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1、北师大下册六年级英语各单元检测卷及考点可数名词变复数的形式规则 第一课时 1.一般情况,在词尾加-s. desk-desks 书桌 girl-girls 女孩 boy-boys pen-pens 2.以-s,-x,-ch,-sh 结尾的词,在词尾加-es bus-buses box-boxes brush-brushes watch-watch 3.以辅音字母加-y结尾的词,变y为i,加-es baby-babies 婴儿 family-families家庭 4.以-f或-fe结尾的词,变f或fe为v,再加-es knife-knives刀 leaf-leaves树叶 5.以辅音字母加-o结尾

2、的词,一般情况下,有生命在词尾加-es,无生命加-s tomato-tomatoes西红柿 potato-potatoes马铃薯 photo-photos照片 6.可数名词变为复数形式的不规则变化如下: foot-feet脚 mouse-mice老鼠 goose-geese鹅 ox-oxen公 牛 man-men男人 woman-women女人 child-children孩子 Chinese-Chinese中国人 deer-deer鹿 sheep-sheep绵羊 fish-fish鱼 第二课时 一、把单数变成复数: box_ pencil_ watch_ star_ door_ window

3、_ bag_ bowl_ book_ dog_ cat_ flower_-_ tree_ chair_ people_ girl_ man_ woman_ policeman_ policewoman_ tooth_ goose_ doctor_ teacher_ child_ student_ 二、填空。 1. I have many _(book) in my bag. 2. There _(be) two pens and a pencil. 3. How many _(city) do you know? 4. She has some _(leaf) . 5. Are there a

4、ny _(fruit) on the desk? 6. Lily and Lucy _(be) twins. 7. My family has three_(people). 8. Many _(man) _(teacher) in my school. 9. Look at these _(picture). 10. Happy _(child) Day! 第一单元检测题 一、Read and write. young _ short _ small _ strong_ long _ heavy _ funny _ happy_ sunny _ thin_ big _ sad _ 二、Rea

5、d and choose. ( ) 1. A. younger B. stronger C. singer D. shorter ( ) 2. A. hand B. than C. arm D. head ( ) 3. A. funny B. think C. kind D. active ( ) 4. A. feet B. leg C. wear D. hair ( ) 5. A. both B. cm C. ton 三、Read and choose. D. kg ( ) 1. - How _ are you? - Im 46 kilograms. A. short B. heavy C.

6、 small ( ) 2. John is ten years old. Bob is eleven . Bob is one year than John. A. older B. younger C. thinner ( ) 3. - is the tree? -20m. A. How much B. How tall C. How heavy ( ) 4. My shoes are size 37. Your shoes are size 39. Your shoes are _ than mine. A. smaller B. bigger C. shorter ( ) 5. - Im

7、 1.65 metres. - Im 1.59 metres. You are _ than me. A. tall B. heavier C. taller 四、Fill in the blanks. A. long B. big C. heavy D. tall E. old 1. How _ are you? Im 162 cm. Im taller than you now. 2. How _ is your brother? Hes 46 kg. 3. How _ are you? Im 13 years old. 4. How _ is your hair? Its 30 cm.

8、My hair is longer than yours. 5. How _ are your feet? They are 23 cm. My feet are bigger. 五、Read and choose. 1. How tall are you? A. Sarah. 2. How heavy is Zhang Peng? B. Chen Jies . 3. What size are Amys shoes? C. He is 48 kilograms. 4. Who is younger? D. Im 1.63m. 5. Whose dress is longer? E. Her

9、shoes are size 7. 六、Rearrange the words. 1. I 1.6 tall meters am (.) _ 2 . wear, 38 I size shoes in China (.) _ 3. shoes size are what your, (?) _ 4 you than me heavier are (.) _ 5. than Its both of us taller together (.) _ 七、Read and write. (读一读,写一写。) Hi, my name is Sarah. I am in grade 6. I have m

10、any friends in my class. John is a smart boy and he is thinner than me. Lily is heavier than me. She is very cute. Zhang Peng is stronger than me and he is very friendly. Mike and Wu Yifan often play together. They are good at sports. Mikes feet are bigger than Wu Yifans, but my feet are smaller tha

11、n Wu Yifans. I love my friends. What about your friends? 1. Tick or cross. (读短文,判断正“” 误“”。) 一、Read and choose. 1.A.stayed 2.A.yesterday B.danced C. eating B.last Sunday C.Saturday 3.A. bigger B.made C. cleaned 4.A. was B. am C. are 5.A.went B.got C. lives 二、Read and write.(读一读,写出下列单词的正确形式。) 1.well(比

12、较级) 6.live(过去式) 2.swim(现在进行式) 7.have(过去式) 3.stay(过去式) 8.plan(过去式) 4.cry(过去式) 9.read(过去式) 5.watch(第三人称单数) 10.drank(原形) 三、Choose the best answer. (选择正确答案,把序号填在括号内。) ( ) 1. Did you clean your room? _. A. Yes, I did. B. No,I dont. C. No, I did. ( ) 2.What did Lisa do yesterday? She_ to music. A. listens

13、 B. listen C. listened ( ) 3. Did John_ _ a cold yesterday? A. has B. had C. have ( ) 4. Lisa usually her homework after super. A. does B.do C. did ( ) 5. he football last weekend? A. Did, played B. Did, play C. Did, plays ( )6. What did John do yesterday morning? A. He went boating. B. She made the

14、 bed. C. He sleep all day. ( )7. I went to the park_. A. tomorrow B. last weekend C. everyday ( ) 8.My mom busy yesterday. A. was B.is C.are ( ) 9.Sarah funny stories last night. A. reading B.readed C.read ( ) 10.What Linda do the day before yesterday ? She visited grandparents with her parents. A.

15、does B.did C.is 四、(一)Rearrange the words.(连词成句。) 1.stayed all I home at weekend slept and ( . ) 2. you do anything did else ( ? ) 3. the we tea in drank afternoon ( . ) (二) Read and write.( 根据所给答句写出问句。) 4. ?-Icleaned my room last weekend. 5. ? -It was good, thanks. 五、Read and choose.(选出正确答语,把序号填在括号内

16、。) 1.What did you do yesterday? A. Shes a coach. 2. What does your mother do ? B. Yes, I did. 3. What did Mike do the day before yesterday? C. Yes, it was. 4.Did you go hiking last Sunday ? D.I did my homework. 5. Was it interesting? E. He played basketball. 六、Read and answer. Zhang Peng had a long

17、holiday last month. He went to Hangzhou and visited her grandparents. He went there by train. Zhang Peng played with his cousin on the first day of the holiday. The next day, he visited the West Lake. It was very beautiful. He went boating. He climbed a mountain, too. He stayed in Hangzhou for five

18、days. For the last day of the holiday, he came back home and did his homework, then prepared to go back to school. 1. Where did Zhang Peng go on his holiday? 2. How did he go there? 3.What did he do there? 4. When did he go back home? 5. Did Zhang Peng visit his grandparents last month? 七、Read and w

19、rite.(写作乐园。) 以“My Last Weekend”为题,写一写自己上周末的活动,注意条理清晰,表达准确,字迹工整,不少于5句话。 My Last Weekend I had a busy weekend. _ _ _ _ 六年级英语第三单元检测卷 一、Read and choose. 1. A .licked B. laugh C. saw 2. A. could B. see C. went 3. A. beach B. mule C. Turpan 4. A. fell B. till C. stayed 5. A. was B. did C. dressed 二、Look a

20、nd write(看一看,写一写。) go(过去式)_ hurt(原形)_ rode(原形)_ buy(过去式)_ take(过去式)_ ate(原形)_ were(原形)_ am/is(过去式)_ drink(过去式)_ ran(原形)_ 三、Look and choose. (看一看,选出最佳答案。) ( )1.Where did Mr Guo go last Saturday? _ A. He went to a park. B.He went hiking. ( )2.What _you_there? We saw lots of grapes. A.did did B.did do

21、( )3._did you go with? My parents and me. A.Where B. Who ( )4.Did you go to Beijing last week? A.Yes, I do. B.Yes,we did. ( )5.How did MeiMei go to the zoo? A.She went on foot. B.She went to Hainan. 四、Read and choose.(读问句,选答语,并将序号填入括号中。) ( )1.Where did you go on your holiday? A.Im ok now. ( )2.Did s

22、he go to Xinjiang? B.I fell off my bike. ( )3.How did he go? C.I went to Sanya. ( )4.What happened? D.He went by plane. ( )5.Are you all right? E.Yes,she did. 五、Look and write.(连词成句。) 1. did Mike what last do weekend ( ? ) _ 2. did go you where ( ? ) _ 3. you to go Turpan did ( ? ) _ 4. go did you t

23、here how ( ? ) _ 5. we there plane by went ( . ) _ 六、Read and tick() or cross().(阅读理解。) Monday, April,28 Today was a sunny day. In the morning, Robin and me walked to Wu Yifans home. It was his birthday. I bought some dinosaurs pictures for him. He liked them very much. We ate the birthday cake and

24、lunch together. We had a good time. ( )1.Today was Sunday. ( )2.Today was Robins birthday. ( )3.Wu Yifan liked the dinosaurs pictures very much. ( )4.They ate breakfast together. ( )5.They had a bad day but also a good day. 六年级英语第四单元检测卷 一Listen and choose. (读一读,选出每组中不同类的单词。) 1. A. felt B. thought C.

25、 took D. watched ( ) 2. A. active B. quiet C. tall D. library ( ) 3. A. basketball B. football C. badminton D. different ( ) 4. A. twelve B. eight C. second D. ten ( ) 5. A. tall B. small C. big D. younger 二Choose the best answer. ( 单项选择。) 1._ did you do on your holiday? AHow B. Where C. What 2. Whe

26、re _ you _ on your holiday? A. did ; go B did; do C. did; went 3. She _ last weekend. 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.Lspjm A. drank tea B.buy gifts C.is going to visit her grandparents 4. He usually_ on the weekends. A. reads books B. slept C. see a film 5. I _ it was too cold, and I _ go camping. A. think; can

27、t B. thought; couldnt C. think couldnt 6.There _ no computer rooms last year. A. were B. werent C. isnt ( ) 7. I look it _on the internet. A. down B.at C. up ( ) 8. Tell us _your school, please. A. about B. but C. how ( )9. Could you see _at night? A. star B. stars C. stares ( )10. There were no com

28、puters _Internet in my time. A .and B. but C. or 三Read and choose. ( ) 1.Where did you go over the winter holiday? A. We went there by plane. ( ) 2. How did you go there? B. Yes, I liked the stars. ( ) 3. What did you do there? C. I went to Sanya. ( ) 4. Could you see stars at night? D. It was good,

29、 thank you. ( ) 5. How was your weekend? E. I rode a horse. 四Fill in the blanks. take_ think_ take_ live_ help_ have_ feel_ do 五Fill in the blanks. 1. I often _ (do) my homework in the evening. But yesterday evening I _(watch) TV. 2. -Did Mike_ _(go) swimming? - No, he _ _(do). 3. I _ _(cook) noodle

30、s yesterday. 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L 4.I_ _(wake) up at 7 oclock this morning. 5. Im going to _ _(have) an art class next weekend 六Rearrange the words. 1. know you do how that (.) _ 2. was there library no my in school old (.) _ 3. couldnt my bike ride I(.) _ 4. am I class in active very now(?) _ 5. no

31、 gym there was my school in ago years twenty(.) _ 七.Read and judge. My school is very beautiful. There are more than 5 thousand students. Equipment is very abundant. There is a big playground in my school. We have PE class on the playground and we often play sports on it, too. Our teaching building

32、has five floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor. It is big and clean. The computer rooms are on the third floor, we can search for information on the Internet now. There is a library on the second floor. There are many books in the library. I often read books here. There are some music rooms and

33、 art rooms in the teaching building, too. 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.Lspjy. But five years ago, my school is simple and crude. There was only few students in our school. There was no library and no Internet in that time. There was no art room and no music, too. So we had to have music and art classes in our

34、 classroom. The playground is very small. I love my new school. Welcome to our school. ( ) 1. The equipment is very abundant in our school five years ago. ( ) 2. Students often have PE class on the playground and play sports on it, too. ( ) 3. My school is simple and crude five years ago. ( ) 4. There is a library on the sec


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