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1、大学主谓一致练习题Exercise for subject-verb concord I.Multiple choice: 1.The manager or his assistant _ going to attend the meeting. A. were B. are C. is D. has 2. Two weeks _ enough for us to finish the task. A.has B. are C.is D.were 3. Her politics _ neither conservative nor liberal. A.are B. has been C. w

2、as D. is 4.A round and a spuare table _ in the shop window. A. was exhibiting B. was exhibited C. were exhibiting D.were exhibited 5.When he got to the fair, what were left behind _ ten empty bottles. A. was B. were C.just D.only 6.There is always a possibility that the infection will return, but so

3、 far there _ been no signs of trouble. A. has B.have C.are D. had 7. George is the only one of the brightest students who _ from New York University. A.is graduated B.have graduated C.has graduated D. are graduated 8. Hard work and plain living _ characteristics of the working class. A. were B. is C

4、. has been D.are 9.Although the first part of the book is easy, the rest _ . A. are difficult B. has proved difficult C. is supposed difficult D. have been found difficult 10. Every policeman and fireman _ on the alert. A. was B. were C. have been D. are 11. Since the Chernobyl nuclear explosion, Th

5、e public_ great concern over the safety of nuclear power plants. A. has shown B. showed C. shows D. is shown 12. Ten percent of the workers in this city _ now on strike. A. is B. are C. is to be D. are to be 13. Several of the cups in the set _ in delivery. A. were smashed B. was smashing C. was sma

6、shed D. were smashing 14. Bacon and scrambled eggs _ the standard American breakfast. A. is B. are C. is to be D. are to be 15. In cold climates, the wood-frame dwelling, properly built and insulated, _ warmest type of home. A. and the B. the C. is the D. where it is 16.The growth of part-time and f

7、lexible working patterns, and of training and retraining schemes _ more women to take advantage of emplyment opportunities. A. allow B.allows C. allowing D. have allowed 17. Television is one of the great advances in methods of communication that _ made in the 19th century. A. was B. were C. are D.

8、has been 18. The office staff _ gathered to hear the president speak. A. will B. are C.was D. has been 19. The auxiliary police _ to report for duty at the headquarters immediately. A. are required B. required C. is required D. will require 20.Mathematics as well as physics always _ me a lot of head

9、aches. A. has caused B. are causing C. cause D. causes 21. Not only you and I but Peter, the top student in our grade _ not able to solve the problem. A. are B. were C. is D. am 22. Plenty of fruits, eggs, and vegetables_ needed for health. A. are B. is C. is being D. have 23. He is one of those spe

10、akers who _ ideas perfectly clear. A. make their B. makes her C.make his D. make ones 24. The committee _ among themselves for four hours. A. has been arguing B. has been argued C. have been arguing D. have been argued 25. With the elevation of peoples standard of living, cosmetics _ favorite toplc,

11、 especially among women. A. becomes B. become C. has become D. have become 26. All the data _ once and again; still there are a lot of mistakes. A. has been checked B. is checked C. have been checked D. had veen checked 27. Many species of animals which once lived on the earth _ no longer in existen

12、ce. A. was B. were C. is D. are 28. Either your teacher or you _ mistaken. A. are B. is C. has D. be 29. Not only I but also Tom and Mary _ fond of watching television. A. am B. is C. are D. be 30. It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses the tools that _. A. make him a scientist B. make

13、 to be scientist C. makes him to be a scientist D. makes him a scientist 31. _ either he or his accountants going to clainm for the loss? A. Are B. Were C. Is D. Does 32. Of particular interest to visitors _ the large number of bookstores that sell books in different languages. A. is B. were C. are

14、D.was 33. There _ not only the earth but also eight other planets in the solar system. A. are B. were C. is D. was 34. What _ used as chief building materials today _ steel and concrete. A. have been are B. is are C. are are D. are is 35. In the room _ a big table and a great many chairs. A. do they

15、 find B. is found C. are found D. have found 36. All that can be done _ . A. have been done B. has been done C. have done D. has done 37. The project requires more labour than _ because it is extremely difficult. A. have been put in B. to be put in C. has been put in D. being put in 38. Not only the

16、 whole nation, but the whole Europe, indeed the whole human society_ to alter its attitude to racial problems. A. have a need B. need C. has a need D. needs II.Error correction 1.Just outside the ruins are a magnificent building surrounded by tall trees. A B C D 2.Along the northern border of Italy

17、is seen Alps, mighty in their splendor. A B C D 3.Knowing how to think clearly and to speak correctly give one confidence. A B C D 4.Althongh the body has been reduced in size by eighteen inches, there have been little change in the A B C D engine of the new models. 5.Dictionaries may be used to ans

18、wer question, to solve problems, or to obtain information. A B C D 6.The news of the presidents treaty negotiations with the foreign government were received with A B mixed emotions by the citizens of both governments. C D 7.There are a large supply of pens and notebooks in the storeroom to the left

19、 of the library entrance. A B C D 8.Only about one of twelve of the young men and women of this country receive a college education. A B C D 9.More often it is the President, and not the members of his cabinet, who appeal to the public. A B C D 10.In this city is to be found both the most renowned s

20、cholars and the scoundrels of the country. A B C D 11.The salesman assured me that a good set of tires were supposed to last at least twenty miles. A B C D 12.Within the Alamo was one hundred and eighty men, more than two thirds of whom had recently A B migrated from nearby states. C D 13.With the e

21、xception of aluminum, shiny metals such as tin or copper turns into black powders when A B C ground fine. D 14.The weeks of summer training are often as tense for sports writers as it is for football players . A B C D 15.Americqn women have come a long way on the road toward a role for women which a

22、re as A B C dignified and responsible as the one assigned to men. D 16.That intelligence tests actually give a measurement of the intelligence of individuals are A B questioned by some eminent psychologists. C D 17.Neither the reporters nor the editor has received their paycheck. A B C D 18.Subject

23、bibliographies vary in size, scope, and method, according to the purpose for which A B C it is designed. D 19.A body of volunteers have been organized to aid the helpless in their struggle for survival. A B C D 20.Although a majority of the houses in that area are still in need of repair, there have

24、 been much A B C improvement in their appearance. D Key:I 1-5 CCADB 6-10 BCDBA 11-15 ABAAC 16-20 BBBAD 21-25 AAACA 26-30 CDACD 31-35 CACCC 36-38 BCD II 1.B is 2.B are seen 3.D gives 4.C has been 5.A questions 6.B was 7.A is 8.C receives 9. C who appeals 10.A are 11.C was 12.A were 13.C turn into 14.A is 15.C is 16.C is 17.C his 18.D they are 19.A has been organized 20.C has been


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