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1、MBA英语写作万能模板建议:1、将模板仔细读一遍,将不懂的单词查出来,将句子看懂。2、小作文加号的,重点背诵。3、大作文模板熟练背诵,题目要求写原因的就选原因段,要求写建议的就选建议段,要求都写或者自己看不懂题目的,就两个都写上。一、小作文万能模板书信分为三个部分来写:称呼、正文和签名。书信格式如下:Dear Sir, Yours sincerelyZhang Wei签名Yours faithfully,/Yours sincerely,/Yours truly, Zhang Wei(具体的名字题目会给出)1、建议信模板Dear Sir(男士) / Madam(女士),第一段:Para1:自我

2、介绍, 写信目的I am_(具体名字题目给出). I am writing to you for the purpose of expressing my deepest concern about_(具体内容题目给出). I sincerely wish you consider my suggestion.第二段:Para2:现状,建议1_; 建议2_; 建议3_It must be pointed out that the situation of _ is going from bad to worse. Therefore, as far as I am concerned, fir

3、st of all, Governments departments are required to take effective measures to solve this serious problem. In the second place, different classes in the society need to cooperate closely to pay attention to this problem. At last, as individuals, we should care about it and set up examples for others.

4、Para3: 感谢, 期待 第三段:Thank you for reading my letter at your busy time! I firmly believe that with your considerate concern this problem will be smoothly solved. You sen2、求职信(申请信)Para 1: 自我介绍, 写信目的第一段:Dear Sir / Madam,I am _(具体名称题目会给出) who graduates from Shandong University. I am writing you for the pu

5、rpose of obtaining the position of _(具体职位题目会给出)Para 2: 优势1_. 优势2_. 优势3_ 第二段:As a matter of fact, I am quite sure that I am extremely qualified for this position. To begin with(或First of all), my major learned in the college matches with this position very much. In the second place, I have got three

6、years rich experience concerning this position. Thirdly, my chararacter is not only careful but also patient. In addition, I am very openminded person. Therefore, I consider I am the right person for this position.Para 3: 感谢, 期待第三段: At last, I am sincerely thankful for your reading my application le

7、tter at your busy time. I am looking for the precious chance to be interviewed in recent time. 3、辞职信Para1:写信目的第一段:Dear Sir / Madam,My name is _(具体名字题目会给出). I am writing to you for the purpose of quitting my present job. Para 2:原因1. 原因2 . 原因3To be exact, the reasons for my quitting is the following:

8、First of all, my wife will be transfered to another city and she will work there in the rest of her life. Secondly, my son will go to college in another city and he needs our care and concern very much. So I beg you to consider my resign at your convenient time.Para 3: 感谢给机会, 期待批准, 致歉第三段: Thank you

9、for reading my letter very much! In fact I am grateful for your concern during my past working time. I sincerely expect your positive answer soon. 4、感谢信Para1: 写信目的Dear _(根据题目要求写)I am _(具体名字题目会给出). I am writing to you for the purpose of expressing my sincere thanks to help me solve my serious problem

10、!Para 2: 原因1_ 原因2_.In fact, yout have helped me for more than one time. Whenever I am in trouble, you are the first person to help me. For example, you are always ready to offer me you fund, office as well as relation resources. This time is no exception. I sincerely invite you to have dinner at a r

11、estaurant and have a chatting at your convenient time. I will pick you up at your house gate at the given time. Para3: 再次感谢, 表达祝愿 I thank you again for your unselfish help to me! I wish our friendship as well as cooperation will last for ever. 5、道歉信Para1: 写信目的Dear Sir / Madam, My name is _. I am wri

12、ting to you for the purspose of making an apology due to my carelessness. Para 2: 缘由, 目前感受, 解决问题, 问题解决, As a matter of fact, the reason causing the present trouble is objective as the following. Just the other day, I caught a serious cough and stayed in bed. My head was always fainted at that time f

13、or a week, so that I didnt finish the task you assign to me. I am so sorry for that. I wish you can understand me. I ensure you that it wont happen next time. Para 3: 再次道歉, 期待接受Sincere apology to you again! I am looking forward to your forgiving in a short time. 6、邀请信(公务邀请: 强调身份、具体的接待礼仪、接待方式、接待人群)Pa

14、ra 1: 自我介绍,写信目的Dear Sir/ Madam,I am_(具体名字题目会给出), _(具体职务题目也会给出,如the personnel manager 人力资源经理、general manager总经理等等. I am writing to you for the purpose of honorably inviting you to _ (具体活动题目给出)Para 2:活动安排(时间,地点,内容)活动1_ 邀请1_ 活动2_邀请2_第二段:As matter of fact, we have made enough preparation and full arrang

15、ement for you in advance. First of all, the leaders of our company will greet you in person at the gate. Then we will discuss and talk about the_(主题根据题目写) in detail at lecture room(或meeting room).It is well known to all that you are the famous expert in_(同上). At last we will accompany you home with

16、our leaders. We wish we can get a pleasant and smooth cooperation.第三段:Para3: 再次邀请, 期待, 请求回复 We are expecting you from the bottom of our heart can accept our invitation! Please give us a positive reply soon. Wish us have a successful cooperation! 邀请信(私人邀请)Para1:写信目的Para2:活动安排(时间,地点,内容)活动开始,持续(活动),最后(

17、活动)Para3:再次邀请,期待,请求回复范文Dear Mary,Im writing this letter for the purpose of inviting you to a dinner party at my house on October 22, 2010 to celebrate my fathers 70-years-old birthday.The occasion will be followed by our dinner, during which we can talk and laugh together. At around 9 oclock, all th

18、e friends will take some photos together.I together with my family would feel it a great honor if you could come. We are looking forward to seeing you on that day./We are looking forward to the pleasure of your company. Please let me know your decision before next weekend.Yours sincerelyJi Bai7、祝贺信(

19、congratulations)Para1:写信目的写作模式第一段:Dear _(根据题目要求写), I am_(具体名字题目给出). I am writing to you to express sincere congratulations on your success and happiness! Para 2:艰辛,激动,值得,鼓舞,骄傲 第二段:As a matter of fact, I know that you have devoted a great deal of precious time as well as energy to it. During the past

20、 valuable time and experience, you have obtained not only rich work experience but also wide-spreading interpersonal relationship. Therefore, the past experience has laid solid foundation for the present success. I wish you to accept my heartfelt(发自内心的) congratulations. In fact, I have also learned

21、a lot from your achievement this time. You have set up a brilliant example for us to make success and realize our dreams in the near future. Para 3:再次祝贺,更大成就第三段:Congratulate to you again with my faithful blessings! I am quite sure that you will make much greater accomplishment with your effort and d

22、evotion! 8、推荐信(介绍信)Para1:写信目的写作模式:第一段:Dear Sir / Madam,I am_(具体名字题目给出). I am very honorable writing to you for the purpose of recommending _(具体被推荐人题目会给出). As far as I am concerned, he(或she)is the right candidate for your position.Para 2:现状,将来,优势1(被介绍人),优势2(写信人)第二段: As a matter of fact, _(具体被推荐人)has

23、acquired a lot of advantages suitable for your position. Above all, his major is not only proper for your post but also he has obtained three years rich fulltime as well as part-time working experience. In addition, I have got on well with him for six years and am very familiar his outstanding chara

24、cters. That is, he is both sociable and out-minded. At last, he obeys and respect superiors as always, so that he has gained wide-spreading praise from his friends, colleagues and teachers. Para 3:感谢,期待Thank you for reading my recommendation at your busy time! I am for forwarding to receiving your r

25、eply soon and expecting you to offer him(或her) a precious chance of interview. 9、投诉信Para1:写信目的写作模式:第一段:Dear Sir / Madam, I am_(具体名字题目会给出). I am writing to you for the purpose of making a complaint about your_ (具体事情题目会给出)Para 2:原因1;原因2。目前处境,要求 As a matter of fact, you have caused a lot of hurt to me

26、due to your carelessness as well as fault. First, it severely affects my normal work and living. Second place, you have brought a large amount of spiritual discomfort. For example, my normal sleep and rest cant be assured as usual. Therefore, I strongly and firmly require your company to make a deta

27、iled explanation for me. In addition, I demand you should make sincere apology to me in person soon. At last, I wish you can seriously consider my requirements and reply to me in two days.Para 3:相信满足要求I believe your company will consider consumers interest according your working style. I am looking

28、forward to your answer. 10、报告写作模式:To(交给的对象): 如Professor SmithFrom(谁交给的):如Johin Lith第一段:Para 1:写作目的Dear Sir / Madam,This is the note that you are required that_(具体什么事题目会给出). I wish you will accord with the requirements listed below. 第二段:Para 2:主要活动(进程)。活动1,活动2,活动3Last week, I gathered information fro

29、m library materials and from an interview, and the place is_ (如果有必要写地址,就写)。And we assure that we will complete the assignment in time. Then the next arrangement is that we will deal with the relavent issue smoothly depending on each others personal situation and coordinate with our own regulations.

30、第三段:Para 3:接下来的安排,目标 The next is that as we have arranged. And We will accomplish the task easily and pleasantly as planned. 11、通知要求:通知的目的是传递信息或分配工作,包含内容、时间和地点。如果是活动,应包含参加的人员范围;如果是讲座或报告,应包含演讲人的简介。必须用简练、准确的语言传递信息。如果包含对演讲人、主要参与或组织者等的介绍,则语言应大方得体,重点突出。 范文1 NOTICETo improve students ability and enrich ex

31、tracurricular activities, the Postgraduates Association is recruiting volunteers for an international conference on globalization to be held in BeiJing on April5. The qualifications for the applicants should have a strong professional spirit, cheerful personality and be aged under 35. In addition, a

32、pplicants must have outstanding skills at English. Last but not the least is that these with relevant professional experience will be given priority. The postgraduates who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before the end of this month. Everybody is wel

33、come to join in it.Postgraduates AssociationMay 5, 2010范文2NOTICETo celebrate the coming National Day, the Students Union has decided to hold an English speech contest in the university library on September 18.The Union will invite 7 experts to act as/serve as/work as judges. The speaker will have to

34、 finish his speech within 10 minutes./The maximum time of each speaker is 10 minutes. Every speaker/candidate will be judged from the following three aspects: script, eloquence, and the reaction of the audience. The results will be announced on the spot. Those who/ The students who are intrigued wit

35、h/interested in/ keen on it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before at the current weekend. Everyone is welcome to join in it.Students UnionSeptember 3, 201012、备忘录备忘录的内容犹如新闻写作,需要包括以下几个要素:谁,什么,何时,何地,为什么。备忘录有可能是通知,也可能是呼吁人们参加某个活动或采取某个行动。备忘录的收文人只要写全名即可,无需称呼语,结尾处也不需要结束语和签名。由五个部分组成:Date:日期To:

36、收文人From:发文人Subject:事由,内容只需要用动词或者动名词等少数几个词,甚至一个词作简略陈述。Message:正文,直入主题,列出最重要的信息或结论。范文Date: April 15, 2010To: All students of the English DepartmentFrom: Class Monitor, Li MingSubject: Spring excursionAs spring arrives and the weather turns to be more agreeable, the department has decided to organize a

37、 spring excursion in suburban Huairou District, which is not far away from the city of Beijing, on this activities include mountain-climbing and picnic. All students of the English Department are encouraged to participate. We remind you of the necessity of bringing some food and water, as well as we

38、aring comfortable shoes.We will meet at the west gate of the university at 9 am, Sunday, a bus has been arranged. Please be punctual so that we have enough time to enjoy the beautiful nature.13、便条便条是为了各种目的而写的简短书信体留言,用于熟人、亲人、朋友和同事等之间对于近一两天内将发生事情的联系,如请假条、约会、告别、道歉、借东西、留言等。特别需要注意的是,便条上一定要注明日期。其中美式英语的日期格

39、式为“Mar. 20, 2007”,而英式英语的日期格式为“20 Mar. 2007”,两种格式都适用于考试。范文Mar. 8thKate,I wonder if you can lend me your MLA Handbook for Academic Writing. I am in the process of writing my graduation thesis, and need to consult the book now and then for standard formatting. Thus I might need to keep the book for abo

40、ut a month and a half, and I hope that would not bring any inconvenience to you. I assure you that I will maintain the book in good condition. If possible, please give me a call and I will come by your house to pick up the book.Thank you very much!Li Ming二、大作文专题(议论文:15分)话题作文万能开头段:The past few years

41、have witnessed the emergence of a widespread social phenomenon. That is_(根据题目提示写)。This issue, without the slightest question, has given rise to great concern in the public。Needless to say, this situation will continue for quite a while in the future.图表作文万能开头段:What is shown in the diagram(或table等,题目中

42、有这样的词)above describe clearly that remarkable changes have taken place in _ (填图表标题).Based upon the statistics of the diagram, one may see that the number of _(按作文要求)has been on a steady rise(上升)或者decline(下降)。In the year of 1998,the number merely 2500, but within no more than several years, it went up

43、 to move more than 35,000 in 2004.(具体年份和数字根据题目图表随便找一组对比的填)图画作文万能开头段:Looking at this picture, I believe, people cannot keep pondering. It describes a simple but meaningful social phenomenon. It is both profound and thought provoking, which is meant to emphasize the importance of the phenomenon.万能原因段:

44、How come such phenomenon occurs? First of all, it is the inevitable social trend with the rapid development of Chinese economy。Furthermore, we must admit that the government is deficient of the thoughtful consideration and the perspective anticipation. Last but not the least, the fact cannot be igno

45、red that, in the long run, to live and learn will get rooted in everyones mind.万能建议段:First of all, various departments in the governments are required to adopt efficient measures to cautiously consider such issue, so that it will be solved easily as well as harmoniously. In the second place, individ

46、uals are demanded to establish brilliant examples for others to effectively deal with it as easily as possible. In the third place, various departments among the publicity branches are compulsory to cooperate with government agencies to seriously face such issue as well as solute it successfully. 万能

47、结尾段:There is no denying the fact that people will have diverse views on the same issue, but my stand-point is clear and well founded in the foregoing discussions. Given what has been argued so far, Im inclined to view this tend as a blessing(好事)或者curse(坏事).Therefore, I believe, the current trend should be encouraged rath


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