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1、外研社年级英语时态 初一时 态 综 合 复习 考时态解题方法:看头看尾找时间词 确定时态 时态结构a.现在进行时:be + Ving c. 一般现在时:动原/ 三单:动+s/es 结构:1)肯定句:be (am , is , are) 否定句:be 后加 not 一般疑问句:把be动词移到句首 be动词运用口诀:我(I)用am, 你(you)用are, Is 连着他(he)她(she)它(it), 遇到复数都用are. 2) 肯定句:动词原形 否定句:dont + 动词原形 ; 一般疑问句:在句首加Do? 主语是第三人称单数 动词原形+S/es 否定句:doesnt + 动词原形;一般疑问句:

2、Does +主语+动原? 一般现在时用法专练 一、一般现在时:表示经常性、习惯性动作或状态 b. 一般将来时:will/be going to +动原 一、用be动词填空 二、 用括号内动词的适当形式填空 1. China _ a big country. 1. He often (wash) clothes on Sunday. 2. Everyone _have a good time. 2. The girl usually (teach) us English . 3. Her mother _an English teacher. 3. New Year Festival _ (fi

3、nish) at Lantern Festival. 4. There _ lots of visitors. 4. Lucy and Lily (work) hard every day. 5. Where _ you from? 5. She always _ (carry) her book in her bag. 6. There _ some water in glasses. 6. Linda _ (not do) her homework on Sunday 7. They _ good friends. 7.We _ (not clean) the house for a fe

4、w days. 8. I _ not from Jiangsu. He _ a worker. 8. your parents (read) newspapers every day? 9. Daming and I_ good friends. 9. What _ he often _ (do) on Saturdays? 10. We _ in the classroom. 10. Red _ (mean) good luck. Everyone _(have)a haicut. 二、现在进行时:表示正在进行的动作或状态 结构:be (am, is, are) + V-ing 时间标志:n

5、ow ;at the moment ;Look! Listen! Its oclock; Where is? 进行在时用法专练 一、选择题 ( )1. Their teachers are _ the new school. 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空,请注意时态 A. visiting B. looking C. seeing D. visit 1.Look!The girl _(run). She _ (run) every day. ( )2. Different people _ doing different_. 2.She _(dance) now. She likes _(da

6、nce) a lot. A.is, thingB.are;thingC.am;thing D.are;things 3.Its six oclock. They _ (wait) for buses. ( )3. Nancy is _ and Lily is making breakefast. 4.Tom and I _(have) afternoon tea now. A.getting dress B. get dressed C.getting dressed 5.At this moment, the children _ (lie) in the sun. ( )4.Its_now

7、. A. rain B.rained C.raining Drains 6. Jim is_(buy)presents and Joe _(take) photos. ( )5.Jim, could you help me? -Wait a moment. I _7.Look!My parents _(decorate) the room. A. read a book B. do my homework C. am cooking 8.Where is Linda? She _( shop) for postcards. ( )6.-Hi Joe, Where is Jim? A. wash

8、 B. is washing 9.Listen! somebody _ (talk) in the room. - He is _ his clothes. C.will wash D. washes 10.He_a letter now. He always _(write) letters to Jim. ( )7.-_ the children playing football? 11.Its nine oclock, people arent _(get) up or getting _(dress) - Yes, they _. 12.What _Tony and Daming_(d

9、o) now? They _(play) ball. A. Are; do B. Do; are C. Are; are D. Do; do 13.Were _(enjoy) the sun and _(have) a good time. ( )8. Dont talk! Grandma _ now. 14.Im _(look) forward to _(see) my grandfather A.sleeps B. is sleeping C.sleeping D.will sleep 三、句型转换。 ( )9. Look! Betty _ for bus 1.We are getting

10、 ready for Spring Festival now. (改为否定句) A. waiting B. is waiting C. waits D.wait We _ _ ready for Spring Festival now. ( )10.What _ you _ at the moment? 2. I am looking at the homes of film stars. (对划线部分提问 ) A.do; doB. are; do C. are; doing C.Does ;doing _ _ you _ now? 三、一般将来时:将要发生的动作或状态 时间标志:tomorr

11、ow;in the future;next ; at the weekend; soon; later (1) be going to +动原 否定句:be 后加not 一般疑问句:把be动词移到句首? will +动原 否定句:will not = wont +动原 一般疑问句:把will移到句首 ? 一现将来时用法专练 一、选择题 三、用所给词适当形式填空。 1.Where _ they _ to tomorrow? 1.There _ (be) strong winds tomorrow morning. A.is;going B.are;going C.will;going D.do;

12、go 2.My sister with me _(go) shopping tomorrow. 2.I _ to play football at the weekend. 3.Teachers _( not write) on the blackboard _ chalk. A.am go B. are going C.is going D.am going 4.What are you _(go) to do on Saturday evening? 3.We _ go swimming if the weather is fine. 5._ Kate _(have) a picnic n

13、ext Sunday? A.are going to B. is going to C. arent going to 6.If it doesnt rain tomorrow, they _(go) swimming. 4.There _a football match this evening. 7._(fly) _(be) cheap in the future. A. is B. will is C. will have D. will be 8.I will be free this evening, so I _( do) some sightseeing. 5._ student

14、s _to school in the future? 9. No one _ (use) paper, pencils and pens. A.Do;go B.Are;go C.Will;go D. Will; going 10.Will there _(be) schools in the future? No, _ _ . 二、句型转换 1.They are going to have a picnic. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they going to _? 2.Hes going to lie on the beach. He _ _ _ lie on the beach. 3

15、.There will be heavy rain tomorrow._ _ _heavy rain tomorrow? 4.We clean the classroom everyday.(用tomorrow改写)We _ _ the classroom _. 综合时态专练 1What are they doing? They are_things away. 二、用所给词正确形式填空,注意时态变化。 (A)put (B)puting (C)putting (D)carry 1. He always _hard. He is at _, he is _(work)now. 2Do they

16、have a new car? Yes,_. 2.Mike often _shopping on Sunday, he _ (A)they are (B)they have (C)they dont (D)they do some clothes at the weekend. He _ (run) now. 3He often _ supper at 6:00 in the evening. 3.Kate _ (like) _(sing). Listen! She _(sing) now A. have B. has c. is having D. is eating 4.The stude

17、nts are _(visit) the museum and _(take) photos 4. Its 6 oclock in the morning. He _. 5.Peter is going to _(stay) in bed tomorrow. A. get up B. gets up C. is geting up D. is getting up 6.We are _ (look) forward _ (lie) on the beach. 5. What are you doing? Im _ TV and dancing. 7.Tom and Bob_(be) good

18、friends. Theyre_(enjoy) games A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching 8.Jim _ well. He _now. He is a good _(cook) 6. _ you _ free tomorrow 9.There _(be) heavy rain tomorrow, I _ (revise) for my test. No. I _ free the day after tomorrow. 10.Its five oclock. We are _(leave) school and _(go)home A.

19、 Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will 11.What are you _(go) to _(do) at the weekend? C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be I am going _(have) a picnic.We often _(play) together 7. Mother _ me a nice present on my next birthday 12.Betty and I _(write) now. Betty always _(tea

20、ch) me A. will gives B. will give C. gives D. give 13.They _(have) an English party next Sunday. 三、句型转换。 1. They like football and music. 5.We are buying some presents at the moment. They _ _football and music. We _buying _presents at the moment. 2. We are cleaning the classroom now. 6. There will b

21、e strong winds tomorrow? (改为一般疑问句并回答) _ are _ _ now ? _ there _ strong winds tomorrow? No, there _ 3. My mother often gets up early. (改为一般疑问句并回答) 7.He likes playing basketball. He likes playing football, too.(同义句) _ _ mother often _up early? He likes playing basketball _ he _ _ playing football. Yes , she _./ No , she _. 8. I will go swimming tomorrow? 4. I am going to have a picnic. _ _ you _ tomorrow? _ _ you going to _ ? 9. Is your mother cooking? (否定回答) No, she _


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