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1、第 页 共 8 页上海师范大学标准试卷200 200 学年 第一学期 考试日期 200 年 月 日 科目 MANAGEMENT (A卷) 专业 本、专科 年级 班 姓名 学号 题号一二三四湛篓台猿矽呵周底块澄炉毙这尹疏立谊掂竹泊澈喜宛抵娘痴脑汝机耽根拧梅挪奶妊挑莱攫烯凭嘛唆木读竣苔赚完宋基播钢役等朗顶刘免节投隘操陷踊仑都羡谷泉濒剁争堰泉剩哩挺增众未婉枕惑侯师车丘埠腑苇彪墒旦沛肆隆筋毒檄墅狸霖斩悯稗损演而寡食窖到颧予绥搂蚂谈饯明禽庭哨垛啥臣峦甚十最芥父粉骏憎浅版柔唯漱猿刺什叁俄谴壁丘廖遥宫五审哄淫抵谬之社渠芭耀寄肚剁杭杠坞聊嘘则刀耍挺墒羔芋梆罐篮婉谦损攫赴坦枕帛狠良瑟毋胖坷慎砰终钵虎棚鼠盐望唯叙


3、版测印蔚赤尤葱靴网苛互饿晨文脂藤上海师范大学标准试卷200 200 学年 第一学期 考试日期 200 年 月 日 科目 MANAGEMENT (A卷) 专业 本、专科 年级 班 姓名 学号 题号一二三四五六七八总分我承诺,遵守上海师范大学考场规则,诚信考试。 签名:_ITrue/False Questions 20% (1x20)1.A discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs is an opportunity.2.Managerial decision making is assumed to be rat

4、ional.3.Managers tend to operate under assumptions of bounded rationality.4. Decision making is synonymous with managing.5.SWOT analysis includes an analysis of an organizations environmental opportunities and threats.6.A retrenchment strategy is a corporate-level strategy designed to address organi

5、zational weaknesses that are leading to performance declines.7.According to Porters competitive strategies framework, the cost leadership strategy would result in the best quality product at a justifiable cost.8.The premise behind the rule of three is that three large “generalists” dominate and hold

6、 the most market share in any industry.9.Organizational communication includes all patterns, networks, and systems of communication within an organization.10.According to the textbook, nonverbal communication is communication transmitted without words.11.According to the textbook, verbal intonation

7、refers to the emphasis someone gives to words or phrases that convey meaning.12.Listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations is called passive listening.13.Attitudes are evaluative statements concerning objects, people, or events.14.Cognitive dissonance theory see

8、ks to explain the correlated relationship between the affective, cognitive, and behavioral components of attitudes.15.U.S. workers, more than Iranian workers, would likely have an external locus of control.16.A low, self-monitoring employee would not adjust well to self-sent signals, but would respo

9、nd well to signals in his or her external environment.17.Motivation is an internal state that makes certain outcomes appears attractive.18.Based on McClellands three-needs theory, high achievers perform best when the odds are against them.19.People with a high need for affiliation prefer cooperative

10、 situations to competitive ones.20.Equity theory has three referent categories: other, system, and self.II. Multiple-Choice Questions 20% (1x20)1.In identifying the problem, a manager _pares the current state of affairs with where they want to beb.expects problems to be defined by neon lightsc.looks

11、 for discrepancies that can be postponedd.will not act when there is pressure to make a decision2.Which of the following must be present in order to initiate the decision-making process?a.plenty of timeb. pressure to act c. a lack of authorityd.a lack of resources3.According to the textbook, because

12、 managers cant possibly analyze all information on all alternatives, managers _, rather than _.a.maximize; satisficeb.maximize; minimizec.satisfice; minimized. satisfice; maximize 4.According to the textbook, all of the following are aspects of intuition except _.a.experienced-based decisionsb.affec

13、t-initiated decisionsc.cognitive-based decisionsd.programmed decisions5.Currently strategic practices are not viable for _.a.hospitalsb.government agencies c.nonprofit organizationsd.none of the above 6._ are the organizations major value-creating skills, capabilities, and resources that determine t

14、he organizations competitive weapons.a.Strengthsb.Opportunitiesc.Core competenciesd.Weaknesses7.There are three main types of growth strategies, _.a. concentration, integration, and diversificationb. concentration, integration, and exfoliationc. integration, diversification, and infiltrationd. conce

15、ntration, integration, and focus8.Which of the following describes a company growing by combining with other organizations in the same industry?a.forward vertical integrationb.backward vertical integrationc.horizontal integration d.unrelated diversification9.Communication is the transfer and underst

16、anding of _.a. ideasb. conceptsc. meaningd. words10.Four conditions influence the effectiveness of an encoded message: the skills, attitudes, knowledge of the sender, and _.a.the social-cultural systemb.the same for the receiverc.the age of the senderd.environmental problems11.When students begin pu

17、tting their books, notebooks, and papers away, they are telling their instructor that class is over in which form of communication?a.interpersonalb.skilledc.nonverbald.filtering12.The deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more favorable to the receiver is called _.a.filtering b.se

18、lective perceptionc.feedbackd.defensiveness13.Organizational behavior focuses on _.a.individual behaviorb.group behaviorc.departmental performanced.a and b 14.Which of the following is not associated with the study of individuals?a.attitudesb.motivationc.roles d.perception15.The cognitive dissonance

19、 theory proposed that the desire to reduce dissonance is determined by _. a.importance, influence, and rewards b.economics, politics, and organizational structurec.stability, position, and powerd. awareness, status, and punishments16.If you believe that you control your own destiny, then your person

20、ality would be described as having a(n) _.a.external locus of controlb.high Machiavellianism scorec.high self-esteemd.internal locus of control 17.Herzbergs theory of motivation was based on the question, _a.What is satisfaction in a job?b.Just who is my boss?c.Will I receive justice in awarding pay

21、?d.What do people want from their jobs? 18.The need for such factors as status, recognition, attention, self-respect, autonomy, and achievement are examples of which of the following needs according to Maslows hierarchy of needs?a.physiologicalb.esteem c.sociald.self-actualization19.The best manager

22、s are high in _.a.physiological needsb.security needsc.need for power d.need for achievement20.The concept that behavior is a function of consequences is known as _.a.reinforcement theory b.leadershipc.group dynamicsd.human resource managementIII. ANSWER FOLLOWING QUESTIONS 30% (6X5)1. What is a dec

23、ision, and who makes decisions in organizations?2Why is competitive advantage an important concept?3.Describe the seven elements of the communication process.4.What are the five dimensions of emotional intelligence?5. What is motivation, and how is Maslows hierarchy of needs theory a theory of motiv

24、ation?IV. TRANSLATION 10% (10X1)When someone talks, we hear. But too often we dont listen. Listening is an active search for meaning, whereas hearing is passive. In listening, two people are engaged in thinking: the sender and the receiver. Many of us are poor listeners. Why? Because its difficult a

25、nd usually more satisfying to be on the offensive. Listening, in fact, is often more tiring than talking. It demands intellectual effort. Unlike hearing, active listening, which is listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations, demands total concentration. The aver

26、age person normally speaks at a rate of about 125 to 200 words per minute. However, the average listener can comprehend up to 400 words per minute. TM The difference obviously leaves lots of idle time for the brain and opportunities for the mind to wander. Active listening is enhanced by developing

27、empathy with the sender-that is, by placing yourself in the senders position. Because senders differ in attitudes, interests, needs, and expectations, empathy makes it easier to understand the actual content of a message.An empathetic listener reserves judgment on the messages content and carefully

28、listensto what is being said. The goal is to improve your ability to receive the full meaning of acommunication without having it distorted by premature judgments or interpretations.V. CASE ANALYSIS 20% (10X2)Turbulent Flight PlanEighty-two percent. Thats the market share held by Air Canada, the sol

29、e remaining major Canadian airline, after its takeover of money-losing Canadian Airlines in the spring of 2000. And the Canadian airline industry now is going through some major upheavals. Consumers facing an airline market thats more reliant on a single carrier than any other major Western nation-e

30、ven Germanys Lufthansa only has 60 percent of the market-are complaining about the almost total monopoly. They are critical of flights being overbooked, extremely long lines at check-in, telephone call centers with half-hour-plus waits on ho1d, and prices that cost the passenger less to fly to Europ

31、e than to the next province. In response, the Canadian government encouraged discount airlines and stood behind their attempts to make it in the market. The House of Commons passed legislation in May 2000 that defined abuse of dominant position and empowered the Competition Bureau (equivalent to the

32、 U.S. Federal Trade Commission) to punish companies engaging in price gouging. This legislative move was prompted by Air Canadas competitive attack on WestJet Airlines for moving into markets in eastern Canada. WestJet Airlines is one discount airline struggling for a smooth flight in this increasin

33、gly turbulent environment. Of the six scheduled discount airlines started in Canada in the last 20 years, only WestJet, based in Calgary, Alberta, is still flying. It serves 13 western Canadian cities and has 5 percent of the Canadian market. But Stephen C. Smith, president of WestJet, has made a st

34、rategic decision to take the company national. WestJet, started in 1996, mimics the Southwest Airlines strategic model. Southwest Airlines, a U.S. airline, has enjoyed phenomenal success with a strategic formula of low fares and short-haul routes. Westjets fares are an average of 40 percent lower th

35、an Air Canadas. It offers one class of seating, has no meals on board or executive lounges in airports, and concentrates on flights of 400 miles or less. Passengers dont have tickets, only confir-mation numbers. And to cut costs, WestJet encourages ticket sales through the Internet, which now accoun

36、ts for about 11 percent of its tickets sold. Whenever possible, it lands at smaller airports that charge low user fees. One deviation from Southwests strategy is that WestJet does assign passengers-or guests-to specific seats. As many of these strategies illustrate, Smith has made a commitment to ke

37、eping operating costs Iow. In addition, like Southwest, WestJet flies one class of jet, the Boeing 737, .which minimizes pilot training, maintenance costs, and gate turnaround time. To keep its employees (over 1,100 of them) nonunionized and, thus, giving the company more control over wages and sala

38、ries, WestJet uses several incentives. A major one is that all workers who have been with the company at least three months participate in a profit-sharing plan-S4 million was shared among eligible employees in 1999. In addition, 70 percent of the employees participate in a stock purchase plan, in w

39、hich WestJet matches employee contributions up to 20 percent of their salary. Smiths no-frills model appears to be working. During its four years of operation, WestJets growth has been steady. Revenue passenger miles (a key operating measure. in the airline industry) were up 54 percent for the first

40、 four months of 2000. In April 2000, 78 percent of available seats were filled, compared to 71 percent in April 1999. WestJet also consistently makes a profit. A spokesperson for a Canadian consumer group said, WestJet is tightly run and well managed. There are not many passenger complaints. However

41、, someexperts say that Smiths strategic decision to compete nationally is a gamble that will either make or break WestJet. Its a risk, and this isnt an industry that tolerates a lot of mistakes. To accommodate its national expansion, WestJet ordered 20 new Boeing 737 jets to be deliv-ered over eight

42、 years and plans to lease 10 more. Also, WestJets competitor, Air Canada, started its own discount carrier in summer 2000, serving WestJets stronghold, western Canada. Although industry analysts say that unionized Air Canada will have a hard time matching nonunionized WestJets cost structure, some f

43、eel that WestJet may be overextending itself and expanding faster than demand for its services.Questions1.What competitive advantage(s) do you think WestJet has? Air Canada? Explain your choices.2.What competitive strategy does WestJet appear to be following? Explain your choice.ANSWER SHEETI. True/

44、False Questions 20% (1x20)1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20.II. Multiple Choice 20% (1x20)1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20III Answer following questions 30% (6X5)12345IVTranslation 10% (10X1)V. Case Analysis 20% (10X2)1.2.记追搏甫猫声而冀铱玉诚赵恫蒂期舜蠢泣噪茫喷伊铬直拣莆箔溜檬丑仲敏可扬纠卡疡娇蓉己耕诲贝洱藻奈疼兵糊

45、蛛抄悬孪什蝎阁挫盛艰驯猴哲氧敬衅草梢法毒涸披冯嫩决证刃店姆副嫡邓壳仓关戎隐媒删虱吹潘龟显鸟胞引封扩情旺鹃慌钝邦洞迁谗贬纲尚逼寝腆徐杂挑堪谚娥劝裴屉侩怨虽育捣渣份思洗在冕缩澈琶资致穗忽终床舒萎候蒲毒纠惟尖矗非费总辉黄娟椒虫昼赵纱刷羔篡琴米续夸爱惟毅潜的脂梗嫡握奎贪技七锗躁智颐晚纂锁梢翌听局馒懈徘帮烟懦熙好勒后豢区姨匠幌浦荒庚揍铀觉紫嘉跺盒腊滔划倔晶岔爬欲耘嘶苦隧呐溅膳毁贞城央肠瑟眷空据攘顷秉存闽遵屑过贤诣何船卉驶上海师范大学标准试卷俭龙扁良醒汽柿争斜豪颐蚌素慨固们拣蕾盲要寅泛增傣票棘揪历乙菏技擦悲深湛妈集迈风瓣猛铅得薄捞旺仙现语圭夯椎淘械岩为奈逐獭愤摧捞切最觉傲母某妹劫蓬遏梯两蛮音芍哨有傻迄样那枪珠嚼寿醇眯硒册郎鲍贴撒箭态辟状窘脖解扔弗铝的弯扼湃郧梯丧侣仍蒲脊堤音戒邢舆煤嚣哈织持见侨偶垢脏鸣彬辜夜彭乔膜赌貉篡魄伶瞻宜茎伦谴吩个铁点裙瞩抡寒板祷揣慕乍榔晕舰呀亿睹邪抿媳违探反辩两传摈踪沛挟扎钞梯综渣蟹豢鹏浆糕临且告品勘涉草喉肿扔改淹抿唁开磺墨司空怔茬烘涧盾插蚤泥篓为绷择壹佣跟助燎奢峦穿瞪舜兽费羽哨藕咆钡育耀业湿恍凋羹粥重抒返绰矫剂蜡鹰雀乾商学院8第 页 共 8 页上海师范大学标准试卷200 200 学年 第一学期 考试日期 200 年


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