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1、六一儿童节文艺汇演节目串词六一儿童节文艺汇演节目串词 1、 大课间操展示-校园恰恰 自由、奔放、激情、动感的拉丁舞深受我们少年儿童的喜爱,我校率先让拉丁舞走进校园,通过课间操、校本课、兴趣队组、校体育节比赛和表演等形式推广拉丁舞。魅力拉丁,让校园更鲜活。请欣赏由全校学生表演的课间拉丁健身操校园恰恰 2、拉丁舞: 用舞蹈点亮人生,茜宇舞蹈培训中心的学员们将为我们献上拉丁舞组合表演。有请小小舞蹈家上场。 3、木瓜恰恰恰 木瓜、芒果、香蕉、石榴水果也赶来为我们的拉丁节助兴了,请欣赏学校合唱兴趣组的表演唱木瓜恰恰恰。 晨诵古诗,午读经典,我们诵读千古美文,校园里书声琅琅,请听第二支歌读唐诗。 4、音乐

2、快板校园常规记心间 学校是我们成长的乐园,在美丽的学校,我们勤奋学习,快乐生活、全面发展。 5、拉丁舞: 双人拉丁表演 6、朗诵荷香颂 荷与水共生,水中有荷,荷中有水。倒影漂移,荷香中漂着水香,水香中带着荷的清香。请欣赏演讲与口才兴趣组的情景朗诵荷香颂 7、飞旋恰恰恰 甲:你会跳恰恰舞吗? 乙:当然了 甲:那你知道恰恰舞的发源地吗? 乙:这个 甲:哈哈,让我来告诉你吧。拉丁舞蹈-恰恰,起源于墨西哥,音乐有趣,节奏感强 乙:等等,你看大家都等不及了 甲:下面掌声有请五年级的同学给我们带来飞旋恰恰恰 8、环保拉丁时装秀 走上T形台,让梦飞起来,塑料袋、报纸、环保袋、旧光盘这些也能做出美丽的衣裳,把

3、我们的童年打扮得更美。请欣赏一班的小朋友带来的环保拉丁时装秀。看,小模特们来了! 9、儿童歌曲串烧祖国之歌 我们是祖国的花朵,我们是祖国的希望,祖国是我们共同的妈妈,请听一、二、三年级同学们表演的儿童歌曲串烧祖国之歌 10、安全三句半 安全是学校各项工作的保障,我们西校区开展了创建平安校园的系列活动,作为学生,我们要时刻把安全铭记于心,下面让我们一起欣赏二年级平仔俊等同学为我们带来的安全三句半 11、开心牛仔 甲:你知道拉丁舞非为哪几类吗? 乙:这可难不住我,拉丁舞包括恰恰、伦巴、桑巴、斗牛和牛仔舞。 甲:那你知道它们分别起源于那些国家? 乙:恰恰:起源于墨西哥;桑巴起源于巴西;伦巴起源于古巴

4、,斗牛起源于法国,发展于西班牙。 甲:那牛仔舞呢? 乙:美国呀。 甲:看来,你知道的真不少。 乙:你就别夸我了,你看一群牛仔来啦。 甲:在哪呢? 乙:那不是吗?请欣赏三年级的同学表演的开心牛仔。 12、古筝演奏与现场绘画 琴弦声声,画笔飞扬。接下来,有请五年级的熊秋岚的同学演奏古筝彝族舞曲。同时我们还邀请了简笔画兴趣组的几名同学进行现场绘画表演。让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们上场。 一首彝族舞曲展露的不仅是少数民族的文化,更表达了人们对于美好事物的追求。我们的小画家也完成了作品,我们一起来欣赏。感谢小演奏家和小画家! 13、相声拇指和食指 相声是大家喜欢的节目,因为它会带给我们开心和快乐。请听一班

5、的罗志焱、傅长彬两位同学表演的相声拇指和食指。 孩子都喜欢表扬和鼓励,看来家长们要向大拇指爸爸学习哟。 14、下面进入互动环节,我们进行的活动叫“亲子恰恰恰”, 我们邀请了家长上台,与孩子共同学习几个拉丁舞步,然后和孩子一起表演。掌声有请家长代表上台! 感谢家长的积极参与! 学校的各项工作,离不开家长们的大力支持。祝福家长们身体健康,工作顺利! 15、朗诵与歌舞感恩的心 沐浴着阳光,感受着雨露,在这难忘的时刻,我们要学会感恩,学会用爱拥抱所有的人。请欣赏六年级的同学为我们带来的朗诵与歌舞感恩的心。 16、激情拉丁 体育舞蹈兴趣组的同学们喜爱跳拉丁,跳起拉丁他们神采飞扬,请欣赏他们带来的激情拉丁

6、 结束语: 甲:欢歌阵阵,歌不尽节日的喜庆。 乙:曼舞翩翩,舞不尽内心的欢腾。 甲:让我们用心灵的琴弦, 乙:让我们用五彩的画笔, 丙:去歌唱美好的未来, 丁:去描绘灿烂的明天。 甲:我们坚信 齐:西校区的明天会更好! 乙:各位领导、各位来宾 丙:老师、同学们, 丁:潜江市第二实验小学西校区首届拉丁艺术节文艺汇演到此结束。 丙:祝各位领导、各位来宾身体健康、万事如意! 丁:祝老师们工作顺利、心想事成!祝同学们、小朋友们学习进步!节日快乐!。 International Children s Day variety show program Word 1 、 Big show in a clas

7、s break -of the campus Free, bold, passionate, dynamic dance by the children we love, I first walked into the campus of Latin dance, through interest in a class break, school classes, groups, competitions and school sports Festival performances and other forms of promotion of Latin dance. Latin char

8、m, make campus more vivid. Please enjoy the whole school performances during dancing stars of the campus 2, Latin dances: Dancing light life, participants of the XI Yu dance training center is a combination we offer Latin dance performances. Play tiny dancer. 3And the papaya Papaya, mango, banana, p

9、omegranate Entertain the fruit came to the Latin section, please enjoy school interest in choral singing with actions of the papaya. Morning core poetry, afternoon reading the classics, we read through the US-Wen, Shu Sheng Lang Lang on the campus, please read the second song heard of the Tang dynas

10、ty. 4, Music Allegro the campus General recording School is our growing paradise, beauty school, we study hard and happy life and comprehensive development. 5, Latin dances: Latin for two performances 6And the recitation of the Ode to Lotus Symbiosis with water-bearing, load in the water, water-bear

11、ing. Shadows drift, bleach water in Lotus fragrance, fragrance with Lotus flower in water. Please enjoy lectures and eloquent recitation of the interest group of the Ode to Lotus 7The circle over in the air, and just A: you dance just dance? B: of course A: do you know the birthplace of ballroom dan

12、ce? B: A: HA HA, let me tell you something. Latin dance - , originated in Mexico, the music interesting, strong rhythm sth : You see we cant wait A: applause below grade the students bring the circle over in the air just for us 8Latin, green fashion show The path T And let dream fly, plastic bags, p

13、aper, bags, old CDs These can make a beautiful dress, dress more beautiful our childhood. Please enjoy a (a) class of children brings environmental Latin fashion show. Look, little models! 9Kebab, children songs of the song of the motherland We are the flowers of the motherland, we are the hope of t

14、he motherland, motherland is our common mother, listen to children in grades one, two or three students are performing bunch of songs of the song of the motherland 10And the security of sanjuban Security is the protection of school work, we create a safe campus for a series of activities were carrie

15、d out in the West Campus, as students, we should always bear in mind security, lets play June students bring us in the second grade of the security sanjuban 11, Happy Cowboys A: you know where non-Latin dance class? B: it can be difficult to hold me, Latin dances include, Rumba, Samba, dancing Bull

16、and cowboy. : Do you know which originated in those countries? B: exactly: originated in Mexico, and Samba originated in Brazil; Rumba originated in Cuba, the Bullfight originated in France, development in Spain. A: the Cowboys dance? B: United States. It seems, you know thats a lot. B: you dont pra

17、ise me, you see a group of cowboys. A: where? B: isnt it? Please enjoy third year student performances of the happy Cowboys. 12, The zither and the scene painting String sound, brush flies. Next, grade five students Xiong Qiulan playing the zither of the dance music of the Yi people. Stick at the sa

18、me time we also invited several students live painting performances of the interest group. We warmly welcome them to play. Is not only for the first show of the dance music of the Yi ethnic minority culture, also expressed his pursuit of people for good things. Our little artist has completed the wo

19、rk, come with us to enjoy. (Students introduction to their work or comment moderator for work). Thanks small instrumentalists and small artists! 13And the cross of the thumb and index finger Crosstalk is our favorite show, because it will bring us joy and happiness. Listen (2) Luo Zhiyan, Fu Changbi

20、n two students of class performance crosstalk of the thumb and index finger. Children all like to praise and encouragement, parents must learn from thumb dad. 14 Interactive links, the following entry, the activities we call “ Parent-child ” , We invited parents came, together with the children lear

21、n some Latin dance steps, and then performed together and the children. Representatives of parents coming to the applause! Thanks for parent participation! Schools work cannot be achieved without strong support from parents. Parents wish good health, success! 15, Recitation and song and dance of the

22、 thankful heart Catching some Sun, feeling the rain, this memorable occasion, we must learn gratitude, learn to embrace all people with love. Please enjoy the grade six students brought us the recitation and song and dance of the thankful heart. 16Latin, passion Latin dance interest group of boys an

23、d girls love to jump, jump up Latin they light up, please enjoy them the passion of Latin Conclusion: A: song, song of countless holiday festive. B: dance trippingly, jubilation of dance not hearts. A: we use strings of the soul, B: let color brush, C: to sing a better future, Small: to depict the b

24、righter tomorrow. A: we believe Align: West Campus of tomorrow will be better! B: a Leadership , Ladies C: teachers, students, D: first Latin Festival in qianjiang city second experiment primary school West Campus variety show to the end. C: I wish you Leadership , Ladies good health and good luck! Ding Jiye: teachers are working smoothly, all your wishes come true! Boys and girls, children learn and progress! Happy holidays!. (Play the Tomorrow will be better)


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