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1、大学英语综合教程复习资料大学英语综合教程复习整理 一、词组翻译 Unit One 1. 大自然的王国 the realm of nature 2. 为社会利益服务 serve the interests of society 3. 气候环境 climatic conditions 4. 在对的恐惧之中 in fear of 5. 6. 日常必须品 daily necessities 打着“文明”的旗号 n the name of civilization 21. 被缠住 be stuck with 22. 医疗技术 medical technology 23. 在更深层次上 on a deep

2、er level 24. 渴望 be hungry for Unit Three 1. 了解一些情况 7. 关注 be concerned with 8. 不可替代的自然资源 irreplaceable natural resources 9. 动态平衡 dynamic balance 10. 不祥之兆 ominous sign 11. 崩溃 break down 12. 工业废物 industrial waste 13. 人工合成材料 synthetic goods 14. 从头到脚 from head to foot 15.自然循环 the cycle of natural process

3、es 16. 在于 lie in 17. 直到目前 as yet 18. 回到我们的主题上 return to our theme 19.自然规律 laws of nature 20. 结果是 turn out Unit Two 1. 国内生产总值 gross domestic product 2. 预期寿命 life expectancy 3. 富裕 well off 4. 平均 on average 5. 永恒的课题 an eternal subject 6. 工业革命 Industrial Revolution 7. 突破性研究成果 groundbreaking work 8. 人类命运

4、 human lot 9. 就而言 when it comes to 10. 普遍现象 a universal phenomenon 11. 彩票中奖者 lottery winners 12. 幸福感 sense of well-being 13. 起作用的原则 principles at work 14. 牢记在心 keep in mind 15. 没有影响 make no difference 16. 好歹 for good or ill 17. 身份资料失窃 identity theft 18. 想到 come to mind 19. 脆弱的隐私 fragile privacy 20.

5、联网的数据库 linked databases have some grasp of the situation 2. 积极予以肯定 have some positive sense of certainty 3. 调查,研究 look into 4. 逃走,溜掉 slip away 5. 在某种程度上 in a way 6. 把视为/设想成为 pictureas 7. 在末尾 at the end of 8. 换言之 in other words 9. 无疑,必定 no doubt 10.在寻求的过程中 in ones quests for 11. 一个学科 a field of learn

6、ing 12. 惊讶于 be amazed at 13. 有幸获得机会 luck into an opportunity 14. 比如说,假设 lets say 15. 而不是 rather than 16. 更好把握 gain a better grasp of 17. 有自信心 be sure of oneself 18. 断绝,封锁,使隔离 closeoff 19. 开拓,开发,开辟 openup 20. 倒过来,相反地 the other way around 21. 将从中引导/转移出来 leadaway from 22. 将握在手中 holdin hands Unit Four 1

7、. 从严格意义上说 in the strict sense 2. 谋生 earn a living 3. 体力劳动 manual job 4. 脑力劳动 mental job 5. 与一致,相符 coincide with 6. 心脏病 heart attacks 7. 摆脱强制 freedom from compulsion 8. 据推测 at a guess 9. 劳动分工 the division of labour 10. 受雇职业 paid occupations 11. 大众社会 mass society 12. 爱好,沉迷于 go in for 13. 广大民众 the mass

8、es 14. 吸食毒品 drug-taking 15. 进行暴力活动 commit acts of violence 16. 埋头做,认真做 get ones teeth into 1. 人生的艺术 the art of living 2. 紧紧把握人生 hold fast to life 3. 回首往事 in backward glance 4. 褪色的美 a beauty that faded 5. 消逝的爱 a love that withered 6. 严重的心脏病 a severe heart attack 7. 重症监护病房 intensive care 8. 辅助检查 addit

9、ional tests 9. 沉醉在这金色的阳光中 relished the suns golden glow 10. 来去匆匆 hurry to and fro 11. 视而不见 be indifferent to 12. 为琐碎而低俗的顾虑所困扰 be preoccupied with petty and mean concerns 13. 从这次经历中所获得的顿悟 the insight gleaned from that experience 14. 太掉以轻心 be too careless of 15. 把握每一个小时 embrace each hour 16. 矛盾体的另一极 t

10、he opposite pole of paradox 17. 世界在我们的掌握之中 the world is ours to command 18. 满腔热情、全力以赴 with the full force of our passion 19. 面对现实 confront us with realities 20. 在人生的每个阶段 at every stage of life 21. 承受损失 sustain losses 22. 开始独立的生命 begin independent lives 23. 面对不可避免的死亡 confront the inevitability of dea

11、th 24. 心甘情愿地服从于 be reconciled to 25. 倾心地去爱 give ones heart in love 26. 破解这个矛盾 resolve this paradox 27. 通向永恒的窗户 windows that open on eternity 28. 人类对得到拯救的憧憬 the vision of humankind redeemed 29. 永远无求无争 forever free of need and conflict Unit Five 1. 有一技之长 possess a single talent or skill 2. 获得声誉 gain s

12、ome popularity 3. 年复一年 year after year 4. 千篇一律的风景或画像 similar scenes or portraits 5. 自己功名的奴隶 the slave of ones success 6. 把短暂的声誉赐予他人 give the momentary fame to another 7. 赢得忠实的追捧者的高度关注 bring high regard from loyal fans 8. 从他人处获得怜悯 bring sympathy from others 9. 降低期望 lower ones expectations 10. 假装不关心失败

13、 pretend not to notice the failure 11. 激发某人更加努力 motivate sb. to strive even harder 12. 开始某人的职业生涯 launch ones career 13. 被赶出学校 be thrown out of school 14. 以失败为动力,奋发有为 use the failure to motivate sb. to achieve 15. 成为某人的抨击目标 be the target of sb. 16. 将某人置于众人的关注下 turn all the lights on sb. 17. 把你变得不像你 i

14、t takes the you out of you 18. 在某些方面展示才华 demonstrate excellence in some field 19. 拼命追求声誉和财富 desperately seek fame and fortune 20. 舍命也不要松手 hang on for dear life Unit Six 二、句子翻译 1. 2. 3. Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to _adjust / adapt to life in a different culture_ (适应

15、不同文化中的生活) Since my childhood I have found that _nothing attracts me more than reading/nothing is more attractive to me than reading_ (没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力) He hurried to the railway station, _only to find the train had left _(结果发现列车已经开走了) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Drugs can _relieve of your pain_ (缓和你的疼痛) This ar

16、ticle was intended to _draw the publics attention to environmental protection _(引起公众对环保的注意) Piles of work have kept us busy,_so much so that we cant manage to take a holiday this day_. (以至于今年都没法度假了) Many animals face extinction as_as the result of human interference_.(人类干预的结果) David was glad that_hi

17、s efforts were rewarded by success_.(他的努力获得成功) If you win,_you will be qualified for a place in the finals_.(将获得决赛资格) 文) 10. Our instructor hope that_we can submit our term paper before the deadline_.(能在最后限期前交学期论11. _The book is of no value_ (这本书没价值)to one who is not familiar with the subject. 12. _

18、What impressed the tourists most_(给游客印象最深的)was the friendliness and warmth of the local people. 13. The significant museum_is said to have been built_(据说建成于)about a hundred years ago. 14. Please come here at ten tomorrow morning _at your convenience./if it is convenient for you._(如果你方便的话) 15. I shou

19、ld say Henry is _not so much a writer_(与其说是个作家不如说是) as a reporter. 16. If you dont like to swim, you _may just as well stay at home._(不妨待在家里). 1. _(她再也控制不住) and wept loud. 2. Now that your daughter is born, youll have to _(勇敢地接受这一事实) being a father. 3. We have made changes in our project _.(按你建议的那样)

20、 4. Jim wished to forget _.(与他以前的生活有关系的一切) 5. _(有可能) that his wish to become a writer will come true. 6. She returned to her room and _.(埋头工作) 7. Its too late to go to the movie so we _.(看电视也无妨) 8. _(粗略估计),hurricane caused damage at 300 million pounds. 9. I offered them something to eat, _.(心想他们会饿)

21、10. This book is _.(仅供参考) 11. My income is now _.(我两年前挣的两倍) 12. _(儿子对待学习的态度)make him angry. 13. My real interest _.(在于研制一种新型的机器人) 14. The figure _.(是按百分比来表示的) 15. The government needs to _(让人们了解,理解) that the recover of economy is under way. 16. _(被他的决心和乐观的精神所打动), one banker finally agreed to loan hi

22、m the money. 17. _(你打算怎么处理)the huge rock lying in the middle of the road? 18. The mayor promised to _(消灭所有罪犯,整顿城市) 19. _(球队是可口可乐赞助的),so the players wear the letters Coco-Cola on their shirts. 20. _(我对你有信心).You can make a great success. 三、写作 Food safety 1. 食品安全问题令人担忧。 2. 造成食品安全问题的原因。(agricultural pes

23、ticide 农药,hormone 激素) 3. 如何解决食品安全的问题。 model essay for “ Food Safety” (from internet) Food Safety Currently, many problems concerning the safety of food have popped up. As for me, I believe at least three factors account for this issue. First, I observe that profits drive many food producers to commi

24、t illegal things. They aim to gain money at the experse of consumers health. Second, the overuse of agricultural pesticide has resulted in the degradation of food quality. The excessive pesticide bears enormous health hazard for people. Furthermore, some foood producers inject hormones into domestic

25、 animals so as to make them grow more quickly and thus they can turn in more jprofit. As a result, peoples health has been seriously disturbed. All in all, food safety is such a great concern, and we all should do establish laws and implement them effectively to avoid producing toxic foods. The Popu

26、larity of Micro-blogging 1. 近年来“微博”越来越流行。 2. 微博流行的原因。 3. 微博可能引起的弊端。 The popularity of Micro-blogging (model one) Micro-blogging is no longer a strange word. More precisely, it has become part of our life. As for me, many factors contribute to the widespread of Micro-blogging. First, it is very conve

27、nient for people to express their instant feelings at any time. Second, it provides a chance for people to release their inner stress. By revealing their heartfelt emotions on the Micro-blogging, their friends may also know about their conditions and can offer in-time comfort. However, Micro-bloggin

28、g can also be potentially dangerous as it may give away peoples privacy and other significant information. All in all, Micro-blogging provides us comfort and also inevitably some concerns. We should be careful while using it. (model two) In recent years, with the development of economy and network,

29、the blogs is popular with the majority of people, the number of people can easy to express their inner voices and the thought of communication and so on. There are a lots reasons of the popularity of blogs. Firstly, someone who want enter blog is an easy thing, it need not take much time and money,

30、you can write your individual thoughts without rigid control. Secondly, blog has powerful influence, such as share openness. Thirdly, the openness of blog decides it has rich application, people can pick up knowledge and share information and so on. However, present blogs may exist negative influence. Some people pass on bad information and lead to bring lots of negative effect to peoples life, and network could be violated by someone and so on. Therefore, we should take measures to protect it and that can promote harmonious society.


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