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1、去邮局日常英语用语Word Power 1.mail 邮政,邮件 n. mailman 邮差 n. package 包裹 n. express 快递 n. postage postd邮资 n. mailbox 邮筒,私人信箱 n. postbox 邮箱 n. 2.letter 信件 n. address 地址 n. zip code 邮政编码 stamp 邮票 n. envelope 信封 n. return address drs寄件人地址 recipients address rspnt收件人地址 postmark 邮戳 n. commemorative stamp kmemretv纪念邮

2、票 3.postal postl邮政的 adj. postal clerk klk 邮政办事员 postal money order 汇票 insurance nrns 保险 n. post office box 邮政专用信箱 4.deliver dlv 投递 v. spam spm 广告邮件 n. personal mail 私人信件 airmail rmel 航空邮件 n. seamail 海运 n. postcard postkrd明细片 n. registered letterrdstd 挂号信 printed material prntd 印刷品 Conversation 会话 Ex

3、cuse me, Ma am. I would like to mail this package door to door via va airmail to London. It is a very important package and has to be sent within 3 days. 不好意思,小姐。我想用航空挂号邮寄这件包裹到伦敦,这是一件很重要的包裹,必须在3天内寄到。 No problem. But, the postage is much higher than the regular package. 没问题。但是邮资会比一般包裹贵出很多。 Thats fine

4、 with me. I am willing to pay for it as long as you can guarantee,rnti me the package can arrive in time. 那没关系。我愿意支付,只要你保证我的包裹可以准时寄到。 OK. All the registered airmail packages can be received in a 5 working days. 好的。所有挂号的航空包裹可在5个工作日内到达。 I see. How much do I need to pay in total for this package? 我知道了。

5、这件包裹总共需要多少邮资? Its 500 dollars. 共500美元。 Can I have the receiptrsit? Just in case I can trace tresit if something goes wrong. 可以给我收据吗?只是以防万一,若有差错可以有依据查询。 Sure! Please just fill in your I.D. number and ways to contact kntkt you here. 当然!请在这里填入你的身份证号和联系方式。 Do I need to include my zip zp code in the addr

6、ess? 需要在住址中加上我的邮政编码吗? You had better include nklud that because it is easierizi for the mailmen to find the correct mailing place. 最好加上邮编,这样邮差容易找到正确的邮寄地址。 Thank you very much. Here is 500 dollars. 非常谢谢你。这是500美元。 Here is your receipt. Contact us if your friend still doesnt receive the package after 5

7、 work days. 这是你的收据。如果你的朋友在5个工作日内没收到包裹的话,可联系我们。 send Excuse me. I would like to send this letter by airmail. 不好意思,我想寄封航空邮件。 Sure. What you need to do is to put a stamp with enough postage and mark on the cover with By Airmail. 没问题,你只要贴足够的邮资,并在上面注明“航空邮件”即可。 stampstmp Excuse me. Where can I buy commemo

8、rativekmemretv stamps? 不好意思。哪里可以买到纪念邮票呢? Go to counter kantNo.12, please. 请到第12号窗口。 deliverdlv Excuse me. Can I deliver the file fal by expressksprs? 不好意思。我可以用快递寄送这份文件吗? Sure. Please put the file in this paper box and seal sil it. 当然可以。请将文件放入纸盒中,并把盒子封好。 depend on How much is it to mail a registeredr

9、dstd package? 寄一封挂号包裹要多少钱? It depends on the weightwet. The more it weighs, the more you pay. 要视重量而定。重量愈重价格就愈贵。 a set of I am collecting postcards. 我在收集明信片。 Great. You can buy a set of postcards . They just came out last week. 太好了。你可以买一套明信片。它们上星期才发行。 retrieve I missed an important letterlt when I we

10、nt out this afternoon. All I have is just a note not left by the postman postmn. 我今天下午出门时错过了一封重要邮件。我只收到一张邮差留下的通知。 Read the note carefully and follow the steps on the note. I am sure you can retrieve rtrivyour letter. 仔细阅读通知并遵照上面的步骤。我想你一定可以收到你的信。 apply for pla Can I apply for a personal mail box at t

11、he post office? 我可以申请一个邮局的私人信箱吗? Cost How much does it cost to send a letter to Hong Kong by airmail? 寄航空信到香港要多少钱? addressdrs Where do I put the senders and the receivers address? 我要在哪里填写寄件人和收件人的住址? You put the senders address on the top left corner, and the receivers address in the center. 你要在左上角写寄件人的住址,并在中间写收件人住址。 How many days does it take to send a letter to Japan by seamail? 海运邮件到日本要多少天?


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