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1、奥鹏大学英语高起专16春在线作业1大学英语高起专16春在线作业1 一、单选题 1. For _ interested in nature, the club offers hikes and overnight camping each week during the summer. A. them B. whom C. themselves D. those 2. Hardly _ he got out of the court _ the reporters raised a lot of questions to him. A. had when B. hadthan C. didwhe

2、n D. hasthan 3. Beginning in the late 19th century, the _ rise in the productivity of England was just _ less than Germany and the U.S. A. yearslightly B. yearlyslight C. yearlyslightly D. yearslightly 4. Of the two cars that the Smiths have, the Plymouth is, without any question, _. A. the cheapest

3、 to run B. the cheaper to run C. cheaper D. more cheaper 5. You must follow the directions exactly and if you become _, you must take the time to go back again and reread them. A. to confuse B. confusing C. confuse D. confused 6. The manager was greatly appreciate that _ made by Linda lately. A. new

4、 reel B. news reel C. new-reels D. news reels 7. Id get it for you _ I could remember who last borrowed the book. A. on condition that B. now that C. except that D. considering that 8. The construction of the new building will cost _ 1,000,000 dollars, and its not easy to get so much money. A. at la

5、st B. at most C. at least D. at large 9. Each of you _ responsible for the accident. A. am B. be C. is D. are 10. _ Nat Turner who led a revolt against slavery in Virginia in 1831. A. Where was B. It was C. He was D. it was him 11. He didnt know French, _ made it difficult for him to study at a univ

6、ersity in France. A. that B. as C. this D. which 12. The use of radar as well as the two-way radio _ for the police to intercept most speeders. A. make it possible B. makes it possible C. makes possible D. make it a possibility 13. When he just got off the plane, he gave us a good description of _ i

7、n Spain. A. what he had seen B. that he had seen C. which he had seen D. he had seen what 14. The doctors have tried _ to save the life of the wounded soldier. A. everything possible humanly B. humanly everything possible C. everything humanly possible D. humanly possible everything 15. We arrived _

8、 Professor Baker had already called the roll. A. so lately that B. as late that C. so later that D. so late that 16. The teacher suggested that each student _ a plan for the vacation. A. made B. make C. makes D. will make 17. Only when you have obtained sufficient data _ come to a sound conclusion.

9、A. can you B. you can C. would you D. you would 18. Weekends last from Friday evening to Sunday night._ days are week-days. A. The other B. Another C. Other D. Every other 19. In order to save time, I _ my shopping to once a week. A. cut off B. cut out C. cut up D. cut down 20. They will place China

10、 in the front ranks of countries of the world _ the output of major industrial products. A. in support of B. in connection with C. in terms of D. by means of 21. In one firm alone over three hundred people were laid _ during the last month. A. in B. out C. on D. off 22. _ think he will _ dare the ri

11、sk. A. not/ . B. do/not C. ./not D. dont/. 23. Susand have worked abroad if shed had the chance, _? A. has she B. hadnt she C. would she D. wouldnt she 24. In Brazil, spending on science and technology _ just 0.6 percent of gross national product. A. makes for B. makes up for C. accounts for D. stan

12、ds for 25. The United States is a major consumer of coffee, yet it does not have the climate to grow any _ its own. A. on B. for C. of D. to 26. When Jack was eighteen he _ going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late. A. took up B. took for C. took to D. took on 27. Lets do t

13、he exercises by ourselves, _? A. shall we B. shant we C. will you D. will we 28. “I would have come sooner, but I _ that you were waiting.” A. didnt know B. hasnt known C. hadnt know D. havent known 29. Whatever you can do,_. A. I can do so as well B. I can do this as well C. I can do it as well D.

14、I can do as well 30. I dont allow _ in my office and I dont allow my family _ at all. A. to smokesmoking B. smokingto smoke C. to smoketo smoke D. smokingsmoking 31. It is just three oclock p.m. The plane just _ five minutes ago. A. took off B. took up C. took out D. took in 32. After the way she tr

15、eated you, if I _ in your place. A. be B. am C. was D. were 33. Barry can hardly drive a car, _. A. so cant Molly B. cant Molly either C. Molly cant too D. neither can Molly 34. Man is superior to the animals _ he sues language to convey his thoughts. A. and that B. in that C. so that D. in order th

16、at 35. The boys in this town like to bully _. A. one another B. one and other C. each other D. one and the other 36. One of the statements _ to be untrue. A. is turned out B. has turned out C. have been turned out D. have turned out 37. Was it _ she agreed to help? A. very reluctantly so that B. ver

17、y reluctantly that C. so reluctantly that D. very reluctantly when 38. The insects would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and heads, if _ for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. A. it is not B. it were not C. were it not D. they were not 39. No sooner had the man departed than the tree began dropping coffee beans _. A. by the thousand B. by a thousand C. by thousands D. by thousand 40. He enjoys life _ the “Queen Anne”. A. on a board B. on board C. in the board D. board


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