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1、初级英语语法形容词 用来修饰名词、不定代词的,表示人或者事物的性质,状态和特征的词叫做形容词。 某些名词加上ly able ary ant ent ice icel ive ic ish like ful ous ent ese ward less Friendly comfortable important excellent beautiful dangerous useless 多个形容词的排序 限定词+数量形容词+性状形容词+大小长短+高低等形+新旧+颜色+国籍+材料 I have a _ cloth. A: new blue B: blue new C: newly blue 副词

2、修饰动词,形容词,其他副词或者全句,说明时间地点程度方式等概念的词。 位于形容词前表示程度 He is really clever 放在动词前 The sun always rises in the east. 放在句首或者句末 He closed the door quietly 形容词、副词的比较级、最高级 比较级、最高级及用来表示“最”、“更”的词语,用来修饰形容词、副词比较级最高级的词语有many、much、far、still、even、a little、no、any、rather、a bit 等等 一般adj和adv的比较级就是在其后面加上er,最高级就是加上est,最高级的前面要加

3、上定冠词the Tall高 Taller更高的 the tallest 最高的 I am taller than my sister. He plays the piano better than I . 有些形容词和副词不能直接在后面加er或est,如good,其比较级就是better,其最高级就是best(the best) I am good. I am better than you. I am the best one. 而有些单词也不能做这些不规则的变化,就只能在单词前加上more、 most I am beautiful, I am more beautiful than you

4、. I am the most beautiful one. 练习 We are _ A: best B: the best C: bestest I am _ than you. A: the shorter B: shorter C: shortest 两个特殊的重要句型 More A than B与其说是A不如说是B You are more lazy than stupid. Prefer to do sth rather than do sth 与其做某事不如做某事 I prefer to study rather than work . 练习 1、I prefer _ rather

5、 than _. A: walking taking bus B: to walk take bus C: walking to take bus 2、You are more _ than _. A: tired(累) lazy B: lazy tired C: tired lazyly 冠词 冠词本身没有意义,不能单独存在,分为不定冠词和定冠词the. 不定冠词: 元音音标开头用an 如an orange , an angel 辅音音标开头用a 如a pig , a boy 定冠词: the+加形容词表示某一种人 the old 老人 the youth 年轻人 the+姓氏表示某一家人

6、一家人the smith 斯密斯一家人 用在某些特定的人、物前,用在仅此一样的事物前 练习: 1、_ smith are playing football, they bought(买) _ new ball today ,but it is _ ugly ball. A: a the an B: the a an C: the an a 2、_ sun was so high(高) A: a B: an C: the 3、Give me _ hour ,I can do it. A: a B: an C: the 一、 名词 1、 名词,即用来表示人、物、地点即抽象概念等的词语 2、 名词可

7、分为“专有名词”和“普通名词”,专有名词特指某些名称和个别人。而普通名词又包括个体名词、集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词 3、 复合名词,如son表示儿子,但是soninlow就表示女婿,即法律上的儿子 二、 名词的用法 1、 作主语 Tom is my friend. 2、 作表语 She is a teacher. 3、 作宾语 This car can carry material(材料) 4、 做同位语 Beijing the capital of china is beautiful. 5、 做定语 In winner, cotton is popular 6、 作状语 He expla

8、ined it to you a second time. 7、 做补语 主语补语、Teacher and students become good friends. 宾语补语、He calls his teacher “mother”. 三、 名词的数 单双 1、 以s、ss、x、ch、sh、结尾的单词变复数加es 读作/iz/ Classclasses watchwatches 2、 以辅音音标加y结尾的,改y为i加es读作/z/ 清辅音+s 读/s/ 如cakes 浊辅音+s 读/z/ 如chairs Storystories candycandies 3、 元音音标加y结尾的,直接加s

9、 读作/z/ Boyboys playPlays 4、 以o结尾的加s Pianopianos zoozoos 特殊的:potatopotatoes tomatotomatoes heroheroes 5、 以f或fe结尾的,改为ves,特殊的加s Scarfscarves knifeknives 特殊的:roofroofs proofproofs briefbriefs 6、 以th结尾的加s Bathbaths youthyouths 7、 不规则的 Deerdeer toothteeth mousemice goosegeese Chinesechinese 有些不规则名词无单、复之分,

10、如custom, oil, blue 有些名词只有复数形式,如compasses,glasses,trousers 练习: 按照单词的正确形式填空 I have two(两个)_(tomato) I have a _ (tomato) She is my _ (sister) They(她们) are my _(sister) There are many _ (tree) There is a _ (tree) He is a _ (teacher) They are _ (teacher) 四、 名词所有格 1、 名词 + s 2、 Of +名词 eg: Toms sister(tom的妹

11、妹) a toy of my sister(我妹妹的一个玩具) 某些情况下,这两种形式可以互相转换! 如:Toms sister = a sister of Tom A toy of my sister = my sisters toy 特殊情况: 1、当表示时间、货币价值、度量种类时用s表示 Five minutes walk mens clothing One kilos weight childrens toys 2、当表示“有关”时,用of The picture of our school 3、 双重所有格 of + s 一般名词前面有a /an / some /that 等词语时用

12、双重所有格 A book of my classmates Some books of my teachers 练习: 用两种形式翻译下列汉语 1、 他的老师 2、 Lily的妹妹 下列各句分别可以用哪一种所有格的形式表达出来? 1、 小孩子的衣服 2、 十分钟的路程 3、 一本关于友谊的书 ( book friendship) 4、 Lily的鞋子 (shose) 5、 一堂有关英语的课 (English class) 补充: 系动词 系动词即be 她们都有“是”的意思,但是当主语不同时系动词所表达出来的形式就会有所不同 1、当主语是第一人称时,所搭配的系动词是am(I am表示“我是”)

13、I am a girl. 2、当主语是第二人称时,所搭配的系动词是are(you are 表示“你是”) you are a girl. 3、如果主语是第三人称,又要分为“第三人称单数”和“第三人称复数”。 当主语是第三人称单数时,系动词用is(he is表示“他是” she is 表示“她是”),当主语是第三人称复数时用are(they are 他们是) The book is good. They are student. 练习: 用be的正确形式填空 1、 She _ a beautiful girl. 2、 They _ my friends. 3、 There _ a bird in

14、 the tree. 4、 There _ birds in the tree 5、 I _ a girl. 6、 We _ girls. 7、 The _ a book. 8、 There _ my books. 9、 We _ students. 10、 I _ a students. 介词 介词的定义: 介词又叫前置词,置于名词或名词同位语之前组成一个表意单位,用以说明该名词或名词同位语与句子中其他词语之间的关系。 常见的介词: 简单介词:in、on、with、by、for、at 合成介词:into、within、throughout、inside、outside 重叠介词:until

15、after(之后) at about (在大约) 短语介词:according to根据 because of因为 短文示例: My vacation This is a hot summer, and my mother told me :“ your sister will in charge of your English this vacation. She arrived at my home on a rainy day, she come into the house with some English book in his hand . She said : English

16、is worthy of hard working, I will teach you all things except I dont know, so you have no choice except hard working. Compared with math, English may be boring, but if you do not study it at all, you cant keep up with you classmate. We start our class on time every morning, I spend all my morning in

17、 studying English, and my father provide breakfast for us, I think ,I will never give up in studying English. 语法: Charge in charge of 负责 my father in charge of breakfast in the charge of sb 由某人负责 Breakfast is in charge of my father . be charge with 充满 The case is charge with water. arrive at 到达 on i

18、n +在某月/在某年/某时期 on+星期几/某一天/某一天上午晚上 常用的几个搭配 In the evening On Sunday morning On a morning of sep On a cold winter evening with with + 介词短语 表状态 he slept with the window open. He stood for an instant with his hand still raised. In worthy of Be worthy of sth 值得、配得上 She is worthy of he. Be worthy of being

19、 done 值得做某事 You are worthy to being studied. Be worthy to be done 值得做某事 Except Except for (除了)可用于句首 Except不可用于句首 Except for tom ,we can all go. We can all go except tom Except +to do He had no choice but/except go. Compared with Compared with 做状语,与相比 Compare with 做谓语,与相比 Compared to 作谓语 把比作 Not at a

20、ll 一点也不 I dont like you at all 我一点也不喜欢你 First of all 首先 Above all 首先 In all 总共 At all 根本 After all 毕竟 On time 准时 On time 有明确的地点及时间限制,既不早也不迟,恰好与规定的时间相同 In time 没有规定的时间地点限制,只要在时间限制之前即可 Catch up with 赶上,追上 Keep up with 跟上,不落后于 Provide Provide sb with sth 给某人提供某物 Provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物 Spend(in) doi

21、ng Spend(in) doing sth 花费时间做某事 Spendon doing 花钱做某事 Spend on sth 花钱在某某上 Give give away赠送、分发 give out 用完用尽 give off 发散、 give in 屈服 投降 退让 give back 归还、送回、报复 give up doing 放弃做某事 代词 一、代词的定义: 代词,即用来代替名词的词,它具有名词和形容词的作用。 人I、we、you、he、she、it、they、me、us、him、her、them 称 物His、her、my、our、your、its、their、mine、yours

22、、his、hers、ours、theirs 主 反Myself、himself、yourself、itself、ourselves、themselves、yourselves 身 相Each other、one another 互 指This、that、these、those、such、same 示 不Some、any、one、someone、something、anyone、either、few、litter 定 疑Who、whom、what、which、whose、whoever、whatever 问 连Who、whom、whose、what、which、that 接 关Who、whom、

23、whose、what、which、that 系 二、代词的位置 1、代词作主语时,当第一人称、第二人称、第三人称同时出现时,排列顺序为,如you she and I will be in charge of the case(我和你还有她负责这个案子) 2、第三人称作主语时,男先女后。如he and she still dont agree to the plan. 三、Some和any 1、在否定句和疑问句中用any,在肯定句和陈述句中用some。 There is some books. There isnt any books. Is there any books? 2、当句子中包含一

24、些含否定意义的词时,也要用any I never seen anyone yesterday. 3、当说话人提出的问题希望得到肯定的回答时,用some,如餐厅服务员提问,既是想要得到肯定的回答。 Would you like some fruit? 4、如果是表示“任何人,任何事物”时,anything、anybody、等也用在肯定句中。 Anybody can do it except tom 四、表示“都”的词 1、肯定的“都”both Both my parents like this movie 2、否定的“都”eitheror He is either Japanese or Chi

25、nese. 五、系动词、助动词、情态动词 情态动词和系动词be一样是动词的一种,它用来说话人的态度,且其形式不受主语的影响。下列为比较常用典型的情态动词:can、could、may、might、must、shall、should、will、would 1、它可以用来表示事情发生的可能性:She may be there. 2、可以用来表示能力:Two people can do it. 3、可以表示许可:Can I take a rest? 4、可以表示习惯:Fish will die out of water. 比较: 1、Can和could、两者都表示能力、可能、许可、和请求,但是coul

26、d的语气更为缓和。 Could I use your pen? Yes, you can. 2、May和might都表示允许、请求。Might的语气更为缓和 Might I use you pen? No ,you mustnt. 3、Shall和should: Shall在第一三人称的疑问句中表示征求意见 Shall I get you a chair?(我给你拿一把椅子吧?) shall在第二三人称陈述句中表命令、警告 You shall fail if you dont work harder. He shall be punished. Should用于各种人称,表示应尽的义务,责任。

27、 You should hard work everyday. mustnt比cant语气更为强烈。 4、Will和would表意愿、请求。 I will teach you English. 助动词 动词在叙述主语的动作和状态时,有时候需要某些词来配合帮助,这些用于配合的词叫做助动词,如be、do、have、shall、will等,它主要用于构成时态、语态、疑问、否定、及加强语气。 They are talking about my pen. 动词的定义 表示动作、状态、或者性质的词 常见的动词分为四大类,即行为动词、系动词、情态动词、助动词。行为动词即表示动作或状态,能够单独做谓语的词语。

28、 当主语是第三人称单数时,句中的动词会发生改变、 She take me a book.(错) She takes me a book. 即:如果主语是第三人称单数,就要相应的在动词后面加上s 1、 如helphelps likelikes getgets 2、 以字母s、x、ch、sh结尾的动词加上es 如teachteaches 3、 如果动词原形词尾已有e,就直接加s,以o结尾的加es 4、 辅音字母加y结尾的,改y为I, 加es 练习:用所给词的正确形式填空 1、 She _ (help) him washing. 2、 He _ (song) loudly. 3、 She _ (te

29、ach) us English. 4、 She _ (see) it 5、 He _ (study) so hard. 动词三种形式之间的变化 动词常见的三种形式即 一般时态 过去时态 完成时态 一般的动词的过去时态和完成时态就是在一般时态的动词上加上ed,如askaskedasked但是很多动词都是不规则动词,不会按照这种变化,比如bewas/werebeen dodiddone等等 常见不规则动词的归类如下 AAA式的 Cost cost cost / cut cut cut / put put put Let let let / read read read ABB式的 Meet met met/ lead led led/ leave left left Keep kept kept/ feel felt felt/ lose lost lost Sell sold sold/ win won won/ catch cought cought ABC式的 Do did done/ begin began began /fall fell fallen Rise rose risen /fly flew flown / eat ate eaten Take took taken/ fly flew flown/ drink drank drunk


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