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1、六级英语作文高分句型IELTS写作35个基础句型 1. Benefit from 从当中获益 People who look for information can benefit from the amazing development of the internet. 2. Invest in 对投资 The medical facilities in the rural area are still not very developed ;therefore, the government should invest more money in these facilities. 3.

2、promote the development 促进的发展 The widespread use of English has promoted the development of English training schools in China. 4. it is obvious that显而易见 It is obvious that a DVD can hold more information than a book. More importantly, it is more entertaining. 5. play a key role in 在中起关键作用 Ones job a

3、nd age play a key role in deciding what one wears. 6. enrich ones experience丰富的经历 Working for a period before going to university can greatly enrich students experience and make them more capable in university. 7. keep society safe and stable 保持社会稳定 Harmony can keep society safe and stable while cla

4、shes make a country unliveable. 8. relax their bodies and ease their minds 让人放松身心 Even though on holiday students spend less time studying, holidays relax students bodies and ease their minds. 9. have a duty to do 有责任做 National sports teams representtheir country; therefore, the government has a dut

5、y to invest in these teams. 10. afford people entertainment and pleasure 给人们提供娱乐 Overall, computer games afford people more entertainment and pleasure than trouble. 11. create employment opportunities 创造就业机会 International business can create employment opportunities. On the other hand, it may damage

6、 cultural heritage of a nation. 12. less time-consuming and more economical 让人省钱省时间 Advertising makes our shopping experience less time-consuming and more economical. 13. broaden ones horizons = expand ones outlook 开阔人的眼界 Not only can travelling broaden ones horizons, it can relax ones body and soul

7、 as well. 14. avoid 避免 Working under pressure can help employees fulfil their potential. 15. remove the barrier for 为消除障碍 Machine translation has removes the barrier for people who do not speak the same language. 16. promote the cultural communication and interaction between and 促进和之间的文化交流 Multi-cul

8、tured societies promote the cultural communication and interaction between different ethnic groups(民族). 17. curb the proliferation of 控制的扩散 The government should take immediate (及时的) measures to curb the proliferation of pollution。 18. raised peoples awareness of 提高人们的意识 The media should raise the p

9、ublic awareness of the significance of preserving the ecosystem. 19. has the inherent advantage of 有的内在优势 Teaching students in groups has the inherent advantage of helping schools to use their equipment and facilities more efficiently. 20. live a stressful life 生活压力大 It seems that the people in deve

10、loping countries live a more stressful life than the people in industrial countries. 21. lead to crimes 导致犯罪 The widespread violence and pornography on TV often lead to youngsters crimes. 22. the competition is stiff 竞争激励 The competition in modern society is increasingly stiff, which makes many peop

11、le cold and cruel. 23. avoid 避免 To avoid making mistakes, we should be very careful in answering IELTS questions. 24. suffer from 遭受 Nowadays, many citizens of Beijing suffer from mental illnesses because the competition is very stiff. 25. stem from 起源于 Generally speaking, childrens bad behaviour st

12、ems from imitating their parents. 26. is a threat to 对构成威胁 In terms of employment opportunities, WTO is a threat to many Chinese automakers. 27. have detrimental influence upon 对有坏的影响 Obviously, long distance flights have detrimental influence upon the environment. 28. be monotonous and unmotivating

13、 单调而且无法给人动力的 Many students find the schooling in traditional schools monotonous and unmotivating. 29. cope with=deal with 解决 The governments must take measures to cope with the serious terrorism worldwide. 30. There is a definite link between A and B 在A 和B 之间有密切联系 There is a definite link between th

14、e adult crime rate and the crime rate of youngsters. 31. spin out of control 失去控制 The situation in the Middle East is spinning out of any control. 32. create tension and conflicts between 在和之间产生紧张和冲突 Cultural differences between the tourists and local residents (居民) may create tension and conflicts

15、between them. 33. be overly dependent on 对某事过度依赖 Technology ha successfully made many individuals overly dependent on it . 34. stifle creativity 扼杀创造力 The traditional education in some Asian countries seriously stifles creativity. 35. the population is booming 人口在激增 Without effective control, the po

16、pulation boom will result in the lack of resources. IELTS写作53个高分句型 1. profit from 从当中获益 People the world over can profit from the advancement in motorized flight. 2. A is an indispensable part of B A是B不可或缺的一部分 Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting (施加) pr

17、ofound influence on the way we live, work, play and learn. 3. sth. Plays a pivotal role in 某事在中起关键作用 It is universally acknowledged (众所周知) that education plays a pivotal role in individual success. 4. enable sb. to do sth . 让某人可以去做 Cultural assimilation (文化吸收,指新移民逐渐融入当地文化的过程)enables newly -arrived i

18、mmigrants to get ahead in the new society successfully. 5. get accustomed to sth. 适应 New immigrants must get accustomed to the local culture to succeed. 6. someone can utilise sth. 可以使用=use In this day and age, many individuals can utilise the Internet via computers or mobile phone. 7. sth. is in th

19、e best interests of someone 做某事符合的利益 Preserving the endangered animals is in the best interests of humanity(人类). 8. contribute to 推动 Students should not only learn academic knowledge but also do volunteer work(志愿者工作) in communities(社区), thereby(昨天讲的连词,以此达到的母的) making contribution to their cities. 9.

20、 sth. consolidates its status as the 某事在不断加固它作为的地位 English has been consolidating its status as the dominant (占统治地位的)language in the world. 10. draw on 借鉴 Those who have spent some time traveling to other places have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. 11. get a clear pe

21、rspective of 对有更清晰的认识 That is the best way for students to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. 12. is attended by某种号的现象伴随着某种坏的现象 The staggering advancement of technology is attended by severe pollution of the ecosystem. 13. the more the more 有越多的就会有越多的 The

22、 more vehicles on the roads, the more traffic congestion to occur. 14. A can be attributed to B A 可以归因于B The proliferation of traffic accidents can be in large measure attributed to the traffic law not being stringent enough. 15. be afflicted with 遭受 In present day society, a host of (大量的) countries

23、 are afflicted with chronic poverty. 16. deprive someone of sth. 剥夺某人的 Modern cities (城市居民) deprive city-dwellers of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life 17. sth, impels sb. to do 促使某人去 Peer pressure often impels youngsters to spend excessively (过度的)on fancy clothes and accessories. 18. A has

24、rendered B +形容词或者名词A让B变成 We must ensure that technological innovations will not render us slaves to high technology.(其中,We must ensure that 意思是“我们必须确保) 19. A recent study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences revealed that A recent study conducted by HSUS and Greenpeace suggested that

25、there were over one million mammals (哺乳动物)in lab cagestoday. 20. be addicted to sth .对上瘾 In present-day society, many individuals are addicted to various forms of gambling. 21. sth is the root cause of某事时的根源 The population explosion is the root cause of scarcity(短缺). 22. be confronted with sth 面对(可以

26、代替face这个同学们最爱用的词) Today, we are confronted with a plethora of (大量的) violent and pornographic TV shows. 23. pose a threat to 对构成威胁 At present, the proliferation(扩散) of non-biodegradable rubbish poses a threat to humanity. 24. be inundated with sth. 充斥着 The media are inundated detailed crime coverage.

27、 25. if sth. will ensure 如果(某种不好的结果将产生) If parents neglect their offspring, lack of discipline(纪律) and respect will ensure. With the incidence(发生率) of hovering at high levels, many have become disturbed and alarmed. With the incidence of driving offenses hovering at high levels, many have become dis

28、turbed and alarmed. 26. sth is unwarranted 某种做法很不合理 Experimenting upon lab animals without trying to alleviate(减轻) their pain is unwarranted. 27. run contrary to 与背道而驰 Their suggestion runs contrary to the overwhelming evidence that technology enhances our efficiency. 28. at the expense of 以为代价 We s

29、hould not develop economy at the expense of the environment . 29. diminish individuals leisure time 减少人们的休闲时间 The accelerating pace of life seriously diminishes leisure time. 30. It is wrong-headed to equatewith把等同于是错误的 It is wrong-headed to equate happiness with making more money and living in a sp

30、acious house. 31. support/opposeon the grounds that以为理由去支持或者反对某事 Some oppose animal experimentation on the grounds that it is inhumane (不人道的). 32. exert beneficial/detrimental/profound influence on sth. 对施加有益的/有害的/深远的影响 In this day and age, globalization is exerting profound impact on the way we wor

31、k, live, play and learn. 33. A prevail over (or outweigh/ outbalance ) A 大于B The advantages of punishment for driving offenders prevail over its disadvantages. 34. A create (or bring about/generate/breed/engender/spawn/induce)B A产生B这个结果 Technological innovations have brought about profound changes t

32、o the political, economic and cultural arenas(领域). 35. A is a key determinant of B A 是B的决定因素 In an individuals career, tenacity (毅力)is a key determinant of success. 36. It is manifest that (或者it is universally acknowledged that/Undeniably,)显而易见 It is manifest that globalization can bring numerous (大

33、量的) benefits to the lives of people in the Third-World countries. 37. A is best characterized byA最重要的特征是 A fine journalist is best characterized by discipline, determination and penetrating observations. 38. it is standard practice for someone to do sth. 某人通常会做某事 In contemporary (当代的)China, it is st

34、andard practice for Chinese youths to choose Hollywood blockbusters over domestic films. 39. A constitutesA构成 Animal experimentation, in some cases, constitutes cruel abuse (虐待)of test animals. 40. someone would be well-advised to do sth.(=should) 某人应该做某事 Parents would be well-advised if they spend

35、more time with their offspring. 41. ,and there seems to be plenty of research findings to confirm this 看起来有足够的研究证明这个观点 Teaching students in groups helps them to grow into social, responsible individuals, and there seems to be plenty of research findings to confirm this. 42. in all likelihood 很可能 In

36、all likelihood, these decisions would be made by government officials who tend to have their own understanding of the problems. 43. This trend is not restricted to 这个现象不仅仅限于 This trend is not restricted to wealthy students who have the money to do this, but is also evident (明显的) among poorer student

37、s. 44. tend to多半 Youngsters tend to be more impulsive(冲动的) and are likely to fall prey to misleading advertisements. 45. hinge on 取决于 Success of such efforts hinges on contribution from the authorities. 46. give priority to sth. 把放在优先位置 The government should give priority to the optimization of its

38、financial resources. 47. dedicate A to B=spend A on B 把A 花在B上 The government should dedicate more money to the alleviation of chronic poverty. 48. be likely to fall prey to/ be vulnerable to 容易成为的受害者 Without proper parental guidance, children are very vulnerable to the violent or pornographic conten

39、t on TV shows. 49. sth should be condemned rather than condoned 某事应该被谴责而不是被宽恕 Indiscriminate(盲目的) copying of traditional architectural style today should be condemned rather than condoned. 50. it is imperative/ crucial/ key/ essential 至关重要 To the newly-arrived immigants, it is imperative that they a

40、dapt to the local culture promptly(及时的). 51. sth requires/ necessitates/ call for 需要 The severe(严重的) ecological problem requires / necessitates/ call for joint effort of all the nations on the globe. 52. distinguish between A and B 区分A 和B Many youngsters lack the capacity to distinguish between righ

41、t and wrong. 正确使用4种特殊句型。即把副词,介词,现在分词或动词不定式构成的小短语放在句首。特点:让句子有长短结合的节奏感! l Just like the movie stars, they live extravagant(奢华的) lifestyles with huge houses and cars. l Unfortunately, it is not always the case that new things are promoted because they have good impacts for the majority of people. l In

42、spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. 2. 第二种:倒装句 l Only in this way can this issue be effectively solved. l On no account should teachers hit their students. l Strange as it may seem, parents attention sometimes hinders students academic developm

43、ent. 3. 第三种:强调句,让句子很有气势。类似于中文的“正是。导致了”。 l It is the interaction of the two that shapes a persons personality and dictates how that personality develops. 4. 第四种:虚拟语气。特别用与提建议的时候。 l If this were not true, then we would be able predict the behaviour and character of a person from the moment they were bo

44、rn. l The schools would seem very impersonal were all the computers to replace human teachers. DRILLS 1. 副词位于句首 l 现在的工作机会很少。就业竞争相应更激烈了。 There are not many job opportunities available. Accordingly, the competition for jobs is highly fierce. l *在新式武器上的资金投入实际上会奇怪地使市民感到害怕。 Oddly/Strangely enough governm

45、ental investment in developing new weapons may actually leave citizens fearful. l 有趣的事情是,死记硬背有时会提高学生的效率。 Interestingly, rote learning something may make students more efficient. l 在学习的高压下,学生出现精神上的问题并不奇怪。 Not surprisingly, students who are under severe stress in their studies may suffer from mental p

46、roblems or even commit crimes. l 总的来说,楼房的功能比其外观更重要。 Overall, the function of a building is more important to a building than its exterior. 2. 介词句首 l 就态度来说,好的老师更富有推动力,更耐心。 In terms of attitude, good teachers tend to be more motivated and patient. 3. 非谓语动词句首 l 为了缓解交通堵塞,*应该鼓励大家搭乘地铁。 To alleviate traffi

47、c jams, the government should encourage people to take the subway. l 生活在贫困中的人们没有足够的钱和食物。 Living in poverty, these people do not even have money and enough food. 4. 倒装 l 老师不管什么情况下,都不应该打学生。 Under on circumstances should teachers hit their students. 5. 强调 l 吸引外国人来北京的正是北京古老的传统。 It is the traditions in Beijing that attract many foreign tourists.


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