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1、冀教五年级英语上册要点冀教版五年级英语单元知识要点 1 grandmother奶奶 grandfather爷爷 brother哥哥弟弟 sister姐姐妹妹 son儿子 daughter女儿 older than 比大一些 younger than比小年青一些 2 aunt 阿姨 uncle叔叔 cousin 堂兄妹 wife 妻子 husband丈夫 3 short短,long长,curly弯曲的,straight直的,black黑色,blond金黄色,blue蓝色,red红色,green绿色,brown棕色,white白色,gray灰白色,glasses眼镜,people人, taller

2、 than 比高一些,shorter than比_矮一些 4 businessman男商人,doctor医生,teacher老师,school学校,clerk店员销售员,store商店,waitress女服务员,driver驾驶员,nurse护士,police officer警察,cashier收银员,carpenter木匠,car轿车,bus公共汽车,bicycle自行车,walk走, 一般疑问句:Is she a nurse? 变成陈述句:she is a nurse. 5 Play checkers下围棋,go for a walk散步, read the newspaper读报纸,co

3、mputer电脑, play ping-pong打乒乓球,dolls洋娃娃,ball球,skipping rope跳绳,read books读书,watch TV看电视, noodles面条, same相同, different 不相同 I like? to动词。 I like 名词。 hesheit人名等 likes to动词 hesheit人名等 likes名词 6 fun有趣的,together一起,movie theatre电影院, watch看,restaurant饭店,supper晚饭,park公园,fly kites放风筝,zoo动物园,animals动物, buy买,cloth

4、es衣服,gym 体育馆,badminton羽毛球 I go to the 地点 to 动词 第二单元 9 map地图,world世界,country国家,China中国,United States(U.S.)美国,United Kingdom(U.K.)英国,Australia澳大利亚,north北,points up指向上边,south南,points down 指向下边,west西,points left 指向左边,east东,points right指向右边 What colour is 国家名称? A map of 国家名称 10 China中国,speak说讲,Chinese汉语,

5、capital city首都,Beijing北京,flag旗,star星星, Tiananmen Square 天安门广场,Palace Museum故宫 What is the capital city of 国家名称? 11 Canada加拿大,know知道,about关于,English英语,French法语,Ottawa渥太华,leaf叶片, Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布,famous著名, waterfall 瀑布,Rocky Mountains落基山脉 12 United States(U.S.)美国,Washington,D.C.华盛顿,stripes条纹,Whit

6、e House白宫,president总统, Statue of Liberty 自由女神像,New York纽约 13 United Kingdom(U.K.)英国,London伦敦,king国王,queen公主女王,Buckingham Palace白金汉宫 14 Australia澳大利亚,Canberra堪培拉,kangaroo袋鼠,beach海滩17great伟大,trip旅行旅游,hotel旅馆 第三单元 17go on a trip go on trips 去旅行 I go on a trip to地点. 18 far from离.很远,only只有,kilometres千米,

7、from.to.从.到.,come来,go去 星期二,Wednesday星期三,Thursday星期四,Friday星期五,Saturday星期六 第四单元 问:May I go to地点做什么? 答:Yes,you may. No,you may not 19 invite邀请,wonderful惊人惊讶,when什么时候,leave for离开这去. arrive in到达 When do you leave for+地点? When do you arrive in +地点? 20 hundred百,thousand千,ten thousand 一万,about大约 几,几十,几十几的数

8、也要会写 数字:one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21twenty-one 22twenty-two 23twenty-three 24twenty-four 25twenty-five 26twenty-six 27twenty-seven 28twenty-eig

9、ht 29twenty-nine 30thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100one hundred How far is it from地点 to 地点? 21 airplane(plane)飞机,train火车,fast快,faster快一些,slow慢,slower慢一些 faster than比快一些,slower than 比_慢一些 By 交通工具 =take a 交通工具 22 leave离开,leave for离开这去,arrive到达,arrive in到达,stay停留,(at

10、in on的用法),Sunday星期日,Monday星期一,Tuesday25 need需要,tickets票,pack整理,suitcase旅行箱,clothes衣服,forecast预报,jacket夹克,pants裤子,shoes鞋,sweater毛衣,dress 连衣裙,socks 袜子,pyjamas睡衣 a pair of一双一条一副一对 Does heshe need 物品?答:Yes,heshe does 或者 No,heshe doesnt 26 favourite最喜欢,this这个,these这些,that那个,those那些,purple紫色,new 新,old旧, t

11、oo small太小,too big太大,just right正合适,near近,far远 问:What is your favourite colour? 答:My favourite colour is 颜色单词 27 unlock 开锁,more更多的,nice 好看,forget忘记 问:Do you want thisthatthesethose 物品? 答:Yes,please! 或者 No,thanks 28 can能,cant=can not不能,find找到,lost丢失 问:Can you find my 物品?答:Yes,I can.或者No, I cant 29 train station火车站,walk走,run跑,jump跳,stand站立, (dont walkrunjumpstand)不要走跑跳站立 30 excited兴奋、激动,sing唱歌,sit down坐下, stand up站起来 What time is it ? What time is it now ? Its


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