自行车的安全规则。 2. 进一步掌握条件状语从句的用法。 难点:写出关于骑自行车的安全规则的短文。 课前预习 1.中英互译, 大声朗读并默写这些词语。 卡车_注意到_ 安全_ pay attention to_ in case of_ in a word_ look out_ 2.先阅读1a中的“骑车者须知”,根据自己的认知判断哪些是骑车者该做的,然后快 速浏览1a的短文,看看还有哪些你

15、不知道的规定,把他们摘抄下来。 3.再读1a,然后完成1b. 1c. 思考:你为短文拟的题目是_. 4.预习指导 1.)pay attention to “注意”, to 为介词,后接名词、代词或动词的ing形式。如: You must pay attention to your teacher in class. 2.)In case of “如果, 假使;以防,如果发生”,后接名词、代词或V-ing.在句中 多做状语,表示“万一”的情况。如:In case of rain, he took an umbrella with him. 3.)Look out“小心,留神”。 可单独使用,也可

16、和介词for搭配使用。如:Look out! The car is coming nearer. 小心!车过来了。 Look out for cars as you cross the street.穿越马路时,要当心车辆。 Teaching procedure: .预习展示: 1.Check if the students have read and recited the new words and phrases. 5 2. Read again and answer the following questions to finish 1c 1). What do people use

17、bicycles for? 2). Why is bicycle riding good exercise? 3). How do bicycle riders protect their heads? 4). What must bicycle riders do when riding at night? 5) If a bicycle rider is badly hurt in a traffic accident, what should he / she do? 3. Read 1a ,finish 1b 4. Find out the important sentences an

18、d key words in the passage and retell 1a according to the key words bellow: one of, use for exercise, fit, strong, pollution share with, notice, pay attention to, signals, safety rules, helmets, light-colored, reflectors, in case of, first aid, call 120 .合作学习展示: 1. Ask some students to read 1a. 2. P

19、art 2.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box. .巩固落实: 1.Competition: Task 1): Speak out as many traffic rules as you can. Task 2):Talk about the results of breaking the traffic rules using “if” clause. 2.Part 3. Talk about the pictures. Then write a passage. .当堂检测: 一、根据

20、句意及中文提示完成下列各题。 1、There are many cars, buses and_(卡车) om the road. 2 、Did you_ (注意到) that Lily seemed unhappy? 3、Its very important to teach children about road_(安全) 4、Bicycle riders should wear helmets to_(保护) their head. 5、You must pay_ (注意) to the traffic signals when driving. 二、根据句意及中文提示完成下列句子,每空

21、一词。 1、 _ (总而言之) ,we must try our best to do the job. 2、When do the new _ (安全条例) come out? 6 3、Dont smoke here _ (以防) fire. 4、Every student should _ (专心于) their study. V.课堂评价 教学反思: Unit 6 Topic 3 Section D 课时 备课 上课 班级 人数 学习目标: 1. 学生能正确拼读并运用黑体单词。 2. 学生能熟练掌握条件状语从句的用法。 3. 学生能了解两大国际自行车比赛的相关信息。 重点: 1. 学习有

22、关叙述自行车比赛的词汇、短语和句式的表达。 2. 掌握条件状语从句的用法。 难点: 用英语写作如何避免交通事故的发生。 课前预习 1.中英互译,然后朗读并默写。 empty_ central_ among_ winner_ broken_ 小河_摩托车_ 阶段_ 亚洲_ 2.完成Grammar and Functions 中的句子,朗读并背诵这些句子。 3.预习指导 1)among 介词,“在-之中;-之一”。用在三个或三个以上的人或物前。 如:LinTao is the tallest boy among his classmates. 2)Twenty-three rivers and s

23、treams empty into Qinghai Lake.23条河流和小溪流入青海 湖。句中 empty 用做动词,意为“倒空, 排空”。如:Would you please empty the ashtray, please?请你把烟灰缸清理一下好吗? Empty into 指河流“流入,倾注于-”。 如:This river empties into the South Sea.这条河流入南海。 Teaching procedure: .预习展示: 1. Check if the students have read and recited the new words and phra

24、ses. 7 2. Ask some students to read 1 loudly to check if they can do it 3. Write down the important sentences and key words in the passage .合作学习展示: 1.Read Grammar &Functions by yourselves and finish the task to consolidate what they have learnt in this topic. 2.Read 1 in groups and finish the task i

25、n 1 together. 3. Read 1a again and fill in the features of the Tour of Qinghai Lake and the Tour de France. Tour of Qinghai Lake Tour de France .巩固落实: Part 2. Write a passage according to the accident report form. .当堂检测: 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成下列各题。 1、Korea is in the east of A_ . 2、There is a small village_

26、(在之中)the forests. 3、It is there_ (英里)from here to the station. 4、Tiananmen Square lies in the _ (中央的)part of Beijing City. 5、Whos the_ (获胜者)of the tennis match? 二、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 1、Take these medicine ,and youll feel better soon.(改为同义句) 2、To park bikes is easy.(改为同义句) _ _ easy to park bikes. 3、Run quickly ,or youll be late for the meeting.(改为同义句) _ You _ quickly ,you wont be late for the meeting. 4、It wont rain tomorrow .They will go fishing . _ it _ _ tomorrow, they will go fishing. 5、长江流入东海。 The Yangtze River _ _ The East Sea. V.课堂评价 教学反思: 8


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